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October 05, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-05

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tuots' Bookstore
Opposite University Entrance.
Second-hand Books bought, sold
stud exchanged.
Law, Me:lical and College Text-
books at cnt prices.
lank Books
and Stationery
Azents for Waterman's Foun-
tain Pens, Mathematical Instr u-
ments and Sporting Goods.
SU~[DANo&, Prop-.
Has received a full line ef Novelties
fur Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Students should try us before
mnaking any parchase. We are
bound to satisfy and please. Our
lare stock of Law and Mescal

The Arch of 'Traj an-Description;
of Original Arch.
The castsfinn the Arilh of Troljan.,
,which tihe class of '96t purtchseii'ild'
p~resented to tihel'tsv er ity- as a toe-
seorial, arrived duinig Mthe st'sstmet',
algid are now in the care of Prof. Ket-
sry ilwaiting .ouchldisositionis as thse
authsoritiesuecidte to miake of then.
TIhe Archl of Trlajan front which thel
roosts were miade, iosittated at Bente-
vtito, ot thue 0lt Apptian "'ay. obout
t3t tllins east of Uattoaandust0(inilsio
fr'omtt'Naples, atndt4tnottgtt bytcomn-
ptetuthutoritlies 'to srpass alt the
tRomntarctti-s iniiotnt of Initereosstiit
araela~gtcal signihicance. Thleb hooty
o1 the arch. lies in the relief tnt life-
lute cexpression of ttte litn s goie,
wvhichi shoisvowlin-eftectire si-as the
sstlpturintg. Tine artch iassseiticatlii
to the Emsperor Trajssti hy the Rio nai
oettate suit teoisle int th year 114 A. It.
It commitemtorattes the repasirinigsit the
Appiiati Way, tantitisbtit of 'a.'an
marbslete ocksto f itwhich sts titi e
trarnsportedt overhaatti liong dstantts-i
'ailert ity[ ivete slliititeit trolnt sts'
stipts. Thie tech is todasy toltbettir
conidilt i ioustitay otheir great siret,
thutsadtintg ,to its speitl value for
tpurtioses of stuty tnt instruictioti.
Tue toots,wihitfoertitrliose; of
sttity, serve jutt:is wetl as woutli the
strigi-i.wire miaditcof tilaster tr,
inter the iirecinoPoftst t. Proiill-
baiti, atrtlisietogicttl til'"ti' of tli'
t~vrcn$h o tne h ilist53NIsess snidtvottltt.if all werit
puts togoiter, fomn siarchtisostuwiat
tsalter thaxii tih' originali.
titot whoatdispositoitwiltltie taic~
of ftthmi lss-nut ysettien (Cietd. It
na tis fitrttritost tropsed tilace themisotu
lste Uas5f toti slit le, sul.as
Il t tha h s enthtirneditoisia.silsw its-
tsrissomitisii ssfestredthalst tielu,(1st
at' tiig froststhe wslkttng sitthe t150sit
.)()0 stutisAto ooeslir anitlesve thei
At psresenst. w'ith the ecep''ttions of t-scsi
it'tittitn, oe of tiumainitfirs- sians
the oter'or tdrapery, whtichi tusy lit
ss'iu by iany otte itootit t, the esashs
retfiin isthe eritial Isoxes iivtsi'lt
they sarrivedt.. Antiltlstaedta slogue
it the ltttis heing esitedtsois nait its
The University was excepitoinatty
foi ttiste insesturing thlis mnturitl
for there are but tfew of ltist to tie
fousndtintsiss sstittry. 'The tisit-r-
ily of Pennisylvaiia, tPrinetons.suit
hts Art Intittse of ttlictsgs are tis'
E) nly one,., inpossession of tte casts hto
e iAmerica.st several are to he foundsi
ini the oltdtwords.

Dental and Homeop Departments. The Faculty Strengthened.
:ftight forisser ltssivs'ruity of Itittis- Tosnewivstsruicltor'sitf jiorethaisn,
stitsasstrists haoo t'elrest onr detl otrtitti. atyslility tiavi eistesitddedstoIt
depasrltent tlissys'sr. sts'eihistotry-stdepasritent Itis ys'.r
tinrinli ttiiiiuzis'r rlsit is t'e otisr-'thlisse instrutottrs-,sirs' lDt. T. (.,. Sith
s tir;s, rossissofthe' destltbttildinsg tisiasditrIts. .. Abtist. Ott'. Ssti si'-
lustsritted. Ittiny tnew. chisirs:Istis's s'iv'st Iistttt'larsilttry '?ittcionstsla
isin ist 'tits sissi lit'e fscuslty feel s'sl isud tetBostoIsstig sist o. Iti'885.lit'si-
its styisg ltstsuowit iososgoos ast 5t' rsvta1trisds, agrstt1<"Iittt t hee'iii
sisy intshs'ot'slry. '9t2 with liii' en's' tf A. 1. t:}urintg
Nexit rttssy fought thir' wiltIis"''haslttlsps' t'o(f Isis s-ussrsr ihe'speialt-
f'srissalints'ing if lit'e fscultty andistui- iiein its totr-y. Its1' th lisTtrt'ssf
cleasts of liii' hsssssss'sttltieiepartmen't. 'A. It. ii'as consferred'ot sitshts, letws
oanss1-t1tnsdisil' twill makats'sn sststessttthe ort'osyeatrs sitsassistanslto.i
sit lsater'Asis Otfosssssl recepstionss iill A tneni<n thistoryv its Iis shuts I tiisi.
li el 'stto wsiliasll ii'hoss-sre to sit'.- Else folloinig ys'ssir s..Siti wesi
t5te 5555'einitietd. 0 lt'e vitinsisisiit fwi;tsilt ss a
ODatei'yeiter sy issft'ls'sssbolth tie grsaduaste felttotiv. Whsiletheirse hs' wrsotse
ltsit'.s'stttstlis attld tttdten t elittsi'lssssloIa itapter ott "'Tlse Wiseositittl F'se-4osl1
ishowtedt a registrsttioss gretetr tlssn Pant'." wishtsw-s ithlis'sits it'e
sitisir hasat staisy titu' last yt't.' tslyoeetings ofithlst Wss'ttsinit lisisiti'
Nit ritto h issl'sssssit s'ee md ints th eaal5 Society. 1It lisisrseturned'slto H'ts_
denitss fsat'ulty slitsyIr. Dr. Tsafl.osirit for otis yesars, takinsg iis I'll.I.
sosin of tliss sepiits'lsstinsks that as sdigrieeitsplitialsit iisscs. Fos'is
it slinds then'ei isno titter lin the eiss's het workfits' wts 'iwartieslth0et

Alumni in Chicago Schools.
It is sa fsact isocisto ts resotlof stir;
sehotlsthtisthue t'ssives'r i t fIlisist-;
gsaii' tists so gresil'' s't'isettstis
sissbang thertesarchers in ts'elhirsg 'sIst
Cooksslo til igh S(hoos hins sissy
ts' fsact thast so malisty 51st '.s'o toys
stiigirts cinis' ts AnnsAsrisis.
At te tIsgle'woot 1 hosttit ls.ari'
live U. itt It. ngss'ttttsts,csisef of - uisit
iso s sit. I. I. Iillsr,iwhoitreiiversthlst
Ostssiiasisi. ad w sists fit itislt tit
t)oe tin 1,:1. Wi' sre aso strstisttgty
rI rss' aert st thss' Sonttl Distisiotn
liis citoot. utters ' Wsttsr F. Sti n
iso tb e fitittis. r. Slocum ts itstlt'
suit 'heldthOts''Varsityv shasliittnshtl
inteirnsis; te 'iiss i'strist 'tothest
tsssgsi'r toftSscretartty "sdotiL ills.?ts
Viriw, tydt'osark asndi Ausotitissve
thsiso a fair stprinkluitng oitt iehilgstt
Coaching Material in Sight.
"Isry" COtartst, iit(riseottlisast yi.r's
virit'ifOCsissago, lissensteredstheii
lawii dtpatmenlss'st sitthis' t'stvsrsily.
It'lsit AW,1tilstsisCosllegos' tiiastCi-
s'.gtt Is. Cltsrke' nt swa tss tss'br of this
SoigpoaPhitfraltrnity. Utderihir Iis' -i
les toll'gisoie -tises lie still 1lte ts'ttsnt'i't
frostspatyinig sits thss'-Mihigsantbtsebalhis
Ii, u, tititill ise of tsss'sisslsis' isvtatti
is s oa ellti.
Of Interest to Chemical Students.
A. 11. Wisite, whio hiss lately tsrei
aiptpoinotdinstruoirsr isa rhs'suicssl teeiih-
Snohtigy, gr'adtsssedfroststhus' isit-eisity
tot IMichtigasi ino118 . Ie lssuarist
so instrisrlor in this'Uivitersity of tit

Goodwsti'MemI ciiorisal ttslowsipt. ttle
thenustravei-edtablrosadst.pusususig stti-
it--s at Paris. Oh'sss''ssa.d tush Iin. tDr.
Smiiths rerels-sut isisdostos- d segretior
so sdissrtaiosnenitlesdt"'fTs'eLitberty
stnt tFrue-Soil tParties huthur North-
ti-rt" wicuihtitssiutseutl'ty ptih-
lishedsitn uths'Htrart's'ituix-ersilyHis-
tsorhesul Serits. tDr. Siitis hs aso
ise sias tt'rut'constutributorios' t hut
'Atltssi"IMosnthlty andthothser tststsh.rs-
Dt'in'his liii so -uc'our5s' Dir. Smiitii
io-uredt sos'si-isst prominenstiilty ilt si-
tius, hi;tigsotiei'fameis' a soiurdtler.
I~n. "Wilhbun I-% Abubostt hasils ft-suItsn
ditssusssootts, i sitd. Is' trttW sshit
oitlegeuanstithiren' nieitishIis 'A. B.
tegre'itt 192. 'Ths'foslowsintg y-erht
re'ivitsit.i felltow'sship usn ts,gthsh illt
Coriniell. Duinig thur years osfItN')andsu
'PhI hue -tisinstrutusorsilhut EiglishIs it
cdith -lsthus'Prenusidets'sWhuiite' Trave'sl-
tolg tFelltowssipt. 'elists wtoutabiroadu
fsor titu yeartus, spein'stug ths' g.et'sur
part ofsitehaut piso t it lotushsil'silhsgs'.
OIxforsd. tre'lie slseialitd iiefly
itsl tiuigi lt isttory'. At Oxifordu h itsei-
ceivedhsie uteguue sitft13. Lt..binug this'
tirst to tsake that stegree its historyu.
Otis dissertastion fur Otitashdegree it-is
"Tie tPenissonasry t'ruls'us of (ths.
It." This paper''wilhlussperints hei
totm of sarticlssitsthis'EttiglisiIthistous-
icsil Retviewt. lie. Abbtott also trsatveul
si t e fleconthinet.
Asistefloutslhits sollege' iork lIts. Aui-
bott wssinterestest chietly In tsshlrtins
andsitcollege jsosusinism. A'O1ili sit
Wabsitasht te tiwas edtors ot "'Thue Wa-
tbtos," aoust sit (irutiheIt'witus sussn-
ogisug edtitor of the ('turiuil Mstgttthits
lier. AVubott furseve'trsal yearsslisstn
so regoular'isontrsibsutor' tosthue Attt ei'thsau
1I~itunictil Iagstiune f thu.' tEtISt.
Prsidhes binsg vereff'tic'otient t-
horsthese ht-o gs'sths'usueus tiilltuisi-
silly otengtse facunlty- arhhutirs.
'Tisose wos isdm i t(, up last year's
'Tech. I'andsolin Plush itill isle et unext
tFrotay sit4:1iop.it.. ! histe ensgiseesr-
tn u ildsing roosns. thsausview' 00 no-
Free delivery today. t'''



every department in the University, TriigTbeOee, tttoOtoysestsohcs'tsu
new andl second-hand enables us --- hIs'owentt osZnnict, ('ri ruausy, oust
to sell at the lowest price. 'rie training Ostabe was stuseteut yes- stutiled there rcsiefly ouistreo'ssf.
Blsak Books and U. of M. Sta- terstay sat'Pettoynass'. Besi desNli-- Luig'. Otis work itill hi' hosely rout-
'Mioeurto res. hedqartr.age Higies sod Coosish Iesroert, te seted iwithi that of Prof. Capbssiell.
Makeurstres ourheaduartrs.fotlon-iuug usen ore there: Rtichards, _________
" ,, . tis Benet t ogg, Hannuan, ,nosy,aSit- The Daily will be placed in
WAHRS B OK STOR ci treete, Loctkwoodt snot Stuari.
tp Town Dews Tewn iuisaswl ossd stesa~s boarding houses this week
..S Staest. Opposilts Courtlease
am nArbor SalMsin . idvances, i jOnly.


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