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January 29, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-29

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~j, ~ ~ j1~ to live. The Monroe doctrine hs
l~f to i tt~l ,been reognize by England in the Before 3 ai~ o
55.1-__ ae of Venezuela, where England ohb-
Published Daily (Sundays ecepted during fltted her claim to arbitration. If the Ph t ' Ta e INSPECT THE WORK
thdleeer t award fails mdclitation is to be resot- Flo oS T k n..AT. -
THE UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN.Ma ed to again before war, and ths theT h of
Orriont: Times builing, 321 5 MainS St. be- much prized diplomuacy of the ati-ma- T h e rrym an S t u d i o
tween Liberty and William Ss. tive is given a cianc again. Witli
MANAGING EDITOR the trbuinal pernanent the arbitratioi,(uceso-o iso Cak
J. F. TfOMsAS, 0 L. mahiery is always ready tor use."
BUStNESS sIANASER Mr. Hlarrison followed, giving a 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
0. H. HANS, '05 fL. summary of the atiriative. Mr. Ha-
R1)ITORS risn's dirt speech was marked by
H.1B. SKILLMSAN, '8 L~, Athletics, very carful arrangement and diction, Should the Governor of South
E. L. OIsiona, '35 L. . D. HrDNsn '0 and eay and grceful delivery. His U]
1. ~ APEL H .CMBL,' rebuttal w as smewhat of a discP" Carolina meet the Governor of
I. EsseLnAu, 's. pottmeuit. Mr. Whitman choss clear North Carlina
atttte ietsandipmeseted ttetmt v
CE Mnaturally, lit sened to lackt spirit ma
little. Mr San0 r s reasoning ws On the banks of the raging Huroni
The subscription price of the Dai' is 1.05ciaose and careful, ubet his delivery he would no doubt, say: {
for the college year, with a regular delivery,
before noon each day. Notices, comninica- lcked force. "It's a long time between now and'
tions, and other matter intended for po e Af ekb-Iehsailca- f e-dl 1 n fyo att b n f I4
ion mst e handed in at the Oaily yoffice be- St.Herketi.e msa aculyaofltt- Jly 1,and fdyouwantboeberne o
fop 8 p. in.,ror salled to the editorlbeforet3the boys-in other words, a live'
p. i., of the day previous to that on which Itg.bhsa,,ict ti retwr(o"adbte aste ~ve 5~~
they are expected to apppear. distinctniess anid ith l aigd-wr-o a etrt h hrSM ed
subsscriptions may he left t The Daly ' itU it o
Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's N ewstand, or livry. Mr.1ticsater did nut seetm to A N D OLNs
with Business SManager Susriers will e esyuti-e aIjJ -1a '- .of M".-Da ly' G IT R aN B NJS
offier any failure of carriersptomdetivrpprly itsetsi oi trudtil h
stbject and ettite rettarkmtbty effac- And get the current college news The Washburn is the one and only
ills her tdetiug interests in thte ire towvsids itie end Of his secs-t. It's a hummer and I understand the make of world-wide reputaion. Sold
care of the three represcettive Mr. Dilton irbtbly owes his suctevs unprecedented offer of $150 is made" b first-class dealers everywhre from
chosen ltastigt, Michigan ieed have largely to a power of ready retort. "Think I will," sadtbe other gent $5.00 upward Imitated extensivly,
no =fear hut tatsie aill make attesX Mr. 7"is. A. Ierketile =wvas hornt in and they took a drink-of Ann Ar so e sure that the name George
cele~tbroo-'sinthecot-oedor luie 1er.IisWashburn" is burned upon the inside.
celn eox nteapplroacing ci-Rdod Pa., tue, 17.H sigh hr aoswtr A beautiful Washburn ook contain-
test witii Chit-tago. The Daily cot'- shool eduttiot was reteivetd in tie Leave your name and address for ing portraits and letters from the De
b lulaes the=winer ontbic su-c-ass City ligh School Ini 89 a regular mornitig delivery of the ;iReskes, Cain6, Eames, Nordica, Scal-
gstatstewncsitDAILY the rest of the college year at chi and too other famous artists and
ess and the Uiversitytn ier brighthsee i 've the degree of1AL. . frotn the U. of M. DAILY Office. tcchers, mailed free upon request.
prttspects, te t'iiversity- Mr. iBerkeitle was Adtress Dept. U,
T1 class president of '98 L, to his fresh- 329 SOUTH MAIN ST REET LYON A HELY
LAWSTRIMPHAT, ear yea herecivedfirt Sate Phoetr. Wabash Ae. and Adas t, hicao.
LA STIMHN. man yarIasterle. eevd is taePoe SUBSCI PTION $150
iae cm-ilte '8 lair class casiest, outn 18
(Continued from first page). fthirt on te Piiversity cottest. Ilie
ceed by the treaty. Only neiMthe tiird i a ntemit11her of the Delta titi fratrmei- L c ur ss c ato
case is there it o inality of awardamd ty aid was iecemntly elected associateSt dI o ir A c q in
the mai strength of the tremty liei, chief justice ofttthat fraternity' for ~UI t1 3 I LI I
lie fact that it recognizes mmliiao Cttntda andthtie Iittetl Sies. ______________
weaknesses and nmaes prvisios foe'Mr. Lloyd C. Wi'hitnan, '99 L, was
themr. No treaty is imtperatively e- born in Ypsilomii, June 2, 175. tH' -COM ING
fofced save bty war. tBut national swemt throughithtes Ants Arbor figh,77
hionor has atild Theoa rlof spetitm.1St-lost01amd g'sttetdedfroimtt to its-B O E " oA H N T
treaties antd oud ddo so o ually in veriy ihtthe degree ot A. . Ithe ase of ma gnral tremtY. It ia bet- Itil Mr 'i5hituis a. Hmeerof B O E
ter to providle in advatit 'for dihitfititt-euse t'a :Psi ansd 'TeltNo Epislonm.
ties titan to wait untail pastes is ight He u-ms on 'theme 'l Junior Hop amd The Moses of His People and Distinguished Orator at
amnd tiemssttemptit to ake provison~ts (Continued on Third Page.)
or. H.t L. GeC eistier closed the regular IF YOU WANT THE BEST niversity nal, Saurday Night, January 29
dehate for the ahrmuttive.I thespotke FRATERNITY STATIONERY,
as foiowoe "Elnmd ii ot in g9-it BAGESOR PNSON
er'dn h freo h Mno o.- Send to ccSolving the Negro Problem at Tuskeeee."
trine. ut is efc-ltc case wilt aise. SMITH,. STURGE.ON 1,& 0.,
England. wiln~tack sottnt South HI. 239a 24s Woodard Ave.. Detrit. Dr. Angel said fhis address here two years ago: tlie surpassed the
Amieican 1lpbic, amnd the United Desigs and estimates fur)ished on ahh work high water mark of eloquence in University hall."
states wiii itlefer on the ground of a of this kind.
violatiomi of the Monroe dotrine. Eng- (
land will deny the right of interfer -Admisstin 50c.
ence, and the matter wil titas be'otis's
a diffrence betweemn the two -olumirisP
and must acordtimigly tbe surbuitted to *
mu itationi. hi traty hroviies tit Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.25.,
the award shall le finml it 'it rceiv ese r Reserved.Ticket for Remaining Numbers 26c extra.
a =majority of a 1o1. This sit}hly . r 6
takesthto questioni routa to uari of two .CONSISTING OF
partisamns, one ott each side, to ome of Sousa's Band------------------------ --------- ------Feb. 26
six partisans, three oin each side, amd Oratorical Contest---------------------------------------March 18
car they lie xpeclod to atnee' hi ''s Burton ---------------------------------April 8
it nmust ultittiately hb- semtled by cam TH N THEATRE
auth 00 er war 'because of the ltts TH NS_ Commencing Wednesday, Jn. 26, Closing Monday Eve., Jan. 31, our
ion precedsing. Ini 1843 a gemeral comtnU-
ansinwas sppointed bty fix te Saturday, January 29th Entre Stock of Shoes at Ous-Fourt*h Off.
bom nary Istween the United 'States ~191.WSIGO T
.and Mexico anil within a year the Chas. Frobman Presents W M J. A R I L "fiE. ASNGO ST
the Brilliant Romane- -
wo cuntries ere at war" Under t e60505 Shom 5---4051 50 hos....3.. - OShoes .--30.$.0Shtes._821,03
Mr. °D. IF. Dilloni cloted time de te U d rthe $.0he1-_22,$25,.01050Sos lOeQur f.0
fos hw tltte"tais ntassntael a5 he l n ure 5
for esh negtativhe.treatyis a01nessaRed Robe. IttfoO. h&.--esirale fromic ro u, twoo The Daily is sbort thefolowng
for all1 international ills or that it mistdors from campuls, vaaed for set- numbers feo the year '95-96, sadd'salE
tepat of Esngland," becas- she ws Parq 01 Circle---------5 swpeusble prty at reasosableloprice. ayone wo ca- furnItsh same:
ineed of peace in order to obtansin- gHalcony--------------------------------604 Jefferon mSt.. Mrs. Wil- Numbers 1, 7, 48, 5(1, 66, 81, 133, 17,
ports from thte United States on which " " liatrsa S3 200. r

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