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October 22, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-22

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The prospects for forming a good
Crowds Went to Hear Rile Last Hare-and-hound Club this year are Notre Dame Will Gie 'Varsity Some
Night. excellent. The fall practice has Hard Work Tomorrow.
T T An alnost continuous exclama- aroused an interest among the new
FINE FALL SUITINGS tio of pleasure was to be heard as men, and a cross country club should The 'Varsity will have its hardest
the large audience wended their way be formed to keep up this interest. home game, if not the hardest game
out of the Methodist church last There are any number of long dis- of the entire season, this afternoon,
E E night, after hearing James Whit- tance runners in college at the pres- when it lines up against the strong
comb Riley. It had been a matter ent time. Besides those who were eleven from the Notre Dame Uni-
of no little curiosity to the large here last year, all of whom have versity. The Notre Dame men got
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T number of people present, to see how returned this year, there are at least in yesterday evening and not only
an already popular poet would acquit a dozen freshmen who intend to try feel sure of scoring on the 'Varsity,
A STOCK himself as a reader of his own selec- for the long distance events. To but Coach Herring said last night
IN THE CITY. tions. To say that everyone was these men such a club would be of that his teamis in good condition and
satisfied is describing feelings mildly, very much assistance. And with will play their best game. He ex-
There was no one present, but was them as a nucleus a club of at least pects a hard game, and will make
compelled to admit that a wealth of 50 members ought to be formed. Michigan play to win. "It will be a
fl0 meaning never before discovered in The first runs would be for short clean, hard game and Notre Dame
10 E. WASHINGTN ST. the quaint, simple farm stories and distances, not niore than four or five will abide by the result without a
R . ballads of the Hoosier state was miles. This would be necessary in grumble. As to winning, the gaie
brought to light by the one who order not to discourage those who will show that.;
wrote them. were out for the first time, or were Notre Dame is especially strong in
Prof. Stanley was to have opened not yet in condition. As the season the two positions in which Michigan
the evening's entertainment, but a progressed the distances would be in- is weak, namely those of center and
difficulty with the organ made his creased as fast as the men in the club fullback. It will be remembered
selection impossible to be rendered. rounded into shape. that Fleming, their quarterback, was
After a solo by Miss Bailey, Pres. The country around Ann Arbor is the man who kicked a goal from the
You May Nave + Lathers introduced Mr. Riley. His unsurpassed for cross country run- 40-yard line in the Illinois-Notre
Forgotten * first selection announced on the pro- ning. It has al the features that go Dame game last week, winning the
YOUR ToomToHhUSH, gram, "Annals of the Poor" was to make an ideal course, such as hills, game for the latter. He has sue-
YOUomit-te, but the audience were at shrubbery, woods, water courses and ceeding in doing this trick in almost
oraYOun wmis-anooisn, once put into good humor by several even barb-wire fences. Several years every game that they have played
+ftypical Hoosier selections depicting ago there was a very good club here, this year. The line is big and heavy
Tn yt ri iucideits down in Imndiaia. Is but the interest gradually died out. and averages about 168 pounds.
ene you m ay wat treimmeit. We "Good Bye Jim, Take Care of Your- In the east the cross crountry team is 'his will afford the 'Varsity plenty
*ae mhen , allIngtiptoe ldtevtl.
u erl innr itstistarieis self," was especially taking. His one of the recognized college teams, of sport when it coines to making a
comcplete. other numbers were "Character And cross country runs are frequent- gain through the line, with the field
WILDER'S PHARMACY Sketches" and "Rhymes of Child- Iy held between the different col- in the slippery condition it is at pres-
south state street. ghood." leges. ent. Eggemnan, their center rush, is
M++ + + +++++ The next number of the course It is to be hoped that the sport 6 feet 4 inches tall, and weighs 250
will be Gen. John B. Gordon, who will be taken up here with enthusi- pounds.
DON'T FORGET will speak on "The Last Days of the asm. Every man who has the least The 'Varsity was not able to get
the OLD RELIABLE Confederacy! It is probable that the inclination towards becoming a run- in any very satisfactory practice yes-
House. Hot and cold lunches repainrs wi mist yet be comnpeted in ner or who wants a little wholesome terday afternoon on account of the
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and University Hall by Nov. 19, the date outdoor exercise should enter into it. muddy condition of the field. The
Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- of the sEcond number, so it will prob- A number of our best runners men were given work in running
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. ably be given, as the first, in the never knew that they could run down the field on punts and in catch-
308 So. State Street. Methodist church. until they made an unexpect- ing and returning them. The game
-T'he fub prngr was as follows: edly good showing in a cross- today will most probably be a kick-
{ ( j Vcab Soo- country. After the football seasoning one, as the wet field will give
flaaltrolo- Muss BAILEY . Mr. Fitzpatrick will give special at- the heavy Notre Dame eleven the
Appeals of the Poor.............Ii. RILEY tention to this work. In the mean- advantage when it comes to bucking
Tooth Brushos6 Vocal Solo- time any who are interested in the the line. Capt. Bennett's knee is
Th othu s h Mainnelied...........................Brahms matter, either competitors or as much better and he thinks he will be
I sell for 25cor more, are Ya anD N a. --1....m.m.. Ai iknowing of somebody who might able to go into the play today. Teet-
good brushes, and are Miss BAILEr. compete, will please talk with Track zel's foot is getting along finely and
well made. If you should Hoosier Verse-.......................BN. R Y Capt. McLean. will probably permit him to play al-
get one that sheds its Vocal Solo- . so. The coaches are of the opinion
bristles Cri ... A. A. Stanley ord comes t Benjamn C that the 'Varsity will show the
Sp tMiss BAILEY A. n Ccker, somin of Regeint Cocker, ias effects of the good hard practice they
REPLACE IT. Character Sketches...............MR. RILEY lost his mind. He was a well known have had this week in today's game,
Vocal Solo- student while at college, having and, though urmittimg thut thi team
E. E. CALKINS. Irish Folk Song-...................Foote belonged to the ultra-fashionable setad, haoug aittang tha- etean
The Vain Suit.....................Brahms and was very conspicuous on account i g up agamst a siOni eleven,
-Miss BAILEY. do not fear the outcome.
FOOTBALL CLOTHING Rhymes of Childhood........M. RI.EY of ishaving lure his own private The men will line up for today's
FOOBAL COTHNG --horse amd trap. He has beems in Bo- ames as follows:
Freshmen Politics, ton for some time past. He was togs
GYM. SUITS AND A new difficulty has arisen in the be married in a short time to Miss BrownSmith.......c...........ulen
freshmnen lit. election. The Upper Anna C. Hill, a promnment young Franc...............r. g.........Fortin
SW EA T E RS. Peninsula hangs together and deman ds lady of Boston, but this event has Caley......-.......... g.... .....Murray
three or more offices, th engineers beensindefinitely postponed now. Steckle, Day........r. t.........Eggeman
want the same nummber mnd commit- oung Mr. Cocker is now confined White, vcUonald,..1.t........ Bennett
wanun thrivatemsnitarburinndmecoBostonSnow-----------...r. e.MeMulty
orstScek iu the maci tees f bothaareiBennettitTeeumenear e - Farney
complete in therctyan e astad her i lstlfhpeofisboth factions are keeping rvt aiaru erBsoBennett,Tetzel..... . ........ .Frleyn
casmsYiu i ie ma We Va e from fcis kingn tere is little hope of hins unmedi- Talcott..............q..........Fleming
aswe buy them from the mancfac a gsate recovery. Miss Hill is prostrated Barabee, Whitcomb. 1. h............ ins
taecisad have them made to our - Michigan vs. Notre Dame to- and refuses to see anyone but her Widman, Blancoe.....r h.......Kuppler
W aiideday at Regents Field. Game most intimate friends.-Times. Street, Weeks. onahan, Hayes
A I called at 1 .m. Do Not Consider Themselves Bound. H. Danforth and W. B. Bach are
Meeting of '99 Literary Class The supporters of Mr. Verdier back in college from the 31st Michi
TWOSTORESat o'clock today at Newberr do not consider the caucus held two gn.
aUp Town Down Down days ago as binding on them. They in- W. A. Seegmiller,'98 L., has been
State St. Opp. Court House Hall for election of officers, tend to nominate him at the class nominated for prosecuting attorney
Rain Street N. B. AYRES, President. meeting and support him loyally. by the Democrats of Emmett county

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