40th oi qa
Saturday, This Week
The "Michigan Pn"-the
Block M, enameled in Yel
low and Blue on solid silver
worth 75c or a potted Crys
anthemum in bloom
With every pair of Ladies
Greatest Jacket
of the season.
Pin and Plant,
With every Jacket sold
' W e t m ore , w, ~J. T 5. res. W. 20 Vi DYVce-p ros
W.,. '.Wetrnorei©-pos
oo'. C WALzAstCs'ie
106 $S. Mae S.t. and 4342 S. State St. Sae- S - s 1A
jUNI ER.STYT X -B OKS, Tansacts a general Banking busi-
STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. C ueotaaRee7'060.Spusl$1.50,
t f this Sat. eceie,,dissits. bysan
Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery ells exchage ox teta'picpl ites of the
Uited Statestisoits cashed aisoxproper
and offers all at the Lowest Prices. idetfictio. Sfey dahoie boxes to rent.
Oarreiras: 61 .fahcisiiark tes.; W. .
________________________________________________________ Harr5 iana Vice-P s ('ha R. iiscoc,
Cshie:Di0J le+ st stnl Casie
ho oryYe ars (FIRST NATIONAL AN Korded 6
---- .a pilPI, 10 "a plus. esYi P c , t, 5 1
G O L D E N S C E P'lxirasodts a generlcingixi ustiness.
t oeesehage boght Rd oi SoFurish
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER i CAPr)N sos e s
as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. p l
Lam ps Expressly 4o'.Students' Use Caitl},6i6,sls, 36000 Tanacta
cci ii bsieibusiess.
6i "'Tse Rochester;'"T''ho Yl," "The Royal," The Perfection," R. Bros x Pey C E aret.vice-Pes
"The Berlin Studeit," all nickli plated, varyinig in price from i-siHiiti ,o-ir
$1.00 to $2.50 each. C. I. MAJOR & CO., '
S Every studeint slould use Dean's "ced Star." It gives a pure The Artistic deorato rs
OIL white light, is odorless aiid does nt char the wick. Deliv-
eied in aiiy part sit the city is our cans at t0e per gallon. For Have a coplee line of
ale slily y Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
21 otsManSre. DEAN & CO M PA NY., Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
214 ______South________Main_______Street.________ Specialty of fie iterior decorating,
Let°"o" rsntnyPolm i prtude k i to painting, frescoing, tititiig aid paper
Lecure o Prsen Dy Poblms aseintfo pirt nde th drecionofhanging. Only the est of workmen
'1'hc S. C. A. sioes of ieus Iut. he limoi't sccesful leaders in employed. Work guaranteed.
titled "Present Day 'rohietas,' will ti c Oialii rifori. C. IU. MAJOR & CO.,
opeid tonight at 8 ococ ini NessTw hcaoTakgiigDy The Artistic Decorator,
be'sry Itol y Professor (rahaim _ay-_
lir, with an address upon te"SoiThto Di titigan Central Rasilrad ro. F'. SCH i L'EEDE.
Aspects of Personal Progress"Ilf 340 S. STATE STREET
Ttiyor s th stat esleut ocil rt itu isa $5irate to Cicigosand return,
eitafis nthtsmosein o cialrtu 'ssdnsdy iirn Bookidigf......... .5 cets snd sp
ntsintisetoofthe country. ao ro edesa mrig, "''v.Solid tod Fontan Pees'... 1.00ad up.
ani has for Disay years eeu corner- 2, iiiti Mnday night. No. 29 pro- 5'teiesdTe Penseais tolssa
ed with social work is its mst iracti- vided '0ltoperoull can hosicired to gohoesaead Retail Pape,3, ts, of Li-
cxl frm.ai'per aerfoe 50c.
cal formiii the special excursion train whirls
The socal settlemient idea has tss- sill carry the teaii and will 'leave PF RiE I
oil re experimental stage. Today here on Wednesday, Nov. 24, at 9 a- Chafing Dish Recipe Book!
mnany of our larger cities have sctini. This train will carry a baggage, ASK OB ONE.
centers. A grea ember of these set- dining. parlor and soing ars, and Our New Chafing Dishes are here.
tdeients have been directly affiliated ii5 many day coaches as are needed. -'-- -
ss'th educational tnstituttons in order Itt sill stop only at Nies, 53rd st. and 'W32'>- &rold. hOSOINOLE.
that the culture and inteligene of 239th st., Chicago, naking the run ao
university life might aid, in a pratcal quickly as possible. M S tu i o~i
soy, the solution of the scal prob- To mnake sure of Ie excursion the
lemns f the day. Chicago oni ioit, football mlanageient has placed at
wh'lose sarden is Professor Taylor. ;s Sheehan's, Godyear's, and in the PIANO, PIPE ORGAN
the particular settlemeni in which the hands of the respective mnembrs of ADC M OIIN
association has been specially lntir- the athletic 'board optional tickts N O PO IIN
ested. The work has teen steadily w.orth $2, which will apply osi the rail- CONCERT PIANO TUNING
growing and has eenly assulned rad excursion ticket, or else be re- R. H. KEMPF,
larger proportions. turned to the purchaser, It is hoped
The executive comnlittee of the S C. that all who intend to go to Chicago From Stuttgart Conservatory,
A. have again selected the Chicago uill purchase these tickets, so we can Germany.
Commons as the special object for, ecure the rate and aconnodate the
their benevolences Sunday evening crowd. WARD HUGHES, 12 SOUTH DIVISION STREET
at 8 o'clock in University Bll the Manager.
friends of the association will have an @ ( J USICAL ! @Q
opportunity 10 contribute to this l rc. "ThePrisoner of Zenda" at the Ath- Mexlilepie, teacer f Madliianosa
ticail frm of missionary work, for at ens Theater Tuesday nightad Guitar. Iastrctr ix te Uiversiy
that time Professor Taylor will speak Schaol fmasi. 55 yess experleace ax
before a union meeting on the subject The University School of Dancing a teacher. Call at Aa Aror Msic C's.
"esnlResponsibility for Social will give a Thanksgiving prty the Strtoaacefrhust 5
Progress. evening of Nov. 25th, from 8:30 to HOLMES' LIVERY
11:30 p.im. All students cordially in-
At Professor Taylor's suggestion the vited. lass tickets not accepted.ST B E
funds thus raised will constitute theST LE
S. C. A. Scholarship at the Commons FOR RENT-A very desirable suite 5 9E LbryS
the same as last year, thus making it of front roms with stationary bowl, 5 9E iet t
possible for some member of the aso- hot and cold water. Hot water heat. Central location. Good Service
clation to study the social problems lg and all modern conveniences. Ta-
from a practical standpoint and with quire 431) . Division. TRY THE .
Rich's Pean.ut Cisp:: Steam
10c and 20o a Box at AdSV Laundry
An 20VEa PER CENT ax wha You arO
Q No.. 5. 1231 E Wahigsa St nowpaying for landry work. Leave rdrs
Mummervs Drug bare Or. Fourth ave. at 28 South Man Street