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January 11, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-11

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i. , _: r1_ r.

inbers Will Attend

VOL. VIII. No. 7L1


She Will Try a Plant of Graduate
Has received a full line of Novelties Cnrl
for Fall and Winter in oto
Sits, Trousers, 1Ii lo i ! i =« 1W(wcj~ i% t c
Oxiii 110 1 11101ine osobeeir nil fool
and Overcoatings aii ulle i rmlei
__________________ -i.ln--caesof kii--i-iird l lilivircity to
NO. O08 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN 1(Ii1A irnlicAllei-Aii-
loll. 1Ii ;1,11 1.ri 4111 1a nei n ofliii ;ii O
loiescw1111tlivo nlntii lfoin Now York.
i iw-lo l lld te icilily. 020 ls lii ini
A lie gretti's lXosII 11 i a ii,, iiiiilille eor tlli i-n-
Iitt gndnn le,1o co-b n11111)11ll dt l l
C hoco0001ates... hlrinke f' it-Icive n-irkofr an-
Fresh 'evoryl week. sloi 11 a ih-fr leller Ito1111 Boil -
Only in piskaes-
t0e a pou nd. , llors of Arts1, oiiiiliiiiig (Jo- Joijoclo ofa
Lowney's if you th-ie~il l1iroos 1 ila~iaildi nfhi
a lo-eriln-oar111all lnini it, ,nilicrei
P AIMERS H ARM 0( 1101100. ( ,1inhoige, for 'J.iinnnr~y 2).
The ljel(."if 11he-orgainliton. i c'fi
________________________________________________44,i i (J e u-le ,is o I aid ill .rcy--
Just Received a Large and Eiegantt a ii cg 1the-1111iliolloof ltito cratidn 10
L $ eo f Gew PipSSI noinliiil o of aolilleli- liii -eretl f-
not and Cold Lunches at all Ciour.Agents foid Jliioo1li iii)it ie- s ei- i ri-co ii-
far Huyler's and Williams and Wirners .s I~il 11tralo lf rtt ~lt
Chocolate Bon lnoes,- 11 oo frcli o
IF? ~ ~tat~ Be.J .-L.7 c) I 11111~il y-ll'ic a1ittl'ro, 1111
300 Southn State Strt, oJ Jl o -illlily icriticiisilieIt
liiniiiiiil~e of ti lie fns;Jo; Iraice tie
noi con iy F ilinitly for i hii-ilrl'l'11iti'
C old Stap ci u4o; ;11i1lastlly 1Ilrirno-liienoniin"-
irnt< \%111 no helog ilfinen iin-ed by -iin-
Com~1ting I lei hiiinl lbiiy-to tlicoil In ioe
it 1110 iui of i ollali acct111 il frui
al: ireeiii exiei.e hololloiii
Winter in niot gone yet and, all extract froli iarteitoriali ohio-li nai-
more_ winters a re coining. A ,
I 111-nro il l th11e- Ira i-i-n i--It rlilol i for


olnuIIIge if lero"onlitiy e-c"i(ry )y0nr% PROF~S
gmndiial, oeafotl can lruil iiof n eye-
toii ill atlioin iiilkilin,, ese in Factulty Alli

nit to hie x~Ice etJ. Institutes.
"Tie talk :1110111 1 fvori 111 illi('f- -_____
ferenee,' anod iiolitOhe nliclril t Ili- T'I'le fiiollwn111Icl i ly piilrf~ot O
ii ios of i1tronilo mi-blk if seiiiieeo iilwil 11 0010 1r,<Tt 1) lii I Oroee 1 iiei1l:b
1iierollegiii iiliii 0t1s1 a oona if (117 n t e lbjii-le 'in lE't, aiii i ill li
llellseln. 'Thle* odienl dihlliy XvI-l. 1" n aniilpln-ee tii--il InI-i
le tin-k of ltie cihole oitlaieuisi l Ici Priif. B. A,. Iliilni1- "Tn-, tin--il
tz11.cic'rgl-nilnaice 1110 lielit ilt o ),at,;1)li-l C 8 1loiols , i 1 tH' ill C I i-k. $1. C 1;1ii
1 h~leyr(<)li iiiny Withloutol org-nnini-iJ Count"i Fridna- iv(-i-iiiii_. .1:nn. 21 ; .Ii
liei'ndri- friii oili- ieilo Roi meIt o , , II(ni-citilt I ollili - Sal i- i-
five 11011 ( 0t011g. ioidireilno i-c iiiii,1 ,"- .
olin-nd, iiinili-1-g111it. 1t.nr?? Itlli-i)«'+V1.iii. I-eli,;4
iloillin oif thue heyono-J wholin sit1)- Proi. I.It. Me-h~-ilf luI j l i i-
lli-iloby nnOw s"Iilenf 1111- i -ill- -of 11 .nd heSe'''1 1 i-(lll Iwiilao- i dilon:-
inkln ,O.-luitilli- ,\cli-in 111111. iliiciel in.I :111I
11111Jd il-ceo r niir ii l-D siail , >;len' Ionlxuia(i.l 'l lnidl ii lni}
i11111 liiI il 25 . W iliil1 11 .,
I11ntercol111liga e igAth 11 1 uledici.I iV(f. iC l i11. 1 - T-1-h. i, lt tl
'gD ingioiii ill, '.I(". in : l i ll -ire 1 a
lpia eil ll; iii nJof h-, I Ii- J ollic - J-b i y (i -- I tl 1-I
ili toXtilil lion, hn; Illininisting((41-.a). 28
Asw 111- 101111111'-. -i- g l-r.1 i ll 1111n"1llI dohills?"ViI Cxford. u0 1lf. l C life1"
1100011 ri fil 11- ildnilofl iii-e ir-niiYo lkt ioni o n y . 'l Iil dynfI riu i, IN-.
milsi dl wl, 101 dilln ts11111 feet1j101aeh ll id}hebo , it 1: mh te NV !iw ('y 't ,
111010 Ic-ill he a1'Outereil. Iiri~ Prf. lI. F. ioIg-hsoll -Cm,-- illIt-,l

tion agaist cold winds. Saves
doctors bslls. We have marked
ours dows to close them out.
If price is sny insdiscement
you will buy whlen you see
them-for mess and wosnen in
almost any size. $1.00 uip.

fhlll-Yi lic-, Iillliiwlllig favoirnally i-n
the 0111 10 111t.oclond1ec ('rIli it ycllci
of it lllti-' l'iiinnag eiiliiilil: lteil tilli
1111- 01(111 nent'klic-oc lnfr 11.1 00-11I'd
it111 hl-hii-o,:a o Cenilleoc sctill.i iXtlilh
tlirnllgih elr del)olrtOliei o-(f sioJIIi
Ol1 ld Ideed tOl'.0ioslh t11e-0wh1ole- (f Jh-

________________________________________ s(0 r0011u10side (If111t-eluniversity rifi-,
is0an later ciki a-f permanent llorga i-

Just received a special line of
Color Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money.
Each $3.00 and $3.50.
gymnasium Suits and Shoes a Specialty.
Up Town nswn Town
"S. State st, Opposite Cosrtlleise.
Ann Arbor Main st.

iclsiiols The polic-y (If 1111--facu-ltly 1cd
lie 11111cr sleireroily ofiliso te1011.
till legl~laiolt of .Itlelii-cand of 011-
viatl qcstionso enfir 110 lososcJ- tI 111
lliderginclllnwste Ihemselves. (ollbge
affalo irsiIthesiefields sony be cnkl to
Jbe umlber t(le constrolof the 0se11or
ils Ic-of ends llparticular yenr.- tl~nli
iblsscaso i1 reachies .Jisresoncsibttility
11 (nelco the llrolbleans it !srust meetcctI
tiuc very ;Pest ,of its abilityPul tots~ite
is so sonrt Ilic jest nositttac leaned
snc'wethcing hy expierience ititli is ini a
pisjc15 to neoiiipioh swnetiirg;
grasduatincpiutsantabirut ~end to 110
of tnotuuty. Next fftsi nothtir ectitnl-
ly green Oct takes OcicargoThtus Ihtere
etin rll'erble lily reasl contilniy i
11(00050 i>, With seolt a. (."0i11l)1(

'lni~ihle of tDam,(lleli ' Ainial," t
Reception to '98 Class Officers. thhni-i, G11011104 mlliy, Jr iday a111-
ilolil i-Nhl, 11};ati!Ml. Vlanil ic-
M'iss uuiieSo-InlI-l- andtl l iiI--h-- 111-1111 1 Iilrtly, 4Cdl liIJty ift lr-OllO11;
Ilic foIPomeroy.- vicelpreside10t.111111
iliolplI tensof ltii clisnof 1110 give a11 he g llow0 ing;1profcciii OJreton it'-
rel~y unhite anilielighl parity Ci - Olilb "jito ~
undaly eOcni , Iail. 8,illinloitirof trof. D. I, Worlir-"t's (111000
Oni lassttof -t,,iait111ic'se a1010 (I moi,,IlighitePlliiu I;
nistoci Jiy the 1010-10Mll; l-l 11re Phtt l:r V. .- ;(u.iigtni I 110-il-ne llf
andth.toise'Pangeloelill 0Oiniithe lii Irtll lf-
tDr, Nocy--'Boc-erinl I jc1-tci-c of
dainty ref elttinnbc, Animlsao51111la ti."
to-otf. B . I"iolpon--4 usrly Bu--
Chess Club Meeting. Itoh Firiiu"
t'Ju'(UtsoP1111co-lllitltViNhie- Actjing-Preolllell Ituts so-; ill he
The ('Mss Cub illIli-at eill i pns,& t dtill':finl ililituli' nf Iii
duty n iltt ill7o'cllik li th1 Illgillor- siesstoln, to liee "ii l Ikte Agieisltin
lug Snuiety i laratory.- A eolll~ge C(olieg,, Fe b. 22-2.. OHs14liljollis ;110
1(a1 beost receivedI frnn ll Prdue I iyhet lulllrteliillciI
versity for a colrec. ponill'uie 011110eand
i1, is hhoewdththaislairge hhslliler ovill Becnuse of hprofessionaih l lel toiilcnt
Prof.IKio-nser icill rtils weeok 00111-
atltelnd this useeltiig so thust a full (.X- m hiseonorce .If lecltute to thuc
Isre .sion ofJtte c-~ires of thlie ilnro law trttes regu~laly h0 Orhle l fr
h~y i heobtained-.I hloxt ochlslel,

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