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January 25, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-25

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t~fWI Thiln floor of the gnin a mmu and ti'tli a iek
9 actlve work on Feb. 1Ut. It is tiler-
Published Daly (Snays excepted) during stood that light "work on Starts and a IX0SP5Yi jr003 'Wos
he~leeeyer at' very 2Oay use of tie running tie'ak V s T k =AT. .
THE-ONIVERSITY OF MIfCHIGAN; w ibete order of the day. The
Orrioca:Times buIding, 329 s. Male St. be- mnagemnt are praititularly deiroUS TheBorrym an Studio
iween.Liberty and Willam S. Ofmin in the -sht put, high1 jump
MIANAGING EDITOR and Iol valt. 't,11 last event wiltSceso oGbon&Cak
.1. . Tos~, 0 L. reC lye eseial attention and It is ex-
BUSINSS ANASSB sctIthtonofteL. A 0112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
0, H HAN, '5Wi.llu be ouhlee in' erary to stat
EDtTORS- the itiil right eon forii. Thleanw ple
iiLB . D. SKILLSSAN, '55 ., Athletics. is here adany ii-n nwho have donte La T Should the Governor of South
E L. nissn, '0. . 1D. HO UDNItTTT '5.98vutn eoeaerqetdt e
BLm&.C As,0. '.I.oo ,5vattgtic rerqetdor-
I. A. CAstrEnni, '00. A. C ~miPL, 'ss. pyort ealy so5 [iiat they may le Carolina meet the Governor of
F. EsoeissAs, '5. tbougt -mot shape for t(ii.31i(10+r North Carolina P
meet. _ S i u~
The subscription price of the Daily is 2.0 University ot Wisconsin at Chicago. On the banks of the raging Huron"fothcolgyerwihaeuardivyheoldndubs:_
before adds each day. Notices. commnica- h ol odut a
tions, and siher atter ntendedcr pubica- The t'mivcsity is W- -n-iili-"I' ln -im etennon
tion Bust be handed in at the Daiiy officebe-pikdI'ment t"tsalogiebtwnnwad-
tore 8p B., or malied to the editor beore 23ti)[kageit itittt eleso tiiiath July , and if you want to be one of ._°
p.; oc the day previous to that on which gyinstic cauritrat to tiefeld ini ('uk the oys-in other words, a live
vaeepce oa pear wire-you had better take the .
ubcri ptions may b efiet at The Da'iy cago the atter ist iOf Vs ruary. A NRy YAHBRs
wace, Myer's orStoletsNe wtlndorivtdelo uec nlK ne s
with Iuisess Manatee. Sahebrier iiiel iiitcton-ofiitrsgtii (i :iLcti
tr a favor by reporting promptiy at this being sliest-a a:Wisi-onsimiad LUTA SA D5NJS
offceany faiiuren ofcarriers to deltver paper, stildxe iloiarys'D il
Tofnet')i mngrtcadsi the events.'ihe imentwhlo will cii-1'"
Th Itret n'nto)e H ll"pose tie Batgir t a niare: And get the current college news The Washburnis the one and only
project to raise sutsript~ios.foc :i t'sa hummer act I understand the make of wrld-wide reputation. Sold
cup Ito tie given t10 the best 1ilcotiMku-k- Iilbiiltr'11 ii1 beA-unprecedented offer of $FOB ismade." y first-class dealers everywhere ext ro-nly
oieht- lMchliiIclikawlto-uld Ba~dle. ~ b ad=Iiae r >u,=utr uh:ntt i alw Think I will," said the other gent,
Aatiicntl tire-y,-ltiersamt they took'drink-of Anne r-.,asbur"i urned upon the inside.
brin tou iett.ati((le ntlil 1:yikMngmme-a TrsIvbi md oi or aos ae.A beautiful Washburn Book contaii-
tov arng it is t svhaloiii e'a m eoyid. Leave your name and address for ing portraits and letters Kfromthe De
hav ien :i ilitie toeteeloets50111' Itorse - It~e ku, Egg. thinlst. a regular morniig delivery of the Reskes, Calv, Eames, Nordia, Sa-
good iier [le)ire-,led .11ics isiL ttl, Abrecht and ( tsts. DAILY the rest of the college year at chi and loo other fanaits artists amd
seem.l so great mo utyIt it will fall ill)rh iri19-oAor)o the IT. of M. DAILY Office. tachers, mailed free utpo wn request.
-tbhe healvier ositsno lter. Yle itioo- Illt iPtixMlotmeyrat, Adsrss Dept U,
Leed tier gret kicker of the '17 team Pliei mom ilf li, olmies, gSt'lla~ols.32$ SOUTH MAIN T.STREET. LYON & EAY.
Iii j1ut this 'wily, animilMeiiian 'itittl ad i SaePoe CISPISi 15 taat.r. Wabash Ae. and SdiamssS., hiag..
more sttdets tt-ands even .m btter sit it sng 11 lul~te.intr ii fiiciiig 18
sitow.- Lt (very ot tiit his slsuliir tohliis, Sutire anti 'ratt mci' tit-'
tim the wheeland1 pmov-cthat illtteias fol-imios iiici iii ile t'i'c-tiis1
spirit is'Inot It e foumd waitiog iaiw f~lYs ml ntel''gllg l ~e A '' ' to
- "l'lt al ee efr. )AIt' t( 'DANIIS r'tgNOl'TI-t Sm ile
Itt is rumored ihat'factionslise at XLi iiicwo t its-md to Iy fr te'
it agains"ino the Hititlinano Socet, 'I1' his-Itnw teanil are reuesteil)QMING-w
ach side laiammig to 'li-set-che "nily ll ti.he(~-naims lily
origins1,t f of ercms amd otts-retaul.27, t 4Ii in. At it-c stik wii
sami~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~sol anbe-tslt iosr'ssand 1 ls'2.) HMS it'stl ti i thtiA II~ T N
isnone gensmhite without our igilt- ln1 ttsesotIatllo',l1 ia ~klJT I
tae."It i i tt ieciteithat1pith- all slisislibl ttli-nt. ~ JJ'f
i-pt a Snrill socisty tiandei t ogtier Subscribe for the Daly. The Moses of Hils People and Distinguished Orator at
tit tie imteests ots-iemnc and t sls-
erted to tmhie ahhg art. 'Truly tii' IF YOU WANT THE BEST
m'iststiy for bouies in thii'hoileps I iii' h
deprten ul;t )4e~n ~hnl li FATRNTYSTTINEY, University nai, Saturday Night January 29
set of ofsltenli rrenit 5iloltl Ito ( BADGES OR PINS-
,aottili. 'We heTiarhst hi tie' 1 Send to O
tr'escmlcs'oitc-esis-sthe sunly =fli ot SMITH, STURGEION & Co.,
that preventeid.ative hlmusstles W1\e 237, 23,243Woodrd Ave.. etroit. "SIi i h Ngo rblm- Tukee.:
wih tDttim e-is hsSt ~~ eslosns and estimates furnilshedon aol wrt Sovn th Ner PobmatTs e .
tie o-is cwhich c~lmtrllollm'li51 mcii ___ell___________ Dr. Angehl said of his address here two years ago: h"He surpassed the
to the illtlttts'iiSue of llw andm oriher high water mark of eloquence in University hal"
WitIhmin ssr scredi tl'uimo'hs it is to
tic fearedi tbrah mi-h in tituhck wsil
tu.C repeated 1,u lsis'fsstilet rme hluollalbe - me- A dm issi n 5 c
seiottitlsetlitis1)0h901y tin's: 0310100i
wsihol'ut isto t ile al his'c5ite~t lO'i
micesay matd te mpe tiat they will " .B eason Tiket fr Remaining Numbers $.25.
not try loit oile tt'ongil to it- " Reserved. Ticket for Remaining Numbers 2c extra.
inittinig snothiem. ''ll's is tot ribi imi
gtapsatii ofe Slitill s~limil s-ill i11 1i otfCONSISTING 055Q-r
anur hols ortisti- t$ATHENS THEATRE $ Sosa's Band ----------------------Feb. 26
poaane ofti-aik canididatsht t111Ortorical Contest-- -------------- r-- ------March 18
--- - - - Fn ,. Burton- -- -------------------April S
m. .iiiiin. iol m nn ' 5 'sul'stsw'}

lie'tftily zip 41mrightt stirt is itil-t'tl O I ~
to 'll canmdidte:,. iulihtrh -Ait:e
lisv mcmi. Wihi f iste '(years) it fo $
(0112 tob ltheeshihtlshed tliiltO
svtiho traimners thiatt idos.:- cwik signs ' U ~ r
Io b oinh' io idslgetd in ve Iie
lcss the slow rounding ha,) sha-pe bi Frsy ixrws -$10
- steayyand undrate exemcie:1is ap- Parque,5
c a.td a4bing lPmefyt rnotgg alle r 26. 5
aretd s~fl ng likely.tagugsot $ Galqlety.a..l..... 10
alritdy begunmtoron hliis moen-oa lie

Men's Winter Russett heavy double sole, shoes for dress ,and
I evening, also full assortment for ladies at equally low prices.
Gym Shoces-Ildea' and mhn's-hhach nerge-atl sioest -c.
WIf13, . AP R I-L , 119 F. WASHINGTON ST
Subscribe for . the U of M11. Daily.

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