Y hc t - e Of AL AL -all UL VoL. VILI No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1897. PRIcL-3 CENTS. WILD Has-received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N0, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A l l e g r e t t i ' gs - C hocol rs nyaweePL PTO E O YS UI... Oly inpaaos' JutR cida pou nd.Eegn in owfNey'srifpenI PAESHARAY SEATESREE O TTOEY Frielop s e. 10....'975c risgcases, gravedand 7100 Hostin an d s oldL lnches atbous.Agnt Mogr e'n lams a nd Wrerneromu. 'CoclaytebBoetgosa ne prc. B.JbY-o WAHRS'BOKSR Bes liwnenDppernerTlwn Bestawte bond ppoerCert...se Anvelrosr boxa(210). 2 VERY ENTERTAINING Was Governor Taylor's Lecture of Last Evening. oot t eveninlg tie rcttteoetitadve Auto Alrbor audience woo well eooerioe' tiy Tentiessee genitial goeror the lion. Itollt. B. Taylor. A treat mtetl leetorelihue 1ad0btenh proiised atl te speaker did nt fol sho'rt of the ex- eetationi. For tn hour and11 a half lie hettild is aitoielrce gt Isoarncifllmflh, minbgten, by hisoite use- of the Englisth language. Oe niomnet quiet, canoed by tiesoothling 1path10 of a detweiptoof01