VOL. VIII No. 63. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,WENSADCMR1,18.Pac-3CT. H~asreceived a full line of Novelties for Fal and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N.1lO8 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every' week. Only in packages- f0e a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. THOSE NOBBY'SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. ATHENS -THEATRE. Friday, Dec. 17 D URNO The Prince of lagician and Ex- pounder of the Black Art. Prices,... 25c, 5c and 75c. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of New PipesI Stot and Cold Lauches at all hours. Agets fr Itayle and Williams and Werners Co's Chocolate Ban Bns R2. B. JOLLY & CO. 3OOSsuth State Street. WAHR'S Books for Ihe olidays! All the new holiday baks. Fle bindings and heats in sets are now on view in our two stares Books were never o cheap. Same special prices: Chas. Danar Gi bson's Londn -p___: __ 3 75 cha. Dana Gibson's Pcttes of People 3 76 Chas. Dana Gihson's Drawings -5..._._ 71 Wenel's Vanity Fair- --..........3 75 a o Vadie. tlustrated- -75 tippling's aptainougo us 125 King le'sPris nero ofthe ea 105 Guerber's Stries of famous Operas.. _. 1 20 Serrimn'inKdar'Tent_- I S 10 Lilian ell'sA irsPoint f Vew...... 1 W HSpekcial discount n ntire stoat of iHoliday W AHR'S BOOK STORE Op Town - -Down Town S. State St. Opposite Cort~ans Ann Aror Main at. k AN HONORED GUEST. Athietio.Board Meeting. THIS YEAR'S ORACLE. At the nmeiing of the atIlelie' board Joseph Jeffersonl Delivers a liasltigt, Manager Hughes sbmitited Many Interesting Features-Ex- - Splendid Address. Ilisareort of the season. 'As thiss cellent Literary Matter. ________ liii expiations of 'Mr. Hueghe' -tem of Jissopt Jeffeon, of world- i ceh, le submitted a noisiber of val- Josph efersn, f orl-wie iablesiustggestionis as to the Lioiiy of 'Tomorrowv the -ililo Oracle will be famie 1asini actoIr, ente'ttaied a ant- the 'board. A grduate manager and placed on sale. It corea to us in a 10000to siesiy Hilgt etaiig of theesseupontheisebigool-haidsote dress. Te cover designis i sconin wth n adros i~iiithescii-ball game ,on the Satrday before byIt. Ii.blMel30rgel, '00, diiie in red jest "The Acor and IHisArt." 'lie 'I ianirng,-iving are Sning the poiits 3 occasions was a Tcp'o tendered the re.neddi~ it a n and bl c.Itt epresents a co-ed coa- great coiiediaisbythle Obiarical As- .siueiteti to tieheso aitlrge indoor ing cown the iwak froms teii' ibraay sccaton Tre latfrt wa d T dcage forrtuse lb de gyi. Itt 1s inend- ini the bakgrotsiii.T'he conbinations in yellow and bliue, tile osiakr's desk; ed to 'have this it use evry atternoon of aed and black oii the dark biuckkin wtratppied with the national colors ii( till 3i o'clock after ithlolday. A cotloredt tilinii gives iihe page a very ferns tind otted slants were urofns-triefothcoigtakadbs-tiin an at-etw apaac. ly arranIged along the front of thisibtll season has not yet been sescted. 'Thle volne is very otppiopriately didl- stage. H, . 'f. eald, assisant footalerated to the entral Debisting t eagss-. Afte "a ew "nnoneenint t a tii~ager was eleceilfooibali manager Thie title tpage and orgiiaic~tona.de- teen givett by P'resident Keli, f 'lie tor 1.898. A: comnmsittee issappitoined signs lre sketches by C. B.-Parsons. Oratorical Association, A-cing Presi- to Iivestigate the instil-i- o' class5 tita- The title page i i liloolliglt s50011 dentHuteins ntroucegtht istil gas as worin on Caips andilsweaters. wills the biri of wisdom lying through guislied guest int he folowing words:I.1. is to be lainenteii that thisltatt(r tii forest, 'ligltedl by a brigi~t ful "This man needs iio introditon to cotisi's ni so often :Indlthat tnetiboril'iooni. Tle organiatonss ct is sa yii.ti. ls namie has bein a household haito ms nake the casses ose-