Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the
College year, at
Ilae;Eo The Inand Prss, Henning Bloek.
Both Phones t47.
F. ENaELHARD, '01 L.
0. IIIASn, t0 .
Athletie Editos, P. W. JONao, '99,
Ti. Ii. WoonROs, '0 0L. A. H. MeDoxALL, '015E
G. D. ItUDNsUeT. '01 E. J. B. NWooD, '00,
C. L. NILES,'99, C. D. COOL,'99,
L. J. ttacexoaIEn,'t5, W.5D. HICKtExY, '00M,
A. G. Bnsox, '02.
The subscripltiopiles o1 the DAIL st'2e5.0 for
the college yeas, teiths a regulartielivery hefore
non eachs say, Noticescommusanicatiaons, asnd
other smsstersinsteosdesd ler publication mtost ise
handed isn at thse DAILYeofic eaee 8 p. as., o
mailed so tse editosrsefores3 pi.sofcCthe day
previaasatotassonwiiehstheyase exeetedi to
Suscriton sa e left atthie DAsLoffssice,
Meye's, as Slsstlet'cs est.ssss, ssr asithsBussinssc
ansage. Sssbscribsers wilcssssersa avteosrby
reportsing prsomplylsi liseffcle ansyfislussesosf
Caes ctss selvers paies.
Alleihanties issalcelisissssaters'mast. be in
the officechy 4apt. sonsste Ly piesl Is tsta
ass whichlsthseassesstosier.
IN C aaGE of TOD'aeax'.t..
G. D. It DNUi'lT.
Thle DAILY is itsrecip t ' Sibe-
risa as1lCentrl iAs.ia,"Isy Jhnts17.
131 oseillser. Tlhe (aook I is iihe rcslti
of aitn exteide il plisissi" lisSiberisa
ana ( Csntrsial Aisa. 'ilceswork takeia
cpiji sity extiisiveiysociilsinis us-sx
trial yicitionsa, teatinig tlely ailses
o iti secyilfllneiss. Tilemustalits-
lcrs h sitidivlialie isart of lthi
bsook isiesstesitotielySibsyrianail-ii
wsay aid itasibuildsings, is at indiiscation
of IitlisiicspositioniicnitlilyEsasteirn
(lieelieii. 'T'lequstcionis Iatreiated
fromsisthe 1ttssianstaiindpsoist his lic-
tatesd by poitlicaliand indstrisai con-
dlitionis. Tihe authorse has on easy,
plelaitg stli, cosiinig frm isersonl
Mrs. Fourntier, nmatron of tlhe ho-
mtepatlhic hospital, lass resigted her-
Mr. Herbert Vaughlan will travel a
year in Europe in company witlh
Prof. Francois. Mrs. W. B. and
Mrs. A. B. Hitisdale will give a re-
ceptiotn at tise residetnce of Mrs. B.
A. Hinsdlale, Wasitea avenue [NOBLE'S SUMMER SHIRTS.
Satutrday aftertioti, May 6. [ATKSSTi oES,
-- LO'~ WPIE
Interscholastic Meet. WEAR LL
May 26 attd 27 are (lie dates select.-(OOL<
efor (lie anntial Interschlsastic as. OlB5OII.TABLE,
sociationt rack aiid field mneet, and it If yoa wanst a Shirt, rome where
trill agaiii take Iplace ossi tle Regenits the Shirts are.
Fielsd, Aini Arboa'. sar the past four CLUBSS- TIS
years (lie high schools of (lie stale [ASCOTIr>~i I T AC
such a tmeet, aiid last year (lie -Miclii. Noble's Star Clothing House
gans Uiniversity Athletic Assosciatioin
took cliarge oif(lie evetnt andsinisthle
fuituire will assist (lie ysinsgsters in
There is a twco-fsoilsobject in thiis
actioif(lie Usniveraity Athlic As.
sosciationi, as the cosnitinuanscii'ofSchi
mesets develsop athletes xissi iatutralliy
feedi MicigitanLUniversity (canis and
uiiiser' irolers' ssiliigelienflsutchi
eventt(eachillptte aiitiestsissito ie , (3155 io4'siiiro t
bos wh llciibe giltrsedl ini thiir' I [L'S SBO[ STORE! x/11 IAn oj,.i:~s
achioseasnsitke iuOseuchi ci esslCi='5'eSti
sthers save i(ine pasit, thin(t. bar-j~L ~ () N
riig ((iemssfroemiiacte'lparticipasltin51'PORTERS AND ts eteeCe,'TURiElttO0
its cssllege sorStlsentsh((yvesiteresi CRIIE3JCAL ans(I PHYSICAL APPARIATUS.
(10 i istosituictins osariinse'
' MCROSCOPIC' FIN)IN(GS. IICle ictttrtcrSr n" 1i L bcrn-
Tuiei'eguliai' clamipisosip sp'sgr'amiitory'Supplies
wriii leesaeriedciostu, iincluisding t(lie 1i2 S.oi Strees. AnnssA sexc Mich.
isutaltasck andsisheld eveists,sseis ss
runiiigl races at all sistlances firsis
f'ory yarstosssnemidle, esot inst IntCI'GoIICa te BureuoRaUJldeomieGCostumne.
hammeiiir1put, lpsle vauitinsgla1d GOTRELL & LEONARD,
juinaig, ilMany nes solss aittALAsNYsa N. Y.
s'x~sctesltss and rlsychnialic (hsCas, GCswse, as it ooed5 sidetossreransid reinted. AlsoClass
vear, anul it is certain (hat liioft'e (lie Csite, (ieeassitescniCape, Class (allege Pinsx Aedrs
oties (Inat xwereleepresenitedilast year AV. C. KERIN,, Westean Mugr.
xiii imainlbelieOl hand. HaseltIl Msseums Uaiv. sof Chieago
Lanisig, Jackon, Battle Creek,
GratidlRapids, Anii Arbor, Detreit,
Adriati, Pontiac, Betitoit Harbosr atid
Bay City are amntg tise cities thllat OY
twill send high school athlletes to the GETY0U """ '
big meet, and it is among the possai-
bilities (hat there xwill bs.enciic
fothupe peisoulathse secctiontRi SR rT-i E G A WVIE
of (lie state that has given li McligiF l
suhell1n1 ax M'eLelill captain ofth
traick tcandisiotie of the stirunt-
ninsg iialf-back's isi thse west. Etitries
close May 16. -AT-
Evi D. Benjamoin, xNvlo gradiuated
fros tlie Phiarma~cy Depssrtmnit in
'97, lhis beeti appoisniedi to a liscrative
position1aso assistanil t nlytical ciiemi-
ist to (lie iNelson, Baker chieiiicsil
companily of )etrssit.'Mr. IBenjamliin
lhis been asistant ti( o Prssf. A. B.
Steventihlis yeas'.
Mru. Msartiu H. Carmossy, wosep-c c Lo.Jst-Aislack caesisiwsaushl fo
resents Michtigani in the Noi'tiuernii holdsss buckle, sun Athsletic Field.ul . p1 jJoA I II~?
Oratorictal League jeositest ah Oberliun lindier return ho 7102 S. iUiversity
nexl Fridaix,,stillueiiver lii's oruatin Axe., a1111receix'e rewvard.
on1 Tliuri'siiy afternoonu, it 4 oacloick,________________________
ill Uivxersit'u'Hasll, All Unix'ersity =- - - --_
stutish a re initiesi (so ilht' this C ect r'11>~tix fo } n
sipeeci.iil ~ ch.rya ~I'l d~ -i~C''isst(snluiiiiii(in ays
Efforts tire ibeinig mae t seure(itel lt ici'iil's for 'renit l11"thlourit
lreprytatedtecnetatH.F P nOberlin. 'Teii ur tureire hav e alreaidy'Ii R l. or driy. Inol'ts 1 etsonitl se.
proutmisedi tandl stherestiiy gi. A fare [4M.STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
of $5.01fiur(lie rlsuid tli 7Imscbeenli ATHENSKX~
securedi fsrhsrcce wiisinu vil. 11110 dj( iti5es No. 8. 11i) West Wasii tollaStieet.
hmselvs doftieshortisucelerii1
Monuday' by a scure of 12 to 9h. * I ,5.00 per Terms (f 12 Weeks.
Throuugh bassso511bails tool ersorss if PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING.
Northixestern succeceiedinIiIpilig lip
S riiis ini the 61rst innlig. Butt by ' Priv'ate Lessos by Appointment. Bcii 'Phosne 246._
hard hittisig asnd the, assietance of er -______________________
rors by Northwuestern, Illilusis Wcas I '' f yot utut siasnice black or' tan
able to overcosmi thus leash. The lat- i Your Bicycle Needs ~ Ii e hslsee 1o~tb3O,$.0 40
feating Chicago, Micigan and North O E BEAaBDnd. 15.00, call tasd see Us.
western, and the repirt is that thsereBIERMAN'S e naiatestsfconnevr
was nso sleepinig ini Champaign (lie Go to