VOL. VIII. No. 5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1897. FOUR IAGES. IN tuots' Bookstore STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second-hand Books bought, sold stud exchanged. Law, Me:lical and College Text- books at cnt prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR lank Books and Stationery Azents for Waterman's Foun- tain Pens, Mathematical Instr u- ments and Sporting Goods. SU~[DANo&, Prop-. Has received a full line ef Novelties fur Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings HO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. R EAR MAIN THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MLWARO THE TAILOR, 'STATE STREET. WAJ7R'S P O STORuEs Students should try us before mnaking any parchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our lare stock of Law and Mescal i A VALUABLE ACQUISI'TION.' The Arch of 'Traj an-Description; of Original Arch. The castsfinn the Arilh of Troljan., ,which tihe class of '96t purtchseii'ild' p~resented to tihel'tsv er ity- as a toe- seorial, arrived duinig Mthe st'sstmet', algid are now in the care of Prof. Ket- sry ilwaiting .ouchldisositionis as thse authsoritiesuecidte to miake of then. TIhe Archl of Trlajan front which thel roosts were miade, iosittated at Bente- vtito, ot thue 0lt Apptian "'ay. obout t3t tllins east of Uattoaandust0(inilsio fr'omtt'Naples, atndt4tnottgtt bytcomn- ptetuthutoritlies 'to srpass alt the tRomntarctti-s iniiotnt of Initereosstiit araela~gtcal signihicance. Thleb hooty o1 the arch. lies in the relief tnt life- lute cexpression of ttte litn s goie, wvhichi shoisvowlin-eftectire si-as the sstlpturintg. Tine artch iassseiticatlii to the Emsperor Trajssti hy the Rio nai oettate suit teoisle int th year 114 A. It. It commitemtorattes the repasirinigsit the Appiiati Way, tantitisbtit of 'a.'an marbslete ocksto f itwhich sts titi e trarnsportedt overhaatti liong dstantts-i 'ailert ity[ ivete slliititeit trolnt sts' stipts. Thie tech is todasy toltbettir conidilt i ioustitay otheir great siret, thutsadtintg ,to its speitl value for tpurtioses of stuty tnt instruictioti. Tue toots,wihitfoertitrliose; of sttity, serve jutt:is wetl as woutli the strigi-i.wire miaditcof tilaster tr, inter the iirecinoPoftst t. Proiill- baiti, atrtlisietogicttl til'"ti' of tli' t~vrcn$h o tne h ilist53NIsess snidtvottltt.if all werit puts togoiter, fomn siarchtisostuwiat tsalter thaxii tih' originali. titot whoatdispositoitwiltltie taic~ of ftthmi lss-nut ysettien (Cietd. It na tis fitrttritost tropsed tilace themisotu lste Uas5f toti slit le, sul.as Il t tha h s enthtirneditoisia.silsw its- tsrissomitisii ssfestredthalst tielu,(1st at' tiig froststhe wslkttng sitthe t150sit .)()0 stutisAto ooeslir anitlesve thei At psresenst. w'ith the ecep''ttions of t-scsi it'tittitn, oe of tiumainitfirs- sians the oter'or tdrapery, whtichi tusy lit ss'iu by iany otte itootit t, the esashs retfiin isthe eritial Isoxes iivtsi'lt they sarrivedt.. Antiltlstaedta slogue it the ltttis heing esitedtsois nait its tstud. The University was excepitoinatty foi ttiste insesturing thlis mnturitl for there are but tfew of ltist to tie fousndtintsiss sstittry. 'The tisit-r- ily of Pennisylvaiia, tPrinetons.suit hts Art Intittse of ttlictsgs are tis' E) nly one,., inpossession of tte casts hto e iAmerica.st several are to he foundsi ini the oltdtwords. Dental and Homeop Departments. The Faculty Strengthened. :ftight forisser ltssivs'ruity of Itittis- Tosnewivstsruicltor'sitf jiorethaisn, stitsasstrists haoo t'elrest onr detl otrtitti. atyslility tiavi eistesitddedstoIt depasrltent tlissys'sr. sts'eihistotry-stdepasritent Itis ys'.r tinrinli ttiiiiuzis'r rlsit is t'e otisr-'thlisse instrutottrs-,sirs' lDt. T. (.,. Sith s tir;s, rossissofthe' destltbttildinsg tisiasditrIts. .. Abtist. Ott'. Ssti si'- lustsritted. Ittiny tnew. chisirs:Istis's s'iv'st Iistttt'larsilttry '?ittcionstsla isin ist 'tits sissi lit'e fscuslty feel s'sl isud tetBostoIsstig sist o. Iti'885.lit'si- its styisg ltstsuowit iososgoos ast 5t' rsvta1trisds, agrstt1<"Iittt t hee'iii sisy intshs'ot'slry. '9t2 with liii' en's' tf A. 1. t:}urintg Nexit rttssy fought thir' wiltIis"''haslttlsps' t'o(f Isis s-ussrsr ihe'speialt- f'srissalints'ing if lit'e fscultty andistui- iiein its totr-y. Its1' th lisTtrt'ssf cleasts of liii' hsssssss'sttltieiepartmen't. 'A. It. ii'as consferred'ot sitshts, letws oanss1-t1tnsdisil' twill makats'sn sststessttthe ort'osyeatrs sitsassistanslto.i sit lsater'Asis Otfosssssl recepstionss iill A tneni