STrack Work Looking Up. 33efon')Hal i M Youi'
Track work is beginning to inook upINPC TE'WR
Pubiished Daily (Sundays excepted) during again. The' are:promises of severat ho os ak nAT..
the College vear. at new features in this year's selidle
THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. and there were never sn many gonii
Ortc: ims u adnd, Will i St e men to iakeup a teaminf roi no.T e R " iirym an S tu d io
Ovm'teesLbrall lag i ai Ste.be
MANAGING EDITOR A meeting of all track men has ben (Successor to Gibson & Clark)
J. F. TaGMAS, '5 L. called for 3 o'clock Saturday, .ran. 8,
IUSINESS IRANAOIOE in the chapel, Itonnm C. There will lii' 112 Wet Huron Street Ann Arbor.
0. H.texa, 't L. speches by 'President Rihards, :lan-
H. . San.LMANt '90 L., Athletics. ager G5mem l and Captain '1'hilsni., Should the Governor of South
E. L. fGaIssE, '3L. . co Hus .'0 and it I Ihopedt that work may sann
NBUTERLMB, 'D. . tR. Woonnow. '8 Carolina meet the Governor of W I 6
I. A. CAMPBELL. '0. A. CAMPBELL.a be starid 'with a swing. By the 1ti
F. EsnOELc.at'9. of Janua.ry the trainere wll te ere North Carolina
and1 though his nelis n ot yt all-
nuliced, it is re'tlni that a an well Onthe banks of the raging Huron.
The sbsriptioni price af the Daily is $250.5 he would no doubt, say:.
fr the colege year, with a regular delvery fittedt for the tlace twill lie slected. "I' - ogtm ewe o n
bfre noon each day. Notices. communica-"I'alngtmbewnnoad
tions, and other matter intended for publics- 'here is tlso to conie .son lbhe iet- July 1, and if you want to be one of
ion mst be handed in at the Daily office be-g
faie d p... or mailed to the editor before 3I.ar i nor mieet, thle date for which the boys-in other words, a live-
p. m., of the day previous to that on which wire-you had better taka the ,s seoi
they are expected to apper. 'los been fixed fr sonie tie in rk9M AiB .I
Sbcrpytons may as- eft at The -Daily M A N DOLIN S
Office, M eyr's r toffets Sewsts,d or ha rh. The propoed indoor titet to a o M . D y
with Boiness Manager Subribrqrs willll con-behldiCicgaou I'aY 1t V
fr a favor by reporting promptly at thsCeIel ii CicgoabtitMach1s, o M rOI'u
office ant failure of cirrers to deliver ciater til-110b n ftefaue fti
_____________________ "llals b oe o te eaure o tiaAnd get the current college news GThWabrnis toneandoly
Iti nortigto find a news- year's scheiulueIf all inalhato is ar It's a ummer and I understand the TeWsbr steoeadol
unprisdeeedcouraging-0 Is ad makey i oftwordwide reputation. Sold
paper that his a good wrd ,or the to be relied ot. While arrangetns upeeent edole f 0"i. ad, b first-class dealers everywhere fromn
univrsiy. he flloingis trom the are nt yet comnplete for this, the tian "Think I will," said the other gent. $15.00 upward, Imitated extensively,
~jnvesit. Thefolowngand they took a drink-of Ann Ar- so be sure that the name "George
editoral coylutmns of the Detroit Free is to hold it in the Auditoriuin one ors famous water.- Washburn" is burned upon the inside.
t'eo:iihi.whe hi ok ii ~if i"Leave our name and address forAbeuilWahrnBocntn
a regular morning dlvr of the ing portraits and letters from the Dr
- ileinceasngattendance of 11iehi- i'eulai' gyinissiultoreder suichi05 DAILY the rest of e livgear a cReanks, Calv, Eames, Nordic, Sca-
igan students at the state Uniersity trick work tuiimblng, bar work bothi the U. of M. DALY Office.chan10ote asatrad
teachers. maied free upon request.
is conclusive evitence that thils great hoiriontl mnd paralll sut eaursAdress Dept U,
institution deserves the generous sil- o l( 1n oseadfn5n1n439SU H ANSRET YN& EALY.
Phoneth tsr rsiet ~uchi Cl. WbshnhAe and Adams 1t, Chicago.
report to tie regents shosa that tle nwrestliing. This will be ftllowed' by :l6at19 n SB RfIN $.5
number of Michigan students is stead- iweetigIn the C'hicago Gymi. on tie
ly growing at a ale that will see an5 following night, whet there will bte f The EngihL n u e
enrollment f 20()0 sons anld dtughters the regtlar iidoom' events, rtiuning uhL n ug
of Mfichigan before the year 14)00._- duping, ole vultig etc This is Ain't strong enough to express my feelings," says the farmer as he
"t is iiispssible to over apprecite looked back down the hrill and found his load of potatoes had slid out
the influenuce whichi thie Un~iversity is at east, the plan and alhioughiMlichi- through the open tal-board, We advanced the same sentiment our-
wielding on the cinTrcter and destinin gahis nt fully decidedon entieriig, selves awhle ago when some cuss from the country with feet as big
as the side of a barn stepped ll over our sore corns and bunions.
of the caumnsunwalth through thin it sees likey that she wilh. Chiag, Happily, however, we discovered Sar's Corn Plasters and our feet
army of young men and younug u-n-Wisconin, llinois anid 3tiuesot ar now feel fine. Geta'"free sample of it at J. L. Skinner's Store, 306 S.
n-en nbnn it is yearly sending foti. State Street, or at your shoe dealers and try it for yourself. S dozen
mlded byits culture and inspired already in and Northwestern niiy to- plasters 2f.
whfh its spirit. No instituthoni sup on'. PARISHA REMEDY COMPANY,
prted by the state is so vitally nanso To Meet English Athletes. 208 Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill Sole Selling Agents.
ciated -with the'inellectual 'lfe and
the refinement of its itizenrs s heIc t is quite probable that ar teamt of
gra sat of Ic.aring mt Ann Aibol. athletes icomhposed of the first and see-
By ienas ofits gr'duates it exeets its and nt-n in the next anmual ineet of nS.5hi rs ith 5SO55lltI ...
Uplifting mi nne Inlevety corret'of telt otgaeAtlt nols I~Blc nsrf
lbe atate. Isets he place for e uca- linwl-ot odn!ttesme Typewriter Machines -r"
tiInat t'gr sandnmolds ihe intelle- t ionawillf go tops-priien ii titeis-capamer
lust tastes of the people. to meet the creani of the athlets mt Saqualitay? of wo -rkiced acl em s acaact
"Wha tever place M.t-'igan is d- Cambridge and Oxford. At lte un Practical, isx-priced, prahle. eyoard mablus
thned to ocupy in the rank o sates, u 1 leeting ,of the Itere legate wzeN oib assa "o. R Uttosmaai °etr
whethet'she is to be powaerful or in- Atilti A5 ataninNeKYrkonboard.saeale
siget lcant, a leader or a folonerwill pmilam
fipn-a yo l hr r~ Feyrary 26th, a mton wi be Wae psc 'isp
influence wield e by Item' unIversity- to oen iiegotations with the ]ngli. i tdn oia cnAnedtadellrt ttn,ewetnlsr.
the surce of her intelletu t ~e l iivils'readin sshiv cim.Too, o; ,eiis en,
ts istheefre gratifyinsg to learn that L2,OoWNoTEBNTe Sd n Two S s, .. )j,* a~siM
te people of l:icl gait are prit- egtoisix
ing inor fully every year the great FRATERNITY STATIONERY, F. FAIRAIRN & Cos. Geerai R as
in. tilutho which they are maintain- BDG~iES OR PIS . 93 Griswld se, Dtrit, Mch. Seeza° rtes e rSddalar
lug, andlwhich will recou ise en J. S. AIAM, 45 5, ofrthAve, LcaAgent T artrenc
hundre fold eveiy crifce tey ae SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 7_________________________________
asea SItiGS" Desigs and estimatsfunisthed ona.11woh CHA NGE YOUIR S'OE ' .
..: ..of tis ind,.____________________-______
Webster Society Meets. /11YN Health demands that youowen more than one pair.'"
The 'Weber Soiey ill Iiold a 1 Men's Calf Shoes-Tan Chocolate and Black, heavy extension
ATHENS . 1UEAE soles, handmade, new toes; they are...... .$340
meeting tomorrw nght at which b the Men's Slpper-IBlank and Tan C n Toes .........$15
follwhng program will be givn:n WED., JANUARY 12th, Jwi . APE'IR.LL.
Vocal slo, issl Stase;sat,0y . JI a r Al119 EAST WASHINGTON SREET.
'.ox; peech, T. Lyon, un rptoy
Ins, Messs G. C. i i rk, F, Mears -IN-
an . D . n i ; e a e R s v d " H O N [ I ~ , ha t tru ss p e. de rii et al m to coi- S u b s c r i b e f r t h e U" o f M . D a i ly
Ligand H. A.Moore; negative, H.I~f rI.
L, MEderly and L. L. Legg. $ . ~ h 4 # 150 UN'TL JULYV1.