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May 06, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-06

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Published Daily (Sandays accepted) dating the
College year, at
')Fei(e: The Inland Preese, Hanaing Bitch.
Bath Phones cay.
0. 0.HBAtS, 'at L.
Athletic Editor, P. W. Janet, '99,
T. ii. WaoaDao', '00 L. A. 11. MeDtUOALL, '01 E
G. D.tieaNeee 'to E. .. B. Wooi), '00,
C. L. NILE, '99, C. D. Cast., '99,
L. J. MOeNtGtaERY, '05, W. .Ii.tCEY, '00 M,
A. G. Olciewn, 'It.

Contincted froacafOral page.
scorinig. The ball wat kept by tiot
freslhmen nearly all the time now and
Mist Sibley quickly made anotber
Poinlt, tying tioe score. The freshooan
scored again by quoick fatt work.
Miss Bowen oaade aoothser after two
trialtsooaking the score .5 to 5. Witho
tioree mintes left to play the* game
now becante exciting. Miss Daley
sectored the hail oo a fouol old omissedl
goal, regaioaed the ball aoid againo failed.
Miss Boweon added aother after a high
catch. Tloe last gsal watsooade by
Mitt Sibley, after a omionttes sharp'
play oon botlo sides. Score 6 to 6. Miss
Boweo sscted the last try for gsal.
Misses Sibley anti Wood did the
Lest work for tile first year teaom. 'Tle
foromer was at first to iittle aincertatin
oi gols bat nearly alwtays onoaged

Nothing Better
Can beofulie heid thantwhtlwe
are now patting forth on the way
aoftint Weather Drinks at
our new Soda F~ountain-.-
Special coliag alelaratus and
everythiitgten', cleati and at-
Campus Drug Stoe.

SPrinters, Binders,


o CHATiGE of TOAY'StOIU to regaina the tall atter a faailure.
A. 01. SODOLOALL. Misses Bosweii (Floreoice), Daly aood
Vauoglioi played the stroigest gatme
Every isyal Micliigatimanhulocght for the upper class teamil. The liine-
to lie at the Alln Arbor diepot at tup follows:
11:25 tot iielcotie lMro. (arnimily bonme. Fii'st Yeeei. Second tilt)
He lois lostlu, lie wtorkeil as hard T/idfeiii.
for Michiigant's glory is lily oraitor CoB1 ibe.Iasket.
se has sct1awiiy totrepireisent hli.Co. a . tobtsy. Florence Bowen.
After his loyail c hrls lie dleserves a Veva N. Connor. ILulu V. Lucsby.
royal wrelcottme. Let it lieishown i that Mabel :L. Wood. Josephine Bowe.
Michitganiistppiorts her faithflfciDefence.
chtilliordnotedoily trlieoithey 'in-Ilorence Hedges. Xh~tnnio Metoritlic.
Gertraide tan. Mary L.. Bradshtawt.
lii altways-evroi lieailtey oose. Marta E u P oh

Subufs6~dt Gtot


I L _ s_ r- =- f- r-


1 I .

.. - . _J .., " .."J'.,...:," 1VcL~li . L MNiAN U T.Jlia Mi. ('tililips. ANDI II /aj /i' fiV
ALM IAQE. Ainie L. « illiaioioc. 1Ch Vote .Forbes. Pineapple
Mulocauhoec Aumni Greet President Bertha A1. Todd. Rena B. Rayttond.
Angell. Isabtella H. Hiendry. Giertrueraogltn. -_________________________________ _____
Nellie X.1,itcdCriiiiclc. Maude L.. Doley.
'Ihe Sliltwatkee ilumit oflif hll Leolie (G. Sumith. Luicie A. Sill, oalei~ aeu fate~i a la
"'iii U.niversityr Miv re etin nd
Slte t lettrofarcltil te afterinoton's exercises were tit- IlG'OI~dO Bra 1fcdmcG~uo
dinrinhnr f residrentAiigell iieosed bty facutyly and oilier invileol GOT RELL & LEONARD,
a01 ltheBHotelePfister last Friday ceen-gitests, anid every oiie oas greaitly t'ei, GtnadBwamd oote adln lo(t
ili. iegldl 1111 irellitttt5 p'lleasedi oithi the pierforniance. All - Cones, ('lasn Halostied Caps, Class College Pins. Address
entt-ive, ande icluided lRv, Chles i the exercises owere accomnlied liy W. C. KERN, Iwestern cc Mn
Stanley Lesier', is arepresentieoeaf nliciic, jplayed by Miosco Benitlr andl Haoske~ll een.'aaet, 0 niv. of (lic g.
Htarv'ard, W. I). Vanl~yke, ats a relp- Kelley. ilos Stnyder odeserves spe -__________ _____________
resentative if Priccetonl, auth Au- vial praise far the work of her cltioses
gust H. vtigel, president of the Uii as orell as the Itrotlphtoless aiid hire.-o U MSCR IEtL'Sc
versity Cub. Thii dinnler wals served cisioii witb which the preograml was
ill the btnit cled l of tlie heotel, and rendered. C A T L N o c I A
ih eticlledtie tin'verss 1ofE o AtKheNA
mmesaottetlaisbig 1Irs . H. Playnie, a foriller wrell NEW STEEL the geatest perfecttion
ptrescet. Previotus to the dinnler 011kotowon resient of Anno Arbor, dieid PASSENGER ycetattined in Buttcee
STEA M ERS. 5/ structon : Luxurou.
inforimal receptionl was hlel, at which receottly at Nashiville, TFennl. She SPEED, E. qaipment, ArtiticleFua-
the tmemlber's 1hdian opphortuitiy to wai tile ife of Chanocellor Palyoe, of COM FORT } >>'. niahing, Decrtionlan sd
inect Presidhent.Aungeli. 1eitih O'ltl olgfrsnc AND SAFETY. ' Efficient Service.41Paoylorulclegfrsm
Sentreator Quarlcs presidedh at ttie a membdlller if theLT. of Al5. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
banqhuet. 1H. J. Killilea respoondedh faculty. Iga otheaLico oi, a 'anoa. ale teituleeoe acrtitadnee
to 'the first toilst, t Is the Inlueince Four_________ JnTr~ipspa eekBewn and Nw0ilO tneve. teeec
of (College Atlhetics Ijturios?" Histh'lere trill be a iun ratnai. party Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac 0igt (we' DETROIT AND CL[V[LAND
alyr ro ii lc 1tgli',atFiaarrac'eeitill casn nrst" naea c,$1.50OF eatia 0t,...n
sllwc \ji ll henegtie, nd he itGI'llj~rr' tonih t.I canTSK ar 1T ESoo. Cl~T e ilad, tete., I,,., 50. <te m$
AXIS DIl~ti'Ii[. Cle eland, ('on, tinsare a d e 'a'lean wt
told soiiiethinti' of t ile oirt'inceLO RTStoicreqeAtkiaan Pu -i - a EaietT isfra'pitslatot
which atlileticaatrnd h siocal tdevelop- / 'R'tuen(Slilceelt lidealsraridy c gh andToledo. aaxISouathw.eadtOettcctlfortalleits
7 n nr isttti lltehiuig tll.a hurt)'at Gralg-eI's onO lthie e cuiuig Sepembe.andieaotc Otty
vcrsiiics. Prof. leuhutiC. Ireelnail, (if May 59:.. .Cetdm ZTZ . te . Atta DETROITt DEteTyRT, Addreetss.EB~1Bi
'68, eof tite WisconisinUivlersity,_____________________ .aneao.ae 'ar
sipoke if 11Ioilin ~itile Moderii
UIniersity." W. D. VunDyke ex- t apOTIataO ".0... 5"F nd m s1tdCcthl-iai'on jiLtt ly tdt
lresseed the grectinegs of Prinlcctiol.(bul
Th lie cv. Lcster spioke of '1'Ste Ed. flrit). nei frrn _)rtehm
ieted11 MalilteColi' i u'hiet ' "For Pent. I a eal inih enO I . I~tter .IletiSOtiluIE'.
President Angell wsitoue y A'17H1LN$ M. STAEBLEFR'S Bicycle Emporium.
Senator Quarles. Ileie oxtogret-11005N.S i)~ctWson~o tet
ed withu the U. of St. yell, anid t'iil£'-o .lt)Ws aliit tet
it wanus oine mlomients hbfore the en. T11IIE.A'L0T I.F_
tlieinl of his receptioi uldfrialloowG AN 'S 3 H 0J. O A9I G
hit 10 chiance ho 5speak.Ile refcrred l HG
to thie large conitribeution w uhihMAichul.$5.0 FrTui f 3Weks
gani liad made to NWisolloin. He y PROGRAMME PA)R T Erne of TURDAY EVENING
bruglotheliii eso eetioemlentso an1dhchauges, anudhs1p010e_ Private Lesaons by Appointmnot. Bell 'Pitate 246.
with uiiuchi feelilig of the traugic deathl
of Prof. W1alter aiud the ilealti of If Your Bicycle Needs M ilE * Manufacturer of ICE-CREAM.
Judge Cooley, and of the great oer- UR I. Speciah attention given to Socians,
vocetof these titoootteou to thle Uni- TO BE *EPAIRED, Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice.
versity. The evenig exercises closed REPAIRED, w i Luait and PricesGurned
witht the sinlginoif "ThteYellowv andh o o IERIV1AI\ S.~QaiyGurned
he Bluoe." W. Waslinigtoij. Botl Plionoes. 1 10 South lai St., Atin Arbor, Mich.


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