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November 02, 1897 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-02

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Strong, Thompison, Wilson, Whit- Before Ra i g Y u
combLasn.Pti, lm StodO lteH vg Y u
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during 'P11ioerv', J'Nicols N. . 9INSPEUT THENWORK
the College ear, at Nichols, Mlarsten, BHot, {Dolton, Dol- Ph t s ak n..AT.
THEUNVESUNIVERSITY, pinMcea:OFkeMINCGHIGANT h B rrpanun, MTiesbuldea,3. S Binker,-I 51 N. C.t, Bec,-gelo bY!St di
tween Liberty and William Ss. rym an tudlo, anel OBren
J.NAGINO EDITOR Tet, -Symitngton. Successor to Gibson & Clark)
J. F TnAS,'toL.8 Law-Batc-lele, tlalac-ard,
BUSINESS OIANAGI t Blaody, Conniolly, Fell, Grutbine, K- 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
O.-3.Hli,00Ltiot, Lone, Jtiteiei, ODoinnel, flag-
- EDITOIIR___________________________________
H,. B. S ttMAt, '98 L., Athletics. noofanney, Skiiman, Sto-a-, Stie.
E. L. GosoM -, 'as L.- - Monday 00 La-iReynolds, Elliott, Yarger, elnI711tto
IOITLIIILAu, '00, - - - Tuesday Smith, Alien, aipin, Yates, Ages- 111ftff MDU
G. D.,ilosoc -. '00, - Wednesday, tlion, WoodI-ins ,Thiorntoa,Lest,,
T. R. WOulsauW,'98, - Thursday
A. CAsPErnLL, 'is -- Friday 0'onnor, Wheeler, MtIntosl, Stphin,
. A. CAuoELL, '00, - - - Saturday Watso.
'0 15) ies-('arr, Chapani, ('ooper,
Hiky end,.ilr ~oThe subscription price of the Daily is $.00 tchy eiivty iltMotr
for the cslege ye-ar, with a regular deivey i(e, itedsteSisa t, Stoughtonstu croon,_
befre noon each day. Ntices, communica-;
tions, and other mtter intended Ir publica- S' bstciier, F t u' osnd.
tio must hr handed is at the natty office be- All prots tls tsr in by Thursday, THEs'
face 8 p. m., or mailed to the editsr bore a "T YY±~f00
p. i., of the day previous ts that o which Nov. -4. Address Psi Upsilolouse, i-nssa
thee are epected toy appear. f h al
ubsrloio aybHet.tTenat LT. HEATI). BLICKENSDERFER. L
te ith aBusin vess MIyanager.repbrtin erplywill tcon- -sYPERITR__I_____S.._BA JOS
office anvyfasturco of carrier to deliver paper. Reading by Prof. Trueblood,YERTRG IT RA nA JS
The Washburn s the one and only
Nothititi 1hts bc-n iel o tar Of N'xi Saturday ev-enitg inthe law- IS THE BEST. make of worldwde reputation Sold
by first-class dealers everywhere from
the 2ua toictinsiior- Hop. acsrdinguo(41s-iroomsii Prof. '1,.C. ritibtoa, of Sifon upward. Imitaied exensvely,
the c.ostiutionu adoptecd last year'rthe this ticisrsy, ill11ttsoien series of WATCH FOR THER "AD." so be sre that the name "George
ofiessol aebelctheld by ltlet'ligs to bi givenl itOya' .y lthe Washburn' is burned upon the inside.
thtie.hl lafair bassn ra rtrclA cito ~i eaA beautiful Washburn Book Contain-
thishos. 'tie ffor uas s trat Ortisrc-a Asseiai~i Wi1St tetitging portraits and letters from the Dr
stucos last year 11101 any iprocras- of Sakeseare s "uliusoC'aesar." Rezkes, Cav, Eares, Nordica, Sca-
titto sliable to canoe tile great Prot. Truiebl~od is 111e' icailngJigure chi and too other famous artists and
laialfcison f 98to iifcin co-It.iicoleg ralsric-al i c-Ji'.an Ihe teachers, mailed free upon request.
pari oan with the hil of '97. Officersowest, and Itis is the lr;t tintstet's LINp&.ESU,
slotuld lbe chosen anti ittorganization cc-.siierabe terosilthat It" its c-I5 -t enjniiiiiiiiiii o. Wabash Se, and Adams S., Chiag.
effected a1 occ. ii pubtlic readinigtic-tr" an Ann thArsrIAMMIUtAIII*MR
(tie vtry good nay to arouse store be cang ed for ntt'wr All silents
ic-icrest in the aintisal Sc-atil Trotphyt shoutlt inthte- assoc- atio-n, testlyt'o ia in
cc-Icst aould be tosnitakte 'nltsitiitl earge ltbeigthe l c-tal tfee sit 2e
wlri oploylv~yayWudc s.S u a s L cote the "gym~" antd tnter Snec-Itp
t-ontiolins everybody would be ntic-- Latest News from the Porte. FORTY-THIRD SEASON.
etled. i.'nder prese'nt tondtitons. A lteler frsiiiDi. Angell to his-
wNHen tse sudtst, apipilya irity, ti.datightet,sMrs. A. ('. Mfa glin, al- TEUIEST' yGFTS ORE
whlo most need soc-itrainitigOstttdl itointes lust.IDr. anid Mrs. Angell reTH UNVRIYSGE ETCO S.
arostitd and whine abotolegesten-lt- ontgt' at the "Summer Palace
cation running all ttnmusular"nototol" ut that they are no0witt the
coittst involvinlg physica developmient city Of ConsaWiusple, Dr. Angel has HN ALC RC- - - - - Nv
u-lit ever arouse the interest if otughi t beinreceivedi'by (le Satan ansIisDHONFRIDWA FLANS RUEN--------- , . ----------Nov. 15
to excie. now attenidinig Io the routinedities of R RITO N NE - ------... ....... ..No .1
Players Elgible for Clans Teams. his office. HON. ROBT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee---------------- De. 3
LELAND T. POWERS -----------Jan,----22-
T'99'tl L Icam having 'iobaidedtrdayThet' 'arsily team wa's phtograptled BOOKER T. WASMINGTON, Chicsgo Alumni Number- _ Jan. 29
the inter-Claso football sc-bcdle has mauta torning. SOUSA, AND HS BAND- - - - - - - - --__ ____ ____ ____ ___Feb. 25
idnrarrneda, olos IF YOU WANT THAE BEST ORATORaCAL CONTEST----------_____________March 18
Friday, Nov. r101 vs. 00. HN .BRO ------------Arl1
Satrday, Nov. 6-00 L vs. , 98 . FRATERNITY STATIONERY, HNJ.B TO-------------------------..-Arl1
Mlonday, Nsa. 8-9 vs. '99 at Fair. BADGES OR PINSSesnTc t,$20
Grounds. Send toSesnTce , - - - $20
Friday, Nov. 12-00 1t as togh SMITH, STURGEON & CO.,-
setis). 2B, 239,24a avoiad Ae, Detrot. Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50
M\onday, Nov. 17-Winner Nov 71jvsof il}iesgnsadetimatesturnishsed on alliworki-
a itiier ,Nov. (. at Fair rtoundls o u i._____________________________________________
Friday, Nov. 19-Wians iNsva vas
ainer Nov. 12.-
Satrdy, ov. 20-Winner NO',oaChoolaes ORDress :-: Your ::beck
va, winner Nov. 19tC19.o atesJust as bcmnl syud h eto orbd-erateta
c-obanded e r the varsontla- ,fel right and looks right. We're going to help you
Ti oloigbaretie vlitssfIaihc- a o oth eto-ouoywarateta
.igr:,Presents. out on this Tie question.
'hS-'Dckinssn, Newton, MeAl ay,94 See Our Window. THREE FOR ONE -DOLLAR
stii, lRie, Olson, IMacsi, Wilkiti-; The last of this week we4
son, Ptter, tGoldsmthiToworidge, shall have Allegretti'
'inn-srSon,TRioss, SLoud, Watson, Chocolates in 2, 3 and
Ituck. lb a i l 0 ttnBR yer & Co.
Nito Smons, JRus,Shnge, Wenter. pakages. We also
fci ti, el oell, Bil, avelowney's i l sizes 201 and 203 South Main "Street. - - Ann Arbor, Mich
Ies, Wisrasd, Keith, 'Barrinigton; . the same as before.
Rteilly, McIelee, Armmstroog, Barri,9 BLACK'EMERALD KCID-$4poo ,
Pregelauo, Baorwain, "Tryoen 6 Cntsa ouu. Hundreds of me count them the best, the easiest, the dressiest shoes they can
'OG-two, Bidwo, adeine Be- a get. We know they are thoroughly goodany shoe ap praching thir quaityw are
soni MBice, Bush, Clark, Case, Disin. $1,5Bt 0 to 10 more Every stroke of wok on them in done by hands cilled ith
!o2Dsz aiLMI rg, CLIS HRAY best soemakn. Teenf two shapes. winer weights, duble Boles, $300.
Kiptikh a-e, a~ai ed 119 EATWSHINGiTON STREET.


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