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November 04, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-04

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r" i

VOL. VIII. No. 31.



Hasreceived a full line of Novelties
for Fall andWinter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legrett's
Fresh' every week.
Only in ;packages-
l0c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large ad Elegaat
TAne of New Pipes!I
Hot and Cld Leches at all hours. Agents
for lslers and Williams ad erara C's
Chocolate on Bn.
Ft. E. JOLLY & CO.
30S South State Street.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
PRICES-.......25c, 35c and Sc
Students should try us before
mnaking any purchase. We are
hound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medal
Books, in short, Tet Books for
every department in the University,
nlew and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters.
Up Twne Down Twn
. Stat at. Opposite Cortioue
An Aror Main at.

A HOT TIME. 19015 lass atendihe glliland13 sear A Far Fumed Elocutionist.
Siler onuedFrehmn Eecth' tesU1 ee rhos t1lsshl-llof iienic 1le lost Prof. Treloo is 1o
Sil~erTorue Fesh en Elet itor-y aindiare parc'siaiig tohia eil the itreati s to rediigs friii ''Jlsls taoe-
Class Officers. fied Inia bioiy. They swill hats-ieoverdlsr" o Saurdlay eve-cslg next in-
jillis1o mpiis yels f eoef li icsliii satetont.tepsiin hc
flie freshmola eisll elltin li-klac u rfso od no;eoain
Yeteda atenon in 1'iv~s-c, Socloical Letures. iss.
At hei i' a n s il1ne esinlg o(iceI
hers H l.of A t ii 2.sexes liseakoled Ohio- m an e-s I lose(gyl o 15(' gis-cil iof ith 'r lit. i-io 1_sod si e-siato fIlo le sse
ihe bill. paae ed Aione icoeni IlSonisiolofgy to he (g. ien a il thdyaiunsdiser eseoio
I't i , a i l s ' 1 a he n s l i r i i rii s i d-s i 1 1 1 t i h i -a s I p i a es iiit e Si o C ,i l .hai t l s i lra t h i s g s a f h s o l l e . i s ' e ' g -
loucl liaii eg- tahfsii lilolly o'lor(liorfsills:a aisufoy andis nsow npoil ealsi'r
Ii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a bePeansi. li.ss( iS l s ( gi e ss i-re 00I11a'0 isof iia b i s o slver-mliiunted- aes's
Ilole l iero-y (hort speech sad i n 'ntaledbiV'taleroflem'hi-ag nl manii lli iiiia lo-s s' su
Itilliemaill ('ilei-I-iliIlilioflihisIosricof. ssekiessss-e ''-
Ar U. a P.l Sah-iil ii' ll IW s si5ii n i 1 11'' 20a i til l ell berry111 Hasil sro' (i 11(111 sl is o l l si irs' s is c als eersil
le u e A- ssisloii 511c -eli' i n li iand 11. (.a liii T yl r, of Ch ca ol"og a- p o fs sh i -iiih ds erve.ii -ii I is lls '1'
fle. e 2. iin s'sst Ui er tyi- al '1t silIn's tof Ullveago, ofW eom nn sii
los sfo11101' titisigs 11) 1- 1:11111ii 1Re. Wsingtli'onisslayssn,'ofiC- i 'es well kno 1111byOhio W'deoi-' y L asto
tin llo sas l' silled llh (lifIel-i- ls' egl n buli la o ,20 asso f 21. a l R-s -Iis'ii 111 llsli-ii l Als oe hi' hIi
lsla wr le bort 0 li es'i ill i i i' .lll o~i~ is To' Ailil. (f h h lsio solissI \ iss I'' veo elleaisig- Il siiiy
ltsl is iesel~'fs-(s sb ~ i ('ili and . ' h andisly sit a hs-ao etii chiii willlire111o ie"rl'the've-t
(If A s ml-otl ills 11to l vote Sepill ''Is oli. lii cal il Is--lgfsiirlos(5 ils ilis o tll
lIsoe ullca d ia ry v sils' At's erl55 i t iiieOl r- Isl oDe 'c s i ia N b ry ll tio oil sy. "' 1oh ''lilllll i 11
hasy gsesIs issi111 ii Jih' (ill ione l to m ayo o ilie a lil (raand iii o(f ii'eslantisiarhesl010
hsIlpea l rol ta erso so I,(andl II is ci vic __________h usT___st me___ap ea ed oi
ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Tonesiydof Emsgiofs-Haslllii Is Isswas lltil 'l o'siasnding o oii Iis osli-"
l05i'es usedlflir, v o lfolheenirIeIsis t h Ca~ o nauThe tatl o f Hour h. sago slU isisr'sueslod hs r 5'5i'i dvfis y
ffofc sa n ie.isi -lsl if los' h ass ' fsl nsdsig l-oistoilis ii ousshlhse osGreati11' Ils Iiil~il
illis sls s-liei siosuuisi ii isa Is-' i Nei llitl'lan yd 111'elormer." 1 pr0(110so Thel ll'se ial isas eciasl-
p sisis issssHarryle !'all Ias'-ini 1 5'l llsTh eisl iilll soofo t e nire co rse x il 11111,i lly 's' iiiiigebl 15 di s i 111 -1-'I'
Sisied"fi eno ai- o n-s xt11l 101ocf'llh u-I's-tat 110 .We aa d l s ai l ast015 ell'',i fl( y (oveitc
in a. (fplctwiso, b eounde . ill 1111 haeUseeis-s ci b y tshse1 b'11'btfii lsosis 'ileoafs
Ind l'spe o fliti es 'nhsllle Mih c fech0 f-uly 150-lsohy ll l ssi n atey ('l g Ilsassteiso
1110 (Ih110 nomint'liosb for' 110'e re~in lO. l .Lsl'loed-g; soossy. "Ills' .in-.li
fi otiesth wo si ,*t c-tshowedii mse"ll f"-o pl 011 '1mah'sser o
's~ueu us bablbs 51io'tlshi~tII I Issu 'bo l' -h ulseul;nd ~ i t"l4llll Iseys li on is ilo 1sutiug 5101t1e
sthe fsniMi higsanbu' adb °Thlui~i'liats11, it.on. 1tiuuuh- 1 I, (l'l io Sls lsllli lIb ls is
ils'a c she. ils ea ~ os b u n;'lis IF. iD - at "iss is o tls ll - ealiab r o bll ROO e ,s'Oi ,lo e re a ySIdV l ou n l rit ' ole s c Tr e l o
s-lt-s-b ser a follss: lesobus , tsss lush 1(1(11 lh gavl eou's le i dlo-hi-uliaho us l ''Isutlius
1'It euh asis, osiroeeil; besoisb. I , 1luey ugbs',1forrs aslI luo ls -5lh'llb5o 10 e111'i
orat~ o Inteil; eastofulhslisl Isi"AlJ no N tc.lll mln-lnfs'oslast ueve ing. Ilsgiseullec it
IlsuebsrAuun Abor;ciestysafronatustsr ltes Jlr T an ,r
W'e, p' r ee, Iap o iuugss ll'and tt Tsu sh l'5 hssbhg o il b
nls-os- nlo n a ndersu i ne. e r oit'a intemotaritc "
loelofe, 11cc11 leliefor . Mnisue; il l ls'1111~l ou ' ih
1oasbo~scIer Welusor', e_1Sroi - shi le iter eyhllorlsuh lD cti nehh of shier's s ud117 (f ble tu-o ii
T hais ho tlua firol p onme"forliig oeo dsls-gthusotdidswto rksthuo ('c
ess-y julsio' obsoull usbsuti ius' sso - - . fftbi '(5(1 M slo iit'la
sWhe gi he balte o tse uwe r lountedgbsi n arl els'u su ulsRuHeuson;lf l JliiI falesolllti ls'lts'uand uoss'u,ib ll l.voit's
t i-110t 1 h a been gieeo s l l iii' -to 11111),s-eatuliveIs's'ss-ill e ll e a e hu e oetl'lb sic ster t h s h len Ius '
elete uleey o aisefreollo s Pesidcn. , uas 'nbe n us us tiie d ilulso rhsist u s' s l 0" (1T e v-betr-os-reit Ml -omo tholioI
sssL.C l m ,I h e ri e rt r . af r i ves' u A .n S .ss- e pn r an 1 -f locses-s issl t rriek, hIS, wer ' known's
I'eian sDtoya.te sue, 01.Hevy, usis-L.Au(r vea d ldhs osirsIbus exnt's-sibtso ouMrte.
I'ssfer,1,aI-na('(1515or ( Vial]usC.s'usgiuuns'r nil od's s eyvible ositionr 1Ili1'ts -
Eac 'h re, 'An un spuosurAfosbor;il' lb'asreball, el '(bs ssIlssagb 551>rfl esrrofolesonyhoyug lho e is
luger Ableilof bL sph;om o e t-n, ee ill 'bse ifm etin so iils of2tsuhoelu'us'tsuehiu sl-1t
0s, 's-c a thui eainei Hinexellenrt; or Se ss 'nesxtuhiatsleura bliss rI'o t y Ch's eW'us's ub f1117111
tostmuuasIrsll Isvelory feoit. il le tgv-rn imp11ogrtnt ssmeetigads A bus'etn- fth hssC
a gs-uate s'furthesAln n sir o f ilhine d tmembersiofNauesil ls'os-rssident;lerbrt Bs' n.I'9s Ly c


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