9~ Paillu
Will announce that we have nowj
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens int
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.1
108 E. Washington St,
We have recently fitted up
a commodious photographic
dark room, complete with
trays, lights, etc., and offer
its use to the public free of
!harge. Anything needed
in the line of supplies, or
chemicals iwe would he
pleased to furnish.
For ten Days from June 1
PIPE SALE-All Pipes Sell-
ing IBelow Cost. Lunches, Soda
Water, Flops and Soft Drinks.
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
Senate Refuses to Recall Bill by a
Vote of 21 to 3.
The frienlds of the University can notw rejoice. The long fight over
the one-fourth tax bill has at last been ended. The Senate refused to re-
Victorious Baseball Team.
A Monster Celebration with Fire-
works and Two Bands. Great-
est Demonstration since
Defleat oilfHarvard.
This action enables thle Board of Regents to carry 0u41 the tptans which lorgetful of imupending examina-
thley formulated quite a while agto. tills Michigan's loyal rooters turned
The bill as passed anld signed is without amnduments, and will give the ou~t to welcome 140140 110e:men who
University an increase of $92,000 yearly. The settlemnt of the matter inl went East and brought back victory.
this manner wsill not enlable the University to receive the special appropria. They went where they were looked
Lion which was asked for, hut with the increase it will not matter materially, upon aIs a teami to give good p~ractice,
as the increase in two years will equal thle amount askedl. andd in the face of two of the .gost
The following telegrams were received last evenling fromdtRepresenta- loYal studtent bodies in America,
tive McCallum and Clerk of the Senate, Pierce. wrested. reluctant, hard fought
victories from their chain dions. Tihey
LANSING, E tICiL, .1u4ne 7, 1891). had gone 'East :4n4( defeated both
special ts the U. of iML Deily: 4:26 p. in. Cornell a414( PennIsylvaniam in the last
'IThe Senate by a vote of 21 to 3 has jusat refus4ed( to grahnt tihe reqiuest of home ogamles the4se victorious teamsi
the House for thle retu~rn of tile Unliversity bill. Thin:4k the Governlor will (we4e to pl1ay, :44(1 all -tilientdijo
signl bill a~t once. MCCALlr.. , crowdledldownii 14 the depot iii the
LANSING', Mien l, Jun~e 7, 1899, m4idd(le of the Inight: to greet tileir
Special ts U. of M. Daily: 4:58 p. ll victorious retulrn. Ann: Arbor Ilas
Tile Senate this afternoon01 refusedt to recall Unliversity bill. Governlor nlot witnlessedl suclh an4outplourilng of
immlediately signedl it. C. S. PIERCE. humanity and41 such it4flow of enthtu-
___________________________________________________________________ 84454sm ice the 1st victorlios team
UP TO THlE STANDARD. Musical Clubs Elect Officers. Ireund1rn wEatevnyas
'_____1140 Glee, BnjI adl a ndo41yll~biln ii \"'Ws11:litenw iles "C' and
Medicl Deartmnt Leds i Re-Clubs heldtiheir 644na1llmeetinlg if tile ?. of 31.lindislbeigan 4 4441
Medca Dt~atmntLeas n e-yea4r last 1nigh~t ill Ili iC. 'The' early liour nd' at41 1once al11 Ann: Arbsor
quired Word. following officers were elected for seied to lilve biestiired :merL to
Thle Am4ericanII Assoiciationl of Inext yealr:.IPresid1ent, T.P. I.Wood- ha:sten4 to4the (depot. Tliii :Jmany
Medicail Colleges ill sesiion alt Comm. row; moanaiger, George VonI Niedl:; songs5 ranlg forth (as theli4 444 4 1-e
- leailer (if tile Glee Club1, R. 11. untlil the trailn cauie. A--40 owl3 ile
bti, ()., this sweek 14a4)passe0d a reso- Sutphen. file election4 of lead~ers of train swas seen 4t a di:-t444eetlx .r )oi
1011044 requirinlg mledical schiools to tile instrumlental ci lbs next fall. su~rgedl across the street 444n41pla ki (
haveC at least 3,300 hou4rs requiired la Ins for n~ext year were dlisttussed4 th~e terralce oppluosite the dlepot.
swirk regularly schledulleid,1444( of anld tile prosp~ects for a1 trip nextI 'The arrival iof tile tralinat the sta.
tis 750 hlours muslt lie clinicall teach1- Chrcistmlas valcationl are very gooil, as tionl was tile signli for the grandest
imng. The above requliremlents are mlot of tile allinlilItrltite board 800441 (isplay of fireworks ever amotedoo
for thlose scholO~Oselhichl are recog- to be in favor of alliowinlg tile cil441) by tile studienits. As tih- trainiSO
nlixedl Ilelbersoif tile associationl, amnd to mlake at trip nlext year. to ai stanldstiill undreds a4i I 454
in4 good14 staninmg. T'he fact tha~t tile At tile beginmnimng of the piresenlt canlldes we-re lighltcd by thle cross v,
requliremenlts focrImembershlip ihave year it was repiresenlted to tile clubs amnd the wh4440ole hiside h40t:440 as:-
beemm raisedi has led to so4m440inqtuiry that if tihey kept imp their organiza-. of seeting, hissin~g -parks from
as to tile effect it swillhaveon)14time tion and 5140we0(1that the takimng of 14 whilchltile intensely gliiwimng bheind li
meidical departmenmt of this LJniiver- trip was mot tileir only object, tile red fire-blalls dlashled skyward. At
sity. ilhis years calemnder shosws that board woulid be 111r1- disposed .tiitile edge of the crowd red ammd blue
smt only is tile required amloun~t of grant them time privilege. This tile chlemicals shied 4 dazzling glearmm over-
work being domle here, lint a great clubs have domle and hlave appeared tile whlole miass.
deal more than is nlecessary for several timnes this year at tile reqluest Tile teamlIelmerging fromothle train
standing ins the associatiomi. By a of the facuilty, regents and stmdent was greetedl again amid again by 1U.
comnparisonl of other college catalogumes organizatiomns, as a result thley expiect of M. yells.
shows that the departmenlt here leads better treatment next year. The team once in time coach,
all other illtile amon~t of ssork rc- speeches were called for. Captain
quired and actually dome. Lap and Jlersetis. "Sally" Lun was first up on behalf
Tile schedule in thle calender Below is a list of tile members of of the team, he thanked thlose presemnt
shows the number of hours required thle track team who are entitled to for their loyal su~pport. Guy Miller
work in the medical course to be the 'Varsity track "M" and the Cap. appeared next amnd was given ovationl
4,982, 1,080 hlours are devoted to Those who won a first in thle Dual Ill his emotion lie could no more
clinical teachinugs, in the senior year. meet at Milwaukee, or a point at the than express his thanks. Lehr-
Besides there are 324 hours of Intercollegiate meet will be entitled modestly disclaimned any part in the
clinics which are optional to the to the "M" and Cap. The following successes of the team. Coach Charke
juniors. A number of additional members will report at Sheehan's to. briefly told of the noble work of the
laboratory courses in special lines of day for measuremenlts: Conger, team in playing so successfully when
work are also open to those who de- Teetzel, Sproat, Baldwin, McLean, in so crippled a condition.
sire to pursue them, and a great Hayes, Lehr, Avery, Adamns, IRun- The crowd started up State street
many students avail themselves of nels, Flourney, Thompsom, Wood. polling the coach containing the
the opportunity. It will he seen that -- players.. When the, campus was
the association will have to add a Dr. Rebec will deliver the coin, reached another halt was made and
few more requirements before it mencement address for the Saginaw the rest of players were called upon
effects the medical department of (E. S.) high. school on Wedneaday, for speeches. All had hut few werda%
the University. June 21. iConanuma o Page 4.
L Green Slides...... 40c groansfl
W hite " ........ 6 c "
% No. 1 covers......8c o0/
tNo. 2,sq. covers....i5c o0/
Boxes for 100 slides t... 0
We will Meet Any Price.
Calkins' Pharmacy
Von can't do it without a
Neither can you play a winning
game of TENNIS without a
Our Stock is complete and
or prices ae right.
UpTown Down Town
Stt St. Opp. Court ilouoe