tic . Of VOL VIII No. 84. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1898. PRIaCE-3 CENTLS. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall andWinterlin Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N. 108 E. WASHINTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Freh' every 'week. Only in packages- 60o a pound. Lowney's[if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY PIPE SALE T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Jsust received a fresh suppl of Allegreti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Larest tine in the city. Lunches as all hour.. R. B. JO1LLY & CO. aos South State Street. '. liot Choncolate Not common coco -made with milk as cooks make it, but good hot cnoco- late made with rich cream. Lots of peopledon'tknow what good hot chocolate is till they try ours.. IThere is atcrick in getting Ithe flavor out of tho choc- Iolate. Sc at the soo Ifountain. CALKINS' PHARMACY. WAHR'S .OO0IM 0ORE. Just received a special line of SWBATS i(ulor Guaranteed, Qualityr the Best. The most satisfactory made for the money. *Each $3.00 and $3.5. *myinasiunt Suits and Shoes a Specialty. .....PRICES RIGHT..... W AHU'8%100B STORE Up Town" Down Town 6. State St. Opposite tourtfoss "an Aror Mtain et.. RECOGNIZE THE WEST. Psychological Experiments. Walter Camp Suggests That We Tise isy elsolog~it deR~tntieit of ' ~Coltl~r~iisst University has ieensilO- H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~taRepresentative. dti igesi eiso tyia o ieti - ttis ansoisg the stfedensisf That in- WVaites- Usoip, whlo will relpseseiit Yal inusefotlicisssigsssetisg cf hestiftitiots -wliiidi srcontsidered of great eastern colleges to revise football iiolae otl olsd-r x roles, soggests thast teesct be gi-sesieee ofoetl tefndits o it eprsen~wave o~ltheConrrttte r1general stiovestietiftlsrollglsoittall the tteiversitics es i-sugssand sihicoossof osieses Procf. Stagg as the most a1(s1)irs- piitic person. Ithlterieat-i le oititry ts detertatise the seereil~s of lie phy,4iclal sit rniiagriswtis of its tii'atso (iatipssays drtissthle lte students, to shrow just hess msI 5etnii to lhtve oisse wlse irte W et is hreredity mitt envirohsirttWave Ito (b) 'Well as the east shoutldt le givens°ills wvithlinindstividulal andi lt oisertauin, Olsltorftttlify lt offer ssstitesliiss its re- tise interrelsi'tion oft traits. Thiese test's gartrio elhsatges in the rsties ins tot have iseess tussle rsitissst f2111) stt- jtassupoint rte ges t iosisoif notsers. leslie of Cvlsisitia tby lrosfessoir .Jsistrss 1.'pots tlis mtister lte('tiiessgoTtfinses- MTI=el-r t Cts-li a :ithi oissst, Ihr. Hterald, of ycsterdsty, says: L'tt nt 'iti hsssi. ttOtil rst " What ''r. CacI) thinks tbest in tlie stitet,' eidis 'e,-,sic,- ,, es Itinse, in l ts counttry at isissi, iliad1 History of thu Library. Th u ilding kntowrnta the (tsermi titissry tBuildting, cyss sscsicui Deeo. .1t, 1883t. It cr555 olsessed fose withi -10)00) rolnisses, shiclsisitItled tisi rtitdical botoks. 'Filvertige anisoni, iereasst sf the twso collectioiss ili tb-e fotititeen iiiftervciiigycssrs lis been si little msore tha~n -1(600) volumes, tisginthfe fttl sIT to atibosif 1(1),0(0 voitttts. Mte aris itlt of t' btiil'i- ing estissisteil 11sftthe it ook starek, w-11""1icl siititsis of fire-isrootf construe- tort, couiltdse-islve 1t3,40011 stlisic. 'Tis tiecssitstotenfetvolumsies lt the runnsinsg foot of shielvinig. Ass ssverage. of ten volisties tlt'e, fott is exces- sire, lisssvever. A truter tsttttlsis "e'vens vo les, b\hit-ti gi\''v+i -;isthe (s-si iticily of liii'stluat-k iisi N0.100 Vii- elites. iisth esir, 1i0,tt(ivolis sc-eiglsf ts ist'et-ostseils oftifliiesestct's -sulleges. i-ottit iisprobabcile tiat s'v- if the eisllct-srefuse t to lts list'h niss vIsicilt1their sdelegsates orsderedt IUr. 1Ifverettsuiti' rofcsssr ttg to lt's'iti, yet tse foostball asgi ttsssis to isests sossss'tliit- to lie wsti. "'Ths'elisleiss colleges tilit'isselres have 'nottsbe's dispsoseid to s'ltaig'tlse "nitisitissof disc eve'stsilthliss etitjeet.. Tlhcy have rsitist'r eoisoilei't'ti het- selvet s s biy Iby far lit'eleadiers its oll things lttive to do wilis tnirlean colilege life, asid have gienerally te- cotest aishotw of sisihority Its snolisler phlee as itssisc'llent's', Ali thess' tiiss betig taken into ztcotittt, it i~s ai sigiilleant. tact that tfromitaiteasterc sitiQe shsouldsicollie aii sssggesisss l'l ts'evwest sisosild losvcaarelsrssetttve ott -the easterns ecossmittee. 'The 'suggesftiss s-f Mr. Stsg~l's namise hy Mr. C'ainisis eeissly sttisrsirite, tbecaiuse Wiseonsiss ta slreadysla scedt hit us nomisiiatissi, sitl(]oilier 'ivesteris football mns, amsosig thesis Es-s's i Wrenn,Ihave seconides thlit'suggesions. Whetsflst'direr-Icr of ste sathleict, -t tlstIileay schoiol wassckediwhait lie would toifit(de swere sa~ppoitedtiot ouch a pulace he vt-f sseh to tis-suss ts-' stitiject, saying; that befors'otlier thsings svere thsought osf lit'ess'eists'rs colleges must first dlischrarge sthe rstit's. cosssssittee ws-hich they aplissiltetl." "Mort" Mentor Here. "Ifolt" Seater, well k-sow-i to Auol -Atiborites, pis visiltig at the Sisgiss Phi .House. Mr. Seater iso-s lately rc' turned ;to "lis country om.atabdes )trip rout Souls -Mesta,,Uoiled Sisstes of Ociumbi-a, where lie is engaged in the coffee growing business. He will rosesdna in the cily about at week. Ina Iofrder tht his mtany friends sxy Ideustify him the D~aily voltumteersste informaflo -tidal Mr. Sentter is thli prouid poscissor of a full grow i beard. tisysissi dl 5h sel l lists of tlist usls-t-ersfsc, i'ccsi'are-t' osiissy'full, hut detrusiodly lhst's'ieess iis'itsanytuti- ui-have' tilt oserflos'wsif stssuit _90,00i0 vsol- sersisy or- 'sh't'e. Wits' sress,,t seniocr uites,. 5siitsst sicthirteis- toiusti-sniss- citis sOf CttilissitstWs"Is-eX41is ass iistto5 rtsry sisslres its the isisis ssrlk. citlies frs'sississssyeast'.siustilviii s- iuiijt't t ssssirilrsshss'Icssit iltsA-i' lasts of si es-usi sxscssussttssslitfor' isules tis-htuhilhi, ltS iit' suit-half 'of :L sCct~n ! S'inlnatlt~r beore r~adr' ltis tnbiin',ad