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March 02, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-02

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im .l~bW. J. Boom, Pres. W. Anot, lst Vice-pre
S tof lo -oen in '] XTJ. V. 'Ru SAN 2dVicepre.
Y( 1 i O OJose 5C. Wei a As.Cashier
Saturday, March 5th Shh-Bak
Transact a general Banking bss
KNOX Swell ness.
CHISI H a s..Cr. Man and tirans treet.
YSOU ARE INVITBO - ~aptl i,55ee Sarpkisng ,iIn~~e Tasaci a
gee rli bnig isasnes.
Toke ® SPED 'It.I i~ni ~iPres. C. . GCaesarVice-Fes
0j O D BJ 5, Pasoie. Iiii. ea ~Cashier.
Capital Stck, $5,00. Srpus, $15,00.
Resurces, $1i10ete.
' ' i Organized nder the General BnkngLaws
at thin State Receives deposits, bys and elsehagontepicaliisctesfte
United State. tDratsn cashed upn proper
Identiicatin. Safety depait bxes t rent.
OrrFICnS Christian bckack Pres;s W. D.
S r n l 515 East Liberty St. i Harriman Vie-re. Chas E. iscoh,
Cashier M. .. Frito Assitant Canhiser.
Phass 106. ii:ST SRiVIC: iN TEb CIY, FIRST NATIONAL ANK Oat Ann Arbor
Oganisd 155
,. :.Capital. $1ilk.00. SSrpls and Prts,, 40000
t. Tansactsa general banking business.
IIFrigo exchnge boght adod. tFurnisi
Fa E p es l etters Oateredit.
L mpsEx res ly S udents' use . i. lKiF, Pres. HRIO O7E
- Vice Pres
S. W. CLAtitON. Cashier
"iire Rfoceter," "The 'Yale," 'The Rosyl," "TheO Perfection,"
-The Borlis Studtent," all niickle plated, varying iin price fromiii H MAI D £. Co.
C$100 to $2.50 each. C. 11 i i COui 9
OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives i pre The Artistic deorators
white sight, is odorlessn and doe ut char the wick. IDeliv- Have a complete line of
i eeinaypart of the city iii or cals stlc er lc 'lio, For Wal Paper, Paits, Oils, Window
S sale oly by Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
214 South Main Stret D-EA.N & COMVP.ANY.I Specialty of fine interior decorating
Wehv:utr ieda________________ painting*, frescoing, tinting and paper
We hae j03 reoil 'd.anging Only the best of workmen
lag hpet~New Trinig Schedu. i A Favorable Reception employed Work guaranteed.
Ogtom i nis s lsse i in e h agsld- I'' cTih e slist rcplonshicht-Ins :s iC. I. MAJOR & CO.,
n .ss'ent tack ')net s il 'sls-:aseeprt Dudll~ssly Warnerss'g'eat'51lirr fltrThe A tisti DeSsrtor,
yo 11 . 'risis a resi d ss Jumpelsr ,nc'Fa lei s i nenh Iisiis t S i ist trbss ha
)'C B I t cil r.iss s n 'csnu s y ls iu sy a ii fn bes aie c t s il sis is oi L A D IE Sp' A N D G E N T L E Mi E N 'S
1 r siy sAl -eawait his.thnn.. i Ms. 51elrs'sss 5 'cmiii tins ps~ '~ ss
I'ss~kI'I}l c cisliosn siT sesiss.- lnsi ndieI favor abslsswiss s. ofi ct is , i 'slrsssls sn s sha'
s dS a issil a i t .5 Sp . i . . i s, M s [ . cansiss o t h " e c p r ofsisessi sis s t u de\ n s ts sT ate LOv e t e Rn W n e
Hligh un csiTe 5''sdasy, Ihrsdl y snmeiibersioftefe Isisss~slsho savs pur- and Spring Garments.
soilSturdsasy at . i n., tss. . l osI~ . li in ic ced tss'libisryas,4 r sss :s is'nss'n V'' -__
pny. lesHinsale. Kels'y, Wham gis s's- COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
FOR SPRING- )is e srne' sind wles'scill re tir, aS eothess. Aissig e sissisibes' of I Oe blck west of University. -
irirti'f r swn t inesr (Cx iinbhe s' uets , hiiay( i e sltc slss ni e ofsas'si
--- aemen is 'n'si.'s;sdsy, 'f1sda 'as 'sn IthescnisaIlr rpsissssioi bi i ng . .. O IO ...
See0% s nthm icor . pat orth rrner.it o Mchgal s' CentralLie
.it a s he Indsoosr met nuc' s se Ilssih 55,lrpil lisssisso ariai.s
New Shapes in Vesting Tops, it s mptasint s thatalwhs itesdiii Tie fitItweny vosumslasn owson . & O0 U..Ity. I .,S M. Ry.
3 00o$4.0" $ .'oJ 5isiser shosuld 1 treulcaisrly. lin cae (4 Iibitissn st te Fl piss WeeklysCluV
e' 0i ayoecant 'o tinhese ihsssrsh fic,'S . tte..adal aen-.The loOnly Seeping Car Li no betweesn
aisosn mii s'srhsi ssbee Is .. isss's... sss .si ine.. Toldoand Columbus.
________________ shoulsdnsstify'pe ai onse. ainsnd ther- nbrs f thlivs' sitys'ei 5ciniteSiss The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room
sangemnenswilsnli be msde. ill ain ses't1tlbsgri'.tes' u siisiss.CrLie between nToledo, Colm-
Ti sins 'ses mllii' sis sisme inhssc .5 sisisfilism s'sisisiy.bus, and Marietta.
___- . 5The Only Drawing Room Car Line
simpleeschase o sf tline snoansd curin' between Toledo. Columbus and
New S3tap Sa M[ de7 tie next mess messis rubbslecsil be isih iii's 55 MJ1ti5(I>Charleston, W. Va.
54 idc 5 ior he isecs . 1z:EN. iemcre t! huDrt Itale sis- Pullman Sleepes'sbetween Coltin-
$10 ,1-0$.0 .A.11AACatfIsiitis. bus and Chicago.
The Only Line with 4 trains each
Al G. 5I'rts Aliont is a st iii" AtiessILOST-Either oDivisisnnst., Liberty: way. daily between Tleda and
______°___- Tiheter Saursdsy aterness nsi eeii-t, ori'msi. sioltiwatch with ini- Clumbus.
____n____tiscI n The Only Lie with t3 trains each
__tintsP._J.-R" iexard if reunel to way on Sundays between Toledo
Our entire stok of SbciefrIthm-iDaiy. a s Dviio t. 105 anti Columbus.
winte sho a cThe Only Line with 5 trains each
I Sh t Y ur yesing Green and Findlay.
RED 7 t' I IThe Only Line with 2 trains ach
And akeourselctios fontourway daily between Toledo and
Atmtk.you eetsfotour Charleston, W. Va.
__________The Only Direct Line between Toe-
..............................NEW NEGLIGEESIRTS do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo,
"TOCNewrk. ONII.EE. PPITAR PIICES. Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
M ACK & CO4 E__________PATERNS Faiinformato rlatve to rates, time o
ShoeDeprtmnt.any nen oftheOhio Central Lines.
SheDprmn.WAGNER & COMPANY, Moulton Hok, G. P. A.,
Rear Ist Floor. s 23 South Plains Street. - ' - Furnishers. Toledo, Ohio


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