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November 17, 1897 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1897-11-17

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YP 1 TieW. J. BOOH, Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres
a S /41J. V. ,SEHAN, 2 Vice-prs
gJOHN C. WAZ, Ast. Casher.
The StoreAsct Tis Stteer.ll - Buk
-- NEW SHAPES, fll CENTSSae avn Bnk
LATEST ATERNS. I UworthTnescs ageneral Banking bus-
Will regret it you 1$.25,Ps.
Capital Stoc, IlSOSS.Surplus, 1!10,00.
1I TT !Resurces, 1,00,0
GO O DS P EE D' Sr anied under the General anking Law
MAIN STREET. el ls excane. oathe prncipal cites of the
______________________________________________________Unted States. Dafts cashed upep, prper
Idetfcatis. Safety dnepost boxes ts rel,
OrxoaS:n Christian Mack Pres. W. D
S Harrian Vice-Pes Chas E. Hiscoc,
SNA PY REE ESCashier: Al.I.Frito Asstant Cashier,
Capital, 100,00. Surpus and rfits x40,00
We are Offering TWO SPECIALS- ) L Transacs a general banking business
Heavy ribbed and fleecd- Foreign exchange bought andold. Furnish
y 5 0 C etters of credit.
Heavy Jersey fitting ED. KINNE,Prs. HARRISON SOULE,
$12 -S. W. CLARSON, Cashier
Combination Suits .00 WAGNER & OIPAN,s
Popular Priced 1IlLLINERY. 4.5SOu niheMINVr E T - ~ 1T & hIii~gn
i 1..5 SUTI- MAI t"TEET. 4 rmCr. Main and Huron Streets.
09. ~: Capital, 51500. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a
IILam ps Expressly a Students' Use R. Kssr, Prs. C. E. OssoN, Vice-Pros
The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," H. ii.MAORn H e& Caie.
Our Own Designs. "Te Berlin Student," all ncklepltdvayninrcefot
Trimmed with Plumes, Birds Quills, $1.00 to $2.0 ah. The Artistic deorators
Coquxe and Fancy Feathers-will be Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Have a complete line of
sodti eka '~t ~o. O L white light, is odorles and does not char the wick. Dllv- Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For Shades, oom Moldings, Etc.
HATS TRIMMED TO ORDER! sale only by Specialty of fine interior decorating,
DEAN &i COMPANY. ppainting, frescoingtnting and paper
Your own id ;t, preserved iu Artis- 214 South Main Street. hranging. Only the hst of workmen
tic style and a: .; it iment.- employed. Work guaranteed.
UNIERITNTE.___ h Mtan )i~iii: Oilil Mu0r1el fi M AORl (f
p ~Ny and Ddly suplor 2:he nogai.C. . R O i
BEAUTIFUL i.3EL HATS f Net'Monday evening, Novonmber 2, prof. Graham Taylor. ofCh ico,,o_ The Artistic Decorator.
Copied from Paris models in large Prof. A. A. Stanley will lecture in the will legii teo-S. C%' A. s*:res of lee
variety-Selling cheap this week. Uinity club course n "Byreuthn and lues on social topics Satrdy evo'n- F. J. SC1 {L.EEi DEr.
(li__________________te Wager Festivals."tu in iiNvorev lHall. !His sbjec 340 . STATE STREET
AI ' 0. wjtnrningschool lhs bee: oaddedlwill be social Aspects f erOoalBokh Bindng... I....5cents ad up
DPARMEN . t it gyirksiu of he nivrsiy OfrreI~c5 -Solid Gold Fountain Pens 5100 .$Ikand p
,1 Waterman and Win Pens in stck and
{ t4 isc- allsin. One ~~of tefiettnIIThprgabftelliNno- PsRpied
tie Country has recently blono'uitoolefor ctet3- tor'next.Saurdy isasfolos:Wholesale and etalPprni' b.o i
this lptiI'l5e.Music; seech, ', . 3Mo0dy; detoolo
1 e class gane Friday boetweecn tS "Iesolved. 'lat the U7nitolRata0: .i FP R~I
a^ ad 00) tMvi, o'wibepaedl so te Vte ate ouht to ratify te teat 1f:rlthe Chafing Dish Recipe Book
(renos instedc of atotReent' bied. anextio of the Iawatii: 1.1 aiol, ASK FOR ONE.
irte ic-aon is that the 'varsity wvi eO afiruoaiove Stung and S iious .io o Our New Chafing Dishes are her.
g-age iisecret lpracice on that ay. tne, F ('imooly tod 'aoul; gnetotlosi,-
A n iomuotor of the mulers of l te rsoTV=.to 1 A' ah s 10~~rod. EWEL.
toocult ito very enthusiastie golf play- tStauts for the 3ieiign0hit moi
or ndlaofsv of thoum may be Soen hoted will draw for 101aces tti ratcn lor n fer 01tmetn:-attelns ot fton mn
0the lin',st eotesof thivu.~acn sIE RA AD 1
Sos orLde osiacdeoesothsgeis Philosophical Society. H ICE CREAM SOD 31
Wright, Peters & Cc., of Roches- iitmminteaootuugeott'lo e:lauituofoePtls S Most Excellent
trFneFowainaltela-iiilcli takes plae Friday nigt is a plical Soiety oill take !;ace onle't T T
trFin s tyle a n lltshneltsd-fneIterational Dictionary anol!nay Saurday evening at 8 ocock. ii (toamiEB ChoolatesA
and Turns. Prices too seei in sheeiaii s oindosw. 'The ,,iit.hot 'tecli postonta~d fro Friday R T
-$2.50 to $.oo cltest is aircoody excting iuttnto- ue-:tlto rottoftetroo~cue~ Hot Soda.E
See our $3.00 Calf Boot. a splen- st and ao largegocratved is expctedolih- cottest. At this meiu (g apater oill B _______________S
did Shoe for 01ho01 wear. cuse of the itese rivlry otweei to:'reado by M1i. Wi. '. Wherry on R Cg, fDIIBIH lnd WASHINTON STS T.
_________________ theloeb'awad literary odeatet-t "'fle Evioece of ao Design iii Natue.' BE -
Sigor Joa lft foe Boston "lst Somooc loop0totont lusinSs wili.la's
Rubbers For Ladies. .,:.tcght to filllos en~geimonts owito tie comte u10 befooe the society. 'i'his Q MUSICAL 1 @
ttestoml Synotolyon rchesta, of netig is tho' regular students' met- Mel Gillespe, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo
Goodyear glove fitting Rubber to wvichteliRll P'uer is odirctor. Hter tg, bot visitors lid stodemts intend- and Guitar. Intrctor In Ie lniversity
fitsall style tos. Prices tonas oilirgie tsputlic retersal Fti- ii o o: h il vl omwlooe Schoot of Msic. as years exporlooceas
$1.00igofoteoinoohe lubwillbewelcome a teacher. all at Ass Arbor Music Co's.
-25C to $A day atronand oncrtSatumolayStore to arrag frhor.:" -
__________ eveoing Durnggtos absence is von Lfrl. Granger cordially invites all st-TT
Grove wil hve charge of totis l~l, lots of teieT'uersity to prtipat HOLMES' LIVERY
Gaitors For Ladies. .* he*elh Society holds a metng in the Thaksio-hg Day afternoonST B E
All styles, from 7 Button Gaitor atuday evening. 'o ic featue o enaomiW.t'Orchestra uinSuit lay -' ibrt
to the Higim Leggins. Prices svrrm ill be;adbate, "Resolv ed, evenings after Thanksgiving Da. B' -08 'I~brt
-25C to $1.25 porui59L
- 'at memobesip in the _Adepiut e ginrs csses nw open Thiursday Central locaton. Good Service
eternaly denied to women. 'imes a- venin, Saturday mornig amd fte- ________________
Shoe Department first floor.. flrmntivl will be uphd by Sltr noow e rauger's Aademy. TRY THE -.
Rich's :Penut Oiip : Steam

10c and 20c a Box at s aEa nntAdSV Landy
MACK CO And As2 PER CENT o what yoar
IYI. AC123O um e y' r S o E-o.'WshonSrt n~ow yno anr wrk eav rdr
M urn er s D um M re Gr.Fort ae a IZ3SutW Mi oSreae rer

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