gym1'onloooritton." The (eiase etod
~L A f . oel OL R GE y Ii A llont
Published Daily (eaclays excepted) during \AD'DAN(FED CREIlT.
the College Yearta t 11h "School etodeote ol onA&iitieiay
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, i~t -en <3 :intl 4, ILachtorti- elyof leo2-
Dentin: Times building, 39 S. Alain St. be-
tween Liberty and William Ss. cralliei i ry. All Iltiflil School eta-
AtANA(OtN( EDITOR denoti,,studelnits tromt Normati selhool.
J. F. THOMeAS, 97. o1 litt(l(ms'mti ust be e-'aline(t. Si-
ATHLETIC EDIITOR dent,,;f'rotntherilttlle.t esF'ridaty he-
II. B. SKLIAccchrc, '098iL. to ili 3 itnt 4, Lahotelitry of (iGtierai
BRUSINESS MANAGOER ('htoiitry. I'. C.'. tiElt.
0. t1. DAwn, 'it ttilETIl', ,COURlSE 1..
ElDITORtS lirt(ii<t 'stildnilte-worite littotitt'
E. L. Gecancen.'90 L. BUTLER LAsce,'0.'(. curse' 21, Developmietof it~eiti:ictil
F. S. Sesame. s'98. 1. A. OCAnPEnnc, 'tO. ctytieilttitit''iiiot-1
F. A. Foc[K. 'iS E. A. CAMPEcntnt'ii.
G. D. HUDeteTc'00. T. R. WOOnnOW. i9sonThuItirsdaty, O(ct. 7. at 4 o'tlotk.
9l1l) N. Main Sree. Opposile
the Cout Houese.
The nubcription priee af the Daily is $2.501
for the collete year. withl a regular detivery
before neon ech day. Natiees, eommunica-
tionsa otheier matter tntended Car publica-
tion mut be hiattded tn at the Datly aflbeebe-
face 8 p. in., o mailed to the editor before 3
p. in., of th, tiay previoaus to that on which
thereoexected tottappear.
Subscriptins may be left at The Daily
OfficeiMeyer's or tallet's Newtand. ar
with Biusiness aagaer. Suberiber's will cen-
fer a favor by reporting promptly at thin
office any faiture of carriera ta deliver paper.
Sevt'ral vacilleie onilie Daiily
botart, will lit'filltied ttin. Allitiose
imalites tlt'e mn,-lnitg etditor Zat once.
We 'againcaletchriettientilnof iihe
A thletic Boardto tsthe ineedi ftor eys-
lenatie "rootig' atithe otelie. Let
vell-miasiters ibe-selet'ed tiseaytt ble-
not 'tecauseot'hey hatie colicpll, atit
btetittittir esill ritify itself.
Iscipilt'antntiy 1l-vtctotiatittii fotr
lldlitissioli seill blieldtiot turdaotlty,
Oc-t. 9ih, at o llyiwe: Baihettitl ice. 2
to 4, 1100111 14; tir'ek, 9 io 12, itoo
Ii; Ltlin, 9 to 11, Rootti20); E11glisp,
9.?BRotm 4; Hisotry, it). 11oo110 :
Treinch, 1:30,htIlo .1J; DGerllici, 1O.
iRottmB; Botany. , 8, ooti 1;;Zoology
" 9ito .2, Rlootit 3; I'iyeiolec-y. 32 ts
:12:30, 3rdI 1'lotr Ittiliteil Biiiitg; At.-
troitotiy. 11, IRoomin22. acid 2 itt4, Oii-
seretory; P'hysicsl)9,l'lysiecl Iti'ter-
atory; c(iistry, 31. x leicrot('ettti-
cel Labotrtory.
D~I')Ait'f1fINl OF HI,'fit11 Y.
ONwill1to itt ti li;igt lttours itf work
from' ttist'eseltdown in lie Cttlenilc
liii' Depaltelt'Dof History cllae the
lellosring tiieinolct-it lldr. Abbtti
tkese iillac' itt"MI'. Bulrnhlamoaint
the f170tt0-'1 41'tourste ca -retritnttl ftor.
-(titlist'3,. history of IEnglandtto ;1Ill
t0thi ( 'tilitry. Letures, Tico-tlly altO
l'hcirethiy alt 9, 100o1ti 24. tii-ersily
Hatll. Quizct'titons, Mooobcy .2 it. rf).,
Fridaiy, 2 p. Wi., antd Fldait~, 3 p. i.
A firthetr qiicsectioni soill beit'ararng-
'tO fori toict- 3 fir Sil' t-h inditti4s i
catiot attendcithitr of thieset'hie
Couerse' 23 (Ruscsitt indtti iEtastern
(Questioni). I will ieet sitdeits sa
ing is elect Ibis couarse aon Wednesday,
Oet. G, 4 p. nol., inll loii 7, Tiiappa
Hll, to org-clime class aid dctcrsjin,
lie meeting. 1h. HUDSON.
.The mnembers of coly class is Chtance.
will,5 for the present, provide thieim-
Selves with S8weet's "Second Middle.
E nglish Pricoor," Henmpls "Cthlaccr's
Sie', 0, it lottr.e 20) i1,ttlt'rntF1,101ii
1-ros'), AN-ill itt given till lo1eatlay ti1id
Thuorsiay att ci tlocklRoomii ,,'I<ap-
SAla1,11 X i7. I5h' .:1C~
stutdient esiriuo s take Saitteci
-ntyirConliinc Ileislttotitit i lIilver-
siiy Ilall, XW iieresdy or Thnrsdaty al
9, 1(0, 11 r 12 otclock. All. 1..N-VAIfT.
(t111-BC ,hHI STtltY.
Wt'ndca~otyaiid Friday at :), Iootti IF.
Text-hbook,OGitatie IHisiory of G(id-e.
Tex-boitok Gardinetit Sioudensie is.
tary ittEnilanid. tocurse'5. advantced
cors sortite study of t'e 1Iltoory of
Eilglandn der.lth ie Ttutors. Houras tt
bl ' tirrtingoed wsitiithe, cltos. irtt
mee'iting WednedaiyOtil. 6, at 4 1t. it.
iitiintoom '. Text~tbookl'rtiitro's
(onsitutionail -Lortitticite.
Stidts itennito istake'Coutrse'3
w-illlplease triitg cite beooks 10 the Ic-
Durt' 011Thurs'tday in tRoetm24. Inircj-
Beginiig stiudents in vttetil art, also
those desiriag trtainintg in oleitio,
siliuingwill fBntd iniMr. Boris L. (fal.-
eltol, of Detroit, in attle aittl xper-
ientced tt'acer. Mr. Gaimtiltl i it a,
gi~t and' uitform~er teat-herli ll te
Rloyail ('etserv-toty -of tlluislt at Kict.
which ga-e lieiworldi str Ruobeitiein,.
Tst-litiktowsky, tGlinka intl illtltff.
IHouici-foriiiilsiloien in the A-iiniAr-
her class mitay itt'airrtingd with Is
C . A rinslrtttig, 707 'Chtirchts,,.
(lob thisee-iiioig; in Itotiii 24. It 7
ot'tcloc-k. 'Iblis woill bte a vt-triyiortat
lr-ittin-g lttitill uteilicere of ilist year's
cilititlstito pr-senti.
B30ONE (GROISS, Leade-r.
Saturoidayrt s-tiig. Ge;-. 0, te '.ii-
vost-ySc-hool cf Dancing-, Stito sO.,
a ittllipiitnlttirr(tiellig pirly. Olil
puill sithlothei'frieinrs acecinvitedi
aiint till netwstudniits aiceiiist crrditl-
thit follos-ing-we-eck. -Allwsoscoitti-i
plte Joiniing caecsttit 00 i
elarly tie poesihle. iirhtouectilgof the
beg inners class will he Tuieday evell-
inc.,(Oet. 32, iat0Set-ctock iv f s
Fire almost copleiely elesiroycdrl ii
ltirary of +tie State U~nivr itiy tf
Iova lat suinler.
----O TO -
TUTTLj~' E'S, 48 S. State St.
F'ound With Us
JACKETS AND OVERALLS-For laboratory work
Blue end White~witho large bib and suspenders.. .
One-Fourth Sleeves-Black, (Cotton and Wool)..
Everything that is Naw-Plain and Alternate Stripe,
Asnorted Colors.
Golf Suits-Golf Caps-Golf Hlose.
Do you wear an Imperial Stiff Hat-the heat, young mana's,
hat made-$3.00,
Watch for the Annual Anouncemert
of the
todelots Lecture ssociati on
%u tin 9,K eyer & Co.
- - Ann Arbor, f~idL
201 and 203 South Main Street.
are the; best. A full line Df latest Ladies' and Gents
fall and winter stok.
Call and see them.