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March 05, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-05

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9 t ffrt re tg was amost interesting affair. TheI
f. " f L i ii iprincipal speaker sif the evening,(tot- 3ofro Having Y0%=
(Pus r Pingree'. read a long, preartetiI.;
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during ttr steitouto fw ichi h ~ ' '~ ~ NPC H* VB
the College ear, at urged students as cities to cnter pol-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. itcs andutrgard teir right to vote as
a duty. t.Ue He thess spoke at lentgth on T e B e r*a tu is
tween Liberty ad William Stn. the tiecessity of eleting mes ,-us o
HiANAGINO5 EDITOR seossid noi arept favors frosi corpora- (Successor to Gibson & Clark)
J. R. TIOosAS, 'to L. tons, and of the' abhses of rallr(a((s(d
BUISINESS 11ANAGER anit corpouratiins at te presentst ime. 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
. II. HNs,NTO L. Fulon Thomsinoi, presidesnt of the
EDITORS '90 L class, undi 5.I'.Sadler, '95Lo.
n. I. Sacuaes, '50 L., Athletics
E.I cse,"OL ..itnv.~ litiriedtstant stiecrte s, antd scrfdO
I. . CAPBELL, 00. A. CArnti.., ti (andi A. J. Sawyer. of AttntAr -.p and Gutar. Instrutr in the Univesity
F. EsuEH~tunu, 'tO. cool of lAluse. 18 years eperene as
______________ _____The ltatter deiecredi a 'ost hoiirtf a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music CoVs.
1s.itn sincrei imprmtutispslcero. S tre to arrnge for hours.
PresiietctCtalum, of the iet-pulic--
'tn lob pesided, ao ust(ltos f sir- Fine Confections ' MNONE Y LOANED
The subscription price of the Daily is 12.50
for the college year. with a regular delivery nished [y hi'AnAiii.rior Milit( s BnBn n nWths omns heao ~e
before soon eaich day. Notices, communca- Bo osadO aceDaodwel rohrPr
Globs, and other matter intended fr publics- tuartet. 'uscaal boperty
Lion must be handed looat the Daily office be- ---------------Coats. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED.
foe 8 p. m.,oe mailed to tke editor bfioe3 Viiin isoyIlb
p. i., of the day previous to that do swhich Vstn HiorCs.'Office at resdence 331lE. Libertyft-,AinnAr-
thee are expected to ap pear. - - } A J( )SREnr ih All lisinee rucnidetial. Heur
Subsrptions may be left at Thu Daily Aibiout thinty laiie of the ttrsttsi- I2+ ATWSIGO o1:0- a n ole n ot .m
SOUTH STATEr tflotsNostnd r ( nJseph C. Wts
with Busines lanager. ubiriers will c- 1d'y-s'ittory Ctubotif (ieirnt, visitied 'I n sOci hn euhn dD
fee a favor by reporting promptlyTHot this STREET 3ran nScn-adWthsadDa
ofiice anv failure of carriers to delis-oUar lt he vaicriiuscidepari iti-ns and todildiogs ___________m___________ ods.____________________
________________________________of the L'sit rsity last \Vcdio-sday ?'os
Perhatps thenmost imttortan ustisonssI siltie prtt "of ii iisiriis.rOa deloss'
that '908tillhas os- ctitcidetlis fte - tkniiledir-iif le colle gsandl it - ocoiur
no s ill be thec cats ansdgiiwnsitsur ivtiva, c i aitt is rigas-s to the satsisons
As far at(cani be determnlesd by asupiter- 05 ((aituitt. Thiy-wre-i-ttinsedA M I fk aT H
icial canosas the las is abosuit esenltswille iii the citiy bysdrs. C . A. tige
diiiddoiihesmatter, sithi thetm ot Of htatt- Strieiet- aoldiwee tc disiicita,
isroincnt iemibeioiteciedttyaganst isformss-itrecetionitsiy Dr. Hose I
Tibe custom. To asnetprejaird it- mrio-sits sof (hr \Womsissoleague. I I '0 A F q
oever thei-ri-eems o- reaslly isiot rea-
'fbei toirity Shoot f Dtoo11'
sn swhy to shouilit soitimpirve its at-
till si- i t seondtt tMarc]i-li t it
readygoiod recordt ty kiliing thistag-
ear immteediately. Thi' wsearing ofI' sets' o Sitaiitayc v i-s isi, sra
th ei Ttios-li f-o.t-tri-tt-sii - ___
thse catisdsgowwats-runur oncninre list-i-
Thesiectin tl~in initi un'd uadeds hebchargedoto Ath'ieIs n't i ,iio
liio distis giiisli thest'snitis ffros~t lhi-ri -- ~ fR~T STATIONERY. A t ezrisudetsbutitT h e a tred ±
(lsaonugo prtts eiotrs friom thl- BADGES OR PINS
-li (s as ny othisotn-third f tsi- ",eed t rs
-ass has ever swier tem This faste SMITH, STURGEION & CO., C le' Ii
f affair s -iesrser een l-asn o ii 23E,-30 2-1 W~otidadAr.. Detroit.
those whoiihasvi'bencun utable lstoidopt'lesigiss (hd lstiti-t urnslotisiOsslt sorts
tle moutrning garb. Either us'snii sr-ll of lhiss kindti
should toa-' them. A11 sant sso ie I'___----__-
should. The trincipitlstrpoe tese
i-ml fl ~ u U 1 otumes ha serrest hasletic isubt-
jr'ct their s-w.'crs toi ridicule, andism®!C m l
atbout twenuty-tiv-e membiers ofthia
year's 'class a re ci-ilnedlbisawsantlit-
erary tsdrtts this phase -f heinuate The last svolunmes of the Warner Library are now oti thu press and will soon bo ready for delivery.
will be worse this year than ever. On the delivery of the finished work, the pre ott club rates wiii ho withdrawn and the pblishers reguliar
Thece are those, f cisuise, wholtill el prices wiii prevail.
say that OS shosuldi u-t shirk tie battle These aro the regular pricc: Thse ito tho preseunt prices:
Hut there isosdinay f th mti tyc brsr Cloth edtiion------------ * 3.50 per vol Cloth edition ----------- 2.35 per vol.
nsinteodnary co-seof afftsii Quarter Russia etition.- 4.01) per vol. Quarter Rtusir edition- -_ 2.65 per vol.
without gointgot of -ncas way to seek Hatlf Mouocco edition-__ 500 pet vol1-Haf Moocco editon --2.0 per vo.
It. The third and stronsgeattiargumtuss fell Morocco edition-.--- (s.50 pet vol.lPll Morocco edition -- 3.900per vol.
is. that i-ps and gwns area-i rc dleoNOTBE H M D IF 'ERENCE -
eapense. The dollrs cess adti
enagh o te uediar- sudeut ittsi T 1he library may be now secured for almost half ihe regular prices and it is only too evident that intending
hi-hteoriaysudn ihu purchasers will save mhoey by placing their subscriptions now. We cannot impress upoun the professors and
his isorisg iny era de sire to utt ? students of the Uiversity too strongly the fact thaf the preseit low price will NOT prevail much longer and
tell sit them for something tos hang ut that prompt action is necessary.
inhia closet..About.te sonly rrgment The plan and scope of this nmonumental work, itsscholarly character, its wonderul variety and readablenessnterforstht:h a asndtsm esedutvealec mnsteLbaytovryoerfltrtr.
them. Nosissdy dnoies this bet et professor Wenley says: "It is a work at once entertaining, useful aid wonderfully accurate."
thas akdete u thm he gDurgcaiyops' . i roforer - oge says: "The sork as a whole will, I believe be a sourco of intellectual rofit and leasure
to aiiy who mlay be so fortunate as to possss it"
it 'rise to the opporttuity. - Csp me- o--sitsn on en gHrs
-euicr~uUliet. The Ann Abor Office of the Library is at 318 South State Street, whre the first twenty volumes
mnay' e ex inehd and'where subsriptions are now being taken.
The political meeting held under (he ----
'uspices of the . of . tieuublit. n 'The attention of the readers of the Review of Reviews is cllod to the eights page advertisement of te-
lub in the Athens Theatre last even- Library in the current issue. -

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