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October 29, 1897 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-29

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W. J. BOOTH, Pres. W. ARNOLDlet Vice-Ares
4hc la e J. V. SH'EEHANs, 2ii Vice-pies.
FOR 1 No IrItan ...JeeHN C. WALz, Asst. Cashier.
Soft andi pleasant to the State _ SaVions- Bank.
41 es n s skin, perfect fitting, 5
health giving, service- Transacts a general Banking bulsi-
94ableanasna efcHe.
f the- last of this week we 4 tion is UNDERWEAR THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK
* shall have Allegretti's ca be ma CWde. .CptlSek~5e.Srls i5es
* Chocoslates in 2, 3 and j , GO 0 D S P £ PED'S.,eore, 11000
lb). packages. We UloTOnied tates. rtoahed uporlBakng Lrepe
haveLowey'sin ll szestIA5 S~lES '. sells exchange en the principai cities of the
the a211 as efor. idestification. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
thesam a beore AOFFICERS: Christian tlack Pres.; W. 0.
Cod Harriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock,
A ed icy timhes will tie here Cashier: at. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
V 6o Cents a Pouud. sooie We are prepared for tue
tstill =-:c b ngeisey with spleisdid vilue FIRST NATIONAL BA of gAnni Arbo
= > i tlCapital, 8100,000. Surplus and Profits, 840,0001
Transacts a generai banking business.
A tletters of credit.
iiS. W. CAKO.Cashier
$3.00, $4.50 and $7.00.
"FeS t r Warm, Durable Undlershirts and Draw- rj{mf~g 3& htfl rj'jT
T he tore, 5c, 7c, 1.00andUp.
NUC. Mai-in and Huron Streete.
Funses Capital, S50,000. Surplus, M5,000. Transact a
W~fl~D pf F onisser cgeeal banking business.
} ______ - o hIUIyLI1 vcG-E CIJU 123 S. Main RI. K xc, Pros. C. E. CoENtE, Vice-Pros
j '"i FRE. H. BELot . Cashier.
STYLISH DRESSERS L psExpressly o' Students' Ulse CALLAGHAN
"The Rochester," "The Yale," "Tile Royal," 'The Perfectio, U NS IG Tr elnSuet"alncl pae ayn nt t 30S TT Tt ,
FURNIHING 'Ti Berln Stdeii," al nicle pated varing iiprice from 9 9 4S.TAETU T
$1.00 to $2.50 each.
CORRECT / ADLS iL Every stutdent should use *Deaus's "RedlF~"°
CO RC FA S 1~ white light, is otherless 01l, arIt gives a pure
ered in aiiy part o .. oes net char thse wick. Deliv- ,faRmne fatetta ot aec l iyi u asa ~ e aln o r o k
-made tip a gentlemen's wardr -Ir y '1
hown for the first time h -DEAN &t -CCMPAN Y. SCHLIEEDE.
____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___F..J.
Yesterday's Tennis. 11" Dauifoeth lnd Hric'k v. it 1)11 340 S. STATE STREET
_________- fortih and( Ctnlls 6- 2 10-8, 4-6 1s11- Hook Hinding B..:...... : cents asd up

Comaplete tine of fine neckwear.
E~ I W." COILLRS, Newest Shapes
Barkers Perfect Fitting Collars.
N~ight Robes 50c to $1.00.
Laundered Shirts, 75c to $1.50.
Bath Robes $2.50 to $3.10.
F ancy Hose 25c to 75c.
Black Hoke 12t2 c to 50c.
Mells Sweaters 40c to $4.00.
Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.00
tjUbrellas 7fic to $4.00.
Fine Sitspenders lac to $1.010.

Xcsicrda ieafternoonsl i Chaition-
- rhip mtchinidoueess CorostttiI nt(,,
beitwe Heiiierrick asdsIi. Danfortis. att
14. Danforthiandet Lasmb. tDarkniess
stopped i the ply at lt'ecndo oT,
third set:I lerrick ad au n ~~forti- l-
(apturedsttthe first ttwo sets (1-2, 1o-+.
andt their oppoenits hadt corraled t itt
tird, 64. 'ilse matelsNwill l fIs'slodt
S'aturday at 1:45 p.itni.
iThe piay inttitail was5:15 followts:
I ellit-k and Daiforthi started serving
itndtAtvsnstie firstgamte; thte'Zytngit.
tiall, 1h(1n1tro t e next game1. lestm
thtat poiiit on Dlanforths andt itrri.-i:
Nvere always intshet'leand wonssistit--
ti taiSt. rile stetitd setteeasth-
test ieretly ctntesitdatf the toursta-
te'essi. tterrick esnd Danferthi a-re at
best re.turned Vietorsbysthests-renlark-
Afteer a rest ttf si'etti stitsthte
jtirdst seeas begtun. Danforths and t

tlisticd:sceetd chitss si eised Waterman and Wirt Pensois stock and
nititti.Silolest- tec BIe-tby I6-4.i. 0 omao, ndPens Repaired.
WoeaeadRetail Paper. 3%i ls. of Lin-
le-c beat .terocgasis6-0, (-2, Wilseir en Paper for Soc.
heat Jacobts 75, 0,-).
Muslolioes sehedied fotr todbay its se- STE+INIS
otnd class stngies. Seii-finalh-ronds, A RED - HOT LINE
Snost vs. Wilbeur, Me vs. (I.tindler.
It is exiteoled theal the fissal round of AT
secontttchess sing-lesstill be ilayed WMI ADU fllflLoading
Sisetlistey sesorleilig. - 11M i UU1jeweler
Oberlin's Protest. Music Studio
.liiliceect arcdsrtla-'11t 4 ~lett ' ~ PIANO, PIPE 0RG3-AiN
att.ttotioi Vie.-ycst rttly. 1' lilse-tsttee e AND COIMPSITION.
cte& t ie- rld Tttt(ton 1ttttttro ,re ottfees CONCERT PIANO TUNING
ftl-eirc es't. te'rtoo ststd iis(.I('{lts.,R. H. KEXPF,
Ir teas, 'fitetitt1t11,e1ts(<terat teealt tt-c
tees eititie'tetieei:.'t~ it eetiusFSreom Stuttgart Conservatory,
fiery hiret. iittt e ~ 1t tes 1ill 11=ll-esetGIermeany.

t ~oi 'byt heir sieponets is l th en lt; l'ti t tlnv-il aniisls e i.-t teltse a t s
Newi~est Novelties ji son had he oefl ithtei a ve r:i be s ettatdett'td'ellit nd:sttki terns. MTSICT.
C!'romiihi . i ttey eeait snt itte l I t'110 eiltils comnt i ctae -eite certaise
uffLik -hit tu s ittea' tand ereofnlssieritisi.a s to~prsotes atnd the charges still Ste Mel Gillespie, teacher of Mandolin, Basis
it ea de cnsidraton nd sfte toand gutar. Instructor in the University
Collar Buttons, etc. list Stiots ithen inierresptl tie' pe1y. i eoeusdrainadsfe oschool of Music. 18 years experience as
'Piher oitie seconid roundftit(, s c-- the' bottont. It is expecett t hle ateachec. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's.
____________________ ndstlalss ttunaiet.isalsste l~nlta tics twritton to seill be('hoard frosn tore to arrange for hours.
off.t etlote'.Witheti'. Mee end t']ti so thsti Oherinisscharges run 'be an-
Meus' Fine Under- let ae i etuehillinthe seieifetnel. s t dby tenideo eteek Holm-es Livery
es ttt i l e i le d ieltoday. T'1' lr ss wen tithe 'Daily will pinit Itie ciiiges
wei 25C up. inlithfierst rises siuegle trete-'eet quatanswec insttell. Stable!
'Los es laco e tid ts;3A5ilit t. t' eec:t
-""- I. anorhand lliessi'l. Stterelsy LOfST-Beteen S. Univesuty and 509 E. Liberty St.
Meis Fancy Front mit. ngettta.t:h0 o'cloct-boll-ceiaeitit- Ifill street on Teefth stt a gold Central location. Good Service
shttprountilil iesitigle seill Ibe'tl. d antil osoic hat-pi.Findetrewillptease
lirs50.Te u tteeietsteofthitdaytile ay Itt 55 eavetahost teward's silica or retuern to FIEII During the past ten
lortwc.I:tcDtlte-. clitiepioticit troisni.i113p 5shtse- venvue. l tlL !*t*years the _Toledo
'p Laundry Co. have kept their custom-
A BIG ST E.ICK OF LICORICE For that cold oers goods insured against fire, a fact
that is appreciated by their patrons-
--AT--- Best of work and Prompt Delivery.
M ACK coBranch Office 123 South Main St.,
NoI.A1K2& CO. WashinegtonDruStStAre - LoroFourhMave
NoMuHl F wvsshingaonSoSt Ann.Arbor, avech

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