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January 29, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-29

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Has received a full line oi
for Fall and Winte
Suits, Trousers,
and Overc
Al legrett"i's
Fresh ever;
Only in pa(
60c a pound
Feet received afcresh supply ef
'!llems and Werners Chocolates.
la the city.
Lunches ats all heurs.
R'. B. J0bLL"Ya
808 Souehs State Sl
nhot Chocola

1 LAWS TRIUMPHAN'T. thatreaty should have ben~ eed TONIGHT'S LECTURER
' Placed All Three Men on the tieH ,dmitted tnt the accdental As He Appeared on a Southern
fNovelties Debate With Chicago. 1ha( proved sneces~fnat Ini our eases. Platform.
rin bt claimned a permanent -onrt be
Last night the laws and its nmet inl tueen mailins was as tnesessry and4 The folowing is an extrat front the
annual debate, and the laws capttred ats logicatl as a Ieruatet cott ltiwect New York Woritds tccottt of Books'
)atings all three places. T. A. Beekobite first individuals. Suchita treaty ty ttttvid- T. Wasington's great ottioolt Iic
hiono r and $70; L. 'C. Whitman, second ig that all thei means of eatetbe ex-
antd $30 td D. F. Dillon tir anti ihantetd before war is begai wouldtt opetig of theo Atlanta Expsition
NER$AN30 About 500 peopile were in atito1- nake war well nigh tine itable. I ihe "When ,Prof. Booker 7. Wsinigtton,
tERMI ntesbut ,the inmber is no indication peronniel of the 'board is of theti igi- priuacital of an Industrial schoolfr
i lt tt r of the enhutsiastit display- et character. It has tnt the diatt. 'clored poattle itt Tukegee, Al., sto
ctl. Macitspeiker as te amte frvward vattages of a sigle pemianentt tett-ot the tlatfa atiofth ie Atditoritm, at
was receisved (with a shouttfromttirte tratioti trtbumal, as it trovdes tr j the A~litita Exits -tioti with tikesun
ntemtbers of 'his departitentt.atnd at sieil board for eacti twi every csh tintug ;oer the eads of is hearers
ri tecosoe of his efforts, was rewarded whenl it af'ises. Tte 3ttsiioe dt itteinto his eyes, nt it whole fae lit
San* t iti fue ostetiiunhuiticap-litiseis iot Itvolved. Weni t' atineo-t tillwiti tte fire of prpecy, lark
When the decision swas annutnced eclutiig the doctine svats Iritlttd, Howell, the stccessor ott letry W.
'y week. ttie laws raised at shout of triumph as Secretary Olney taid its turpose *, (isratysait:That ititti's speech is
akages- otly the laws can, tintil the old4lt-ll"int"ueless an Idle.'i\tioiiai iidt te begiatitgtf atioral eewvttttiouu il
sif you tebled. The entutsiattm of the attd- tetdenee cannott be arbitratedtnrAerc.
ictae had a maclied effect ona the cnt the right of a sovereigi Iso make "All tis timie tht' eyso t it'tos-
speakers as all seemaed to put fort tn alliatnte with l aittler sit?>eci.f andls lioked staigt t tet'ngro oci-
A y their argumintto'with spirit tail force.Iteth teUtitedl'Satesftristes t to. 'A stitg e tingwstotihIaple.
Ay The tYeai. Hetry 1. fhttt'tter rsite liake defensive alliance swiith a. Suthi A black mrant was to steikt for his peo-
ittid gracefully ackiowleiged his atima Americant state whtichi tagsbee at- tlesitttioe to iterrutim i~. At
maher. Thle judges wis-tart rlos 1: tac:kedit s right t soa not bett'Prf. Watsltngtiistrttte forwtarihto
1i.vE !Wartner, Detroit; Prof. F. A. Itatbotu, arbitrated. The treaty flcsnt lhs- the edge of thit stge, the ifew,
MK, Ypsilnti, and Hon. S. AI. Ititchicon. cedit diutoiacy beciius itIs ois desceadntg su sht fiey riys tiougli
Allegretti, and Detroit. eons litrt not to apttly utilil ipltstai-y the 'witulows itto his fait-. A great
targest line The riiikinagsas at ftthtisss: has been exhasted. shott greets-tuiro-iu. le ttrietd his,
Thoughtad Mr. Winl. aug15- oitititicin thehiadt'totv-id the tlini lighgt. anti
~ Conpoottlac. Detirsey. - attrmiutive: "T1he tatiostsof E itivtratti u tllitii trreif
thu i5 talater O fuct ist ile, T'hflenle ttrnel his woiteftl eunte-
tret.a a m e t thit'su aitittitt atlink of
o ,o F e ta'iaty as an alianci' btwi-tn titi'
. $ a Uited Sates andulEnigliandhanth pre. the teylis, ibilhtaniuito ilik.
a x ete gisp ttlrtgt uu tt- "here wvis a remuarkable i'figure,
0 9 iusaos Tu utti lae utall, boy, stttitghtt asaSotx c,
te Co ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a tre fvreeacchesUtoted tators of tu
aotest '0 's -5'b + "os.xev a -g higi foreliti, tstrightuutose, hevy
t03-at a taifim is f g- have 'fusrede acilesstu then i o i'tuteyiat.i ,ti ajasws adilston,sdeterinhed mut,
0 wu a z 09 9 wrldan beon ern ofconme a iti big white teih,piehretngce
m Hsmae tarrisona90ti 855 854 855 854 4295 amuity With all powrs. 'Tiis tietyaut enisutin aator'tes-
Swe i t si5086aiirritated'foreigni powers, sad thus
oks make 5 81n nasa s5to eu O i bou ik
Wmtus an o so0i90 t i its3so12 1a ied a dadly bowses itt ouro ('sOtt-de 17ek
at choco- Dillkebile sta2tt7i2sa8st 03 61 1 84 15t1iiindhis uuuuu nar 1t.it aiutswun
ohlo cram81is 52 am8:6 l91 2 45 Iata uteuv'e. G nr' I , bitaton tre.ties
on'~e&1 ko Th dfatssetne lt-0 -veei wciyfvlidrtl high in the air svthia ad ie-i pni
chocoljate Itarrisout for the afirnmative onmtile ago betweet Grece adt110tilbonra, gapdi h lice-rw it
tars3, - uti ho:"Resolved, That the ation "'itI bti t-Itr ito th e hs et oster tanduthestiturned it
iin getting of the Senate in tejecting the limllio 0 ititrtotlh'ato. Atribunal t helro-eli' tltuett trit
.the chooC td treaty of arbitration betsveen Diog- vided'in advanee is not lallittoistheou.-ivlet uigotcarat
the soda and and the Unted States was wise." touso n urolyale tlrsadtrueantihueoinitu tein tieasiiy as h
'Pie treaty provides for three tritn- as is a speclt boardAul ther ases ofuud ahpitWtuu it uiue
a1l, cute for pecuniary caims of letsspeei aubitrationithave ben suin'n's- teIutld wsila poro n
than $500,000, one for clainms of ovem' f ili wile genrai arbitratioun hs been wee avd
- $10., ,and one for terril silalacim is.conessedy usuesestu. 1Thueltuesvsre fturishuen,mtts- tere toss-
MC1 A sy mninaMeetthrce iti-imin ehrng'Sa econtrovesy, for istateelinthar.Tefrstwmno
ttbe ofvalue 1st. Therenmust he. a was albifated in 182 ndd ' a gner. tog ltltl iudru oa tot
+* long it want to be supplie by the am treaty and agiain ii 182, amd idth asf the oratorlad bewithed tem.
trratt; ndTheprh~sd tett~t° u t stwo week another aslririlhas tee-ni"An wheni te 'hltanhis tdusky itsnd
r -ty;igh-aoveThes hoa, treatye whunt
suuply the want, sod 3rd. aitlut not nade, .antd the quesioii is uot yet hg hv i uotwih hn'g
- bg eis cuntu' ala a g is bneIsethaed. 'Two inatons uniybi teatceestretched widi.aiirt andibsid to the
51ia effecs.Thre was not a want today and at swar in at short tieuntsud wht eb fIeSuhosbhl
fl-for te a ttenent o perimmuri thue-n how will fle treaty Ito effective? his race: im all the thinglbat ae
s chinsas they an ,,ly be settledulford Sihsbury.admiteI that thec Mo- prey socialb welmn ea. searate as
+ p .Aal olfrooidoctrine might be included ii the the fingers, yet otne as thim hand in all
bu fofa tai ti ra at r.,lmt tely"- things setial o -ecir progrss,' thi
R I te rety-inqustondoes nutp- Tbe second speaker on the negative great wave of s ound dahid itsf
vtde It. Na finality of award is se-,Ia M.T .Breil.H linc gis iealadtewoead
ly tO I cued nd encethetrety an ringwasMr.T. . Bukebio.He bsimutd hne wsson its fee't in a delinudn of
t heoas, urd ad enc te reay an brngthat the treaty excluded byy tifeeusweeapas'
madte fo no good but only harm, Inasmuch as everything nt expressly ineludidt. plls
the litigation Involved causes cnly 1bad Every matter in differemceletewen The Cmedy Club.
.60. feeliutg, ad does not settle the dis- the two powers is to be abitrated.
pou-tited matter. t weakens diplomacy But the Monroe doctrine canot be- 'Thec ('onely lb bas deided en
s Specilt. ecause the respwonSlbility at present coe a matter in difference becaus 'Maich 12 as thec date for their pro-~
is the chietf -Incentive of thre dipbonat it is .an 'International law recognized ducton Of "All the Comfors of
and suhatet aksaehrta the 'world over. Two persons having Home." The entire ast of seventeeni
- l 'the diplomat respoamable. The treaty differences will mnatually try o settle members is- holding Bei-we~ekly -
r-egers the onoedoctri'Tat their I bffily before going to laew, herals. The affair will becoducted
S1 te dtrmnl was meant to bei1 d and nations ould dta likewise, sd on the same plan a lat y - s, an
8ooaTQngU98 ihapparent ftontthe psiloa e I te hence'-iplo ey svould anot be weak-, Indications are that en ta s u ae
ten ounrt
Manut. Ingish r and if it he iavo,' d (Cninuedi on second page). 1 willbe suns.;erl

Not common co
with milk as co(
it, hut goesd hi
late made with ci,
Lots of peopled
what Good hot
is tillt they try 0+
There is a trick
the flavor out of
olate. 5c at 1

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