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October 22, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-10-22

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&ro f . 1 f The Librar Bindery. 1 Before Buying Yomr
rSicMac18),teUiestSUTPlcished Daily (Snday excepted) drng the Library tias had its own bindery F A4LLR O E C A
TE Calege year, at and since thten its values has often U T U O E C A
IJNIER~TY F MCHIAN. that it has been running 14,005 yel- See Oars. We guarantee the Style, Workmnsmhip and Material.
treteeE: The nand Precs, Hiening Block
Btit thoaes tatc7 . tmes have beeti bouindre-btondlor
MANGIN aiT~i. repaired, the numcber for last year OIR PRICES ARE RIGHT.
F. EanaDa, '51 L. For the work to hieotte the bintd-
BtUSINESS MANAGERJ. cy isvr omlt.Thte lines of p '
o. iOItASa. moroccos kept cnstantly otttl hn s uyng r o.
Atlti :d , i.Wasnase. the largest in the State of Michigran AheiEdtr1T.. ,'0, 2=1-203 ltlSoutMin Steet.
P. XVJa. as, '99i, A.1i. MenOU(Aeet.,10 h, antd is ll t Aiterican production.______________________________________________
F. D. Exam, 'St L.C. Ifi. Lean, 'as M. Four peoiso are kept cotstaitly
01.tcxT,'11. besy. Beoides the te-binditig anti re- A PS_ rD U ST R ..
pairing of books froti the library AMP S D U ST R .. ON THE CORNER
all periodicals antd foreign works that NEW STORE ... New STOCK
'teciteyiaeca h itra come to us in parts are bountd here. ifateerhagnwathe si-they hae sitpyN
heeteayear, witit a regaa deiecey btorte Recently those in1 charge have chatged laatin.J.Q A R
he colic eefae
nasa echi day. Nteecaanicts, ad gone back to the old style of.bnig..J S
other amatter intendad ice pbticationamtet h trite bns11paeo h as
handed Ia at lihe DAItYcoffice efore 5 pi., attrn i
exaited to thte editor befoe 3 p."t. of the da ones mire somol used at present. -' ____________________________
previaus to that as wticheth tey are expected t aiol
appear. Thil makes a much mioresustbstatial F L p
acelior taytte e tft atthe DAttLath oec bindinigatid a ook titeseasy to
Manager. Subtsciers witlcfr iafar y handle
reprting paoapty at thisiofaitec any fatturaasfWe cordially extend to you an Invitation to examine our Falt
crert e l civeapapei atteane ei The bitdery is situated in the and Winter Shoes. You will fnd all of the swell and newest
Ahe cficaes is .o he$ypevostota asmn nder the book-roott of lasts and with popular prices. REME1MBER THE NAME.
on which they acre toappctear. __ the library and is as near fireproof as
Teewill be a mteting of the it is possible to taks a room. Very 218 S. MAIN ST.WfR&MLL ,IloSo M61
DAfLY Board sit Monday, at 12:45 often especially interestitig works
in Romt. find their way there to be bound. A b arns Ia3aat
copy of Lucan, printed its 1517, is
Our gains with Notre Damte todcay now inthea process of re-binding, HEADQUARuTES
will undoubtedly be one of the inst whilea itnewa work: isutetd by the For LAMPS of all kinds.
closely contested of the season. Notres Palteograplical Societystid consist- PORCELAIN CHAMvfBER SETS.
Dams comtes Iere sit a stronig teatm leg of a collectioti of fac simailes of DIN NER SETS and FANCY CHINA.
anid the expectation of defeating us. manuscripts and inscriptionts, is receiv- 115 Ssath Main SI. Japanese Goods and Noveities.
Many of her etnthiusiastic supporters ing its first covers in four volumites. -- __-___ - - - ____
(eclare Michigatn Will ntot even score. MONEY LOANED MAKE A STRIKE
Bit it is stafe to stty that Michigan's Buintess at the settlr electiota this oa watesc,OtDaond, Witelrtttothe Per- tu'
playinigtill tiitiottltediy be a str- aftertioontill be cotdutctod no expe- etant Potpert.-TTE
prise, ftr tihe practice oth(tt last few ditlioly as possible t(a ciable those WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BOWLING ALLEY.
dlays ins beeti much faster', atnd this attendinta altve titms to get to thei e at reidec,ta1 E. Liherty Si., Atn Ar 310 S. Main St.
teen are rapidly rouniding into formt.football gamtteAll maetmbers ef thaso o, 10iat trnAllancditto buines 30 a sanndtta. TMAOuYsPopieor
Our teami is showig good formt for class are turged to comte promepty, Bganiacit anwteis un ats , Oen Day antd Night.
ftse (ine they hatve heetn together so this maeetingitiay hi' alled ilot i. __-_______________________
atd must of this hphtyers are rountdinig timie. i-, =
itto 'Varsity forum. Our gamte to- -
(Ity will be a hard ot, hut our team Mis agaret Thittehaitt sf
nay be depeded uptot to play a witl- tion in Croggetaroft, Duhlith.aO LGS U E T
come out today to encourage thise
tiegm gttiitnesanoodctdioghtae To E S HE TR . LLTH
of footbeall. Let those who caituto Friday Eeing, 0cth 28 1 COUNTRIY
have beeti iaititig for at bood games " I m ch of actaoute chaes tttwhol t dOVER
turnta ttancdti geitantheiiidx clns' Thecfaoi t eomendanttSMOKE
auth yell. MR. DlIGB B LLV
The tuwo literary societies, thisUeI G nP
Alpha Nia slheAdpit, ill hsupptrted bh9 t ~aet ELcc u uL~tllil11 VV VV U
hereafter etideavor to itmpress tnew And te ortggial comeexpace to Agatca
taetithers with a setis of (has respontt- ttaatc otd atta(_____________
sibiity wrhicha they assuet in joininag The Hoo7sier Doctor
Fiormcrlyal that i tecess.ary to Prices 2, 5 75c, ad (ac. If YOU Want Or Bndnga or Ruling, or anythng he orline, no matter
to in t rder to joitn either society urao seatsonoscectat Wah'ic l it ai t.S, alid oa' small or oa' large,
to bse accepted by a najority eof this anticeeerho-, atSt.5 a Job of W A O I
tmaetbers andi to pay (lie dues of 25s'WE CAN____DO___IT
cents, Niiath(Isntstyucebers ewtilAHN odyEeig t11~l o o.Cl n e cuitd
have to go trotught a regular imuh- ATHNS IHEATE, ter 24. Prn i g fr o.Clladgtaeettd
iota ceremtony. By means of solemnotutECACULA " *0Tie Ilind Press,
oaths amd ipesive words he aill SPCTCUARHenning Btock.
be muaie tea fell thcs esponibiitiesi COSMVORAMVA
uhich he is assuminugandl thus great 'RAE NDAR
honor his rees: hut joinitug sushi ii actImuF'TRADE ANDA ART.A340 5.STATEli
atugust soct. Afier this Isatof o-PB- (i~HLS-SOit HA'eDSO's IflI34I0NXS.
the ceremonty olier CSUI'.FNYDZLS A L G A 9 Opst a ulig praphtetittia tnutcrr '00EN ~c 'ts,
still ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yet henusd toD55 uiutittLatwo ~Book Publishers and Imnporters.
Sauoa hio br shoulydoflieseoerhsorashrgetto UNIER SIT Have yuread Wilsot's A kas edited by Jaes DeWitt
be presenttwalen Ie is deowa on this U IE STei Andrea's, or Von Host's iiConstituttiotnal and Political History h
programi. As neither of this societiesSc o l fDa in of thus United Stateo?" These ooks are for sale at our
has piurchased a goat or any ther 5C 0 fia1 11 branch store atndswe shaill be glad to have yen call and
animial, a wheelbarrow rids dow n am -AT- examinue them
suke, be substituted for the "buet Graper ran ger'sn Academy. JOurBrnhH e Closes About Nov. I St M
flgtoa sar nyfreoaomyo GraPhner'Aaem.46rac.Hr
aet." It is hoped that these initia-______
tiens besides being itstructive to the jIhe Man W ho Se Ills - - -__________________ __
new muembers willbeitteresting S AKUT OEIe O R1FET
enough to britag out mere thsan usual Peauis and Poporn at tteoAthletic S A E T O E W ORFE
of the old members. By having one Field it OLD GUNBOATS can YOUR FANCY,
initiation a meeting the interest will S PARKER, YCUTS CLE HE. fit YU IA CS
be kept up and also a full attetadance W YCUTEYCLE-SOS ORSIAO S
of metmbers. 315 S. Sate. Ctall in and see him. W. J. APRILL. 119) E. Washington St.

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