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January 19, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-19

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Sl c . of



Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A l le g r e t t i ' gs -
Choam n Wrer colates....es ln
Luchs t l ahoud.
prefut Ser et
Just recivd d. re h at we o selltad
W fla o dWrn2 e ts o olae.L re.le
i f they shcity.i
Lunchst leos. ie o
gltdokindtha esl
.300EST 0 RE.
Just received a special line of
-('uor Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money..
Each $3.00 ad $.0.
'mnasum Suits ad Shoes a Specialty.
.....PRICES RIGHT.....
Ip Tows Down Town
8. Stat at. , Opposite CourtHouse
:Ann Arbor main at.

Miss Jane Addams to. Address
the Students.
Trhe "Lectnres on present Day pistb-
lenis." given under the auspices of tiie
Students Lecture Association will be
concluded hby the addresses of 3i s
Jane Adda:ns, of Chlicag, Thursay
anid Fridayix.evenings in 1niveity
Hall. OnlTiursdiy Wiss Addas
speaks on te "Study of a ('iicag)
Aleriman," whilie Friday night she
delivers Mer celebratesd ietre o
Miss taine Adldans needs no isle-
dnctisu to sociogical studunts. I-ir
fieldi, the Mull House etlientt, has
icoine te nost iotedl social setle-
ucont work in this outry. Mliss Ad.
dla us has 'beein recognizied inot sonly as
the imost sucecessful worke ill that
fieldl, ht as the highest authoriy n
thle sciailssroblems of our gre t ii-
tei", of topsulato. o ractical has
heenrilc work that it -fored tie re(g-
nitious of tw ltiiaiiis oilslii'hisis
beeii apoilted Is imiportnti civic psl,
lions relatd to the clanliniss auit
purity of the sity.
'M'iss Adiains lhs writennusmierous
artiicles for te leading maggazines,
aiid of all engaged in her line of work
she is mst sought as a putlic sleak-
c, always receivingg(te mot. entiius-
astic interest of large pipuiriani'.
ifinces, and the 'highest regad of tico-
found thinkers on sociological po-
The University iublic is fortnate
in securing so noted a persotege. She
Is without a ieer as wrtei, worker
anii speaker in her paltiular hteld,
antI is a tdeligitful speker ois any
subject to whichi she chooses to give
her attention.,
Engineering Society.
A lecture with stereopticon, views
will hbe given before the Engineering
Society by H. J. Perter, M. IE., of the
Bethlehem Iron Co., in the lectuie
rooiii of 'the thysical laboratory oii
Friday evening. The lecture is a very
interesting and instructive one toi eni
ginees on the manufacture of arir
plate, ordinance work, and heavy
steel forgings, and has been delivered
before all the prominent eagileerig
schools of the country.
Handball Tournament. C
Thle handball tournament is assured
and play in singles will comnmene at
A a. mn. next Saturday. MWathes will
continue on sucessive Saturdays. The
tournament is open to all membe, of
the gymnisium. Entries shold liso
mtade at Dr. F1itzgerald's ofice in ts
gymnasi. No'fee is charged.

Whist Club Ranking.
Thle University Wisist Clubhiatects at
Prettyinanl's (amupus 'Ctubi Thursday
-vetting-, itt the usoal 'ions' 7:4:"
o'c'loc-.k sharp. 'liie-exectutive Ctotii-
litittee -iii cons-enic use-haltf liouri
earlier to ta-uset inipi-su Intbsiness.
The tpresetit stainig of the lease.;
is i the followving order: 1, P.W.
Joises and,21te aster; 2?, Fiatnstiurg and
Biurkhiardt; 3, tlKuynor and (tsre~slh;
4, Driggs tltdttyde; 5, Vrdier afid
Veidier; 6, Bowens and flJsxhu"'si 7,
tllssviortthd Itussell; S.'fiompsoii
aind Felker; 9, Dietericts tint wig ill;
1O, Otiapbelltad tinJaraest; 11, tove,
sitd t'irson; 12, Stcliiaii titilSti-.
wvood; 13, ()Gross ant Wisner; :14, Ilieh
isi (irssdlu'; 15,Slillur aidi Sturceli;
16. Fisher itisl teirdsicy; 17,. tirptty
tint t'hiiitusont; 1S, ;Shuiitlandn
t'raiitoi; it),iheina aridViiorhcis; 201,
Clrk iand ldltmiii:21. l.a~nli anid
t'ri-itis; 22, Marshill aInd 1.). 1.'. tontes;
231, Armostronig intdThois;24,Itoli-
iiisoii aid Bats-ock; 251. 1-uniciston, and
Br liisit; 26, Cooni tnt, Hodges;
27, Dhanforths tid Dainforth; 28, tttuit-
tley aiid (JiColo; 291, To-onses and
ttuntley; ;30, King and. ilaislielsis 3i,
Skilliian aiiil tel; 32. troso andt
('onlon,; 33, Bigeliow slid tGabriel.
Athletic Hoard Meeting.
At the ineetinig of ithe AtIih tlBoard
last night, 'lreastiri r Weiiiteiii lie.
so-itedt tis rieport for te season.
'Stailager leiotd troptosed, Ihat the
A5thtletic Associtition start a saltociriti-
tion for a silver ciiii to iii-otffuredt: o
the beat dropa kickter and priter-. '1ho,
matter was lditocver aitd it was felt
that there would tue 110 dihiilty ill
securing the necessary ittinis front the
stusleilts. Manal ger Kieths reported
that Bay ('ity- was ini viiw fo'r it s-
ie of psractice gaineis early ini the
seasoin. Mr. ('alahbeil was Itilor-
tootS to puon-liase a tpole and srtibitig
table. The manager wvas euipowieredt
to put up a sign hoard in the g-yin, to
contan the namtes of record holders
-with their reco'rds anid the dta. rThe
-handb all touirnment wv's iiassedsll)11-
en favoraisly.

Contains Many Short and Breezy
The Jantuary Ilansder is out today
wilts a frontis-piece entitled "The
Campius ini Whiter." There is an suu-
usual nuknher of short stories, a very
toinienudatule feature. Very intertest.
tiug is is short, articleonsit "the First
F+rench t(4raiiar,"tiy Join It. 3El:[in-
gev, jr., iof the Frenchis departmtenit,
Karl Edwin. t'arriiunsn, 'tS, atrilb-
tes ton aritistic tfiatdroiitic okeicn
tunder the bhiciig 'Tbue Girl fit
' eriysvihli.." '1Pie stiiry hlds the at-
Icohiostthrottghoiitttooldis a most se-
inirkaible 4di'ioituent. A. At. Smith.
'97, hitassoit lice dtiicting the fil-
iimast-seiosts ciilsi'iitiilcis 0-of 5t viry
slight nisundertaidiig. 'the ut.N unic-
suuiiiig title is Toiuoy tte'bruikt's
The uothiur story is tiyAMary Duty
S plicer, tuandidscrihies tioli esuhia'r
tiositioit of a younig sociity iian tti theti
tuior ut'rl'usstnadti. 'Tie iuteiest =
Sviii siustainetdianddthei'llot aftoruds
soimit'luduicrous, sitttissn. 'fVise lJii-
iiir Civil tEngiuneer's 'frill Northi,' iii
Ps'e{tItI{. Keefe gives sit accoutittof tit
ianual ixpeiditionit hy the :Tumistuiriut
gieerinsg thiass fur hti'hitit'ipose of ac-
Itttuirisg at hrarhical knowuledlge of ots-
-contliuuud ty Wot-hitgiun in a very
-'neieu'isstyle.'lhue utoutiamsousnt (f
poetry is lackinug, tlthoughthsat fr
ufui-tti-it is of good qduality. '1lhtre fat'e
tthe sususal eutitturial continntistook se-
Svies sandihclippinhgs frot ohsisimuo"it-
The Yale-Princeton Game.
l'hi'Yasie-t't'ieehiu gstsis' at New-i
Htsvensntted euachsof thet-oiilestanls
r $2,000t. TheDutily Priite'tonian its
it editorial satys tile nsuagettett was
perfect aid tnat nil argumenuts tioat
such a large gausse would list p.ay Ar
?herieby xefitted.
The truistees. hasviing itt clitarge the

dschsolarstihuiuddoisatedl tothss'Uni-
Adelhi rogrm. rersity 'by the '07Tilass, Teluirt that
Adelphi rogram. about hialtfsot the sun is invested aath
A deatae will he thse orlesr of piro- tsat the reinuaintier wviii provtatbly be
cEedings at the Adeiphsi Literary So- invested souon.
ciely Fridasy evening. Jan. 21. The de- Baseball Practice.
'hate read, "Hte-solved, that thseUtited About fifty baseball candidates re-
Stats souldownasidconrol he ponded yesterday afternoon ts Cap-
Nicaragua tGanstl. The afitrnalive will aaBt ,aL O b. ub
be isheld by F. H. P'rentiss, A. tL.
Osgoodand AFP.,1. Stead. On lteneg- ive h- I were batery "men and these
ative will be F. B. Me al, 1H. C.CGal- vOre ass'igne'hours for pract~ce. Te
boun and W. B. Pitkin. ther& were rdered totke light gymt-
isasiumr work rutitl the cage arrives,
The ChessChunt meets tonight in the. when regular practiue xiii be outlined
EnHghnering libraryat 7 o'clock. 1Ioto'he m.


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