'07 b r
G. H. WILID CO.Woe'GuClssEnrti
Will announce that we have now The classe in the Women's Gym-
received our Spring and Summer asium gave an "Open Afternoon"e
Woolens. Our stok f or the ienum- yesterday at 4 p. in. A very fine
ing season is the largest we have ever program was rendered y the young
shown, is exclusive and confined, in ladies under the direction of Miss
Alice G. Snyder, Instructor in the
hoth foreign and domestic goods, and Woman's Gymnasiun. The exer-<
is composed of the est farics inl cises were opeied with a grand marchr
every line that can be otained. We and a parade y all three classes.
carry the largest line of Woolens in The forming of the M y the col-'
thecit. W initeyouto allandums in cross march was exceeingly'
thecit. W initeyouto allandpretty. After the columns cross
inspect the same, marched y columns of two in M
shape the lines parted, forming a'
G. H W IL CO. double hollowv square successively in
cums of two, founr and eight.
108 E. Washimgtom St, tional Gymnastics," consisted of a'
ANN ARBOR. series of graceful and difficult msove-'
mets for head, body, and limbs.
f lihe effect produced by th straight
lines o swaying figures clad in the'
ptty gymnasium costumies designed'
W arranted byDr. Mosher was very charminiig.
The ''Aesthetic Movemsents" were'
CZ utlerv executed by the secsid year class.
They are sometiiig ot of the usual1
in gymnastic work. They are given
We have just received a to (develop ani easy, free, and grace-
ine line of High Grade filisioveimeit, aid yesterday's exer-"
wtarandanwe se fllym vises proved edtheir efficiency.
wratdanwelthmright too. See our window. The "Handkerchief Drill" aid
Dumb Bell exercises were perfoiied
T flII ll bt y the first year class. The step,
iTTAswin ig, a11d tapping of the dunb
fli~fll~ rnR1~J~aY b5he faniy step amd the iarli by
the scn er ls eeespecially
DoMa n igmht. prcae by thie audience; the
0 Il l U dl d cuiternarchi iindlcrssig0 of the
D i oecrfitof t1e5cllegeoiyrw lton i tagheenlns en
w l eelnhs i o urs p , d atay l i sri torel.115 cn
nih.Frl in fPpec1as n loudly applauded. I the coibina.
tebicco tioii work with otiiibbello aid waiids
R. E.. JOLLY & CO., six leitt usi ceiuc h
3011 So. Stats Street.atraelnsofsvnue h
____________________________________bells and( 1wan(1s iuison1t01. Thieex-
__________________________________ecise wils givein by tie'fist year
clss. The secndi~ year classIollo-
F e hedl with a numllbe' of mlovem~ets usiel
in foil-fencing 'fle second patrt
r coclded with a favorite numiber
St aw ecieisisellgof fancy club swigigb
S LrdW WTW ~ lis Helen Beider and Miss Mds
3D.ley. The audieice aplauded
-AcTimHE---- log anld loud at the coclsion of
* this exercise, aid tries to cliiithe
Soda Fountain performlers ack. The work of Mis
Beider, whoi is an assistait iistructr,
Today was especially good.
CRUSH 10C. tirely filled with the young ladies
sworking with the various kiid of ah.
Calkins Pharmayms paatus aid playing gaies. 'rbe
programl is given below.
Your Name GadMrl PART r.
. Gad3arhaln
Engeon C51 oper Ple, 2. Lesson in Swedish Educational Gym.-
a iitu1tet style cued, orI .5 o nustis.
10:1car, egraed romyou ow pltefor3 (a) Hiandkrchief Drill.
105 od o~OVO 1ms~ yw uillut, io -(,) Dumb Bell.
90 CENTS. 4. Athletic Gymnastics.
() Fes Movements.
The Best Stock, () Scrf Drill.
The Latest Styles. PART 11.
Ato see eui new sttoerey. 1. Fancy Steps and March (by command;
T A W S 2 Pole Drill.
A Fb~~ 3. Combination Work. Dumb Bells an
W Wands.
4Foil Fencing.
ANN ARBOR 5. Club Swinging. Fancy Series.
Miss Bender.
up row. Down Town Mios ads Daly,
stae St. Opp. Court House
ain So (pupil of Miss Snyder.)
. Apparatus Work._
1() Horse. (,) Brooms. Exetd ihOioSaeTs
(b) Parallel Bars. (d) Balance BoardsExetd Wh OioSaeTs
Etc. Aternoon.
2. Basket Ball. Ohios Stale Uiiversity will be the
The exercises closed with the most 'Varsity's opponent this afteriiooii
enjoyable part of thte whole program, and fromi the record of te team a
viz., a basket ball gamie betweeei the close gaiie is probable. Th'le Ohio
first year class amd a team made up pitcher is a left handier wili great
of the second amd third year classes, speed and good curves amdsill
The ganie was watched withi the most doubtless prove something of ahspuzzle
eager attentioi, aiid at times was very to the icigan hitters.
excitimig, and the spectators leaned For the hiome teaii Miller swill
eagerly over the railing, and appiear- sart the gamme, btt Lehr will be put
ed keenly imterested. 'Iwo teii mim- in later, unless the Ohio teami shows
ute halves were played, great form ini battiiig. "Siorty"
The gamse opened with this ad van- Rogers will play secoid and Mohr
loge in favor of the upper class pay- will be givemi a chiance in rigt.
ers, Miss Daisy makiiig this first goal Bleiicoe wsshit ini this arm by a
after about three milnutes play. pitched ball ini practice Thursday
Shortly afterweard Miss Comnor failed amd is umable to use the armo at all so
at a try for goal. Thes first year girls that le will be unable to play. Sulli-
wtere mot very good in interfere-ce, yon will play short, Mattesoii not
amid their oppoments easily secured a having recoveredl fromo his sore
secondi goal by Miss Bowen. At this shoulder'The rest of this teamo will
stage of this ganie Miss Sibley made be as usual.
a divimig catch, amd succeeded in
makimig a diffictlt goal. After two Practice yesteriay aftermnoon was a
mimutes more of hpiay Miss Bowen little slow. Theiifeld seemied to
made anothler goal, miakimg the score loaf amd came imi for cinsiderable
3 to 1 imi fav'or of this mpperlass criticismo fromilthe ciach This lit.
players at the emii of thisfdrst half, fielders were in tinis fettle, however
Lemiomade was served to this players amdmae some eturprising catles.
betwveen halves.
- 'The secomil hallfiipemieid with sift 'The tiial trtck et whihlwtas to
play amd a ideciedim liproveent oil be hiel yesterday aftermionmiwts post-
thes part (f thi smlen. 'Thiy 1011ed iimtil thilstaftermiiom. Th'is
carried the btall nerly to their oppio- inet is to his givemi foim this hpiroe
nentis goal amd lost it on a foiml. Miss (f gettiiig a little bt'ter hune0o1 the
Bowenmiseciimeih it andmideliaih lonbg variomus caindidaties.It is 111e itei-
try for goal. Sits filed biui sectreil tioin of the mianttgemeemt tiiohd several
tile blliatgainiatnolscoredl mtkiiig thes 11m1o ieie to this trinting ttible aind
score 4 to 1. At this poiit this those showimg up best thtis afteritoon
freshmenisutook this hall1and(1behind wsilllbe ttaken. Tie inet tiill sttt
hune intesrfeieiice ctarrisid it tcioss, aindtt 3 ('clock titni will coiitiettittil
Miss Sibley scored, throwing thisbtll tll thte events tre fiihed
fritmi ((le sie fmoiimtihderthisgtlery. -
''his bll at 01nce briiighit bttck, hut Chict'o foundmore111- trouble itie-
Miss Sibley mlissed aii easy goal, thle featiiig Iditnat thatn~ Michigan did.
leathter was Ifubled by this upper 'Ihe bIicluigaut-Indeiauut score was 9 to
citiss plyesoamnd Miss Sibley atoue a o, swulsthis ClicgoInditnatwoo
pretty jumilpinig catch oil its rettirn,II to 6.
ioticeet 0n Pe 2 .1
Special. ;Seasonictkts for- tllsrehtininlg
Oberlin, ., May 5, 11:35 P. m. eight hotitesgalieosill leoil stle at
U. of 111. Daily., the gtte toimoroiw. Pice $2.
' Ann Au-mor, Mich.
Oblnis rt, Chicango ses-onds, Toda's Games.
INorthwester-n third. Iouitu lbi asalFed
Large auidienice it the First Congre- HmltC u tMrhalFe
go, tional u rclit-l. Willardh L. Long-, of ly Crosst Aiilursh.
Clay Center, Ks., who spoke for Ober- Princeton t Providemnce.
lin college last year, appeared agai, Csolubia at Camtbridlge.
taking (iorhis titeou, " Lincoln's De- Crnell t Phiahelphia.
batetso With Doogtas" - teI
Otlier univrsities twer: Wisconsi, Ntr amie t Bloominiigtoii,
Albert L. Deni, stiljet, ''Tcuis-.uut Beoit onlSleppard Field.
LOvertur;" Iowva, Gesi;-ge William Univiersty of NeivYoritzit Newi
Ega n, subjet, " Cromwelh" Chicasgo, Bruniswick (Rtigers.)
Arttur E. Bestor, sobject," Wendell __________
Plihiiis, the Agitator;'" Michigant Mar- E neinScey
tin H. Caritody, subject, "Patrick lin- SgierigSoceg
ry;" Minnesota, J. W. Beach, subject, Mr.e I. C. Stevens, of the Engi-
- This Descent of Mtnt" Northwestern-
Barry Gilbert, "Tle Saxon or thesmerinlig Dsprtiueittwsill adrss this
Slav." Engineerimng Society tonight in mi in
Juicgeo on thotght and compositio, 10 Eug. Bldg. 'Thle aidress wihl be
store: President Finley, Knox college; uonil this trip takemi by a mnumber of
President Swain, University of lIduia;
President Merrifield, University of this junior emgimieers idiring this sprimg
North~ Dakota. On delivery, Professor vacation. This lecture sill be ams im-
Whitney, Beoit, Wis.; Judge Ellison, terestimg one, amd every engimieer
IAnderson, Ind.; Dr. Dewhtrst, Indian- should attend.
apolis, Ind. The Oberlin Glee Club ________
I furnished music.ThM.AC.ta o edvr
Oberlin students are wildl with excite- ThsM.A .tai tppedoe
mont to-night, ringing the cilege bell, last night on their say to Oivette
and giving their "1Hi 0 Hii" yells. A wtbere they sill play this afternoon.
reception was given the visitors at Ihey defeated the Normnal yesterday
Baldwin cottage after the contest f1 o6
Next meeting will be at Madison, Wisby a scoreof1to.