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March 10, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-10

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1 .

--. AK

VOL. VIII. NO.5118.



' t

At Wild's
spring selections just arriveti
from the East. Call and
inspect our..
'Suiting s, Trousering s,
Al egrett'i's
Frcesh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowneys if you
Jtscct recseived m fresh suipply of Allgetti, and
W~iliams and Wernees ChocolatesLarcc-ct line
in the city.
ILunches-at all hours.
308S South State Street.
"Yes, Sir.
Good bristles, solid backs, made
to last anti give satisfaction.
Almotst every shape that is sal-
able. 25c to $21.00. Medium
prices arc better than cheapest.

PENNSYLVANIA EXPLAINS. has been for her tirst speaker to icsks Choral Union Concert.
_ fromten totwenty questions and elaim,
Reasons Why Cornell Won the that the'hv n -t--Te-ti --setiith hct-tIt
listd hei cae ules thc^ re n- eries wilt be given hy Mr. (Gardtnetr S.
Debate. saveedt. tt tak~es iboot fOre sewon(s to , Lamsonon te'idaiv evening;, March It.
ask tqustion and inittay take five lMr. Lamnt' ha s ct-rangedt i a ecci
The trevent defeat of the U'niversity mcinuites toanswer- it. The tesilt has;happily combiatitg varioscooiiis anIt
oit Penn yectoiti debaters hy Coroetl beets that it has apptearedtthiat P'eiti- lpretsting a geact vaieetty. Ifo illou
lionbCentlac only felt by the sortitters nsylvania nvas trying toitvciditmteeting a~clsosig severatsongsiinot tenetar.
of the iRed 00(1 nlne. Thin is thefOfth tice pointosit iose. What is seeded ic icasthe I rtl King,"Icy Lotwe.'t'his oet-
debhate thatt has takteanlilacs einvteen suich acne ein one cwhocenipiciestut in ctes cot the poemn imortalizedt Iy Schiu-
the ttttiverst ties. Icc r gitritc tte ce- the asccittf the momccent the imatry(aces- 1ceet is itietsets intetresting I cciise it
tate Ttuesttay's P-enntsyvantiani tis thne Etions cinditswer theminsctocisety. etcosscthe r"eattcossibilities of, the
tccttcisestic say;"Inticewtoft the fatsts hitt the Pints- iet'sandctgives oneii citiii ccit i
'the ciipeortut iites otterent ty the sI scaicimncatre gooiditthitiltes, ht1ccci i intic sthe' I riiseitings. oAs is wetl
ss eetcdetbating socketies cit Ciiinell' tnPi- they tktnw their suibjeetcit nicety iitttinwn this isi the lhitnt iiac ciniiithey
ercsity- git-eca cats a drvelopmicenit tattcersouahly,-acid that thielr tianicer citsees enftie-Ite te tesiivcii, acid Mrl.
is invaluablttie'. Supplemtentingt-thiesteti.- crest cciatisc c-tinexcelletnt, cdoes it cnitt j I .iii'. manyii friendcs witllIce olc(ict'i
iitati-s there cies t icshetepcartmceet e that inthe futucre eesytingcc the ciipciiituniis ity fhei'etng hinic agin
orcctorcoursitt-es inc forensic acid ex temi- shouildi be iticne to ivice thitheineintic-niver-sity1-ailt.
toe erici ig. It is significantitht tchig they- case hithertoc la --l---itcte- - -
cciii signali debteti victories aiginist live?' It is nlytithtie expieriene whchj A Goo Number.
Pcciinytecnice hacve followed itittthe inter-clcass asc intetr-departiett cidts-- rc t-tcr ~c iu ~itc ci
ccc ttccctcccc oitthe- chinee cicier. tiltshatesgiveIictilecbet-r-ie- i Thestii-tthis cce tht iesit tic c--cc;
v~r.givn cicn toreciot"sand rsxteccitiicie Eseccaiciies osithelivri-ilacid bice Itcc-citpe rt c sta.IiyM-
csctt-itttidoescmore fts-cit-t developling cwithc thcse of theri- n cd wcelticpg - odysisu. o ic
- tearerth. list tochis tnc tti'itlero.
debhatersit Cotirnel'ltthcans-,any-titse Tics'hePtennsylia ,cc teitesil-jPccn-t iI tt'tt tcctciic
cccii ae'schiet slt- ti-n- cc5 utter the ctditions tic hichiiiticsys-hilaeonditionedtri endiss iniacccirco
"At ther timeen i-cforeecsics se--vtn-c-ti' subjsctedt,tdeseeve thes- ast- st
i -ane.TicsetltikenessofcitPr-ct. Pactici-
ticer sicut-ciinilircitt lilac-'- lin ' (reditli. Desptit iiiei-tite l cccrwrkad iiilciiis goodi . The ics-tuve iscoieithtic
sell's t-tteiictlii. noctingct5wacscchne ciattdy, hitwecet-,Cornell's nysicnactie
Pennssylvanic iandcidom'piarcatively little isethoscpoeditticoimnch fCit b titt'vii ctgi -e cci-cci-c
tsar iccraccii -it alt
lttres yer,;it has beetsa c--cit-st ccttiicstcwrcombic iniedlcwitht-x;sitii-tise-vor
beweheerinadtonlitr} n sse.pise anti i fth11r YellownrKcc" oivder.
ceec ees irc' cit cccii elCc rcic I~I 'ci ccit sttei. I'lie- tiiciititeditoils aresdetedt
ti-relit-.At iCornellt, tfrom the tte of "I'isttto lb-ihoped ti niecxityactheli i 'Fie's ltt' ddtc'es.Itl
liceniing ocit hi-ccltegs in lice tctl studcents iniidutally-and si aibtioey
unitil thi'yc'xamninaticon i Juneii, i th ti- ctilltt iie cmtie interest thcancthey iccs - ey.ccswhoits tichanistuediaidecre
(Tenits are iunter ltheecee at Ptriessr hsertoifore.Any- workte which tiscidoce Iccb
Ititists et- ttititi'tim in en'IitI foiten-ticita ccitttent, cwhethe'r thei-dre-iti 'h eie- ceinctIyWan n-
ticsturincg ccitt cit{-iesteteist tidtbcters. of thei'judg'es is icitt-urfcav'or ois et- teite isjles u lh' t-Is
:klaeril asisanc isals lien he an n n wa bec,)sidrdas ~mearsitict c ejoesanccciskeatchs tf
spsalcers by cthecrenbers cioIstics'a- loist."safa~ ueru'n acy
ulty, notaibly Peron-Io, ltiffecit. iofthe ''tiiietoee0tc -ct utcii
la iIoi.Princeton's Basebalt Pronpects. wichh it is reeivinig tf'om tic'sule~
''The requisites cit the udebaters . thc'ccccche ct ccscit-ce frhe
Cite the lirnetii of cmnparisn,'bh- thus Alpha No Program.
stateed:(it) Thorough kowegeoftebsbltemaPrntnwscu ---
c{tdowtconnTticdhr utrntheesedstCtiae.lnils-

iti ecofltce mcterial whisc has btort bci-
tainteid, I3tability ticseect the malts
poiints anto icanswrethcem inc letiicei i.
'thre tact hi.nit doubt that ithecenn-

I ___________________________ syjlvaia jt ecesecsatives tact acftll

Text Books!
For every department in the U~ni-
vrersity. Law and Medical Books a
specialty. We can supply all your
needs for the Second Semester at
lowest prices.
Second-hand Booko Bought, Sold
sand Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper 15e and
?:.ac per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Solid Gold Fountain
Pens for $1.25.
Upi Tows Down Tows
S. State St. Opposite CourtHouse
Ass ArbohMa ttas1.

A)egeclse(leL011et'mterialtwseanco(mplete inevery cray. 'Thry
seemedalsnitotavcc e rllthougtovtser
their oiwn argumnents, the possile ones
itt their tipponuents, aned neenmetrecady
icc anse 'e !thc numerocus qucestionsec
wh'ischlcace alwrars anhetd by tCrnell.
T1ce sice thing they lasced-tcc the
need of swhischpoesed fatal tic tetm-
wcas readiness in spesech. Tisn sois-I
sensed in a remcc-'hahle degrees iy Cor-
nell's last speaker, atins Laughlin. To
her, withotut a doutibt, belongsthe11cc'redn-
it of Cornell's victory.
"ft is a tntable fast. that each time
Pennnylvania htas been defeated, she
wscansupporeting the affirmative sitde of
the tquestion. 0cc her, therefoire, cons
the burden of proof, and mannr contend
Ithat tinder tandemn debating methads
it in nest to impassible to obtain judg-
cient on thin side. Csrnell's mnethocd

'The Auio tc eitilgive the foiltintig
Thtirty-two-imvii hacve bet-ccleft atiti
progratm Sctucc'iav. iarch 12, at 7:1t:
fte potcdsit-Ctof it checo re iittn ca i iicctti i.S ii ;crtt t
tccethepmiitcc iticieicr. ich Wc'bster; debet, "liisrilveni 'Thatt thes
diielding prartice is tivendIc iii-
ttcily inc the rage. Jaynte, ''7,ditihermebrhplitote lh. : e
en liast year's trans, is eccelccccsa the icesdfo 0t O"Afraie
( N. 0. 5 cyrt. It.O.Wlsneai,
cantdidates for11tre position of ittIicer, Wls tctllr "
tEnglehard F. A. Istinerieh.
cudlBradley, '97,, is execedi later in ___________
tics sectasnto isarc the isldc'ens. C'oit.' Adelphi Program.
ttatoli teecusiitdtom ic ltedyeascno ---
pcrofessiocnal c'oach still tsretctccged inj 'lThe foillowincg is lice progrcam forlice
thce spritig. 'the schedulefr Cthte coc:- Atlihi onc Satnii-tca -eMarec 12:
ing seasini ha cances c ecmletInn. nic Sonig, ?lie. 5lamtcsoic; impromptusn,
shows a cclist sf 26 gatnn. I teachersc' salarties, and clleg ' polities.
___________________ tebate, IResolveid, Thcat nilittine- trill
An Interesting Lecture. shdould bte added do high scholculrtr-
- ~ rirculetcss. Attintcc tis'r, Freeman, Cuts-
'lie lecttire rcurse in "El-iutison,," gee; negative', IEvos, Rabh.
whchi is given in the Mttseumalher- The week's happienings, ID.I0. IBeill-
tuc'sedioom by several professors freditn cart.
tics Medical a nd Chentical departetcnts' Presidecit Andtrew . ti rapter, cat the
has rove vey atractve.The al itt Uiversity of Illinois, wcho wis Monedcty
craswdedt eat-h night and laet 'Ihltnday seeted superintendent of schoo'ls otf
evening chcairs tront the mcaie buildling Greater NewcY'rch, has deilined ts ar-
had toc be brouight to seat th' crowdc'd epi.
It is probable that tniscrout-se till ice Thcere wsittlice a neeting of thce Dom-
repeated at lnte'rvohs during this neat 'isratir Club in Newvberry Bailsic F'ri

I tess ys-.-

dlay, atareh 51, at 7:95tp. nc.

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