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January 20, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-20

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t:ic U. of


Hasreceived a full line of Novelties
for Fall and;Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
600 a pound.
Lowney'sjif you


The Committee Recommends Im-
portant Changes.
Prof. Stagg, of Chicago University,
Prof. Everett,, of the University of
Illinois, yesterday gave out for pub-
lication the revision of the football
rules. While the committee has om-
pleted its revision of the playing voles'
t asks that it be not discharged at
present as it is intended to make cer-
tain recommendatiors for the instcrue-
tion and direction of the officials of
the game, and perhaps to rearrange
and index the rules as a whole.
In its report the committee expIlains
its purposes in making the thorough
revision of the rules. It says:
"After careful consideration of the
rules it was deemed advisable to make
a thorough revision. This -was found
necessary owing to the presce eof
several obsolete rules, sonie contra-
dictory ones, many atmbiguous or in-
adequate and a number of which act-
ually needed to be chatged for the
good of the game. Your comnittee
o orked along the following plan:
"1. To make as few changes as pos-
sible of the vitai points of the game.
2, To make such changes in the rules
governing the game as woold reduce
the chances of injury without destroy-
ing the nature of the game. 3. Te so
change certain rules as to reduce the
occasion and the opportunities for


Exception-=Any information may be
a defense 'for a kick, but no running
'play shall be chess-ed wvhere tle form-'
ation does not confo r 10the ahove
rules except that on a kick in the
ease ,for a bad pass or a fumbe re-
course may be made to any play Per-
osissalble under the rules."
Rule 30 is changed in the hope that
it will encourage the substitution of
fresh men for tired out or injured
players, and so prevent seriousF in-
"If a player be disqualified a sub-
stitute shall take his place. A ilayer
may le suhstitnted for anotto-rat any
time. A player thus replaced cannot
return to furtlier participation in the
The rule ini regard to scoring tas
been changed materially. and now is:
"The following shall be the value of
ach point in the scoring: Goal ob-
tained by touchdown, 5; goal from
field kick, 4' goal from place kick, 3;
toohdown, failing goal, 4; safem by
opprnents, 2. The report gives the
following reasons for aitange: "me
present table of scoring is unfair. By
it it is possible for a clearly inferior
scoring team sometimes to tie another
superior in everything except goo I
kii'king. It is too mueh to al v two
points for a goal from a touchidoswn
and a goal from the field certainly
rarely should merit counting miore
peints than a touchdon n. A goal
from a plac) lick is easier to 'imake
ithan a drop kick or touchdown aid

Treasurer Weinstein's Report.
The following is the report of Treas-
urer Weinstein, of the Athletic Asso-
ciation, for the months of October, No-
veneber and December:
Sbscriptions X.. . 1,338 52
Menbership Tickets (42)..,. 1,384 25
Football Receipts*.......... 7,809 61
Baseball tReceipts ..... 6 02
Tennis Receipts ............ 10 50
Privileges (W. C. 'arker) .. 10 00
Fines .......... 1 00
Total ....................10,553 0
Notes to Bank with Int.....$ 1,453 18
General Expenses ......... 140 44
Foottball Expenditures ..... 6,191 49
Football Expenditures ..... 151 07
t'ennis Expenditures.... 44 04
Track Expenditures ..,..... 108 25
ttalance in Bank, JIan. 1, '98; 2,471 46
Toiai ..... . ...$0, 0
- The following is the football ac-
Gaines, etc. ............ $7,809 61
Salary to coaches, training
table, guarantees, and sup-
S plies ..................... 6,191 49
Note and interest to F. &
M. tank for Whitmore ex-
penses.................. 301 5
Balance .......... 1,316 17

Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, a
Williansand Werners Chocolates. Largest 11z
in thecity.
Lunches at all hours.
R.. J01bLrIY & CC
08 Ssouth State Street.
Tooth Brushes
The kind that we sell
for 25 cents or more.
If they shed their
bristles we give you a
new one-no charge-
glad to do it.
Just receiveda special line of.
Glulr Guaranteed, Quallty the Be
The most satisfactory made for
the mony.
Each $3.oo an $3.5R.
.Mnaiem Suits an- Shoes a Specl
........MMfES Rl~ttT........




fooling and unfair play. 4. TO should lntcount as much.' 'letal' :7,803 61
straighten out contradictions and to The old rules provided that fter a The'vhe receipts of the football season
interpret ambiguous rules for the ben. touchdown te side which had been of '96 amounted to $5,510.99. The ex-
efit of the officials, the player and tihe scored on should be allowed the kick- penditures were $6,079.05, making a
spectators. 5. To enlarge some rules of. In thisway a teain weak in de- loss of $568.06.
that were inadequate. 6. To cut out fense was placed somewhat at ( is- 'ie membership of the Association
obsolete parts. 7. To make cer'ain advantage. The new code provides for 1896-97 was 307 -as compared with
changes which would make football in rule 16 "the side which hais lost the 401 this year.
still more a game of skill and scienc", goal shall have the option of making
rather than of chance." or receiving the kick-off." Alpha Nu Program.
The greatest reforim which the new Important among the explanations
rules 'provide for in the prevention of or interpretations of ambiguous rules At the meeting of the Alpha Nu So-
fool playing ismm the rules regerlingore the follosing: '-ty tomorrow night, the folowing
fouo plpyograiniwithebeugisene: Musng!; im.
the line-up. No one is to iutrfere tile 3 provides "across the goal program will be given: Mush'; mm-
with or even lay hands upon a player line is in goal" ra-ther than "the gol promptu, Mr. Wells; reading, Mr.
in the opposing line. By this rule the line is in goal," as the old rules read. Simons; mielate, "Resolved, That the
lines'are practically required to stand The definition Of a safety is written extension of the United State navy is
apart. Holding in the line, slaging and is intelligible as welias co alete. a wise ohioy ta "'hould bo econtin-
and other dirty play will be prevented. In rule 11 the provision is made that ued." The affirmative speakers are
iScm0e snapperbacks have been in if a ball is kicked so low that it hits MIe-srs. Ioidy and Carmody; those
the habit of drawing the men on toe the quarter back or other of the kick- on the megative are Messrs. -Wistrand
other line off-side by a feint, and then mer's team the ball shall go to the op. and Juttner. After the regular debate
snapping the ball before they can get tonents om. the spot. Tile old rule there will be a general discussion.
back. The new rules say: provides an exception in the ease of a The rest of the program will be: Im-
* "If after the snapperbark has taken fumble in a scrimmage, and the new ln'omptu, Mr. Graves; poem, Mr.
it his position he should voluntarily rules add "or in the cose of a mmiuff of .Gisuss; and sibyl, Mr. Paul.
move the ball as if to snap it. whether a kicked ball.
Prof. Wunley's New Book.
he holds it altogether or only moment- Among the changes limit add oimerB
arily, the ball shall he regarded as in Important details to the rules re: Prof. U. M. Wenley, of the Univer-
, play and the scrimmage begun." 'lute 19 defines strictly nd clearly suty, has just issued from the presses
of. Two rules are amended with the when charging is permissable. This of Henry Holt & ,o., New York, "An
hope of preventing serious injuries to is a point on w'lleh officials under the Outline Introductory to Kant's Crit-
the players. Rule 22 is changed to old rule were constantly liffering. 1que of Pure Reason." The book, al-
prevent injuries by reducing the op- The new rule says: though only 95 pages in length, "is
portunity for heavy and compact "Charging is lawful for the oppon- written in a concise, lively style and
ty. massing on certain points in the line. runts in the case of a place kick, ex- gives a very adequpte digest of Kant's
The rule as amended reads: cept the kick-off, as soon as the ball n:onuiental and epochamaking work."
"If when the ball is put in play is put in play by touching the ground."
players not including the quarter back The penalty for charging sooner is The members of Collegiate iorosIs
be 'behind the line of scrimnsage, then ten instead of five yards. In rule 21. will entertain about sixty ledies and
two of these players must be clearly (ci limitation is pu.t on the evashon of college girls in honor of 'Miss Jan.e
outside of the position occupied by the rule for the carrying of the ball Addams this afternoon from 4 until 6
-the players at the ends of said line (Oontinued on second page). o'clock.

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