t~Ijc U. of
VOL. VIII. No. 43.
Has received a full line of,. ovelties
for Fall and Winter. in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Theodore Thomas' Orchestra in
University Hall.
The ('Iloal 11ii11series -vill O-iopfl
tcnight with a concert by the Cihicago
orchestra under Th''leodore Thomas.
Every effort has been mode to. make
10O. t08 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN this first concer tia brilliant affair.
________________________________Tiheodore Thorn s h as this y ear the
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60ce a pound.
*Lowney's if yen
Jost Recelved a Large and Elegant
L±~o of 1New P1*peu I
Hot anod Celd Leeches at all hours.' Agents
for I5 ulr's sod Williamesod-.W rnera Co.'s
Chocolate Boy Boos.
R. Ea.joyL'Y & O.
308 South Stae eStreet.'
Mr. 1. 19Tol
Kilanad the Rhine
PRICES.: ,dai " 75 e.,7S
Students should try, us before
,making any purchase. We are
bound to satisfy and <please. Our
'buest organization lie Ihas hast for,
msany seasons, anti in as mtich as tise
eciestra, is the only great permanenet
organization of time kind in tile coutry
-with tile exception alwvays of tile
Boston Symphony-no apoliogy 5eelll5
mnt'essary for offering tile patrons of
tite course a concert hy tis, one of
tile filst orchlestras illthe, world.
Herr 'L. Kralner 11a10 been elngaged as
cncert-molister. Tile following i3 tile
programi in full:
Symsphony in Illminor.,...Mozart
Sympanc su Suite-"Sch em razde" ..
From 'Thousand and One Nsiglhts."
Overture-"Flying Duthon....
Theme and Vbtrations. quartette in
D minor........Schubert
Hungarian L4.naeea . B&rahmis
(Orchestration by Dvorak).
.Festival - tMarch and Hy~rnto Lih-
ery .:.........Hugo Kaun
Michigan Schoolmasters. .te
'P7he toety-Ililth semi-annual nieet-
intg of tile Michligan Schlool Master's
C'lub will take place in tis city, Nov.
26. ald 27. The sesillns will be de-
voted chiefly to tile discussion of set-
ertific instrutcion 1in 1Highl Schlools.
Anlorlg professors fromt othlerL over-
sities, Charles P. Borneo, Iprofessor of
cihemistry ill Wisconsint University will
give an address on "Observatiosal t-
ensce in the High School.' -Prof. .. 0
Reed, of Michigan, will read a paper
on "Whlat should tile study of phlysics
contribute to tile educatioll of tile high
school pupil?"
'Tie sessions will beheildll in Frie
'lemoraial Ha.l. The citib now sunI-
hers about 200 usembel-s, representin
nearly every hligil scihool and( college
in1 tile state.
Will Organize a Gun Club.
V'ery little bnsiness was trausacked
at last eveinig's meeting of tile ath-
Ictic board. It was-rdecided to co:n-
mtence the impsrovelnents in tRegents'
Field next Monday. All that paort of
tile fieltd between tile oval and the east
fence will he ploughled, sc-raped, and
levelled off.
Trhe organization of a gun club caume
up for conideration and wvas placed
in tile hands of ".tack" Atkinson.
The special trainl to tile Chicagxo
game will stop at Jackson, Kalanlazoc
afnd Niles.
Prof. McLaughlin's Lecture.
The first of a series of lectures be-
fore the Good Governmnent Club was
delivered b' Prof. 'Aeiauglinu on
'Rsmhblslm'lst of a Spolls System ie
Jackesoti's Tulle,"-in.tile Ttappan Mall
lecture 10011 last evening. There was
Ifair attendance present itnt the lee-
ture s-as an excellent introduction to
the work of the club.
trof. MNcI aIgillil attemlpted to ac-
count for rile spoils system by acount-
Lug for Andrew Jackson and his elec-
ti0ll to tile presidency of. the United
States. He explained tile chsaracter-
istics of Ja('ksonl and the faceds tilat
tlaced thin ill office. ker-koon was cte
randitiate of "use iseople" a111( he was
elected to dirive tile "aristocrats" fl-n
office. That ilime tlttely 1551is ill-
angmratio tilhe people who hod elected
11111 should demand tile spsails wvas but
Ilatural, and tile renio~ai1 of the old
office 1101de-s was as nattural as tile,
election of Jackson imself. Tile lec-
ture was -a very interesting one andd at
its close tile speaker wvas generously
vT le other lectiles to be delivered be-
foire the club tis u-itter aire as fol-
"Slumns, Thleir Cause tend Cute," by
GX. W.-Gray, superintendent of the For-
wvard -Miovement in tile slurns at Ch~i-
"Street RItIovays in TilenR le-
Itition to City Government," by Sidney
C. Eastman, chairman oft' he Muni-
cipal 'Civic Federaios Cainittt'e, or
" AMakiisg tile'World Better," by W.
N. Ferris, principal 0111 founder of r'ie
Ftarris tndustriil School of Big Rapi~ds,
i ei.
Coatucus lReforms," by llt. M. la-
F+oliette, ex-congr'essmlanl from Wisconl-
The(latsw0111be anounl~mced 1In5a
short time.
A Mechanical Announcer.
Tile Jeffersonian Society has thirty- Int ordter tat tlite spectators at tile
twvo emntries for their prelisi narit's for MK-hligazu-0Ciiago gamle ''llanksgiving
the ,Chicago debate. The ireliina"- cday lllay ho kept imi closer toucb Willi
leotil b hed Sttidaynlgmt mmdtime playing theimamagenent itas pao-
ncxt -Monday night. vided a -meciamilcaI contrivance with
Til fololui ae tle mamesoftilsea. large dial on wiich u-ill be recorded
entered' for, Saturday neight with the ulticm side has lihe ball, I mc nummobker
slde thmey inm ve dm0501: :Affirmative, of downzs, the nunmber of yardo to gainm
Mfessrs. Parkem', Scahait. North,, titi, and hloe' the boall is lost.when it
Btailey, Stringem', OIodes andc Nortti; cianges hando. Tile applaratus is time
negative, Messrs. Hanson,. McDonald, irvention of an easterner and has bees
laggard, Shsennalian, Dillon, Oxtoby,usdutlgetucssmmevalo
Lara mour and H-amnlton. thse late easterlt games..
For -Monday night the debaters are: _____
Affirmmative, Mlessrs. Wetherbee, Sang- Will Join the National League.
er, Tuck, Hlaskims, Ziummer, Ilea, Lacy
and Church; negative, Messrs. Cio'sr-- A simort busineso nmeetig was hield
necis, Cloud, Dandridge, Hclek, Land, by" the Good Govermmnt Clublr after
Brow'm, Huff and Lanibert. tlse lecture- by Prof. McjLughlin last
- . ight, It was voted to tave-the club
Webster Society-.;;- - hes-ome a meniber of the Ntatiommal
- -,. - . - - fnnelcpal League. Although the climb
the prorami of "the' Webster ,Society s not a mnember of tile National Civil
for tomnorrow night is as follows: fl-m-trine f,eaguie it wtes deecded to ac-
sic, Mr. Scott; reading, R. l eaverlt4. t heit8 evtin of tie leagume to
say, J. C. Tayior; oration., iR. A. Smith; $ pnd rebpretentatives to tlilenext an-
impromiptus, S. L. Tatum, W. 0. Lee, efual convpmsl~ion to be held 4at'Ctncim-
J. Adanso; debate, "Resolved,'.That the yns otmi
standard of admission to the law de-
partment should be raisedl," alirma- A"Rare Collection.,
tive,. R. Ltawler and R. Mitchell, netga----
tive, G1. B. Gould and C. E, Theotbald; Tia U niv-emsitSr of Penmlisyle amia
speech, W1. A,. Seegmalier; 'music, Dana iveseuln lis re(celtly been enriched by
Tosses. a collection of antique tigiding ap-
paratna Tilet CollectionL consists of
K eteda' Pratie. candlesticks, lamps, hlmnterns, ,)tinder
boxes, matchses -aid fire producing il-
'rs'ty praclice was 'ecret again p. ratna o evemy descrip'iom. 'lie~
yeterday. "Pa" Henniger an Mal- l t~rsting atidles arelproimab1y secozr
ley will be ohre Thursday or Fridsy in valueonly to 1he colle,,tiomm in tme
( assist in time aching. mti anal imurnu at Washin gtan.
Tickets on Sale.
All u-io intend going to tile Mimi
g~xa''licago ganme are earnestly re-
qunested to procure the optiontil tickers
thtr me omn sale at iSeehan's, Goal-
yetmr's or with any itlelnber of thle
atiiletic bo.ard. 'lhese'a.st $2', amid ap-
ply on time'rai. lroadixctrsioai. ticket.
'Two ihundredt must guiarantee to go or
the special rTate of $5 canmnot be se-
tClled. -Train uwill leave as P "a'cia-k
a. in. 'Weuesday.
At a meeting of tile 'M'tI la iterisc
yesterdiay 'tilt'followingf class itic rs,
wveret elected: President, HI. C. Hesrit,
Jarkson; vice-lresident, G. .Ltogers,
New' York; scretary, lx m-ge Eckles,
Petoskey; treasurer, L. 0. Ctushimng,
. I
Thise iIosophlical Society Zillsfilially
icitiod to iiold its next Ineeting dtin
Friday, Nv10l, imnslead Iof ttatnrda<y,
as was previomesly ainnonce d. A papaer
wHillhe lead by Mm'. XV. M. Wherry, on
tile ",Evidence of.ta Design in Na.-ure."
Tickets for Chicago game
on sale at 1 heehan's at 1 p. m.