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October 06, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-06

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the . o


VoL. VIII. No. 6.




Soudons Bookstore
Opposite University Entrance.
Second-hand Boolbs bought, sold
and exchanged.
Law, Me(Jical and College Text-
books at cut prices.
Bl1ank Books
and Station ery
AiRents for Waterman's Foun-
tain Pens, Mathematical Instru-
mnents and Sporting Goods.
SII12R[V ',& Coll Propi
Has received a funil line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and O vercoatings

Good Program Prepared for This
Annual Event.
,The date 'or the annual miass lie'i-
ing in the interestso'of football has
been fixed fer next En rdoy, Oct.;t.
The athletic association othi-ero area
activ'ely at woork making arraaiincoto
and earnestly urgc all inns 'an looi-
bt3' do so to c01110 Git and -not onlyl
iiiake the iieting 'a rousiiig oucceso,
but also oliowthe c-alitltitoo Stii l tDe
studeiit body is back of theiiiaiiilgiv -
n' a tieapty sorit. Loot year 5
meeting ooaositteitded, by oler 1t6t0
sindeiiios and the intluneiie f this
gathering was felt thiiona'tiouti liii'en-
tire oeaoon. Becaiise of the imiprove-
meets now bieing taditnt University
Stall. the manting wct11 ha held in tile
lecture rooio of the law -building.
'The program ha1115been lpartly aor-
raneged anid includes intuoic by the UT.
of \I. Band, informial siligilig by hi't
'Varitiy Glee Club, 1and11speeches00by
Professors tKnoooltoni ant Trueblood,
,Manage'rrdi' Hu tighics, ICoa-tes F--
tort 'and Stevoenson, Intl Richards,
ttogg aiid Renett, of the team.
For Pure Politics.
'1"hei'iilieers cit tie lGoodil tin ilvei
C'lubti lre lohnining a10 caiotii of iloioc
tililli tsuaml strength iii the intirtsoli
cleaii politics, Eoory three n ietho onl
opien meeting wi'll he held, led lby 511111
faculty mioamor or a trotineniclt OUt-
cijectimiot in tdiscussion tic terst.
L is not time puosof the'clib 10
it-ingie in city or college polities, tot
it is fearedit that buy ouch liiitie it il
it womullditegoterltinto atimere 1101111
cal ma~lchline. Its itiati object is to
inculcate ideas if oture poltical 110111
tionof tieoe teacthiego lileot 00(
icll ~nthe studeiits hamve gtroduedmand
are confronted oithli1)iollil ~Iiprob-
'The first ineetting wolt11 held11i.,
about to weeks. Tile policy of the
club for the ensuing year will teo'uee
liiced antI several Unto erslty preofes-
soes owt11 11a1e0short addesses. The
ptr'sidenit, J. 'M. Byani, is 1111 leading
figure tn the o'ok of thle club.
Geological Survey.

stocked tront steanms. Nose of thoc: Athletic Board Meeting,
attractions for tite splortstllliO, tempitd
the preofcssor who ooas fultly occuietd A 10meigi it tlttc1111
owithtist geological resO-'lcts, of loost nigttt Treasurtre Wi'iuttoiiistiow-
o 11101 a reottfoe the tUited'ilState ecithtle lire neteds olith1111' 0550t'1ioii by
Gologicaol Sturovcy ooill coite otterm~. atnnoettetig.a, deficit;Itf 010115 with thei
t pospltectofitt llly11100 tet: a115tlil'
UNIVERSITY NOTES, football s0101eason li''~i~ii~1-
----tHgies tlotof tliii'etlilti lu lead1111,'
tFelvoer, '91+, of host yce'rs eleven1, W'4 for-tei 10001 ltil;.g Me, Stlo'11 i,
oit tot'prciettcyestceiblay.of the ('tiltca;;oAttulet ti btis ill'"e it
Stheridan IE, tttittlln, t 1, ilas lbeintengagetd as toacti till Nov. 0. 'lii
mat~deIprintcial of the 111011 oiool itt''tll'loc1 hev a 1ct1 108
D~caht'r, hod. nwotitt- of thcir soon, to 111110 111111
ft.I. W.Rose, occletAry of lith iler-1,'t day if telloll it-4 o'cloc. Ati Lii-
city Y. -M. C. A., tihas iect' catted li'10 tie'talk oo'll hoe1111110by lmemblllers(If
to Ft. Atkinison, Wis., by tile1101111 of tihe faiclty an 111 all'wil tbe ieli to
his it 1,110 Caine to tiii' vel'li 111''tilg'.)Ie.
Prof. 'tiicblootlrepiorts 111a11111ere. tis tIterick, te'lnnis llilntl~gl'eptiled thit
101111fort'wIa'sittre sottliitoiii ti iseve010colits1011e11100'ao'almtlc1111(d
0(11100 in oral discusssionis.lTe limit that tie will sitarit till'tililetleoll'nxtiI
oct11 te 24 students. -ooeek. lltagce tOaih'ell amionceitd
,Bryani Vail, a0 graduate of tll'ie- his intenltitonlof callinig it meetitng 1o
'aliur, Iod., ihighl 01110, ixllo e"ttared tte track utenearly next;oweek. Flank
tte Ii'im'cstty this fall, 1105.1111110irkSimlons, '98, X'etonoti, 't9l 18, andltl tco-
of 2:18 foe the, liie titoycli'. eis, '01, ow-ere elected 'to till' boarldill

The newovtetisto "otieowere usdlooltfe
the first 111111'Mondlay. Otnly twyloe'
re'.idy 1to e pliacttc'et111101; todaty tile
stuer to'sowill tbe fiishedilTh'ftihoull
1000 coturts wsill loot 'be otitlicictit f,
alt ;the tenis laSllyes pttodgtouse0
tiletliand sel th0 tile ee1acu lilty courts
owill be put in eonititola1111tured
to'eiltote1use of till'stuldents.

till vacanlcies cautsedtlbty tho l'ctgl'il-
tioii of Messrs. H-ening'e I-till anld
_lll'tlt il'hip I tii'1i01 is, 01r111, Dan-
f'orth, t'lIln-otell, Wtiteiteti,.
Ftootball-Rhugtics, l-llld, Teysti,
1IlfIlan, Potter.
,Paocttbli-A. 1-1. IKeithi, .8 kiu'-s,,o

lielits owithth ie X'psti 'ttNoetlis, 'rrlc'i-t aZlilltell, llciiott. Dai)-
00110 1111y011here lamst Sotitaday- to filrthl, too- clall1ncie
comelhcreioneoile10 a11y'of 1111, to-cek Teuns-Herrick, Smatlley, 1111-1111 edo,
for a. pahi;-e'it'a il'e it'hth ti'' 'aYsilt3' two-i velc'~l's9.
teatm.,'The plectice to bill'inetdltllhtti ~'Thie it-etig ladjourneld.
liinig tillag;ainst ia111111 it ftil e toe-
11111 ooe tttwot11 te mos0t acts'ntatgilt1. Returned from Abroad.
amid osill ~ ut -MichIttainiigood 0cci
tiollto -mettMiamiti'olte' 1111, -st Pu'D. 0011 Mu',. Jmohn 0. I td1110-cec'e-
ciutly retmrnied fritm aboadt, oohere
1111y. No, admissonu will hoe '1umccl Ilft 110' 101 unelngiili'll
-More111011 the uisuail aiounlt 01fiw- aid England. ,Dr.theed ttook ints idoc-
hcelst is betig taken in11theizes110 of- or's chegrec' iitPhiscs Maienm 0111
ti-redtb' tile 11900 Oraocle. As IlliOnlc-tLando.011 thle 20th of Juice,ih ena11.
cit laist sprng, Othe 0111 'he boairnh itier-thme title ol itsmbthelss beinug "N e'bcc
Itie follsoowig111ries': 51ton-,preferdell Rhifiuiso den Temmmheraiuir out
mitlyrolerecloting to. 001101' life,'X01 Itecmuing 111111 Dispoersiomi cinigc'r
pioemu, one ye'ar's subsceiptiou to Scrt till Glesor ul I Knysthoiho" At Jena oDo,
mner's 'Magazino; Ianmdlco'r decsign,- o is ei mc e-a red
oiiumues oft utimwiuzg. hbyloplar l al 11fromlIAnun Arbor-, aumosig rtlt.Aloo'nthi' re t ol omu wee
usf, ll tudehieItOmig 'I 0 111 r.1',and lMrs. Earle W. Doow-anM r. le
Pete, All articles Iltust tbe iiiintheadles' ,tVaiye ~rn oi
hiainds of thne minagimng ecditoribthe11Drn Mile ris. RPeed 101111a0delightful
inveniimg of Oct, 3ist, trill on thmeir wheels, follow-ing hilt
course of time Rhinme, amid before sailing
Law Registration. splent a we-ek in REglandu, owhIeeling to
110 to lustitig-ht unealy3625 tsteinit:i~rny p1001-s of hiteret. As a finl
hadt registered in thei'lmawvuelarilneeot, excuirsiiun fthey rout-'froum London to
os-hitch inakes it satin to lyl'cdIot thamt Liverposol, oohere they eumbarkedt for
then' egiotrmition osill 11100 the 7110 mau~rk Miontreal en ithc Dominion lice.
110thtsctem~nlimeltt~ts -0~,1111 imko Band -Men, Attentien.
tin' attenda1nce0thlsIrgoc tino its is-
tory'.Lost 3-car ofter uh~e first lioun- 10,11 101111 i1Il areinovited'-ohatslied
r113i of theme-oo-1101year', ever 10clii-a me eting lintthme [miundon W'emnesdaiy
micnts reghicredt'in thue tepoartmelnt ;111oevuinig, at 7:30 sharmp, Oct. ui, for 011e
it is fromm this thamt til ecoiimlarisoul ;.s purposl'eof tilling ovacanicies111111 hlan-
-lithils ye-~r. itlg fiur '97)8I. Be sure tocm ie dand
Bcsidcs the stiudetisorigist-reu i - ring a113' acqhuaintanIces thimt 111113'
the laow- cellrt uerit uhinre arc fully 2awoaetpn h i ercmluo D. 'a sEIt.JhwhI-i
Imuocliterairy course andi rag egicrcd '1 list yemar l~cti Professou' of P11sie,
Ihue literary deparhtment, has~ accepted the Assoite Prstessor-
01111 of Physics and Altronolny at
ML1a c.lJ-vr y Will UT sae- a Ji ,.,_.._tl,,.

__ tumrned on t riday, 110s been at owork
B ~~ ~e all slummerc in the CascadelMountais,
_________________ Washuigon, an-ying0onaimls regular
sumllmer unvesthgations for thc United
Students should try us before States Gcological survey. IThuis year
making any purchase. We arePrfRusldvtdhitmeote
bound to satisfy and please. Oneurof esldvtdhstm o11
large stock of Law and Medcal sitidy of the Miount Stumart quadlranglu'
Books, in short, Text-Books for as it is technically icrmied. The our-
every department in the University, Kyn - t osse ftelrfs
new and second-band enables u syugprycnitdoimeuoc-
to sell at the lowest price. sor, a packer and a conk and thme life
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- of the 00111 was their expeence for
tionery at low prices, chic summer. Thecy had good l calthi,
Make onrstores yourbheadquarters.Ioscc idasloes i Iaun
I orahi itay osas sloent climabimig to fresh
heights, the loftiest ascentin-lg 1,500
Up Tows Down Tewn tect. The country is s-id anid rugged,
S. State st, Opposte Coo tInous
Ass Arbor Saine ml hounine in bemir, ttccr andhfirse cll-

boarding houses this week
only. Free delivery today.


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