Y hc t - e Of
Has-received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A l l e g r e t t i ' gs -
C hocol rs nyaweePL PTO E O YS UI...
Oly inpaaos'
JutR cida pou nd.Eegn
in owfNey'srifpenI
Frielop s e. 10....'975c
risgcases, gravedand 7100
Hostin an d s oldL lnches atbous.Agnt
Mogr e'n lams a nd Wrerneromu.
'CoclaytebBoetgosa ne
prc. B.JbY-o
Bes liwnenDppernerTlwn
Bestawte bond ppoerCert...se
Anvelrosr boxa(210). 2
Was Governor Taylor's Lecture
of Last Evening.
oot t eveninlg tie rcttteoetitadve Auto
Alrbor audience woo well eooerioe'
tiy Tentiessee genitial goeror the
lion. Itollt. B. Taylor. A treat mtetl
leetorelihue 1ad0btenh proiised atl te
speaker did nt fol sho'rt of the ex-
eetationi. For tn hour and11 a half lie
hettild is aitoielrce gt Isoarncifllmflh,
minbgten, by hisoite use- of the
Englisth language. Oe niomnet quiet,
canoed by tiesoothling 1path10 of a
detweiptoof01<at iotnAtone110ili
C~t'irtias day, would reign, only to
be ,succeeded by uprooarous laughter
toed applaoo e over thet trine lora-
gruitieso fPlfe nor prereotel in the lee-
torer'sorigioll aunor. In hi rea-
tion of visis houglt about by th le
plaly of aitiddleros boo, tte speakers
voice and mtooner inade 1010saudi'ence
see aso'110 saw and his lagage by Its
pority and rhyhml let teoi hear the
tmelodies of hiso cildid's dys.
Mtusic and its power '1tolov the
humno sotl woo the theme of thil dio
coinvtlse and it wos iotrodttel at onee.
In the (Ctrdent of Lde wieos the
guilty par were oic~nslate nd ooo-
'latiliy the ang1loet io coifort cas
lbhe agel of music."
Of all musical instouients the vio-
hot is the onve which can bet lpolctly
the emotions of, itau. fTe fuddlteis
omerely. the coaserr giolit 1 played
atotooi'g the commoion peoeple. 'With it
vests ithe power to portray .111011' dor-
acteristic. The story of life wit, its
battles, strife nd templltation as the
fiddle can show it, woo 'told the and-
1(0500e. This stry woo edied by n
appeal for the happiness of Olhldret.
He cold, "To musoehome hatppy the
chaildren muost e made happy.'
The Goernor touched lightly upon
thoe 'eosure to whichltiiloips of-
ficial capacity 'hoc been subject for a
lavi#1h use of the prdoutog power. Ioe
lis own defeonse he told of he pleo
for pardon that hd been Made to
"him and of how le mide one con-
vict's hooe a'happpy one by gran ling
lis pardon n Chritmas eve. le
staid that it is his belief that he who
h'kas the power must give oercy with
justice or the will cry in vain for mercy
wthen the judgmet day satll equalize
The old field school of is youthful
days ond an old-tlie quilting bee wre
niade subjects upon whichb any satr-
'es of the pictureque tines enjoyed
by young peolople of "a geneation ago
might be built.lis tales and sketch-
(Continued on second page).
Reoeption to the 'Varsity.
' lie memlbers of this year's 'TVacsilty
will tbe given ii puiblic reception iii tie
otew aromory its eventuig at 8 p. on.
Mtenmbers of the Boorxd Of Cortrol 100(
postutotent aloooooivii li e present tiid
teake "speeches. The Gleo Olouh will
faornishl iliolic, :"minIto.jolly Iine liray
be expected.
*loe object is to develop Jtitllig~lt
'spirit, and with ihirat ill view to pew-
oltooeott orgooizalisit will he effected1.
A sultabte emnblemi conlsistinig of a. yel-
lowt orrekastlowittbluet orialotd shl.ge
u-ill be ndolstet as lhimnisigonia, of olit-
l'ersliip. All nmemboers of the Ato-
lectic Associatiooo l 0101.11h olbers t's
are iterestest in tile welfare of Michi-
gain a~oteies te cordially ioovited to
he pi-esent.
To Clear the Debt.
'The ronian's builting committilee ha s
inologorated a ioovenieoit to raise lte
remaining )xl30,t00 necessary to eami-
piete the wvonon's hooilding. tAll the
bodies cooniectedt wiih the I'Miciigalr
Women's Cltobs have been asked for ax
Liott-yonr offering (one penny for each
year of life). Aun equal nutuber of bobr-
bless 'meon have been ilivirted Io cool-
riboote and by this ooeansiin s lioled
to cleaor the debt 4 durloog December.
A series of no tidles on the Universily
ooo',s its needs is beiongcoon thorotogh the
press oof Michigaon, the onoltittee hopt-
lug- thereby to ho-lug the college and,
Delivers an Interesting and In-
* structive Lecture.
1'ecsterdnay atfternlosonIntUniversity
Hatll the 1Rev. lvasli'higt'sn ItGladden
spoke on tbioe suobject, "'Te ]Fori.told
8oobsitmuce of Cultotre." 'firws, thletlbio
bt, the s'ies of l~ctooires given by thoe
S. C. A., -was 11i4stod to by i. lrge cold
alolreeltltive atitlicioc. The speak-or
-8mto intoduoced toy AligPresidenit
Tlotelsloo nJoi;spoke ionsosause 105
too niaoiy walks of life we hove only
tute semibltoce alnd sho:,v of low er, and
Ito 'cool totoltive foirce. T'.his is true
oveoi of tle beaoottfol pictureis by
hta7,ph-oel, thle gorgeouos creati-o-js of art
ait Florence thud the citotely :images be
the Louvre. '"They hlave form anid ouot-
woord beauty, but nooliviong, rtil fesrc .
They are only real to us ths our in-
ogiomttion pictures mower bhind the
atoere 'ot-tva'rd altloirotme
Aoo e , wele ur on to omodern phil-
la'titlroplmy, we see to.1 a gret majority
of cases only shot i nd tinsel. Truoe
pilantitrotiy is abseit nt 010false bene-
hiene reaors iots head. Mta'ny such so'-
cieties:are -organizedh only for social
disphoy. Inouotr stvlihl, tohis vice
of sooberiiithiy holds fooll. sway.
t(:1ttotes of 'iihitihblic school 'anot~h~
eve-l reaud correctly; rthey psronsounce
the wordo timid give soume little em-
the people of 'thme state into closer re- mdtosis, but being questionied cannot
lation. telh Whaot they have readh. 'Ime satme
Lights Turned On in the Gym, fault pervades :thio othter tronoes of
- lettning, stiud is to .some extent. trttcod
At host 'there is lighmt hoitht~e gym. Tbhe in 'ihme bigh shmotol anod college.
eventt occurred yesterday af ternoons If Wre observe lime political 'amndhot-
und thme gloor of ineaundescoasts, filling dustrial world closely, we notice again
every 'nook of thme big building, brought thie steimme reverence for oitwenrd op-
fertih a roeund of ahplause from thte heaaranht. fle iemaggueo notweigims
+tomodreds of stuadents present 001 thete mo olar: lie otumup ortor is vol.
floor. Work 'has Leon greatly rehi-rdeil ued mole tlzmn the horeachmer. On every
in this departmuent on account of this siode thme penole are ceaughst by hinithag
Want, but everythinig wihl now be anid farce. Yet illis sa~zitoat ouor toco-
pushmeth withlt i yinid, ito doubt, tdaih-lo le 'ore as a genetal vole iinre ittelli-
attendnce at thme gyms. will Stake a1 gent thanu in othmer coumtries; this is
jump upwards. Heretofore oai account tbrue, but they hare atlso 0me grea, ter
of darkness thme fleer was cleared at Irceoon5h1ii
o'clock atidstudents having laboratory In 1these pesoimoistie utterances I do
work were f'orced to forego thme poivtl. toot give full expression to mny true
Classes will begin on ML-onday, Dec. sentimuonts. There is ouch hope f or
6th, and ho held at the came hours as the future. 'The high sohvools and cj-
last year, 4:1,5, 5:15, and 8 p. m. lttehtlly 'the colleges hire growing very-
'rapidly, and the halter are ouch yetr
Toastmasters' Club Meets. 'urning out thousands of men and
'The hUiveroity of ([ichigan Fobrst- oonnwti nheiel tdcluii
naatcrs lubme Zj~eineQ veni - Iteories to lea ven thme more °Ignooat
and admi7tted the following studnts ,'aaiof tany heclgegdoatudeisolw
to memnbersh ip, viz., S. L. Ta.-tums,H. wecaring a wayfi, aitOhoe !is fast realizing
C. 'Me-Cutobena, 1W. S. GCilbert, J. A. his imporftant fnction in society.
Srhaebt, T. A. Berkible andi 11. J. Mfc Blat along with .the inereaSlag wna--
dreary. A banquet followed, with J. be of college gonaduates emn'es the
Q." Adrams acting as toast-master. . (Continued on Third Page.)