f plae inthe pide'i~tntial hir near iby.
Ithle bak rond ts to t tseeni the Befor'e HR aving 'Tour
PbihdDaly (Sundays ecpe)drn tsln ins otetaua:~1 o os 1 y NPC H'WR
OrsEie uldn,320 iantib-lhiierr o~ir fth ubr T e B r y a t d
twee LiertyandW 4V nlm St. !,:a short stoy etitle'd "A auef
MA F. TnON EDITOR 'T'hre" by ' Wilian Johnst on, 11110.(ScesrtGion& lak
J. F. TuoAS, '00 L.(ScesrtGion&Cak
'l7. It is a alt' of a tolieg a ni's ex
0. ll. BAN>, mIercr a i llllL.Vrsrt ilal112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
-- t'evis litl tie lt'ivintg otthree iita-
II.i3. SKIIU.MAN, 'o93a.EU R , Athletics. 1t01ous (t ill'e ;ju ior 1h01)landiits attetid-
E. L. Oersenn. n L.- - - Monday lug oeust'lll'ilcts. illstr atiols ae
BUL 11LAMB ,'00, -- -Tuesday idytiols fidltMatl ea te favritI ______r__________ 11________
G ..lDtOUttTT. 05.- - Wednesday dtlaittlitllof "Antitlty of tok's"isT..R.WO w,9 - - husa
A. OJAMPBCL, 'tlt,- - - Friday cotiiuthIIis 2y101',tanitlwith tetX
I. A. CaMeo 'L. '01. - - - Saturday issue 1will1tteginItasstaes of Wrinkl
fil ori t'. A
I'hetprlola ls bteniratdtitetto $1 ttr
tilt'yealr so 11thIt t'e ya',5numibellrs
The subscription price of the Daily Is $. 1 b ffre
for the college year, with a regular delivery 'tnioafrlt y aeey tudent.
before noon each day. Notice, communica 'trretI'st'ltl lttlill't' Ofililt'e
tions, and other matter intended for pblica
ion must e handed in at the Daily officebe'btttardtlof e dto s 0111d will be illed by TH
fore sp. m.,o mailed to the editor before a
pi i., of the day prevous to that on which c'ompet'tii. .5ltl sstssng tletland v tAsa r tvoe SR noa~
subcrpton my nttat The aily tdesiitnglacs soldlt 111-etile iri ill BLICKENSOERFERLII' w a'
office, Mteyer's or Stoffet's Newtand, or tlitils klittttiininilliltly tl' I*1,iJLLiIM
with Business Manager. suhribers will ce-
fer a .favor by reporting promptly at thisTYERERIA SH. NJ .
office any failure of carriers todeiver papr alc rc orwi. The Washbbrn is the one and only
I llina ' 1111IS THE BEST.c make of world-wide reputation. Sold
stwud aualtly be1111151itat 111e1. Walae lirtia' sill itipiear inby first-class dealers everywhere from
st'fitresltssiolbe sottlitieIt toheti LS . . cirttliot'tlitrrtlvon'tif WACHFO ~HER ~ 'D $5.0 upward. Imitated extensively,
casel111all s t'utsl 10re'Iol'lte t'li'rWTHtO HI A, s esre that the name "George
at tis'teriy Bll Land1 sill letturt'till Washburn" is burned upon the inside.
Btrowsnls d ttsuchIttiitaof(Clkins. eQ Oiat l"i iit 'losophty o itadw i 1 llta." A beautiful Washburn Book contain-
State st. Biluti s 1101 the 'ast.A. Bailer is a Yalt grdutet of it'etg portraits and letters from the Dr
faat tthatt ts proved dttly 'iythelia- t'ClasstOf '67. lorttaeiltpiast2t ytars lit' Reszkes, Caiv6, ames, Nordica, Sal-
posibilty offindinlg stdetnts 1' '1 latillehomllr01 ii chi and loo other famous artists and
is b.t rmnetfgreo h teachers, mailed free upon request.
telt'gtr 1 oams tat'ueen sttt "'hits a ltt'tttre latforti, tdtring shiiht tilttddr ss Dept. U,
smiall lilutttr 111111 i ifIlt:atte i t' Ilon'i''''r sa 210)l''tl.s _______________h____________ LYON S& HEALY.
giveni to it wouttltssae tiichlineeiless at.hom.an.,aboad............................... 11 Cor.Wabash Ae, rdAams t. Chicg.
rouble. uinmnuYuhaa anmmfauu
Anti.Arbiort's llltealeu art' t'sidently Itburghl 121'PtresidetltuiHarrisot, ard dur-
n it i t t stlO td i ni a . i clyc li a f oi t y . hgg iis f o u r y a rs' retitd t'll ee in S tl- A 111 A s o c a t o n
'I'it' odinantct']pt'ndinll is lt'tot'lllaliie gainedet viiiabtlt leptitts littn seouht rv hel u fteasalcue.Ie perdi lms iyadwilmki eesayfreey motn etreCus nfl
ridtrt'o10 tm's' Irttet'booko II order to italmn id for fturtyars it5ill soteic''IltO T -T I D SE S N
avoid iteakiug ttt'rills li's avt~ingtok pomintiltlpart in lii'e d~nburghFO T THR SE ON
ptrogressive ity athiers will ie to o- sll knowut s a poet.'IHE UNIVERSTY'S GREATEST COURSE.
d1e1 aill wheelslettinitsteadot f itititti 2 'l't11ttittti~t gh:til th e ttit'e itt unt ________________
burf i(itti11 utost tof ti at i '5 teL at' A.rb,111111' avexs h a tut itl~nce' thara
otwneiit'tI tudenitlts anti anytitig ti. Ittlll 0110 tils but fewv etiulls Otil:he NWLAEBIC
gais tilt'studetlielisthe tioswn. leture platfoinmttiday a0, an aco~n- O.WLAEBte-------------------Nv
pished oriolatr, a brillitlOrator'.in11DR. FRDTJOF NANSEN -''''-------'---'-._-_-_..._ '-Nov. 16
Wrinkle Appearn Again. tile aritic, and a tut'pott. HON. RouT. L. TAYLOR, Gov of Tennessee --------- Dec. 3
Tlheteptiot hats hbeen eiralatl thai LELAND T. POWE.RS--------------------------------------Jn. 2
thlt Wrinlet woultd not be ptiblisit ''cr ms ai"a tens BooKER T. WASHINGTON, C'hicago Alumni Number - __ Jan. 29
his eta, It'ra1111tt' rumtor wasTheater Firiday iight. SUA N lsBN e.2
bty its attiearancat totday uinde it(,1F YOU WANT THE BESTORTRCtCNES- - - - -Mrh1
rianagalleift of IlaroltI 11. Boss-mn. FRATERNITY STATIONERY, H~ON. J. BURTON ------ --- -.-------April 18
'Y) L., managitig etitor. intd lay C. BADGES OR PeaonTikes,$2.00
11niwrl,'o uiesmngr edt esnTces-with prospects itighter thtanuerer bt- SMIT, STURGEON & CO.,
ft're. Motoni C. Ityall . '1.an{ItA. 1 2729 211 Wotdrd Ave., Det'rtit. Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra .50
Smiith, '07i, ae' atdvisotry't:dtitor;And1:1 lDe sigs tndesatiotatas funisht1o llwtroi
, .tanitisiBckus. l1l, LafayettNouigsof 1thi.iit,
D. Ettman, 'Ot, tid G. SnuIllBnson
'0 tsasohte.9Chocolates rFo, 4
aa 19m7 E111011o, i re esenots otaI,.c. uk ,4YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE NECESSARY
Il' is miett on thle catipits walk by'the r se ts. CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHESWE HAVE THE
saring freshiai sswho ctonprebentlt 9& LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY.
nto. 'Ihe drawinig toulneli~oratsts the The last of this week we CUTTING, REYER & CO.,
ifth Iiantnual applearanilce of Wri'ikle, shall have Alleretti's 0 n 0 ot anSre. - - AnAbr ic
and ti saily merlits ipraise. The Chsoc20olat23eoutsMinntret,= An Abordfl5
frontispiece ioso-awll txeuted sketch 9 Cooae n2 n
of at young bdy Py J. . BHrain, 'il lb. packag es. We also
L. !air. Bardin hssmiate quite I y have Lowney's in all sizes _____________________________________
reputation a. a copysittof 'hrll's the same as before. A
Fana Gibson's so-ok, slid 1s at praeent BLACK EMERALD KID-$4.oo
illustrating for the Detroit newspirprs. 6oCnsaP ud
Pte center page, by Robf t. R._lit-S oud Hundreds of nen count them the best, the easiest, the dresiest shoes they can
Geore, 00, eprsent I~exydresed 6oCen We know they are thoroughly good-any shoe apprahig their ouality are
Geore, 00, eprsent Prxy, resxl rA $ 00to $1.0 more. Eer stroe of work on them in done by hands skilled with
inSlecnetoa obo uiot9CALKINS' ,- PHARMACY- best noemakntt, Toe of two shape. Winer weights, double oles, $5.00.
of fle Sultan, delivering his hoes to W M.l(X J. A PR ILL ,
his successor who is abou 10 fill his 1 1 1 f ig EAST WASHINGTON STREET.
i A