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March 14, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-14

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f ti/ Women's League for the benefit of the
g(+ women's gymnasium fund. Mr. Rober-

Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
.the College ear, at
Orice Times building, 329 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and WVilliam Sts.
. F. TOMAS, 0L.
0. 1. HAs, ' ..
11, I. SILLMAN, 10S L., Ahletics.
E. L. GEssu, "iS L. G. D. HDmirs.'0.
humLasLAM, '00. T . Woow, '50
I. A. CAPBEL, '0. Alen CAssBEocc, 'i.
P.EsuoEtnAn, '5.
The subsripion price of he Duly s $S.50
for the college year, wh a regular delivery
before noon each day. Noices, communica-
tions, and other matter intended foe publica-
tloe mot be handed in at the Daily office be-
foe 8 p. in., or mailed to the edior before3
p. in., of the day prevmous to that o which
thiev are epected to af pear.
Subscriptions may e left at The Daily
Office, Meyer's or Stolet's Newstad, or
with Busiess Msanager. Suberibers will co-
ee a favor by reporting promptly at this
office anv :alure of carriers to deliver paper,
When the Delta KaPa :Epiln fra-
teresit y rey generously gave a rp as
:t prize Forf''hiwisoci 01' the high ,jmp-
ng contest, it belped that other fratrin-
ties would 'fasl into li e, and the ari-
ous prizes ight lbe ngaed swilsthe
winners' nsicissassdpsiced iithe
tsrephy reoms. As yet, hew-sr, sther
fraternities shsaeeisioin no strling
diiese ito hlts. cd lth' "151" 'tp
stands chine. The idea is undubtdly
ans exellent ue, soil it is ti be 11iedsi
tha it iiait le taleou ns0'sd aries
outi. fSh tophiieOsre can sonr' iiithe
door isnes isan0 tndiutiel stisulus to
tesrs for whirls they are given.
American Amateurism Doubted.
C'amisbridge tUniveityi'i's aiswoers'toi the
AmiericaIt erollegiae Trct Atloet-
ir AbssiiatiinsIissread Sturca'night
sit ai oetiig f the sesscutier soisit-
ire f ithe asociatioiii It said.
"Thsr'rris 0110e greai tifity wichsrl
Os's'feremncies it impssie toci arange
Ii the preentitime cy im etnggle-
tiv'ees te Aieriais assitEnlislo t~i-
ei erii. The statuetsti or repereset-
atives f tis lu lb asscc'ateri find a
studsents is, aind is rightly reluirec, to
li eyoinyisupt-pitiii. Bi, if we re
prispery' advisei, tee pins ire nms
equaly cler in. the ast f smce Amser-
icaa univerities cd clleges.
"We gladly reeognie tha se f
oyour ecillege ae doing tir lst tsie
move suschldiliutie, ad yur letter
'curthercassris us f yiur wish to rn-
dee the statsof ityou emeber caive
The exictie eomimittei-ill -erIe
at onie ts Camsbridge informsing them
that the Univerity and the Anericn
t'ollegiate athletes are trit aiateus,
a0 Amwricns use the trsm. They will
isquire wat th' English notiois isof
Lectures on the Far East,
i'ranhk. Roberso, he celebrated
lecturer on tpis relating to the Far
East, will leture in University hail
Thursday evening on "India," nd Sat-
urday evening ono"China." 'Th le-
ures iii be under the aupies of the

..on is onse of the mostt popular lecturers
hn the Fast and hoosbeen heard with
centhusiasm wherever he has appeared,
Its is shelarly cod eliiquecnt and ini-
terests his audienres from the begin-
;ug isuntil hisolost word is spokeis.
The lectures are illustrated bsy isag-
nificesnt colored vies of the mster-
iiius ansdlbeautiful ruins and the per-
feet arihitecture of the lands cif which
tie spieaks. Slin of these views ace ot
Imsmesise size, forty feet square.,cist
repr"odcethe originaclos Nith amcinisg
fidelity to detail.
A fesw piess notices of the distus-
guishied lerttier follow:
' Indiai and the East Insdias'seas
ileliv'ereit tefiier aiiienthsisiciraudi-
ece. It swar tniquse sait exicellenitly
diescreipive.Thevies'sand wordiecti-
tuees smet w'ith frequient aplptio ti'htsi
eterebeinsgcompetined tio givi' say
befere the admsirietiesn it his auience.
It wsas ass initetual surise~ee. 11''-
sill be welcomisedt again."-Ness 21susi
Mlancd Ex'sns.
''He (71,.srieis ini miien tiesilsighn
macnere thetiectile, thee cuos siii
sceniery. The lers'se' was mor' than
usually inteeestinsg. ie exhsibits acls
aciquaianewith the landt isnid teo
ide-New YoirksTins.
''FrcansIt. RobiesiinlectturedundisulrE
the acspires it the BrooklyIenlstitute
befiire a laeg''eudi ern e. iwstsEiU -
icily intieeestinog,lbhesiesettautifl,
inniiy niitably fhue, use weeduiur ter
geatphic. It uset withs fre-sint api-
lil'itiO."-15"ii il -s Eagle.
Thss adissioniiupie h's' iobeeIlIsicod
at 25 centusiechitseituie.

Golf Suits, Bike Suits,
/ a Seperate Breeches
Golf Caps, Golf Hose.
These have been sulbjects of nIluch thought with.
u-:Men whose garments are critical in the
y matter of Golf Clothinig declare ours are the
We sell these Golf Suits frolD $5.00 up.
The newest ideas in CaD-s and Hoso to oo
with thema.
Extra Breeches $3, $:3 $4, 4 and $5.
4Y ~ttr


9a ® "

Students' Lecture Association.
OatoriSSaON 25c



a11ITH, TURGON &C4.,472--478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
SMIHSTRGV.O &' I' akers of the CArS, and 00WN,0, to UlniversIty of Mclihian,
237, 2.11, 211 SWoodarsd Ave..Detrout. U. uf Clileo, U. of Minnesotas, Cordisll, Lehigh, 1U oftPn
rsyleasnia, BI'reard. Yale,'Princeton, tolunil'a, Williams
Desigis acid 'atimates furnuised 00ail wsok Welesley, lBryn Mtaswr, etc.
of this tkid Class con tracts a specialty.
Stupenldo ds Une i Co ltd
The last volumes ot the Warner Library are now on the press an~dswill coon ho ready for delivery.
On the delivery of the finished work, the present club rates will be withdrawn anti the publisher's regulair,
prices will prevail.
These are the regular prices: These are the prcsent pricecs:
Cloth edition----------__ __ __ 3.50 per vol. Cloth eiin----- 2.35 per vol.
Quarter Russia editioin--400 per voll. Quarter Russir editioin 2.65 per vol.
Half Morocco edition--- 5.00 per vol. Half Morocco edition---- 2.90 per vol.
Fsull Morocco edition---- 6.50 per vol. Full Morocco) edition-- -- 3.90 per vol.
The librai'y may be now secured for almost haif the regular prices and it is only too evident that intending'
purchasers will save money by piacing their subecriptiens now. We cannot inmpress upon the professors and
students of the Uuiversity too strongly tie fact that- the present low price will NOT prevail much longer and
that prompt action is necessary.
Tbe pian and scope of this mnonumental work, itsscholarly character, its wonderful variety and readableness
and its immense educative value comnmends the Library to every lover of literature.
Professor Wenley says: "It is a work at once entertaining, useful and wsonderfully accurate."
Professor D'Ooge says: "The -work as a whole will, I believe, be a source of intellectual profit and pleasure
to any who may be so fortunate as to possess it."
The Ann Arbor Office of the Library is at 318 South State Street, where the first twenty volumes
may be examined and where subscriptions are now being taken.
The attention of the readers of the Review of Reviews is called to the eight psge advertisement of the'
Library in the current issue.


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