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December 15, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-12-15

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H~asreceived a full line of Novelties
for Fal and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh every' week.
Only in packages-
f0e a pound.
Lowney's if you
Friday, Dec. 17
The Prince of lagician and Ex-
pounder of the Black Art.
Prices,... 25c, 5c and 75c.
Just Received a Large and Elegant
Line of New PipesI
Stot and Cold Lauches at all hours. Agets
fr Itayle and Williams and Werners Co's
Chocolate Ban Bns
R2. B. JOLLY & CO.
3OOSsuth State Street.
Books for Ihe olidays!
All the new holiday baks. Fle bindings
and heats in sets are now on view in our two
Books were never o cheap.
Same special prices:
Chas. Danar Gi bson's Londn -p___: __ 3 75
cha. Dana Gibson's Pcttes of People 3 76
Chas. Dana Gihson's Drawings -5..._._ 71
Wenel's Vanity Fair- --..........3 75
a o Vadie. tlustrated- -75
tippling's aptainougo us 125
King le'sPris nero ofthe ea 105
Guerber's Stries of famous Operas.. _. 1 20
Serrimn'inKdar'Tent_- I S 10
Lilian ell'sA irsPoint f Vew...... 1 W
HSpekcial discount n ntire stoat of iHoliday
Op Town - -Down Town
S. State St. Opposite Cort~ans
Ann Aror Main at.

At the nmeiing of the atIlelie' board
Joseph Jeffersonl Delivers a liasltigt, Manager Hughes sbmitited Many Interesting Features-Ex-
- Splendid Address. Ilisareort of the season. 'As thiss cellent Literary Matter.
________ liii expiations of 'Mr. Hueghe' -tem of
Jissopt Jeffeon, of world- i ceh, le submitted a noisiber of val-
Josph efersn, f orl-wie iablesiustggestionis as to the Lioiiy of 'Tomorrowv the -ililo Oracle will be
famie 1asini actoIr, ente'ttaied a ant- the 'board. A grduate manager and placed on sale. It corea to us in a
10000to siesiy Hilgt etaiig of theesseupontheisebigool-haidsote dress. Te cover designis i
sconin wth n adros i~iiithescii-ball game ,on the Satrday before byIt. Ii.blMel30rgel, '00, diiie in red
jest "The Acor and IHisArt." 'lie 'I ianirng,-iving are Sning the poiits 3
occasions was a Tcp'o tendered the re.neddi~ it a n and bl c.Itt epresents a co-ed coa-
great coiiediaisbythle Obiarical As- .siueiteti to tieheso aitlrge indoor ing cown the iwak froms teii' ibraay
sccaton Tre latfrt wa d T dcage forrtuse lb de gyi. Itt 1s inend- ini the bakgrotsiii.T'he conbinations
in yellow and bliue, tile osiakr's desk; ed to 'have this it use evry atternoon of aed and black oii the dark biuckkin
wtratppied with the national colors ii( till 3i o'clock after ithlolday. A cotloredt tilinii gives iihe page a very
ferns tind otted slants were urofns-triefothcoigtakadbs-tiin an at-etw apaac.
ly arranIged along the front of thisibtll season has not yet been sescted. 'Thle volne is very otppiopriately didl-
stage. H, . 'f. eald, assisant footalerated to the entral Debisting t eagss-.
Afte "a ew "nnoneenint t a tii~ager was eleceilfooibali manager Thie title tpage and orgiiaic~tona.de-
teen givett by P'resident Keli, f 'lie tor 1.898. A: comnmsittee issappitoined signs lre sketches by C. B.-Parsons.
Oratorical Association, A-cing Presi- to Iivestigate the instil-i- o' class5 tita- The title page i i liloolliglt s50011
dentHuteins ntroucegtht istil gas as worin on Caips andilsweaters. wills the biri of wisdom lying through
guislied guest int he folowing words:I.1. is to be lainenteii that thisltatt(r tii forest, 'ligltedl by a brigi~t ful
"This man needs iio introditon to cotisi's ni so often :Indlthat tnetiboril'iooni. Tle organiatonss ct is sa
yii.ti. ls namie has bein a household haito ms nake the casses ose-<e- a est tasiefuly executed sktb of te nmain
so oril for the last quarer of at enatury. ,sinile rules to keepi te colege tors building bordered with a wretith. Boih
'I'e.'strenlgtii oft-h'iltlttet tfo'i5tieein ,theirtroier pai'e. of tieoi'designs ie ne-cliesibe for
beauty of -iis life hias been knwti o 70 ____________ iir aptpropriateness and taste. Tile
all of us." U. of M. Comedy Cub. athetic design by Miss N. B. Hill1 s
With thits pleasant intioduictionth ue -suoe of tietmotuninqieclls it has
great Imipersonator of Rip VsmsWikl" 'To titose olio haid the piskosure of beeinotr tiorttine to see ii any college
seas placed before the auienc~e. Be-wiiessiiig tisi delightful plaiy, "ThTe tpubiation. It retpreeits a viesv of
tore lie could 'cousmence to speak le rivate Secretary,' resdered 'by Te 'the athletic field tiroti one corner of
weas grected with the Mic-igaimi yell, I. of M. conedy Chits last yetr. it tie graiid stsnd. On1 the aie in a
«shihlinaturaly led hitmiito diliaiti'upi- iwill le of interest to knowsvthat sepss seat oval he sigiaires f te o lies'
oni the ple'asuralie effects sof tsp4aliare beiiig takens to gi's thiiir anlli of the Athletic Asscittion apphear.
oii the tictor's isind. leoceesihig lie iertormsnnce teevenitig foosiisg te Aboutte wosle'is iatessly htiig a
spokeC as fisloss:o : .uniiia'Hop. Mess. Weadiok, Vile 'beairing foiotbals. 'ie whlole is
"tFromini-htt t have' just sad you W'VgaI, Boynitons antd Weisteiti hase tmalieid by great originait, andti by
,might iiifir thait I appheariebfore you thii' affair in handiil.leretstoi-eit-ere s-ry int sork.
wtitott retaratiot. Suit-ti;s lot thii' has tiien somne dificlty is petsu-dinig Thets ither featurets nstieesbie le in
iase. 'ile rehearsalh is Wte gret the ytong laiies of the tUiv'sity tthte drassimgs. Oine is a-lit t hidas-
stanid-by of the amtor. ti-tori'theus"ti'tit'ipisti,'but this yiear tie faculty jigs of the tees man socials ant
tilliner semiicshitstite:'to the rd r -Itdies tiave hprmiisiset maie 510 effort saouom eP11 iyMs 0.V'bhimis
umiy, heeanm iakcte 1'ncess ary tili- in bhlf iof ths e litdy- t'iiit. Of ithe (hit-spiArt hnstitiue. They
es suggested by criticasl friendsbet- 'The cuslirhs i ermtann1t oirgnitza- ripresemnlthl otl om t-tee, switligrihce-
tire theswriter sends Is bsoc to ion sithi a1 ioi'ntiemshijaofti itlet-tindsm lou les !ai' ithe ([litlly muae of the
itress he Is able' to caretully revise: tie hprosipects fot a succesfutlprisue.- wait. 1'he sketcets as-' r.'kihhaby
aisy 'needeilpat. Andl sosvihi tit' dettln-ire isisvrerlosltea'. itec-i' Authreai sric. lOiittle frosts-
sciuptos- anti -lehilmusiciah. Btthewn tin' aesae w kce
-°ocnoruou."'i peeisb Women's Informal, iu snntii~i5aem iette
iie'or annt mits ilt 'ih lie i Iim _______ f tR. C. Aptteilamd J . i Kia ti c.
guit, dayd imi hiislci it-toi- io All college girls are co'dially itvileid te"m"at tim"tsstsses
audlience. thelldrtiathii.ssin ot Ihatto sins Informsaaldancimg paty to bet'Et~t-hihass atlrgi' 001111bowlh before
fior~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~h aeair.'Ieumieo sm'cl iemilsJiIi hiiiiy7thi 1!)citens hill 11111hods i his right had a
the life of a generastionmimmtlot hours.rtiSt 1 '-tcciste hiugi' son. 'The cuts are arangtet
,tud no deay' isitossible.iuidimug Ten cents athiissiomi fc s as fact each o-her ndmihthe rivls
"I1;stand lhere tisilist as iiaiiy of w5ill be charged to deray' the expenas oticeatulo ut of te ciarlier of
you have seems lie sshile-ireseniting of the U. of M. band, shichilli fur- thiir eyes at eatli otiitr.
the e'haactors of Dr. 'alhgss, LL.. ishs the msic~t for the evenng. 'T'he hlt tones are the a-gest scd
D., A. S. "S.; the cock-vaiutBolt '[tile miiiilltt'ttl'it mtle iy P( h y iani5Univet-ity pihiteti tn for
Amtres, lteIeuioutllis 'aleb Pitt-lflst Kelly, of thut' tratorcal Aso-s-a- tleyears. '.hleet'asre tits of teio
mier os'thesly, andtitotschy I-Ri Vai ctatiot, in tnirsity thi yesterday, 'Varsity 'baseiibll, foottll aid 'tack
Wi'nkle. t am hereotil-ia-tiof u-sery that the in0111teb-ite of the Ittet-eu team,-and-of the 's) taec amdbases.
sdjunmct,aot sr tune :b svwr il epartlnt A st b edWedml ii--sa team. --Btsdes these there a-
(laughtei) bnut (turninsg totthe' tlotes- iright itsthe law ectre roosit-ois apa s cueuo h- 'asofieso
sors gronped about titheltform) swit iaistakie. It -is tis be held Thursda h eifeshman year, ansi of the Orce
ov rersumlmitig suport.t1in simiply nighlt in1ttoomii?4.Boatrd. Net to tue ite tpage is as
disguised as at gentlemian, rather tilil large halt tone of President lutehiimie
as to whether I sisali sink or swhm. Webter Society Eection. T'heolitierary mater is of unnususal
"I shiallnosn speak of the distinc- terit. trs'sidemtt licharsltals s a ug
tin 'betwveen the actor and the oal or. At ihe last meeting of the Webster' gstiv'.artitcle othle thll'tc season.
Many of their attributes mre the samue, Soety the following oers wer-- 'ie Oa-cle has secured ae sytposiutn
biut ho the cardinai points tey differ eleted: P'iesident, A. I. AloLean; of six atlrs on college' jolrnalisul.
essentially. ho orator cst be tn- vice president, (G. Stter; secreitry, Thie cottibutors are the prsdeat of
pressuve and 'the actor inipressionatihe. Mr. Wallace; tre-asurer, C', Miller; mat-.iarvard, Chicatgo, Mlinnesota, Wscon--
'The orator mot itopres he auadience; ohire, X. Wilkes; i-tti, MrI. Wiser. sinlliinalanamd Michigan Universities.
the actor is oftemn at his best whteaiDr. and Mrs. Victor C. Vaughan en- Dean Hudson has an interesting
-hi' seemns impressed._ The' acttoaisst tertaitedtle tupper husse-ti of the siekt of Acing President Hoatehin.
kaoto svteIn s tat the nil-Beta 'Teta Phfrsaterity at h~iuel- !Aotherditinctie fe'tureI1-a u itoa-
l rce may be psyehlogized io that ia.st evening. Abot ifteeem be11 r-hibero remitlcences by faculty nue.; -
(Continued on second pa). o the frtetrity were irean. 1I (Continued on Fourth Page.

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