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January 25, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-25

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Ijc . o

SDAY, JANUARY 25, 1898. Patiat3 as.

VOL. VIII. No. 83.



W 1LHas received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and:Winterlin
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoa tings
I Ch ool ates...
' Fresh every 'week.
*Only in -packages-
3 Sc a pound.
Lowney'sif you-


Just received a fresh suppiy of Mlegrecti, and
Williams ad Werners Chocolates.: Largest lines
in the city.
Lunches at all hours..
RZ . .JO LL~Y +&.CO.
808 South State Street.
Tooth Brushes
The kind that we sell
for 25 cents or more.
If they. shed .their
bristles we give you a
new doneno charge-
glad to do it.

SO UND MONEY. jRecital byr prof. and Mr. Trueblood
Professoi-anidiAlrs. Truebiood give
Prof. Taylor Condemns the Re- It very iseassitt rcitai last night at in,
the Fi I tttothst titrel. histvs w
port.,as Impractical. ti rt a p itance of tie Piofessocs
and his wife itt an etertinmtiioftIn
The folliwiig is takein fromt a Wash- tils kininli Anti Arbor. Te seics--
iiigtsl dispiltch to a Detroit paper: itons were well reeved !througot.i
-Pofesssor F. CU. Taylor his writ- Te program witas vtritl by several ti
tea a. letter to tile isietay tibrs eadercil by the T -l tiep,
coininisson Itls ,which it ledisc'usscs antd Mndotlin Cutbis it
their recently published reprt. He The renditioni f the .adiliti Club iw
doees net agree with all the-recomn- ws f a parttcstiry fsmpulairntron t
miendations'titontained therein, al- aid Isook well witti the atdiette. Thie t
thistght commntding the wvrrk of Ite folowitgIS the progrim:ti:
conmmission as a whole. He Is$inot The Yelow ad Blue............ ...... si
-itirey satisfied wllthe r'baikiitg--------Carmen Mtciganinsian g
feature 5f tte report nor does -hele- "r n Tech Glee Club. Ii
"BnadJudas,"a story of Southern
lieve the generali plan of crecy re-.- Life, by ...._Maurice Thompson ~
form is practicable. He bases flis on Professr T. C, Trelood. Ia
the sentiment which prevals in boutliTetlsssipag W t ti
Tocit Mandolin tltb.
liues of congress agaitst Itle retire- Te Setof 'rurqaose.Tihom- n uuy Adrih e
rut of the greenbais. Prof. Taylor' Mrs. Traebiooid. fi
writes: ThetRainbhow Daiice.f....Gorg lRosey t
"If I put out of tminid for the at- TeeisMtsiiandoini Club. n
mot fhe quet-isa of pactcatbilityI heeisMuiin the Atr.. .. .... ... .t
..""". ""","" Arangedty Wbster1t
find myself readlug with almost til-'orthtGer flub, it
nixed satifactioa and apprval te Scenes from 'Te School for Scandl'.. l
opinionantIricd-smitendattons if the-------------------------....Sheridan 5
ActttI-Scenee. AttIl--Scene.
i~oietal'y cornission, aid this both Str Peter TareicPirttesor'robosit.
ts respects tihe eading ideas ad also Lady 'feaic. iMls. Tebod. It
te expedents fproposetd for cariyiig
Gut these itleas. Indeed, Ithfintk there at toRevise Rules. n
is but one moiicaton of any import - itir itti-s i i'lrealVer
ane whioh I holid be inilinei toSit itiestill imiet' t amte Putt-c-lity A-th-
urge; and that cnerinslthe Sli4,le t[ur(.'Ittiin -Ni-stYok oii Stistray.
proposed for securing lasticity. I do Feib5. 19, 'for the puriose- tf again cce-
itot consider theso alIto;-etier tadesuitae ising ltefiotal rules.
paticulatly itte sile of contrct- Sentmii'. ago itoe itrtsd ii
1illy. I think evi-y 'batik shotmul be thie'gamte t the taitilo smuiiersitis
prohibited from spaying out he inots t!it e I-st aei'igmltt i'ISonott'ai--
of any other bank. ut flis amiisttuus-sicear.aa tti-eite
Unimixed approval of the plain oat- V iesrity Athlti Cubi to cli ii's
lied is based on the assuitpstiiitht tn-gHarvard, riinctoale
it is practicable,iad that assuptioni tiriteli nd PI't'tseiaiia htte tsi-So
seeuts to be unwarranted. There is ivited.
no chance of passinig a bill sviihIi t is s-ery likely tat ilii' sine itii
provides for thle retiremen-ti of te still Se caled-sIptiioito seves-c so c
gteenback. If this Se grantetd, it is s'ntativsoil the cites ClltittS tsas
plain that ins-nderto briing otntt a -sialt it at lt-elastwIo-isiteetii s,'s
thoroughly satisfactory project of r- }lici thte foloing werectiele teiters-
formi t would have besninecessary Wallet' Colitisof Yale. Alex. otti
for the commission to recoglic this iof PriincetonI,.1. i.Sell of P'eista
limit at tie outstet, and the himn ac- vatmfa ;osepilt S. St-am-sof tHarvrtd ,
cordingly,. otvevnr. fie sork of tie a.DmiisofCrml.tmi1at ts
conmmission-'rwill doubtless ronlrihume is-S of tieCUnitetd Slates -NvalhAt-a-u-
gm-aty to definming the srf andi degree Ityaslegteitig.
of reform which tie county itants_1
anid in the long run will get" ! UNIVERSITY NOTES.
Baseball Prospects. 'hle htiiiSof regients tiet today oI
oter'the ttsual otine.I
1-ooshthib MtAangeT' Heald slid I3.hae-The nries and pleys for th' base-
shl Managertt" ith have bath re- bhuh isge hays'artite.-Tie netig
t tuned -fromt hicago wheir- -sfe-- Is expecitelo arrie fisteek.
incet'were held with Stagg andmit miirs, Students of tie iiversity Interestedml
in 'aigIag schedles aimministintn otime mntiiittry tre cordially inviteil
ira'tters. -Mr. Kieth expects tile cg- to isit tie amiory aily eti iill
will arrive itanediatehy andl its soon as ulitihif (Wenesiys). foss tra gr.
It Isiaciec the ad~ive 'baseball tvork Cllihsit.
will begin. 'With fromit10 to 20) can- Professor Tylor is atendig Idet
didates for pitcher and other positions Indianapolis soutnd moiney eunveldi i
as well contested, there is every pnos- as ie delegate of mie Atn Amibor Sus-
pect for some prime work this year.tmess Met's Asso-atiost. In cne-,
qsencele vil uno IeI is class to-
ftas-Ke'ne, a Chiinans-a, has regis- day.
tred with ithe atletic authoites at Tie 'hindttilaotrtmntiet -issls 5pubt-
(tornehi an a candidate for ecxwain lihed ye~terday gave tie nath be-
o° the fresbwmait crew. HIri s already twttn Gore, '199, and Durand, '>'d,-1o
phwitcos onraIe bility -ad is the ml er thrugii a typgmphtcitii
cla)(e n fosrholing te dace are irrt r. - I. Gore ton by-ia score of
good.- 15-1,15-2.l

Factofy Made tSpeeches.
'Te Daly it in receipt of the folow-
ig circular fromisa uirmthose namve
e 'wrihold. ,Cd mnumictary would
.10nni e~sary. It is snt lacking
- mt ceitatn elemmnmt ofhtmno:
"We-mre at the pret as In the
tt, supipiyng tie busy istideaits of
e counry witha ohllins of Literary
rotlmt-tilis. SWe stil olimnie to fr-
ist 'the highest quality of liteary
-rk at te viry lowsct rlt. We are
o strtmmigs ts the edimatiotalialghsti-
tons of tie cotntry, amd our tork
becominig more mimtd imu~e ia ec
[isy to the studmetnt as ie ieomtes a
pei-tilst illed-matin. tild to t'
Aim, -svho, as the victimmif itts'entam-
'lance s sforced'shtim ietfilsalitetay
ibom'sfor -whit e has tneithe the
ie nior te adiatailty.Ourti 1m-
muastmg busimmemssvilteti'lfy to the
rtiti of this shutemtemt, ms weh as tin
e ieits of omrttork. Imm tie lst
tmetieim years uihnm'mg wh-ichm limne-ve
Lavebe cidcii tim intgtistbusiness,
thiss inreimsdfmom it, merely ocal
nstittltitmto the iiitssof lie Englitsh
peaktng tord.
"Of you whio hit-i' mit ltittmmee
to hifore, w st- no sthimgiSea t ris.
"We dshont am olttimitto secuate
hanm the' qtmesmi(ifo en hoesy.
We reipireIo monemiy int adtvtnce.
"Oum-picetstre is follows;': ifgh
tehorol 'rttiismisanmile~says. $3 to $;
ohei' t'says oation" amndh deates
13 to $15; listhlit-al Ohueceties, $;10 to
'30; leuttts. $10itoP $511: siermo-'s tfrom
k) 'cents 'io $25.
"tOttu tt-ork it-i-guamatee'oigials,
with liii' xeithtioms itt tihtittwpieih
'i-rmmmtims. (Ket-emut-oseth leteflr).
" We iareYours t'immldemiahy.
"StiA IhK & {1t."
Inter-Society and Dept. Debates.
Pitt-msaset hiting (onmsiereih first
aiets of itttr-siiue tainiut-e it-
memt deibmtts-mes't stsmmses. After
tie tuig debate is ovserini-ri-t grue-
ally- tgs 'in1allhhlie dbttitmgsitti'tes
amnd it s thoutght that u eres of tde-
hbates woumld tend to enivn that in-
terist soumei-w-tt. Latst year tere-
sm'wedteiis it-iss-ethe iiikAtelphm itnt
-ti-rersottitm, andtIws'esi'n he AIts -
Nit andutheth'WIebser Strietles. Tie
success of those smaleri- onlests ed
time sociteies to iomisi-a it lutistcocam-
hlee series tis ear. Sime shene
still lie'des'ist-ilwherbiy eachu soet-y
wtihl menet-fevtery oiler soety amd the
wivinlg tamutstill intbltihttie ocey
thtey aehiresi-mt to 'hidtihte hu'tpnptn-
shill for thue year.
I-a stit a series.it great mnty umoe
m~en titl iaeiiiiate int he debates
;tan is posstbhe itt the preltminaries
for thie big cotintest and also there wilt
Sir a echance to develop tuin twork
wvhicha leretosfotre as bean little en-
toltrag ed. Withi six seciemeu ltr-
esteu, tie series will probaily last tot'
absoft two moths with debates evry
two weeks. 'lie fal schedule will
ismrsbafly 'be made known it a ti-w
a Forbes ?Ilas -been seleteti f onIa r-
yard's head casaaai ext yeah.

Just received a special line of
doulor Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
-the money.
Each $3.oo and $3.5o.
{ Gymnasium 'Suits and Shoes a Specialty.

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