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January 26, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-26

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tic . Of


Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall andWinterlin
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Freh' every 'week.
Only in packages-
60o a pound.
Lowney's[if you
Jsust received a fresh suppl of Allegreti, and
Williams and Werners Chocolates. Larest tine
in the city.
Lunches as all hour..
R. B. JO1LLY & CO.
aos South State Street. '.
liot Choncolate
Not common coco -made
with milk as cooks make
it, but good hot cnoco-
late made with rich cream.
Lots of peopledon'tknow
what good hot chocolate
is till they try ours..
IThere is atcrick in getting
Ithe flavor out of tho choc-
Iolate. Sc at the soo
Just received a special line of
i(ulor Guaranteed, Qualityr the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money.
*Each $3.00 and $3.5.
*myinasiunt Suits and Shoes a Specialty.
.....PRICES RIGHT.....
Up Town" Down Town
6. State St. Opposite tourtfoss
"an Aror Mtain et..

RECOGNIZE THE WEST. Psychological Experiments.
Walter Camp Suggests That We Tise isy elsolog~it deR~tntieit of
' ~Coltl~r~iisst University has ieensilO-
H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~taRepresentative. dti igesi eiso tyia o ieti
- ttis ansoisg the stfedensisf That in-
WVaites- Usoip, whlo will relpseseiit
Yal inusefotlicisssigsssetisg cf hestiftitiots -wliiidi srcontsidered of great
eastern colleges to revise football iiolae otl olsd-r x
roles, soggests thast teesct be gi-sesieee ofoetl tefndits o
it eprsen~wave o~ltheConrrttte r1general stiovestietiftlsrollglsoittall the
tteiversitics es i-sugssand sihicoossof
osieses Procf. Stagg as the most a1(s1)irs-
piitic person. Ithlterieat-i le oititry ts detertatise the seereil~s
of lie phy,4iclal sit rniiagriswtis of
its tii'atso (iatipssays drtissthle lte
students, to shrow just hess msI
5etnii to lhtve oisse wlse irte W et is
hreredity mitt envirohsirttWave Ito (b)
'Well as the east shoutldt le givens°ills
wvithlinindstividulal andi lt oisertauin,
Olsltorftttlify lt offer ssstitesliiss its re-
tise interrelsi'tion oft traits. Thiese test's
gartrio elhsatges in the rsties ins tot
have iseess tussle rsitissst f2111) stt-
jtassupoint rte ges t iosisoif notsers.
leslie of Cvlsisitia tby lrosfessoir .Jsistrss
1.'pots tlis mtister lte('tiiessgoTtfinses-
MTI=el-r t Cts-li a :ithi oissst, Ihr.
Hterald, of ycsterdsty, says: L'tt nt 'iti hsssi. ttOtil rst
" What ''r. CacI) thinks tbest in tlie
stitet,' eidis 'e,-,sic,- ,, es Itinse, in l ts counttry at isissi, iliad1

History of thu Library.
Th u ilding kntowrnta the (tsermi
titissry tBuildting, cyss sscsicui Deeo.
.1t, 1883t. It cr555 olsessed fose withi
-10)00) rolnisses, shiclsisitItled tisi
rtitdical botoks. 'Filvertige anisoni,
iereasst sf the twso collectioiss ili tb-e
fotititeen iiiftervciiigycssrs lis been
si little msore tha~n -1(600) volumes,
tisginthfe fttl sIT to atibosif 1(1),0(0
voitttts. Mte aris itlt of t' btiil'i-
ing estissisteil 11sftthe it ook starek,
w-11""1icl siititsis of fire-isrootf construe-
tort, couiltdse-islve 1t3,40011 stlisic.
'Tis tiecssitstotenfetvolumsies lt the
runnsinsg foot of shielvinig. Ass ssverage.
of ten volisties tlt'e, fott is exces-
sire, lisssvever. A truter tsttttlsis
"e'vens vo les, b\hit-ti gi\''v+i -;isthe (s-si
iticily of liii'stluat-k iisi N0.100 Vii-
elites. iisth esir, 1i0,tt(ivolis

sc-eiglsf ts ist'et-ostseils oftifliiesestct's
-sulleges. i-ottit iisprobabcile tiat s'v-
if the eisllct-srefuse t to lts list'h
niss vIsicilt1their sdelegsates orsderedt
IUr. 1Ifverettsuiti' rofcsssr ttg to
lt's'iti, yet tse foostball asgi ttsssis
to isests sossss'tliit- to lie wsti.
"'Ths'elisleiss colleges tilit'isselres
have 'nottsbe's dispsoseid to s'ltaig'tlse
"nitisitissof disc eve'stsilthliss etitjeet..
Tlhcy have rsitist'r eoisoilei't'ti het-
selvet s s biy Iby far lit'eleadiers its oll
things lttive to do wilis tnirlean
colilege life, asid have gienerally te-
cotest aishotw of sisihority Its snolisler
phlee as itssisc'llent's', Ali thess'
tiiss betig taken into ztcotittt, it i~s
ai sigiilleant. tact that tfromitaiteasterc
sitiQe shsouldsicollie aii sssggesisss l'l
ts'evwest sisosild losvcaarelsrssetttve
ott -the easterns ecossmittee.
'The 'suggesftiss s-f Mr. Stsg~l's namise
hy Mr. C'ainisis eeissly sttisrsirite,
tbecaiuse Wiseonsiss ta slreadysla scedt
hit us nomisiiatissi, sitl(]oilier 'ivesteris
football mns, amsosig thesis Es-s's i
Wrenn,Ihave seconides thlit'suggesions.
Whetsflst'direr-Icr of ste sathleict, -t
tlstIileay schoiol wassckediwhait
lie would toifit(de swere sa~ppoitedtiot
ouch a pulace he vt-f sseh to tis-suss ts-'
stitiject, saying; that befors'otlier
thsings svere thsought osf lit'ess'eists'rs
colleges must first dlischrarge sthe rstit's.
cosssssittee ws-hich they aplissiltetl."
"Mort" Mentor Here.
"Ifolt" Seater, well k-sow-i to Auol
-Atiborites, pis visiltig at the Sisgiss
Phi .House. Mr. Seater iso-s lately rc'
turned ;to "lis country om.atabdes
)trip rout Souls -Mesta,,Uoiled Sisstes
of Ociumbi-a, where lie is engaged in
the coffee growing business. He will
rosesdna in the cily about at week. Ina
Iofrder tht his mtany friends sxy
Ideustify him the D~aily voltumteersste
informaflo -tidal Mr. Sentter is thli
prouid poscissor of a full grow i beard.

tisysissi dl 5h sel l lists of tlist usls-t-ersfsc, i'ccsi'are-t' osiissy'full, hut
detrusiodly lhst's'ieess iis'itsanytuti- ui-have' tilt oserflos'wsif stssuit _90,00i0 vsol-
sersisy or- 'sh't'e. Wits' sress,,t seniocr uites,. 5siitsst sicthirteis- toiusti-sniss-
citis sOf CttilissitstWs"Is-eX41is ass iistto5 rtsry sisslres its the isisis ssrlk. citlies
frs'sississssyeast'.siustilviii s- iuiijt't t ssssirilrsshss'Icssit iltsA-i' lasts of
si es-usi sxscssussttssslitfor' isules tis-htuhilhi, ltS iit' suit-half 'of
:L sCct~n ! S'inlnatlt~r beore r~adr' ltis tnbiin',ad<i ites' usiliusgesiwthsie esitisi
lists to dttrtiriiieft-eis- Itsysiesl and ora-it ft'he ber-si tory-.
toessii guw'sths sui~dtosi sscertstiiri Thii, usaiss uresinsg iuuiusissestts210
cslstfer they h-sic-csuic-eteet or Istilhtitea'sttsi. Inithe isist.icWo yeiils th is
its s'emiovinsg certsainss iieis'i's'w isvhith'seitg hass oftusu 1iset-usovs's'tixes. 'titt
iiey pi-eioiusly exhsitbhittd. This'Attica-- two 'vesid'iqig-roisseisfor asssie'ss''l ss.-
theists (temuinary uosris), si's'fususisiss-i
leanus tsyeiscd-ogis'etl Assot-intilinoliss hbe- fsor - li' tu's'okluitioni sit1it) resitders.
e-osncdeeoly ierestedslin tshlitse Iiiysi' Mist' thissitwit's'tlis t iussuhs rset osts-
(ml 1usd iitatetntrts of shissiteho. A helled-tInhd aste'isitiu Iisitl itus Isust.
rasusiltee cyts spintsise-d to sirsri is Tieis the presenoltcniioni. W isst
scill lieth)({nftcnfvyer ic?
a teresof tiss t si-iss -tin Its'foissess- ot i et-t i scy'ihss'
st edmit iisshrto- tsurtict.
i'd it s os-els tussl siilegs's. l'iis Oii-Where imay blinoes; lteri'till hssirily
5011cc is cusil)seesiof Prsif. Couchl, Oftic li-ss. As tic hooks sat-are' its sibet-
.oitiicsi-hsairmisai; Prof. J. Jasirow,-.ter c,'oustition to jsusdge. 'hie aversige
Usii'eriisit fW issonsius; P's-f. it! .'a-snual lk-acose for theisist lt'see
sansidi'r t'iUrvcsiy.te t0'f. ye as -ebeen atiet (',000 v-isiutes.
ILiglitner WlTstier. 'Thse tests schsicli p~is 'si-oeeisyetoh e o the s i thie
the coosititee 'prepasredh are bSstissgaite, or evess tietes-,giitse it.bisk-
adoqtcdincautiours harts isf thss- isist- at istismony hoIhey Socks. Misc 5 ueiuis
try.-Browncit hlds. *at thie eind of list' yeas-s 10.000 athit-
toesl boos. -,Mr. (Carlis;le is c-ig'ht -si
Pupils' Recital., iss-hacsesyostexpressions. "'Thee 55-u -
unuiversity of lt-ese chays is a collec-
l'lso first hiupiils' recsital for isis yeasr lion of hbooks.' PurosideuntDwight -of
-wcill he givens at thi shoolhtotisf Iuiet ale i'oiveuoily, usnIsis last repeat, iii-
luding ts an action hby hits trustees, hsy
todaiy, Jansisay 20'. The tprogrsa'isss cruth the Sic-arn bequest of 'twvo hun-
eneiste of piano, violini and 'tocal shsesitiosenanol dollars wras addtedth sa
nunibers, ussd ase those taking iPart arc 1110lisbrary fundt of that lunivers i ty,
among the most advanced tsuissnusaeys: "Tise Influsence of this bieque-A
lbe -- hel, the reestls illviibt an unu- it 'is :hopiedilliibe to call unore speck S
scaxil njya Ic n -I~loingiealleustios n the part of neste I as lz
usualy njoylkl on. Folowng sthers hsteres tt'I ho the tinic--creity, Iso
the programs 1o be giveis, begineig theinisipottaticoe of ,still fur ther snereas -
piromily sit 4:30° p. iii.: isig crite iissfor' ihie pur'h'ase of
t . a. Etude hn C sharp minor.------Chopin Looks. In all our las-ge Inesittla's of
b. Meunetto Scherando B. 5tavenhagen10rin tethu tsalieqreso
c. Etude InC minor.__-_.---Chopinlanig hetoguseatieegiesc
Grace Bassett. tiSOSOenost interi-ehdin Their growlt
I. Variathon Gavette de Corecus ,.. -- Tartini
AietLong. ar unng, 'more decidedly tha-n eves'
I. Before the Dawn ---------Chadwick before, toward their dtevelopisent in
Cinrs Jacobs.thsprelatlieThnedolr
4. a. Sonata op hi, No, I d sinor.Iieethoven tih atcl ie h edo ag"-
b. "Spinning Sou .-_...Mendelscohn lbraries 'for large usliversitists is coot-
0., Ballade et Polonaise-------Vieuxtemups ing to be more and uioro folly usppre-
Marie Greenig.elated. 'T h lasges in Itie teethocis
5, Because 1 Love You.------ -Hwe n eond feucto lrh t
Palsy Burke. an deadsoetuuiiswtshp-
6. a, Valse in Di lat major -------Chopin :taun to ens era renders the need lJa-
ib. Balade in A fSat major ----Chopin - uiefr nvriy ieor.
Louis Eihei. irtv o niest ieor,

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