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June 08, 1899 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-06-08

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11ti~i I jnGun Club Shoot. Its Time oi~e The Corner Candy Store,
fOf Th '1eGun Club had1 their regular NlthofQuarysprugStre
Psblished Duily (Suadays excepted) during the shoot yesterday afternoon, some good B cy l Q esin.T Nde rth kindinvation Dug toreiin
College year. at records wereImadle considering the B c ceQ efin eresaoode at knreaoaon ahelepricea. Lunches 'fehgTEUIEST FMCIA, wahr Fb ili l rbblt talYuwl idalteLaes talhus o ofeadsnwce
'ra az: The Ilansd Pressa,Hning Block. h the lest shout tt the year. at
Both Phones 147. :K~ CF rosT. Coljinibins, Ramablers, W. S. PARKER'S, 315 S. STATE.
Olver, Cat..........19.......... .I6t Stearns, W~Vnverley s,
Collins................1J9.........6 ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00.
)oitle..,.. ...........1i7.......... .........81Ster'ling's,50ets
Bigelow ...............12................ edtheU.x OF M1. PINS, "0Cns
r.Ianter ........t.........163 Fine Watch Repiing a Specialty,
INCHaR OF'x e TeODYSss loselanahllrg....... 1 . ....,....... .11'1 ie cors il du~l :Dru,J. EL. CHAPMAN:
ItL).lI(KSSRtesorsil luli.:DIJ I Sl~tr. 201 Seath Maia Street
iieaslhurg...... . . .3 --
Incitation is Extended to the Stu- lve.........
dent Soldiers, _-&I
An Abo, 1ih. 1CCe'5. h Illinois defested (ihi ogeTuesday INow is the -time
(Captain Ross Gratiger; by a score of 9 to 2, thus e-inaiCnetO hII ~ ~ ~ .
MVy IDear Sir-It 11aCcbeenC sug- secries of three gaimes out of four. This J
gresteil that ntiCuCCcli as lhcre are disposes et aney caims -which ClhicaigoI
many soldiers in the Ulniversity lie. couttd eetertain tor the baoseball rho ci-
longing 1(1 othler l.CtClpaCiiee and i egi. pionship. 1i' ery AichigCn inF0n rejoices to Save $$
theln willi yCC~l glad in Illieois Cci imi lio rthI e t~ dirtiest 1loStes f u
CIntt o atoud lte ar ttisry f Irgant speCertrett tever enteecIOwing to the great
and attend service Cleat Slulday even- iCerit
in1g. It'itCcommendsIC oitselft tii your _.--
aiittol throwiii tileIICO.' ENIAN. H UIV A N ]C SH O ES
Clh esdge lth e U. of CCk.ttillAIYx''el MICHIGAN n ____
alli ill i ea pt i a~ rI~ l C hi eii ipo-ig.,El
()rai io CCIilte I. tf M. )lx. li e II.
Very tru~ly youCrs, C
B. L. 1M'liliOY. Cegulilr edittion, $i. !l
Ii) CIIet i il it.111111 V tat p.ltl.kdeluxefor Men. We have decided to discontinueI
teid iCti. ie~tc- tto Ita til I limiited fto 1o copies, -.1 15 I handling some of our other lines and will
to ist t th attno~v a 7 l. i. !close them out at greatly reduced prices.
text Rtilly tlos Graul~er- These lines include some of the hest Men's
ONI SALE__ Shoes made. they are on the very latest
The Cornell Games.- .' lasts and we have them in all kinds of
1lCItt aitst I I THURSDAY, leather, such as hlack or tan Vici Kid, Rus-
(CCli t 11111 CCCI 11b111 CC ed wit sia Calf or Patent Leather. It will pay you
Conl n.Hr adoei erit- to look them over.


Thle .2uilll CCAlilArborCC Cx is e
jolayc ai i CCIICII tl acondC~i~itionCsias
tile g1CC t i I tatithatlis9300)
tile otlt rglte islijeli aicotrdlin~g Co
thCe ciiti actas tio 110 playedlsomlle-
welere-itn tile West an1d1 ill a 11lce
suitailil 10oIbothl manaltgers laltd1o1nCII
eqiua i i e~i Illofthe liet gate re-
4ifiit-. 'ititigcr Ba~irdcl lieiveedall
stffer of $501)frllilliltt(,Inivcreity
(Clull tof ) Detro itfrhe 9iameC alit
$7501 fromti Grand111liilidl. Tile
(Coi -I i itllliager stil itelid oifas lhe
w~ish-,'.Cone half the lilt lproceedls.
BuLitelCciCClii 11a10receivedl from
111111vC tlCCIICC sting;efthaltlhe lpre-
ferrefi D Iit. NC Cthc gtauges are
DO1011 tletlC andthe tlldlates are ill
Alnn Atrborl Fridlay, gluCCCit11, landi
inl Di) tit Saturd~ay, 1TlCune th.
lj nIitrcCIktt tea hdtheir pictu~res
takentieserd~lay. And111at thle tieet-
lng f 'Mot'ityg (apt. McLeanll sas re-
elect.1 cap~taini for the ensu~ineg year.
Capt. Mcean.11sho111a1eilthe teamilthait
lie ioppreceiltcl their eforts this
sprit,, anilitre-electing h~l ini aptin~
by istIhi tels a spi oreadl last
The Rev. tDr. 1L. West-hester IICConad,
formerly rector of Aeesiac church in
Ntew Yorko and no01 rector of Trinity.
Phillilps Brooks' old church in Boston,
hs ceaiedl a stir amng Bostoin woni-
en hby expressing on Cunfavorahle epin-
Ion of the work of woen'lcs coleges.
In addressing a meeting ill the interest
of the Alahbott Academy at Andover, he
said: "I want to say one thing in Caor
of thinsInovement, and that in that per-
sonallyI do not like woens colleges.
The nmoment a woman hecomes erudite,
as she does after the average college
course, she becomnes a bluestocking
and apart freom he rent of society; and,
consequently, she doos not accomptlish
the good which se might otherwise.
Theme colleges are not good far soolety."

SUlSiCtOIBEIftS swill lease
thceir NAMES) when purchasing.


State Phone 144.
IBureaau o1
Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order
and rented. Als Class Canea, Clas
Hats and Caps, Class College
Pins. Address
W. C. KERN, Weastern Mngr.,
Hakell Mueum - Univ.erf Chicago.



2 12 So. Main St. Ann Arhor.



iC'l1S 10S

#Vov 7 to , AMlJSI? CIUJ SiE takie thye
NEW STEEL The GreatestPerfection
PASSENGER yet attained in BoalCos-
STEAM salecisa t Inuris. -
SPEED,"- Equipment, Aristic Fur-
COMFORT J. nishing, Deorsation and
Ancn SAFETY. Efficient Service.
To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
Noeother LieoCC~e s a lnoram Cof 160 mi es of eaviety Canterst.
Four Trp pr eek etweenlDaad lalthReavieet.,t....
Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac laight B DEe OTtNDw[eenAN
PETO$EY", THESOO"aigunel.E,., BerhsTIn,,$.0etaeo, $.7
055 ItDUUTH. Cleveland, Coneclt,ins. arelnmadeaCeeand0w1t.
LOW RATESt cu raesqe a aandto Put - tn- Bay Etria esttleinsfrt ap oilCsEas ,t
Rtan ca dinaMeti.Oahnal aa e ths.ItAt.,i. and Toledo.a. nd SoteeC t~gndatOetrIIeitorl oints
nate Cost fron Cevelatnd,t9C.30;i fom nt o rtdnn~isl'Aps a tea.neJ.eA
Toledo, $1.2 ro i aon Detroit, $1.:,. ,tee t e, Aus t
pend o. le Itlatratd PnCiphit. Adesas lilrnhl 1111 j~c oste aceCll}(, }{ j
Sn A. A. SceAsTeG a. A le a C. 1 I nt e sttnit ndIfaff 101111 Noviiiion cilt

ABOUT RIGHT. q 1f your Bicycle iNeeds r ( lNFj O8
A ceacty eoad that icsmothtand hardC I J
ctloudlessskyynd a tandem leet, TO BEREARDNew Stale'Phonee307
Caitharthyil or tast pedasgat.
Wsamithapetioln tatsptnltog pedt, I ~A ~ , No. 113 East Liberty St.
Malnucturerns oDental Instruentsa
We rent tandems at tile following rates: Go to B IERMI VN9S pcandasSFiue Machineryi.
Per hour, 35c for 1 st hour; 20c per Atnicg~Ot iyl earn
hour thereafter. W. W asluing;tau. A Full Line of Binanle Sundries in Stonk.
Forenoon, 7 to 12.. .......... 7 anteuero CECEM
Afteroon,12:30 to 6......75c U, auatre fIECEM
Evening, 6:30 to 11..............f75l Special attention given to Socials,
Af e n o n E e i g $ S U U 3h E - U S o c ie tie s a n d P ic n ic s, o n S h o rt N o tic e . ,
Full day..........1 50 1111 mQatyndPieGurte.
M. Staebler 's Bicycle Empori um Qaltyan PiesGurated
Irg W. Washington St., Phases, Noa.8. Both Phones. 110 South Mai St., Aunn Arbor, Michs.

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