ffn j t destiny John Brown steals forth insOhe13e o o H ri g Y u
f f p fdead ofnight ad takes astand : e o e R v n Y u
against the law and tihe nation. ie Pho o' ' ak n INS]
showed the weakness of slavery. As
Published Doly (Sundays excepted) daring oid man had thrown himself :agaist
the College year, at
saeyadtewoefbiha r - THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. sled Io its the. His spirit swept the h e B e r y a
OrricEs Times builing, 329 S. Ma in St. be- country and emancipated the slave.
torso Liberty and William Sts "Sectionalism" was discussed by Mr.
MANAGING EDITOR IF. E. llleinfrak. Seclionalisas has irk- (Successor to Gibson & Claa
.J. F. TsoosAs, '00 L.
-- faced its spirit insto every government.
BUSINESS MANAGEIS ! Poland, torn apart by sectionalism,
o. If kins, '0 L.112 West Huron Street, Ann
E oosand Russia, Prussia and Austria had DIOR
lIi. 1. SKILLSSON, '9 L, Athletics. but to come ino and divide tise spcils.
E. L. GEnaSsEs, '115L. G,0. IU T. Hse ' So, toes, itcrusohedi Greece' sod sto-ne
BUciEI LAMe, '55. f. It. WoniOw, 'so98TNE A.f55~
I. A. CAMProEss, '00. Alan CAMroELL, 98. ands for several centuries 2nitacered .....INSTh1ALOJIJ~N
F. ENGLAssseos.'Is). repusblicansom. Thes gersms=cf tihe dis-
e'seowscre present in America eoens be- Otr line of Spring Woolens is now complete,e
isfre thse tUniosnsods formed. Tlie col- ext and most exclusive novelties.
________ _____0111(-.-scaessere intensely jealocus oct each Our garnments wherever seen will be appreci,
The subscription price of the Daily is $2.0 critics as strictly correct.
for she college yeasr, withs a regular delivery I otser. lBst the influenoce ofsf .5r05,51- w
before 0000 each day. Notices, communica-Wersctulinteyornqr.
tdons,anddotherematter intenlde~dfor publica-is-so uas slowly givinsg way Ito the spirit We respctuly a initae.yn nqiy
tio mast he haoded in at the Daily oscleele- do onlyalim.a fine trade.sLar:
fare 8Op. m.,or mailed Is thne editor before 31c csicaio. Seioslss ca~ We carry bat one patterr of a novelty iii stock
P. in., of the day previous to that o0 which dcown asdconrccsmses, lout natcionasclismc 'Garients.bear a ae rse rts
t:he aore espected to ap pealr. er oulalpesdgaat.
Subscriptionsa may he left at The Daily bid padelgtn.Tdy i
Office, Meyer's or Stofflet's Nesstand, or buls Panies(wots. jciys
with Business Manager. Saberibers will con- hv . r~etsras gayo8 11v 'I~ l
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this by'agsrlles upsiecsy05
office aosfoiles of carriers to deliver paper the past. ilut there is a spir's oii. B J CIiIE D
is toendcinog losarray che ple in iogeo-
It isoithlsicres'ansi beartfelt .osr- L 'hia aris ew Phoiie 43.
ccaclico rosses. Our duty is 1.o ic
1row that thes'ilyoisyiorr.pellec to. so-
sosito d nssisot to allowouserclresstcco
col cts-ceoi c sy ) diviidedi by sectiosnalism. 0,7/~3 @ M
soho issdsayy'ldo aaril - T lastospeakoer vwoofMr. F. 1D. La- 4 r A~ Id eGillespie,
nmbracing all thse swell-.
fated andi pronounced icy
106 East Htiron Street.-
teacher of 'MandollinRo
Lore silnca tics'Daily cwas foundedl".
'lucy''hascoo n c e f5' l ue conildircldcr
ocos) e\-ery Da.ily edlitoor boss learned ito
love imlosfr hisokisndly; genisal sando
hissifcsl si-iit. Thse sea's ofiils deathl
conilesaper55 50snlsosrows'too liemsasoy'
ssictsi\- o os ar-e workeditolshilonco
thsis lpaper. -
Continued from beast pag;e).
aloll ha\^e ansinsviolate lheritage ioilste
unison of isndividusslism ansi nationcaismo.
Thsesnfollowed mscrby- toe AnnssAr-
bocrliasnjo Clusb.
M1r. C. T. Stocrmocnext splokeol ohnsos
Mlar~sall." M1arshall waos a issserillg
otateosmoanoals ousr firstigreat jossiso.
liewaus a good.soldcier,. i~rs-rorc is
acisdlmisister, boosthue solid fabrirccf
los fance rested oll his aolrk as c'Dos-
F'or thirty-fouryr slesicesat as chief
judige and cofordd oulosded tc iscao-
hiocus low. As a judge he presid'edo'er
oe thsousad colors and gave braveshun-
sred ismpiortasnt decisisos, eachl oe
worklisog for unoison assd snatisoality.
Whesn thc stales s\core all seliulily' jeal-
ouss of earls oer, it rested aith 1011,1
Mashlsl owheithserlteCostsitutionss cos
iso esndure orc nce. Wasbingtons secusedl
lice inandasi Marshoall ipreserved it.
lie wsn ever snoved by' public palisso,
1-t icy ciscdicaies of the naticonsogood.
lie stampecd 011001 chsclaw cci tics- sa-
tsdonithe seal cof1hon1or asnd justic.
MIr. Chas. tSimoncscsit soke o010
"John Brocwn." Ideas as-c eternsal. Tlhe
moss-age of tse Crass snowa dwells isn Ike
isearts of smillions. Every great soos-
mint hsas coca rcepresented by ;symblci
msartyrs.IBrowon, iso the face of a n0a-
tills, dared Ill do righti. All iis life oili
ssoive kept growvisnginhoisis. Slavecry
oY ascwrog, and thereforeselavery asussi
perish. Browsn checked the border ruf-
ions and saved Kansas to freedomss.
Thse ona-ard scorch of slavery wsas
chseckied and the first blow for an enI-
slavoed peside csas thencstrusc. sWith
lice grims deteiination of a sman of
slass, whosp~okse osn"Cocsar51 ill ils.I Y / A 1 (cJ and Guitar. Instroctor in the University
- I (School of Mdusic. 15 years experience as0
tatoor" 'aesar hsas been iooed esIa. a teacher. Colst Ann Arbor tie Co's.
smass ofasreat Ipowers. Bu1t hiso , ~~"Store to arrangea far hossrs.:li
ssocly been ossnsosideredl a grealt sossoiso
ass age ofccsoruptison. Hec was "Migisly Fine Confections MONEY LOANED
Caesar-." Let us see if thsere 00as uuLi, Bon Bons and On Watches, iasmonds, SWhselsor uotser Pes-
soetigithgradittrorh CocatssoaPrpryf issetencestiury ivilse 110011 .0:voWATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED.
Rtoomnenteredl politics againslrater ll EST os-s O T E Office at residence. 331 E.tLibcerty ialAssn ArorMi.Al un cfdntaors,
oppc~itionthan(liefthe yuthfl Cie ,Stso 130a. . ndi1to 3:30'and iltollt. m.
war.c Sevtyslthuansdd tl suilsiadleen'Ic-n
36SUHSTATE STREET. od Joseph C Watts,
msa,-srred too plsce Mariotso or c:rouss * msds
higher roills'political laddes'. l',lr-ar
deied thse tyr-annsy' cci h' sosate asod INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME,
sieoed the cuibdity of tse oligarsy. . CO L'J}?R JLL , & I..EON l MD.J
Caesar lifted the rccmmon pesole-friosm 7-7 rawy lay .
slavery ansd gave thsesm ihcrightslof 724cciada, anN.Y
treedoss. Caesar restored too 111em0 0Slolersoef the roes and bilOWS,Io Unisersity of iMiclifass,
chir form~er libsrtiesunitedl the'so' - U. of Chicago, U. of Minnesuta, Corssell, Lelsij,ofs Pesse-
syls-assa, Nansonr, Yale, Princeton, Caossilciass, Williams,
tioc ansd ficed the beants oi lis 0cdOll- ', IWelesley, lBryn llMasr, etc.
trisysur. : Class iclntractsa 1spaecialty.
Prompt action is necessary on the part of every one desiring a set of
at the present LOW PRICE.
ONLY a few of the sets reserved for U. of M. remain. The low in-
troductory price and the special rate offered to students have made it
possible for many to purchase this splendid work.
Delay means a failure to secure the present price, as the office will
positively be closed in TEN DAYS.
OFFICE,5 318 South State Street.
Hours, 4 to 6 p. M.