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March 09, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-09

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211tract and field events, class crew, and --
{" f $f'( fotbtall teams, gy'mnastc., wrestling GolfSuilts, Bioke Stilts,
and sparring contests, a lstal ot 6001
psis ts; andI candidates fsr university
Published Dily (Sundays excepted) duringIcrs, aiktniteisemcls
the College year, at larsecrceantenstascls e r l-e B e h s
baseball ninses and class track andssiheld
THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGN. events a total cot 5001pmints, c "-
OrreenE: Times builldleg, 12ilS. Munle St. be- G l a
MANGIG DIOR ee cc~tssani e tt ~vtire / G lfCa s, Golf Hose
J. F.Libetyndsecs, v tSt. I c o5 utb omltdwti i-31NGN 1Itl eri iue n ewtesde, he .P xA,'0L cs os. Noc belt, straps sr barneses
BUSINESS, 1ANA NL'i ie 5to le edcviinciakiceg an oelbeisi-al he ~ l, ~ o
0. II. iAns, 'it L.tea. thseleaebeendf subjects of much thOtlnht with
EDITORS I 1ye irlstt ' a f eachc yeari-ats US-Men whose amft ar ciialiihe
11, IB. SKILLMKAN, 'lbL., Athletic's. } I atro xl lti elr usaete
E. L. nEISMEe, 'ill L. 0. D. IllNTTes.'0o, icnstitutioce sill ipublishsice ties oscdevritmttrff(ilfCotigdelr tisaeth
iUTLEtte LAMB,'5. 'r. R. WissnOe, '1)their suer eicity the rec'ord icf its fifty , real thinig.
I. A. tbuurnEceL, '00. AllencCAu'onsE., 'cci. slicnesgst cccii examcined that y ecr The' We Sell these GRolf Suits frtmn $5.1.O up.
1"-xsaicss ciicliilicetglc~bgea Iea The newest Ideas in C COs and Hose to Q r,
shaclilebe' cccsideredl she etcclernicccc
arnani.'le ofecc sll te lccleg's, satd the with them.
___ -ieccitiecicchavcicge flb ifty stronce st . Extra Breeches $3, $ '$4 4 at 5
The subscription price of teeDaoly is 52.a0 aSvtaL'.8eelo -
ficr the college year, silh a regslar delivery ccin, as dcided by Ike lac cat tctai '--
crfosesnoon suitedclay. Natives, ismesunita- ci", ,cshill scld thcs'total stenecthi
laons, end other macas'r intended for publica-
tion most be handed in at tir Daily offieslbe- ltit' ii fr lbh' ne't year. Icc maingccc' ear,
lace 6 p. in., or mailed to bbe editor betore 3
p. in., of bbs day preeiousstic that on which upil lrecocdri ri tvhie ie's) ifty, onclys
sieet ore expected so atppr.
Subscriptcosamay be leftcatTics lDcily ccli i~ss slea ve'actuaelly liii voilej
Office, Meyer's or Stoffist's Nsostccnd, or
with Busiecess Mianager. Saberibers will eon-- l cc ic.;the.II sils' ii'ye'ar, ftomcctort'
ter a tacos by reportingctpromptly ct thisII
sffice anv tailors of carriecrs to deliver paper. firstitoi.flid'fial.,iwill Ice cli 'ceciltic
___________________________ cutit lliege' total Icir thatityear.1
Thlccl ilic ccipisisiss i'clry tb'gininglea'1'ccci cmani': record'ilcciiin i ctlappaatucs
toi siesei' cner nd ri ccciiircndidats'ith celtierlcit.lc' wa.slae 'creel lieacries-
cvar lies's'airi c '5lic'c ire li ii git if t such ib , thes' 'ctire'coclege. All thec'cii-
thcs slecelisi Ibicyalsre elceic sm irs ctip n lii .il ccc civicicclii' teta s mstebe '"x-
c'5' aisle'.. Mst'ofithl~e' ice iwhetliarcv niic Icicceltesed earl earcciv foie'tsic'i'
tu miitsac 5c'he i cetcc'oi- Oicliiber ist li'ycertai'naofflicias."
felie'." s'whobic iliiic" heir silt.- fl :111 MIl\sTRELI:S.
seeikincg, cncivrlii'estlie acid, woiii ii ciii) .'inn iii bor ighctt Infitry. as-A ryehiat enraniet
Iii~wlil'''i"reform"n''siccl''5i'llier- i- sctelibylsc;die's incarefied iec. trc'l A vr lbrt netiln
cicicil:' e obiecer poionicof cithe 'cm- turfs dniaes'', cat theAtehins Thecatre sic- will take place at the Opera Ilonse
mciceyeecce i ise b'eiiili'-igid. A_ little relaxvation is :t gd tonight. Seventy lttdies antI gen-
mniysolsiupnteeirs Iie chiig orccv ce yiccccy. Theateepartierleatiwilpariiaeiiarfnt
meaker's bad. Slilimarsicc')rie'ae izatiiies shlcdcicireserve' reals at once. Any seal(tecci llpr lla©I~ eie
rfv rdfirhs too mu si ~l cf'rs whs dns iivci,~i3 51c'; upisir's, 2;5iiinstrt'l perfoi'iance. Go to the
ike eetetd beecneithcc 'ire'"ciii' theatre andelrive away dnll care for
cirge" scud "hoiciet." Sie tiith 11YOU V~ ANsi''riE BEST an evenling. It eill do yougtmodi.
cixecicciire .cclilitc'rindciii ra'ct'ervie FATRIYSATOEYcccv" cs r 5c cad}c
ested, cccdiithas'ercic yole sisc~ eecv RAENT STIO RY rceere2cad o .,.
thact 11ccy ares' plaisceltics'ereicecybe- BADGES OR PINS
bang Send to
Streng1;th Tests> SMITH-1 STURGEON & COn.
'23,239, 211 Woocc~dardAve..i ctt
TIc liricci 'saicuteuiftormsity i tengthisci iesc', cccclcrusticcutescccurnilsednill weae
tuts thecch'sic'al diti'c'itorsi'. ift leeceniftislcid.,

coileiges asdcivcceriiies irraecri
ccceeting 'ini New Yorik, agreed to a ss
leu submeittii c ciiedibcciliit,'e cit whichl
Drv. StceI'tct, if llccrsardic'ct. ti
uies. 'flee agreecuent will nccc)o niec
"tier)ccciitiOctobler 1 I9. IS. iaccv'.eed,
Vale.,Ccciiisylvania, Cclelmia,. irisce
hidncuedtorniell.sri' amncg the fiteen
c'llge' aniiuivier sities whirci have
ietered iioIbis agreeent 'id othiers
sill tie admcittred.
'Tie strencgthl tests ito*ice uedininak
icigsep the Icotal strecgthc iofu ' ichl-
vdual are: Strenigths itfl.baclk, at len's.
cit ight ftry-arm, ocit fotere-arcisc.ci
lungs orone-tenteteei. ii'capac'ty cit
bhe lucgs, sof upper arms (biceps), and
sheet. acidsitfsuiescrmss (bicves)acid
Tue apparceatuseadimietlhicdstfor mats-
lng 11ev tests dye prctirclly-Itiose which
Hlarvardi bas sused ftrue -ccu'mber if
sintttosweesrnt tetre accepted ascup iplecentsary' evidecer
cit the abillity at stsde'cis tic enter as
comepetitors ice athletic saoetests the tsl-
li-lg scheedule will serve tar a scale:
tCandidcates Cor university crew and
tfootball team and weight throwser's are
expected tsoneake a total utf2750ipoints;
candidates tar university bll cities and

Tile last volumes of the Warner Library areanow on the press and will soon be relady for deliecry.
O.i the delivery of the finishetd work, the ptesent club rates will he. withdrawn anti the pnlclisher's i'egtular'
prices will IrXevail.
'11--se are the regular prices: These are the present prices:
Cloth etlition------- 3 .50 per vol. Cloth 'edition------------ $ 235 per vol.
Quarter Russia editionl 4.00 per vol. Quarter Russir edition-_ _2.65 per vol.
Half Morocco edition-- 5.00 per vol. Halt Mor occo edition ---- 2.90 per v'ol.
Full. Morocco edition-- -- >. 50 pr vol. Frull Moiocco edition-..-- 3.00 per vol.
The library may be now secured for almost half the regulai prices and it is only too evident that intending
purchasers will save nioney by placing their subscrlptions now. We cannot impress upon the professsrs and
stuldentus of the University too strongly the tact that the presenst low price will NOT prevail mauch longer and
that prompt action is necessary.
The plan and scope of this monumental werk, its scholarly character, its wonderful variety -and readableness
and its immense educative value commends the Library to every lover of literature.
Professor Wenley says: cift is'a work at once entertaining, useful and wonderfully accurate.'
Professor D=Ooge says: "The work as a whole will, I believe, be a source of intellectual profit and pleasure
to any whlo may be so fortunate as to possess it."
The Ann Arbor Office of the Lihrary is at 318 South State Street, where the first twenty volumnes
may he examined and where subscriptions are now being taken.
Thi, attentio of he readers of She Review of Reviews is called to the eight page advertisement of the -
Library in the current issue.

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