Here is something, boys, that will get you .o
U of M. Pius in both light and dlark blue Blocklvi
to be given away Saturday, Nov. 20 and Xonday,C
Nov. 22, with eivery sale of$2001 or more Watch for .~AOA
our bargains
a SIOUX Our window shows 'fine ,olored Shirt forl90n, worth
The Barker Collars are the best dress collars.
-.-- We have a 3-ply all linen collar for 9 cents.-
222 and 224 I IA I ( & 0 0%., SO. MAIN S.,E
IGeo. S,
LSts.i, rA, 10 0:'t .a 1c
aegi ttpel lyfom sBRO W N' VIS DRU.G S TO R ES 0 "1.k TI,
AN A . Itt)I SieC to..(ORNEl IN TOAND) HURLON c lRE I II N1 0 110 (I OR.
A05;0E WaVshigtton St libitb 1(111aSpc(laty
1" the place to Recu at '1This Regster1 is tiew ayscoste irlst y te No( 10i"ft 1 1 AVEIN U
Meseges-i' F B ' I ii tv,301ithoi 1 p
ANN A1BO4 Mr Mead Lectures Monday. Mr Kings Misfortune A" "ON TEUFEL,
11-eTablisud y ,Secit . 5 97 i it.he Ioffices tof te' 'it i"oplic lt so .-A ttttdtticl sittci 1'tud i i5 v. ii ai oia nS ro
TI iI 5141 ':IIrnsiiisalsinDsIi Csesan
Tains lereAss Aorbiy (Cosntral tadart' ('e'y)'have (een gi5't'i Iii' :too'pcce ii':I ( bt g rim'ue ittane ysstrday.Tw 'issoO eg
Tie.''1 studetott friends wilt leave toiglt to
1xsORTH. (111TH. p rtniy of '101151i11.'11t p11 1iti' roittt tindtValiss iiepairidntt taly and
0:3s c' 7:0 . t 1 sio y doin0.Mit.ofit lsi 1hittt to his hmi lltottt 11 0111,X. Y., ('5100Ni. 37. MiiStreet
'1:110aa. . c. I 11121a. mc i e crebillEnt intlD511t:1d7 'f'list n 'fe l iy sciac it charge' beieve 111)ha Ist re
:4 p. cm 040 g. in ttobilan i r o ni a fte ttaotck is ony tteiitrtatyaandithtp to c Wevaitejsr-
10 s etiteen AssuArboir a 0'toledo oly te ew nlt tlzy nPeiipret etadque.wl oec~e 1o l airgelic
5E.5. GILMORE, Ag i[ ta reroom.ane. NtiL tattPfsIooPniEutSil so s ''
N. ti EN NETT . P. A. Tot eurertttt eddoy.SO,' 2,t. Y oun King is Saidl to be stitbjt tSee OUi wiiidie. J~.elJ
t_______________Io'clock in te fternosti.'nilesub- t sucthattack.r
yo R r 7 cet wili be "Tfe Study of nirstory." ______ HAL:LER'S Jewelry Store
A1'11I 3T'l\ UalMe RT 10il ist' esitsr of the O01
A ~ lO N ~ 4 Dr. Wenley's Sunday Lectures POR, ''i"'~
The Niagara Falls Rot:." Sotn efes.tlato f ay L w e SCooae
Cetial Stadard Tie. 1h1stortsca1 and literry ('101135, and ti Dr. oenly will pak tttltttotlLo ny' C oclae
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. lecturer of groftpttwe. Mm. 0.Hotw- nbooing at 1030 at tbeiresby tani -G0To--
EAST ,WEST. el's calilnbO"ne of those sos curh n Th ltsoonofI TTWI. W~. TUTTLE' S 338e.
P.Mr.a hrho fis i~o tehw." u , State St.
doil and Ex...3 4 ., N. Y., (hi .0. 1wose thoroughnessoan110 esllo7a'1 iS Il the curse of Sunday Ievenig 07 ALLERETIS, if you wish.
K .N.L..Spcil-ted.- t- o """""Ma "' ........P.s . 8 culture nakes whtatever he te l ltO 05101 11 , Dr. Wenley will bginu at 6.0
{easternEx-E...19.lOus Western Ex ---- 1 5 of pleaing and ptofitable. Edoard irstoad of 7:30, to avoid onflit wthl1l3
o A. Epes . R.&. E.tf--e-o- 5lrdcil 55lIuerteaupoeoo he50Q
D. N.Epreci 5 50 (Chi. Nt. Eg-"""- 540 Evrett tHales'egash11110 the 1110 nio001serviceo inUnivesty ll)iliE
*North Shore Limited is a extra fare train careful and thoonghl discussion al LLtADSo
to e a charge of $2.0 to New York than os f
other trains,it lgOo Lte7ycemi." _M1r. Mead IEAII. SOFT, ('ANNEL ANI)
0, . RodLS, . W HAESAt the Athens. soSN0En iSS COALS~
0, W.&T gt.,Chicago . AniHAES, is 'pn er nEngland and Ge'- t'Anthony Hope's 'batiful soltiy, AND COKE.
liany, studying Genan philosphy "The Prisner of Zenda," will be pre- jq. S A B L R
U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms and contenpoary Engilsh activity. sentod at the Athens Theater next 155.\'st-tsSre.Ihn
322 SOUTH STATE STREET. and he has devoted himlf w~l'ith She- Tucosday evening, November 2d. 19w ahntnSre.Poe8
Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing ug stairs ial enthusiasm to the t'uritan ote- Tu- 'e ame nahe(Guaratee.
Old friends rll again. We welcocie new "etad' h itryadlfeo 'twMr. Granger cordially invites all st-
inns. 3.10. TEOJNOWSEI, England. The Philosophical Soet y dents of the Univerity to participate ,: SLDN'
RENTSn..iRn THE PHOTOGRAPHERinte all persons intereted is hear in the Thanksgiving Day afternoon r tFontrvallqupieor '97gme
! -NhtfLf, ANAIO so distinguished a rerteentative of dancing party, N to 6 o'clock. Gentle- aanagers will dosell to write
Telephone ,o. ANARO iterary Boston. men 50c. Orchestra music Satnrday f osacigs and secal rates
NOHDTELevenings after Thanksgiving Day. B- T herpgrchasig.
EIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. On account of Thanksgiving the Y1. ginners classes now open Thursday TeSpadingeg Officiall
Calls Attended ayor Night. C. R. R. Will run ati excursion to Chi- evening, Saturday morning and after- Fdpe yYae rneootBnnlall.
sagoon he 3rd nd 4th god tore-noo. Gange's cadmy. Harvard, Cornell. and all other leaing uni-
No. 110 East Lierty Street: Residence 53 oo3 he2r n 4tgo ore on rngrsAaey versiies Each all tested and aced, and
Sth Fouth Ave. Phone 129. turn on the 29th, for one and one-thrd WANTED-30 lady boardern at pec- sealed In searate box with hrass inator
Pie$50. FoBalRANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, fare for the round trip. plrts nur t25.tt t oSar19 dedbIATRCM ~d
WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. T~niversilty School of D~ancing, C00110 l i tot cenOi~i
KINDERARATEN(NEW QAiRTERS State Street, opposte Law Building. A. G. SPALDING &u BROS.,
II!E lIE6I~02 .HluronsSt. New York Philadelphia
Call and See Us, Terms $5.00 a senmetr - - Single evenigs 50 cents. Chicago Wahington
Office-427, Thompson Street.
CANerforNSH USl FFrtniyrisclS. Do you speak Greek? You can PIENWLTO j
dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Abor learn it whe buying '1J h-. I
Orid r s alFatienity710Gesarte. hFruit and candy at the Greek Store, V" .ahb..es"a
P,5s- Will tche pupis on Pans and In ,0I 203 North sain street opp court Just received.
sit eading a ahove named laces, P" house. Pre home made candies *Lwu iso TIO n ~M
A. J .Johnston. 0 and ice cream, fine California fruts,! MINS for all Instruments.
__________________________very suitable for presents, and wey
" . " know you will want them for that SCHAEERLES MUSIC STORE
Advertise in The Daily ." "" party you are going to give 114 Wes Liberty st., Ann Arbr.