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March 14, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-14

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A t W ild's IIG ECUR. hiv doithe est t e c. They sll) Wisconsin's Teams Questioned
}~t ITEESIN LkIJ . attendthe elections and hee isth
Sprig slectonsJustarrvedremedy, I we provide the satesafet- The Chitago Times-ier ald of yester-
Srn seetosusarieiRobt. LaFollette Closes the Good guards for the primaries that nov Sr-day contains the following, dated at
from the East. Call and 1\UrudheeetoswsalhveheDri:
inspect our... Gove~eret Club ourpse. srmiln ieeline intnsow e al aseth etrol
sant geeralintres itstheone s "Th'e tniersity (f Mihign xwiii re-
S uitings, Trouserings, the other. The raucseven whnisin- froe ito ply the tUsversiy of wso-i
Top-otsGtiOn itrayv night Ho. R oi. :. La etly conducteed, is ad. in at aseall this sesn, anti expects
,Lc ollette oi Wiscnsin, deliseedite [)rop the eatteti andl econventtti. ittthis refusaltithe ri-sliratits itt the
lst letulire in the Good Go-erinient They ianser no puriose furteretian Uieste t ~egttt lie-
NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN{ tiubPceireeot the sbjet, 'Represost,.- tt gle respetahle trn tt ittliial 'hssuintn sctmiststtii
aive Governmnti." His -'el a oblery. Co G o etheiiirt pinites 5-iively, ut Slier oatt le sit lnger
shbstntiaitllyis folows: ofdemectiracy. LGaktoitthe casle anttdlilt as tits torretnes. 7he
AlleI ttv The ftndiamiettal priniptle cifta e Stiittte firt he case nd uto i isei- athleiiautteritis att A t lrterlivi
itei '~ . ulicieis indeivieultlrespossibilty.I nlt tis tia lurimrye ltestii. P l e itis Lcii saisitti e or snms tints'.acithliti
- C aiiithe ativitiesptechitinuary ito the mieats itt plcing- le c-tit-es ii in tu- Wits s ittitgetseit ofit hleis
C h c lt s.. rmraditheiiprimary sli Sthe noinaitioin efore fl iii-tis teatd swasnot itricit actetietttnte eiterwivth
ctiz etiis tic elementarv fore int gov- foresal he reatitoni totf a t-ewtust Ite lttieoe he siriit ofth les--iseligi-
Fresh every week. ennn.Hr h oe a ayhs,-tr ako h lcin iiyrl. ftemdl et n a
Only in packiges- ittte.heshviicaslttsastPekitieeeiti. PlycileitIlettltee-uinlis
h0ceiapetuntd, hatdiirti -ly onithle shtulder 'iS ite Prosidt- haSPt i tiit, ocn ida tie titno - conclueditoali t iii the motnit tgiillsul
Lowney's if yen tubtilic sevnt andtipoiinttse-icyle itonshtal lahehenitledliito ae his ctouise left it-c sitsanteSt seesn
p AMret. titttii-3u iiisbnswithtithiIad gam lit-intie)ilsnlt-e pimriyieecetinties ticthelagri ailanlsti-oh1e
PALMERS' PHARMCYm Jotittieof the risa iii or iiiucus. iketshot thal ou tSt v enPett vSMihignon .1the sate plneheet
1 in tt t m mtit thteii it i n stn , intd ot a . as ndsidiltat by the seit- etan be it niri-tig-iitll.
rEpeetl i ii emcreayst inder tillc i- tn riiueto f ita given-ipitrs tlt eot ftt The atislletie atc ltese at Slu-age
/ 7 'liniucaess.oi e eleat - Wy ssi, hi-e tie riastS at thti-preced-ingseletonit necu lliiioituarctlsotu sitstindt htthlii
PIEPSE S AL E o ais 5 tcte i itserecsS 5t1 t :i ih i st isrii tiounty of-sttte iii sthi -Iiisointelto o n utrol i s ntsigsia-i
l1)O1L1T1E NEST WE.LI( e.r it he wotkieitheiii legislt 1 is is prpedtitstas sie-.siliair in the lint itnotigh, andltetisill. is is its-
lust reeveei tiesli stpie of Alegreti and to o d in istr-atio. Hltttstsseniii i, g tins manier that judicia-l a te--ititete, estitt sttndl by 19ihlhiltnin hiis
Wilams and Werers Chclates. Ltrst lists
i te ity. then, i hi- is lti)lit a fatrin gyven ie Stiltcalletd ticSiniiOttittissate. step.
Lunches at all beurs. etththtaeprndielgn-
T ltitle1at- otsintusllien- roieeferte hseletioniiiof aictttiini- .Spetkinigtmere--l itt the matte-etit
R ., xJOLLY & Co. ]cSio. is this fundamtalin - - ifi oepesenttthe pit,,sit it5O 110tutu ibaseball itter wicthlthe ties itt sittu-
5105 Soth ;state Street. tiereIbs a.aittrerhereutestill betndtipttmulgate the pattty tltitti sin lionhllarises,itils chaged tuatuhetais
a itailrs to ghuti.If ro itit t t he eleit at theSl it- i utu atS r ero-- iiWisontsin te patst twit ats litter
Sq 1tnt Iitotintliffetee, r iterinnils st Ittotite tutu teoi the ipar Streachti ntliibe se htith lb es isciiltre. SlTher
aihr s ae oumsres retatiutnili, l thruhcututyi iChe stati. g-oa itubee of fats as 5St thltiyi-is
Haltrirusey, ot r frtutdturftueehe us sitthe Alow nie i neuter u-lg atiititithe -untthe ltadisoni icstuamtal eroiIs
mioiycnrletheSlurueass.t h s pait-uofttholding tu- eletitn. Doiititus einof ith tauthouties at AnitAu -_
Pil tutuna eastdex sted uby I tretget adth e Sit nellrioittthe politicale mah ine bhirs thiciagt tndith Shltiutigtt. bitut e-
Yes, Sjr. of he inority, tanduthe itst pinctieipl ha ttundcut-utin te stile. hutps the nmost remsarkabilrit of esi-
iir.7 ii o urgoenmntfil.Junior Girls Entertain eter is a cigar bits thihbIetrtutu thu
Thre1 i o likeess tic simniil ilte be-___ iside. ittits i-tier isr-product-iontutof a
Genii bristles, solthdibacks, madetle ussentutolita ftiatiun lt ;ii- The igils ittthe Juiortcasstutus isssrou tupitrecof'it aWisetnin Maelst nd '1eaifcio.plst:evrmmbrfthpeyLguemmnghelysingSi
tols n iestsatoi el - er srsbrttetn y ullya etereth itsa scieal dis-esiont-;aditut Si'hltapal ny oteth Sefacietunotitin Se iuhaa-l o PeluC ig
Alnitst every shape that is sal- titigtihtthoewhotr p-1illftl undl uiscutptilittii : - charts vrsf-edticosiutt ihttahtsope uicsi i- uetasseeitttenvet-tuleivelheliii iteiayeiii"
absle, 25C to $2. 00. Metdium ifthe party. u.sut sa h oilau rrulii~s-Rtuushttt ~eSbe-lrt htt
cprcThat attr tahchepet.liliwssteiocal anuregpioniee umosiouhisefecthaeueeifla-
'apltclognzto cne entuhe Brboutegymusli bystitheSteing aboutitthe cemus forte use tinte,
inahine; thtat it caic serve theucausuecr iecasThgyniuf
etsr-lasvh ynssii stsvera- f'rthe uhart-is umade. Thsa batrl of
V 1i ,good govenent, smettines ii.
C ALKI NS' PHARM1®ACY uteitth n iiris eti p- r hs tettilytudeoated in thus uolleg and istl rtiteuhtstakeuhno ii leun s yt ut
P+ Aate t hetramacrinep is very'fisrhcttutshrit-
Gave- dtuunrr issotibutsating t- e Sohomore Hp
it 11seresvtedlt a vaiedi nitin-
the Stn its it ru-litile hiouc stray it-
tetesting irogrm nd he reining
lie truhage its chaacere by ftitt e ristfltheSohmoei a
tine iwas stint in dncntg.Trileoced -ieSuuiunue u a
itof isThe :hockt1andth eat it tuli bPuen sin-hya tn ufair of the Pa'aiumtu
BG .i~d S",? 0n bjectSoittthe youug ltdesin ivitg
- ~Sious wul torter erisue tutd soidifa-parr-
" hie uurihi odhna tvitenii retepionts o humiet tiryoug fraternities utt this year the-suuuuuit-
otic citizenstheiputitudefensesyoflAmerhutasutete founcd that this function uild ret c--mnfrwo hywilhv ovt
hietya t sth isiius e ephingIt rie hatrly:toy silpot ttua nst hiead-
NEW AD SEOND-NNStr chss tiers nexiyatrsits efort
N WADSCN-AD pogtessive etnetahment that pre- eswr ndsar
S h~~~~~u aSnlitmtheinsrlves tiimatuerein esve u elie
a .,os the gretest perilThe rtachitue
tet hih they i-xpet ttuuepu tstnuer- The ot ftateniotis howeveretm
doits sotrk so tuietly. a t h rs nn ofrdt
Salt thn sallweunntobetavebenttutiteot-tue adopteed tut i tsot
For every department in the Unt- uast e n oesim te shutvtin utsieos etnlisumonweesudtosru iMaircht. t
versity. Law and Medical Beaks a Watot uuetnei asseutuu lmu o ac. tne unier wich the Junioir Hip is stn-
specialty. we can supply all your onu the dity ctftttetding the 5cauiicIt. dse.Tispuu-a Po te
needs for the Second Semester a ii o ae o httei at utg 'h teia luus ieMcht duteuduTnhe itanhasundns iltbela
lowest prices. aotdadteidpnet ilas
Second-hanud Books Bought, Sold intervals when in a sort f feny, the; Just tit. Besides its regular detart-hegeurpesnusi.Tetsii-
and Exchanged. itizen strikes a he cmachine sackles mentis whith are this mnfilbPled with ds r~riyhshoee uie
BestLinii Witig Paer ~t ad le can hr. no lnger drafted luto cas- itteresting ites fr auni ct the hrin-
2uc per pound. to stile tut and iill thereoe ctS hr
The A. A. Waterman Solid Gold Fountain cs tttendance They itave seen the verity it eontains the follwing trt- rpeutd htdMSeadi h
Pens for $1.25. game ere. They knots the dire turnisle:t"The EngineeringtDetartent" -
generl chairmn.
ise't oded. They are no longer indifferett by Prof.. Chas E. Greene; "A Plea tfr ThhowilehldFdyevng
R~lEto their duties cur, ignorant itf the situ- a General Directrshipi it Athletics"
at Ittangers
Up Tows Down Tows ain They know they 'do nutS get te b y Henry M. LRateosO;0 The Nw Law ______
s. State at. Opposite Cort~osooe ili"bPrfSC.Kotn- SusiefrthDay
Ass Arbors Main at. kind itt gvernnment they vote far uPthtulin Pyro.JS'h'ssetn. ttarefrteDiy

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