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January 18, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-18

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AIL 'a

SDAY, JANUARY 18, 1898. PRICca-3 CF.NTiP.

VOL. VIII. No. 77.


Has received a full line of Noveltit
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoating;
Al legretti's
Fresh °everyl week.
Only in packages-
60e a pound.
Lowney's if you
Jest Received a Large and Elegant
L±~e of New Pipems
Het and Cold Leeches at all hours. Ages
tor Htlylers ad Williams and Wersers Cc
Chocolate Baa Bees. 'j0C
908 Soute State Street.

l DR. WENLEY ROASTS. i Board of Control on the Schedule. Ganapol Recital.
He Pays His Respects to jour-toserasDeri rbn: Beitwlgveacupmnay
eseerlyeieesSoPinll' tes, il atgiv e r 11 1 :1"0,lill'lonl'
lal1in, "Some lle li'lllet'5 of tIe .1tit~'~ sp sehlI i N wiely Isl, 11
astsu11al11ylst (ldy lieruIolll, isin. 111111llleaglu .keleha e lle kno win il tiJoephillN K'lllt. lss, of IDetoit.
Sfew cweeks s Iielece, abroadl tercl.4' tie eees les e,:n11d1te a s i 1t1th e larnest request ifIs lIil..s
oleill, his lee, e. o ellesel , illcs lledeo slsll ble tl e cu e llionslI t 1111 IIm (tillAllbl, M. 1titl~o111lln
IN and(1til he 1 twhalttal ll wo ha telague itsetif. It is undeeriso tht Ihe Ilets h o are111 i Itee sleti ill vcalI
sotreeful year,esocilly a11d1a,:all- leatttel' will lbe hitt largel tt 111111ork.sthough 11billg awel know
e'lln'ielly. d(nt tltlic'board I ils ya ill-)11 I tt let a1111techr eill otierit ties heit
l'tltilily Prof. VWenley said:ittte tprossor ie Iliibll t ni it 1has not1 Is Cli e1t1rtaintted sit AttitAr-
"slo-I'Inly earlng-tis cont-lry, I tml- dItillettil 1111 1111- te idoIllsf, I 1111toit 111a111dien te.
Tl ttt-lewelltl'e5s t as if thilts wre a bta kilen tils week. fitir 115111 111115v i ttIof 111111111111 lIuge. Is is ana
lttlk of 0voCs. 'oIls tatle l i lbl~ IY hilly only i to rotcfl'Cioti is ad1 tht i ' il f ins tie ll, il'is a nit t ve (f
tilt'wittiest wain ll sit IliyiltI tess owullyr t tie s oeteully II I ttii 111 (-- tussl1a 111i t a eldI~l Ite f till'Itoyll
till'bylthe I fl f l O el-Ilgillcll'iltylIIdevteltped 11'ifa,_l__ge___h___r-I It lt' llv tlelt tf 1f111sa 'a h eC (''icll ll
flskcd rpo~n lis rettiu trout 1 +ypt oItattitsisItwnttilla e in pilit iliy histieIII usour Hub n'll i
lily if ie famlty 11111'still tere. Rn. Rutterworth Dead. 'itketsieof a mi one otl y 11bett lltlt l
It'li lll liltII'I'5orIott it hCII5apgattl I iY i~tll lediil t 111.1111 fsi 11115 S 111: 1 '21111' (ll.l
notItwi., t llnotocur to l11 t D tl'Ibefore , tll' r llsililsH .Il eil Itdjf. e
weIrIll ithere. As nIarI a1' s aI(' seitt, tilt a«c~ilC . \l. lntrw 1 ,1 SC. A. Endowment.
a slitileent c I te i tratailt. '1 opular11 11 ll t lhilltttll iir 1 Iloy ll III. 111 A nI lvclllI' ti hals 111111 11111fothtto t
-~~~~~~~~~~ Itv ieitt fhn ttlli' i ____________ -lo~whe'ltdenlilt ll- sitIl "We' -
utyrf. entolistaibyut toiires. isl Iii-siJohsontand t11hre RepubliantenI Is 115- bibl chirtit teit siys'd
lao-ilh' As regerds lily VtCCCC offtilt-
accttd italsvtosntiny il ct' land' Io- aet.udsrafil n ~cIr siseiitily a hthlle itnfuttier 't'Itr
bT'est stdollt Itr ae AnI b o isg .1 Ut lt n S to lly lsi' t tc 15111 ir aioi' for(1 ,tnye' i no:111, buI ite
sarond the sn o n n'fo l tomywanl- e l"o (sBu t iot presid en onof It' y. Inoto, ll (r's rc tte a 101 (tite 'hp ity
anetfotttheaneIwpee sishnw oaswerdthIeicmoste abh e ohisdgerabi- haNesmedyatdelIittitletfsrmtsr t litt
110. AsIt its E ast lest -- i b rth u l r stad l tcl some or 11111 tttylllflimtheitfelty It sisit 111
neve eittansder1 th rsthla" Ci- ~vte ilootlns obeitko l-ibsrtlk,- -ld n hnigtrovr$,0 n
Theei tnnoayuthtce is byt a of Pt-s . et ialmotet a'Utto l'U knows n calld I11s fort.a o t;5H a, b e lci y u ,s rb
leyc e^Si I l ikel y thositt attend- oh solai g by ,elepitone athsrlforhIling l Frneh Lawn oftohe sB auet
> el~rsee eitt t o ottd fapon tatIcilsi'. nand besrdlliat tiroscsillgsbref le- -~iil~u L . a d ll o h n
hav gsive:nAttell55otnytoheil'est-iyeatis111C
. '99if to g igets a tokrt"hel eus oilltid:ys1'iotositolilis t atoath ed weltarte Illy11
nnl l rgrsen iw fteunf.Jonontauti th e publ nt icaisn lo 1 ' m il tltt'~y10ttiiie
Thr i epr ta h~lwlt1011treie Cyo lteung elts te o1. slitttte'd: arhlfofi
t e noker sooti. helCs vtte ae v r lbicn etw ietrue, migmlt, w i- ii tlltlh'-tthlts. toftill r'wm nIdil5ny4ly-ha heb y ."oly
n bst teoss t itt lalotiepllelthaittshav oThe. foso weixplclaipnl "t, rakenalitor- 1T1h eneeit idf'atetylIn' t as.
but s oiludeg rae febore.rorcsll Testemneinprsaturnay'simeonlytoateomebabel nd -gra t efforttils ,v.itii-e
flitsthemas easo he etaiy poe tfetthattcopls.me.I{declinson al Ittadtuotmktheedwmnst el
eFittnhe nlvreinfomItion whwh1 rtfseticaactaspisIatiet woldivey. Prsof.-I(esir, t~istinow, coductig
favor ofad orte dubjecr avc cglegn- erilygainzerfoogwith'stoeduti e Wly.seduigilywe t
spiri o elatan pinpinecvtionseveravtet'cvlmtichIloer h e tersity, of is thedtli the nfeshsitvof",lehang i
teer enofadsmilarotre hld the touestund etoo 1askedtyoutlton effota.pe sls tnwoe ert
yhs noneinso f earthisn macithr imnotintened aspaPre-f. 0 lncstnetlte iei ht
le eercevdb -hoei te delionsonnthognorroestismo oigFreth oLwtsta oaverBanuth.sl
Threis astrdong aeeplse.aondthecubed heamloingearfsymtate- ih rsn ls i olti h 0k
met mebAto ieinvriyo htg it teojcsadam fkefrhl a nd elgoft hanesare thlat
" fao9liyoinGfvr oainmudiger. "lgTheitemnSaItubrda'clTms an-d I IatsSatuillbea stag bnqtitlti surim
in he is - f vens t h coststo sall igiv t tatesculdont aveeat t o sthcaies andt seldwig omif evlr
ceoitt the gyinathecruivatitthios asprigpubniol ime chbwiletrumi ih- so etFan, iirrdgn.mig

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