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May 13, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-13

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VOL. IX, NO. 1165.




W~ill aniiouncc that swe have Snow
received our Spring and Smniner
Woolens. Oar stock for the inconi-
ing season is tin largest wre have ever
showii, is exclusive and confined, in
butth foreign aiidl domiestic goodis, and
is compo)lsed of the heat fabrics in
every liue that can lie obtaiiiedl. We
carry tile lirgest line of Woolens iii
the city. We inivite you 1(o call anti
inspect the saiiie.
103 .W shian'tom St,
W~e have just received a
inie line nf High Grade
lRazors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See our window.
Oon duiland Nanzi.

Makes a Good Impression. Good
Solo Work.
The second Festival numiber was a
Symuphony concert," given yester-
(lay afternsosi. In spite of the heat
a large audience tusnedt out asnd there
was1 scarcely ii vacanit seat to he 5sien
asiyshere. Mr. Shiirley gave a pleass-
lug iiumber, and Miss Anderson satis-
fled expectations raised by her wrork
of yesterday. Miss Vons Grave stas
give yoai rouioig welcomne asis well-
(((riled applause at the close of her
iiumber. She played with brilliant
executioii and deep feeling. She wias
called hark and loaded ith flosrers,
aiol gracefuilly respondedi siths an en-
core. The orchestra work was of an
unusually high outer, anti received
deserved appreciation. The pro-
grsmmse is givesn helow:
1 Overture, 'Fatist,".......Wagner
2Aria, "Cielo e Mare," from " La
Gioconda," ............ Ponchielli
3 Fantaoie, "Romeo and Juliet,"
4 hlungarian Pantaste........Liszt
5 Arts, "Pleurez mes Yeux," from
" Le Cid,............... Massenet
6 Symphony No. 3, "Isis Walds,".. Raff
Part 1. In the Daytime.
Impressions and Sensa-
tions; Allegro (P. major)
Part 2. '?5t'1'wili:ht.
(a1 Revery: Largo, (A-flat
(b)L fance of Dryads; Alle-
gro sssai, (D-minor) Poco
menu mosso (A-major-)
Part 3. At Night.
Silent rnstling of ths woods
at night. Entrance and

very favsrably swithi those- of past
years. While the performance of
the leadisig stasrseas not quite so re-
iiarkable, the solos work of the other
soloists ws ssuperior, cspecially flush
of Mr. Williamis.
'The concert tomnorrosw afternsoii
still begiii at 2:30f sharp. At the
close of this coiicert Prof. L. IL.
einwick of the Schsool tsf Music swill
give an urgan recitls.'Thts still be
free to all solders oIf Clioralsison
1 Ovsrture, " Benvenuto Cellini,"..
2 "Flitterwochen," ............Styx
3 (a) Recitative, "Deeper and Deeper
(hi Aria, "Waft tier Angelo to the
Skies," ................. Handel
4 Aria, "More regal in his low
Estate," froms tle "Queen of
Sheba," ................tGounod
5 Stahat Mater- - --........Verdi
6 ArisElla giammaimamos," from
'Don Carton,"............. Verdi
7 Arts, 1a1 "Schmerzen" (b) "Traeume,"
(e) "L'attente,....... Wagner
Me,. BaEMA.
8 (ts) Prelude to 3d Act of "Hero-
diade,"......... Massenet
(b) Introduction to 3d Act of
'Lohengrin,............. Wagner
9 Aria, "Wather's Thizs Song,"
from "Die Meistersinger,". Wagner
10 Grand Polonaiss in E.......Liszt

i-5 seords. Breaking traek record of
16 2-5l second, made by himself.
100-yards daos-Winner, Westfall, '{0
1.; 2nd, Htartzburg, 1960 1. Time 10 1-5
Mite run--Winner, Conger- 19(10; 2nd,
hatch, 1900. Tlimse 4 minutes 42 2-5
440-yards dash - Winner, 'Teetzel,
1900 1.; 2nd, iNewberry, 1902, m. Time
53 seconds.
One-hualf misesiun-Winner, Balrrett,
1962; 2nd, .-ayes, 1'901 1. 'lime 2 min-
utes 6 1-5 seouds.
220) yards dast -Winner, Westfall,
1900 1.; 2nd, Thiomsoon, 19100 1. Time,
22 1- 9seconds.
Mile waltk-Winner, tOdle, 1902; 2nd,
Brookfield, 19101. 'lime, 7 mlinutes 36
2-5 seconds.
220-yards low lhurdleu-Winner, Me-
Lean, 1900; lljorte, 19101. 'lTime, 27
130-yasrds handicap sorority race-
Winner, Westfall, 'in lelta; 2nd, Test-
eel, Alpha Phi.
IDiscus throw-Wine, Letr, p. g.
deft. Distanee 95 test 7 in-shes; 2nd,
Avery, 1902.-1Distasnce,12 feet 9) inches.
Pole vault-Winsner, .gunnels, 1900
1., height, 10 feet 3 in.; 2nd, Adauis, '99.
igh j ump-Winmier. ltournoy, 1910
rat.; hleight. 5 feet 10 inehes; 2nd,
Moughton. 190(1 ct, Armstrong, 11)10, sod
Tryon, 1900 mi., tied ist 5 feet 8 inehes.
Shut pot-Winner, Lehr, p. 0- teti.
Distance, 40 feet 5 inches; 2nd, Avery,
Broad jump-Winner, Mclean, 11100.
iDistance 22 feet; 2nd, Riunnels. Mc-
Lean hreaks bothl Western Inter-collegi-
ate and 'Varsity records.
Haismer throw-Winner, Avery, 11)02.
Distance 117 feet 11 inches; 2nd,
Cooper. Avery breaks 'Varsity record
of 107 feet.
Clerk of Course-Junins B. Wood.
Assistants-IL. AM. Turner, C. A.
Riegelman, Wilt Talman.
Starter-Keene Fiitzpatrick.
'limer-Sid Millard, "Abe" Gross-
beck, Dr. Rahethte.

R. E.
game of
Our Stock is
or prices are

%A.9 - m %Aa a - - e" xist of the W1ditluntWa aReod B akrtSme j' -
the rst uf ihe cortege yeas we WsaRcrdBetrinSm use Dr. Mei~urrick, Marry Crafts,
ve lsuchesn it oil housi day as with Frau Rolls (Huldl Events. "Sassk" Consdosn "Chuck" Widroan,
Pu1llins ci Pipen, Cigars, aned and Wotan. Dlaybreak: Walter Bennett
Aliegro (F-major.) The result uf thue anusal field Judge of walking-Dr. Rahethge.
.JOLLY & CO., meet yesterday wan gratifyisgigns Announcer-W. IL. Allen.
1So. State Street. BEI CONCEPT. mayrset. he' riyrcod
______________ The audience seas prompt isn arriv- is this highs hurdles, hamsmer throiw, Prneo VritMe.
iusg last nilght, ands thus concert began asid also this Western Isiter-collegiate Pictn'ast et
®at sharp eight oclockc. 'Thbetier- record iii the broad jumup uere At this Prisncetoin gasmes, held this
N e rfrsmance of Muse Brema swas of a brouken. In someiio (f this other events week, thus recoirds in every evesit ox-
wvbe ry siyhigh class,sand it is certatn tbat theconmpetition wsaspiritesd and cept thisw hr ase n h
set for her. She has great puseer and quarter silie the results seesnsot ups smade hsere yesterday. Sosms of this
considerable drasiatic feeling. Her to the winsner's best efforts. individual performianicenswee very
rich, (eels voice seas very effective isn This meet seas a success both frusi good: Jarvis wons the 100, 220 and
TITH PLENTY ow- this aria from this "Queen of Sheba." the stasndpoint of this conmpetitor and 440 yairufslashes, shle Cregons won
To ai generous greeting of applase of the performser. The most plheas- this lhslf, osse and two mile russ.
,R IES, she sang tsvo Irish melodies, swiths fine hug feature if else large attendanice
spirit. seas jhs ssnisber of girls seio see
Mr. Williasms was the favorile of present. Many (of them seesuns- " Joe-" Piusgree, ex-1900, left his
10 0CEI N 1S this audience, amid graciously ye- doubnttedly attracteud by the nsuvelty woriin i Detissit ho eise 'nut sand see
sponded after butts numsbers, singinig of thisIniter-sorority race. if so, this 'Varsity smeet.
alkins' Pharmacy m thus first encore tu this accompany- they seee vll repsaidi for their curs- _________
insit of this harp. His seconst em-usity, for this race seas this prettiestpooRiasCmn toheU -
j (curs was a ove sung pecuiasrly event of the slay. It seas a handicap ProRcn oif oteUt
11 E BALL ! adapted to Iis full, clear tenor voice. evenit amid the sees men miads anversttti.
Herendered it in a very sympathitic excitiing finish alnmost abreast Yesterday four Purto, Ricanssunuder
You can't do it without a manner. Gonger's work ini theislsse rums was the chiaperoniage of a NeYork mier-
SVILLE SLUGGER" BAT. The Aria froms Don Carton by Mr. especially creditable, beatinig sut chsant arrivedh iniAmissArbtor to musks
can you play a winning Wthitnesy received due recognition. Hatch ini a chose finsins. Thns half arranugemsenuts for attenidinug the Unsi-
TENNIS without a He refused, lisosever to sing againi, milie also sad a chose finish, Barrett versity. 'Thieir nsameus are: Octavi-
T & DITSON RACKET. tthougth recalled several timuss. sinninig sy a few inclies froms Hayes anso, June, andshRaefee Gallermety
complete and 'lhe executiuos of all this orchestral swhonsmighst iave passed if his sad amid ,Jose Figuesras, mud mll register
right.- parts seas very fiue. Vise introuduc- beens on thi s ttide. Stranigs an it froms Sass Juans, Portos Rico. They
ion to the third act of ILohengrin may seem, thuoss esho broke this cams speak nosthinig but their native
A Hwas so exceptionsally weell played by recordlssee not especially croweded tonue, bustsill smiler thisoumsmuer
th orchestra that they were coin- in their events. 'lii shioss that schsool and study Eniglishi preparatory
pelled to respond withi an encore, they have nsut yet reachied their limilt. to esiterinig college in time fall. 'T'hey
ANN ARBOR The chorus sansg with spirit and seas TRACK i("iNT5. sirs finis huookinig meisamid cosmes from
Down Tow. very finished ins its ensembsle work. 10yrshg udls-inr l-this best amid mosst cultured fansilies
O na 'lin S. '[his concert as a whole compares Lean, 1900; 2nd, Bjork, 19003.'lime 16 in Porto Hiss.

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State St.

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