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October 02, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-02

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ijc0tof t (I

Students' Boostoe
apposite University Entrance.
Second-hand Books bought, sol
:and exchanged.
Law, Meical ad College Tex
books at ut prices.
Blank Books
and Stationer3
Azents for Waterman's Fonr
.tami Pens, Mathemnatical Instri
acents and Sporting Goods.
SDHEHAN & coy Prop
Has received a fll line of Nvelti'
for Fall and Winter in
suits, Trousers,
and Overcoating
Students should try us befo
mlaking any purchase. We a
Abound to satisfy and please. 0
large stock of Law and Mdc
Books, in short, Text-Books f
every department in the Universi
new and second-hand enables
to ell at the lowest price.
lank Buks and U. of M. S
ionery atlow prices.
Mfake oar stres your headqarte

S FIRST GAME TODAY. fin will not e on the faclty having ASSOCIATED ALUMNI.
_ resigned his prfessorship last spring.
Thie Line-Up to Meet the Norm~ Next week lie Daily will give short Old Grads to Be Kept in Closer
sketches of the new memiers of the
als This Afternoon, faculties. '1ouch With the University.
The foothall candidates were put THE REGISTRATION. A forward ioveicect has been start-
" through the usual punting practice- ed aiinig the alucin of te Uiersiy
yesterday ciorniing iiid afternoois aicd Two Thousand Mark Almost f Michigai. It hadis ifnception at
icc the cafternoon were lned aii d puct Reached on FistDa yeai' ag-a iiian attempt, whieh has
thrug-hi a hal hour f fat wok. The Da. beinfuly realized, o get all la al
showicng onile whole was satifactory. hh~ghtation weont ecu rapidly al ay societes of the departmcenits togethcr.
the 'Varsity scoriiig twivieccii the yesterday abol whienaliii steward's o- r,. r. occlyii, c'reicy of te -iso-
Iscrutbs There were iiin' ieeay meniiilie closed last nigt hei ol il, (citinitwrcked hard at this task for
uoot cnd fCreeileaf, the veteran end, [u-cre cathe biiks. Liteay 74 ,Oii iectls canllast lne had lihe' ratif-
wsa in iiciformiiacd coachiied. Felvr-4; cocilicc, 22-4; deiitcl, ill; ecgimc-cartioin ot snug a cmiiiiitiiiiii of law,
of last years earnr, also appeared forci- g 14; harmacy, 55; homeolatiic, lt erry, medcl, dital, phac-coicei-
tie f icst time'. 'l'caiir Tl' oixtc, cl- i;i; total, 1,-2..icl (dl ciittiiii'itcitti- intite re a o.
ived frocmcthe hiciyle iril tchu- Athoughl it is too icly as yettoliiAuliiiiliii er' icc i'eitsied 1ciii'-11
cay iiglt caniiwill htics-hirge iiitil tciciiifoilieeiiite ii r heIici' a iicimincr and ltie' omlut -a-
liiithe'iiitoffitie seaoii.crat "impression is Itat thii'243X) nr timiiiwsooItiugtatntd hbei te ctrsoat
Th ier t o h icligan-N\orcual csillte lft fairIti' i-ar. Drayccuc i )a sie uiiited aiiilormcic(itiiii-
gami' this afternoon follow-: antileckcui-'nclaimi tha t tici e cc bni faun' h unerise
Stictciga-n. oroats, soreci stc'its hrtie an I at:ciany o11 iiwards (f 1,11101.
'Icetzel-...L E.... It - Url-ic rrgof college fr tiei' ttetccy'lc, 'Te'aluciiiassoiatio ic-i l'zs
Xcco-v - i ....L '.... - tX'cor civery o11111us18of ti' Los'ersii,
Lehr-... ...L G.......Wool The Athietc Board., whterihietiknows itir cot. I is cot
Icaker- - - - -l..C.....troeaciccclce riiii fur lhe reve'iiui but Nir lii go cit
Cales- - It.... .-... ..flu ;it e Athlic hoard hl.Idti5first of achaiciiiancd tliii'rsciy. Its
Stuitiser-.... 'rit - h aurancce neckling lastightand strit cocsiihr- 0114c-cc ion- are TLe-i L.,Iarbour, D-
TBenniet - h.., I. ., - titicitahiticediicgtlcseeriicig Ii eiktro hpeidc'nt;P. I Joichncsoc, of Ancn
11-harcs- - - - -S..... ci. irs mceceytreascuer W'isteiiii~in ri i c-oc, sichresiect ; '. 1. New-
- Baircahie-.... ft - St....Dorsi' cd a defiit of $1,41111) iiIurgi' iliii- c-imbeii, of AnccArbor, tciacsuicer; L. IP
a- 1cgg-...III...- t.. eisuier nIeiaihtl iaicti. Tiii'coimmiittie'ail-i oceycn, of AcnciArbi crecorder, Acd
n- iai -i' p-it inedcchlistJuiucc-ticsutit subsiial-th-si, titogcc' wit . ' lchcr, of
ohi'icchls-R, . S. roiucilanccIt. N I unis fromicc alcucciinicGsraucci llp- Accic Arborc, conscstitute'the' boarcd of
Simonis. (Gamei siill fcc'cah-el s, ',)rigcis acccclhDe-roi, -e-potedh din-i-ors ocit c icssoccciicccc, IRalh C.i
promptlyhhS at 13:30 toclocho Admcissioni.11ccic-frcuitess efforts. .llaAastr, of AinciAc-oc,tis rcectly
2,"cnts. _'Thec'oardicci-ded'c-thoh1(locecailie ficii- bicle ''tccd gnceca sec-eay f fle
billit tiucciaigehitch-rcit'tycuai's assocc-icticci.
- Faculty Changes. A- u!oiiiiitii'wsapoiniuctedhIi ci-to 'ic-seccuheiccwiccimcicociciticcc clucl-~s-
Se-i-etccy M Ahhcslc'c'bucciii cudcs bccthu gc'ccchucccc-acid ochitusdcen'ts in ifs
'lher'c'a'rc'arcge' cccccchc-' citchi-acgs citraisinicg cmonecy from the aumcnirecrdh bookis. Its rceucuc'is tic le
Slis yearcuoic11c'fcacuties of hic lift - Auth ndcucilt'cicitiii' ontempaiteiiiisec-ucecdithrocughi i.svohutaylai-hcy iciit
outii chi'titceuts of this l'iviiesty. cllig ccci ecacly mceeting-a-citbacseball hocit$1cduecs 1cc-c-yecac. l-hct tisic-o
s ''lc'cu' cure ilcithcccccihto ca-irc cc insai an ccrctch acccccc-acccichtes o cioch - ii'i'ct is ncoccc-mcchultiec, acicdhno accui-
tic-ccehec cccid 11ccri' mre oler n iew c-t shriui's siork. enus is tti'e frighitened-ul iuvy fromuihus
cciescicof11cc fiacuties who f ilt ia- A cmmucitee is-ms appined iitto A ;c ccassoicic tny caccumccuatdcuiic es. If
caucies umacde lastsecu. Ex-eptit h 1cc Stuicugcr Ihughs Icclhpr'pairing asun ci- hoi'doesn't ut a ttuy ie e ceil cot.
Iccwivdeptartmcentis-lure s5~i'd'il mci-c- hcustcsttes'cis c(i-etuc. Alficelii'hus leueicestuifisheu icc tin-
-s profescors have becerc cddelcd 11cc shcuni- 'l'herec' cre twio iuicaaciis oni 1cctheriytuhiicechccciillm-
esrrc iccle unduer mucieris of tie hboacrd sihic-hiisillbt ic'gben t h1cc mcc ismi-cfa'ys-be clcseomeacd Sececary M--
fauies.httee.iniug hic moist mcembecrship tiet.-, Alcstr siill ave chacrgeoc inte ltch
IN icflu htemir dhtcefihicitSh. t5-c- A Valuable Instructor. string.
- uuooi uand 1Mr1. hIceile succeed St. -e-
fm-i-s mcccl ir. Stuacrtms insructrs i 'fl'Tetchcec fhisoyii ia School of Music.
I*Latinc. hum GerimaIciIr, Diechoff cudcaddedutoIcts eh icemcorps of icstruc-
air, illnr are aihoent this year laid tims in the personu of Wihur ItC Abbtt, hec'SoSaleofytiMsic beihisy 'um'-lay
D~r. hFurer hus bienaddedtto the iiiiWilasi'12 Big clldtotrn'1 5d'lucslayf cui c usclay oflcet
her of istructers. SMr,aioh hasiiuasccasscistanmt icc Enugish, Sr, Atbbotir is cult betwvenancite Thsours ocuOto tic12nt
been cdded to tie Englishiidetiumt'met icied two earSis, u-le, chaving ivonc 4 o to o xc6ctcc accctecfoandsuc
as us-ciiadditionual instrucor. Ihilli-5time eesid0ot Wantditatsehingfourhuii- '
tory Dr. Smnith takeosflellac' of 'M. chil, iccgpassed twvo yeas in lcil heitchu h'Corlioc
tDixon,ivhco will this year have Prof,(ohgOxuetckmgtmfrsu--i Srci-.iCe.ishcasecrtaryn f time
,cilamis'ivork fn polititcal ecooy, degreeeofp3ace is.sic-fAngtccftticstth
degeeof . itDl. Abot hs heSchool of SMusic durig fle Icte's
ir, Johmson is succeeded icyAir. Bori- honro e gfu is ccit uc
*hamn. In phiilo-sop~hy DrtPillsbcury has abutcsgme iihsoy,- ctsencee icc Germny~.
Em ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h neeedamwhtutnata c di- fuucs insructor ic s-ll knosm-uciectst 10 tdmmcece'aled
tionacl instr'uctor. J. L.Markey, as- fr hics num'ecrous comccihu'iomco to tie ueif-e
sfstant professor ic Matheccatics, re- Eiiuc AHeesrtSi.Atol ure Janucsis back and lis beguci
ire turms flitssear triin his leav'e of cb- sei givingfcstrucion Ptro. Lraucsouc waill
ar wrkunerwa ,arthe Inghic hHis- miot bei he' during tie first smestr
ous' sence and Ir (tear,ivho isas insteac- trelScgznii'i tpcscti 'uicie.Sfc
at timr during his ahoence, wivll leav'ehum
For physics ir Jones iith acttas imstru- A False Report. tAlice fatycity, iwc inwo1"3-9,. ucc'mcmec cit
us ftor in glace of Dr. St loins SMr D ibr se-l f lemdc tie fiwafyicl-0,siuha ve
Wstihite succeeds Ir, Dall as mdcc r--!r hgescetr ftemdclcharge of t.evocal deptccnet drig
aa fofiamayhci ndognccucus uculy, states to tie Daily tasthtie is-abscece
rs.fo tinatimey1ml d orgautnictor i-s itpot of niney students laviug the Sis r'dp~rieti fk" ,ft aetbrs, Jafe eZio Hl ccciigiein
Inc-tiartlaeent isacm. "fante'iCredits.cave i ccticcnss ilufye'cr. ftc-rldIace iwill he
~ Lae. Tmes I. Bewstr cu - been given a numbneof stuettotolfle IySis li omfc-e
St b ~sla muehenasoue ecause they s-uked for them, ht e-grdcueotieinccCoswvtry
udituional profesoruc d Alb't)4, 1-rems he an acci hmecok cud for the ,icat yea r tutructOr hn The
ui ecasaifustrucr n., ProfLevi T. Bell- if ref delivery today. New York Coilegs of lSul.

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