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October 02, 1897 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-02

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+ ~None Finer in the Lad-Th
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Work of This Year.
the Clleg ear, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'Dr. Fitzg rald, the director of t
OrisoE: Tmse building, 2 . Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William St. gyistasinn, lst jst returned from
MEANAGING EDITOR trip "through the Lat, where he ito
J. F. THOMAS, 97. 'been visiting all the eastern gytnt
ATHLETIC EDITOR siuing. lie ays that the tUniverity o
13. B. SasLA, '05 1,. Michigan thas the inest andet sst
sSOSINRSMANAER teasutfsl gymnstsitsmtsithietsord
0.55 lANS, 'p8 Some of tose ithie iast coot torer
EDITORS tanusr, the oeseat Yale for Instnc
E. L. Gnsun, 'OS L. BunTun LA, '0. btntstaseof lhemn atcompiare vkl
F. S. SItNos, 'S. 1. A. CAMPBELLs,. our ss ithei.' otstlstts'tss of its apart
F. A. bues, '0 E. A. CAMPSLL, 'S. usDrFizeadaythtie,-l
. . IuDNnv, '5. T.It. Weenoew, 9noas.TrFigrsisasltte e
.0.JenNsNoS, '00 . sisated Hlteltway (ye::::sissin 5
ttrvsrd ~tissnot to be 'compsiared lwi].
Qite sa numsbter f ttlew fatsures wit
The subsrption piee o1 the Daily is $0.0 bit rsodcelinte:' osrh for this
fr the college year, with a regular delivery yar. lThe tost imposrtant f tisioc i
before noon each day. Notices, ommnia-
ions, and oler mtater intended for pblica- isii sia-bl. ('ourts "it splaformsswil
Lion must behasdedtin at te Daily ofice be- bislaIdsist 0 isinthe gyin7sistsistilst
pin. of the dy ~resssos to that on which isosis. sAfforinsg sll tiasi' wto so se
they are epected to aispear
Hubceitons may le left at Te Daily il(sltniiiipiittunittobe0 Iittiltedi by
Ofie, Meyrro or toites Nosstand, or ti xeln xrie rciewt
with Bnsiness Manager Suberiers wilt coi- ti xittteecs.isci: i
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this tlisigi iesicise blsls iile sti
office any falure of! cariers to deliver paper.couagd '~n o h-.Se~ ot
bsall tsamss idsllge 'ii this ex ctisc asi
Thesre' will btoanii (Ill(iii met ingittlpireliinarytst ork fis t heit ieaioai
of thse 'Daily Boardilinthli taily office triing.
at i:30lOthis eent ingi. Thephl' ysicl sxaststtatios will bs'
gnsnsetMtslisdy. All tsilit wish-
__________ slg to blie sxamsinedsst iit iilmg fir
St. Attdre's'schurchlt. N. 5.5:5at., te 'timeitof Ilsises'xssiiitstots by reis
cisoeiti tstttttl', ii'. littsy sitrisghis snstises'ithle book;.in the di
techite <ciliRetv. Hentry o.d Ir,--tictor's oftle. Dr. Iitty 'sals desies
AokpRcr eivas.05s. 1sit . ssesissy O ltDil o etll (ise atsentonofte
l~tl :. it, t~lyt'sssssssitssiti or.sudentissto iithe iiimotatso'o of lbisg
ma;2 is., Sunday 5Sch0ossan ibleiltexlsiilm l iiiio ityiis woryknin t
irIeo gysssosts. Drigylte pst slit's
Ciasseot; pli3,strikde st:coisitysi ter 1st;mae arrsstsgtttstswit D.
'houis't;4301p). ~tse iisitsgOftBroths- Strsyent, of ftlesi lttss.iwsy yista
hsoodl f St. Andrleot7:3105 p 11",e n-sus t tHarvrlto compare te lis sit
lug tprayer' aidlsessonul. od fteeaiain.Ec e'
First S. E. cchittli, otf Sta~estc isitho is elxamtinedltts.itcisoca
ands Waiigten fis., B. Il. iEiroy, chait wOls i cxsuiscdillret ivo's
Paoir. I'ivrsty 'Day..-'Pisssoirov litesslaitNii ~feei es
thet exrciss at thisctssrchs will hoe of ir'it~ ihIts ftt s'sy
spaialintres tostu nt. Caf CIisiade of sdevlopmsset. These are vey
secinal 9:30 nst1to Ottalliti. Oast vii' lleta oituet alo Itendus to
isscttt ti O~tI s. sst lr:is~siscitdo oysteissatic wok ithe1styttsssisus.
10:305 a. si, sbject, "Tie lacssoof thse A tivit,5 lssy ~ 0i s~ses
isiitssl its a University 'sree" tl' Sut s~tudnt for oteO f tesestelarts, buss
day Schtool t 12 m.;ss.pecial tclas systeiss ilats~o t xli:
for lsietit svli st eyanncit El- ltion iill receive oa chart fre of
worth svloloui to stisdentst at (:0 p.
a., nmetingy leit by pastto;t irescisistcharge. Ery tssetsholdsitak
advantage of this opolls rqust.
at 7:30 p.in.; "A Ysuong Mslan's t"rils suse o ss lovt ah ot
Awa trils1-luse" "ust'risy N beies:plac~ed its tebassitstof tie
world." Specisl musnic will e give's gyumnssussoiu. The msats thatt were usueo
t theseserusos. lst year isi-e ltbe en vrshasued suit
The U. of M. Bard. rpiared. Tesw ivismsing tankshatts nt
busasnibuilt s yet, aud tsre is no pratt-
'hueminagsr of the11U. Of N. basud ablility of oasilli1te siar futur, so
hs the organization iwel under wsay. it wold cost fromss$,000 to $0,000.
Practice will ceomence within a week Class work will stt be ceseaeet
unde r the iicietst cado2shiip of L. at prsent, becaus te itewieleetric
Renwick, 'of the School of Miusic. New lights have stt yt bent placed in t1st
roomns have been engaged aind evorv- gysunoolun. 'iThy will be put it, be-
thing is fast hbesig put in rde. so that fore Nvetuter 1 at tis latst. The
hen pactice begins, it can be con- Regento may ihave a 0 rporuy isst
fnued throughout the year without 0r soie sort put in immediately in
nierruption. The and wil l roably order that regular work my be on-
piear at the next football game, fiened right away, and alo for te
Ise of 'the football men who thave
A Pronpective Golf Club. dressing rooms In the gynnasium.,
Tris~ a movement on foot among Call on the State St. Agency if you
cine of the students of the University hve not already secured your roomss
a organize a golf lub. (quite a num- for the year.
dr of ur sIdents are-entlui .stic
,olf players ansd the club will certain. All students desiring furnished or
h e organized in the near future.unfurnished rooms should cl on the
:inks will be laid out along the southi State St. Agency, and get their coin
tank of the Huron rver. In all prob plelte list of room.
ibility it club house will e built onl
e grounds. 1'h work in Algebra will begin on
Friday, Octobr 22, and Saturdy, O-
Free delivery today. t oer 23. 4d'





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'death bed repentance."

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Call and see them.



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