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May 03, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-03

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VOL. IX, No. 156.


Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washington St ,
We have just received a
fine line of High Grade
Razors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See our window.
Duin sgthe resofthecoleywer
wlsev lunhes 't l hors.dayor
aih oline of Pipes, Cigars, and
R. E. JOLLY & CO..
308 So. State Street.
--AT THE---
Soda Fountain
Calkins' Pharmacy
Your Name
Engraved on Copper Plate,
with100lateststylecards, for 41.50
10 cards, engraved from your own plate, for
The Best Stock,
The Latest Styles.
Ask to see our new Stationery.

Varsitmj Will Meet Indiana This1
The first mid-week game of the
seaso i wil be played this afteriooi.
Indiaiia Uiiversity is the opposiig
team, and judging from indications
Michigan has no cinch On the game.
Indiana has defeated Purdue which
always puts out a good team. Some
changes will be seen i the make-up
of the Michigan team. Matteson has
a very sore shoulder and will be un-
able to enter the gaie. Sullivan'
will be placed at short while in all
probability Rogers will hold down
second. Tlhe rest of the team will
be the same as ii Saturday's game.
It has not been fully determined
yet as to who will pitch but Miller
will probably start the game and
without doubt several of the candi-
dates will be given a trial i the box.
The game will begii at 4:15 p. im.
Besides the eleven men mentioned
yesterday as taken to the training1
table, Taylor, who played second oni
the spring tril has been added.i
Coach Clark intends to take on
several more in a few days if they
fulfill expectations. -
Next Friday afternoon Captain i
McLean iitends to hold a trial meett
in order to get a little practical in-
formation as to the merits of the
various candidates. There will be
no handicaps and the captain and
traner wil thus be enabled to find
out how the men act under compe-.
tition as well as their merits. The
meet will start at 4 p. in. One week
from Friday is the regular field day.
It was postponed fron this week
Saturday ii order to give the men
more time to get iito shape.
The class teams are all out and
every foot of space available on the
fair gro""ds is beiig "sed bysome
one of the seven or eight teams
practicing there. The class series
promises to be very hot this year as
most of the teams are stronger than
usual. '99 which won the champp
ionship last spring will put practic-
ally the same team in the field. '00
will put up a good team with Miller
f 'Varsity experience it the box.
'01 has a strong team. Hill a
forier Hillsdale college player will
probably pitch for. them. 'The
freshman team is an unknown
quantity as yet.
In the professional department the
strongest teams will probably be the
junior laws and the fresh medics.
The latter team has been practicing
before vacation and is playing goodl
ball. The homeops will have a de-
partment team which will compete as
a class team according to the per-
mission of the Athletic Board. Their
strength is as yet a question.-
The common council at their regu-
lar meeting elected Dr. W. A. Spitz.
ley as city physician for the ensuing

Seniors Select a Memorial.
After several meetings of wrang-
ling and discussion over the question
of a memorial, the senior literary
class has finally arrivedat an aica-
his agreement, and at yesterday's
meeting of the class, decided to adopt
its committee's report. The report
was that the class secure a cannon,
mount it, and dedicate it to the
Michigan soldiers of the late war.
The cannon can be obtained
through the local G. A. R. Post, un-
der aii act ofCongress, andcan be
secured iii time for the dedication to
take place before commencement.
The entire cost, including the mount-
ing and engraving the names of the
soldiers, will be no greater than the
average class memorial.
The class took action on the recent
death of F. L. Brown, and appointed
A. H. McMillan, P. W. Jones ana
Paul Moody as a committee to draw
up suitable resolutions. A commit-
tee consisting of Chas. B. Hole, J.
G. McHenry and Miss F. L- Petit,
was empowered to select an appro-
priate floral remembrance. The '99
engineers will send three of their
members to attend the funeral, which
occurs at Bay City today.
A baseball tax of 25 cents per mem-
her was voted, and the manager of
the baseball team was empowered to
collect it.
Senior Engineers Act.
The Senior Engineers held a meet-
ing at eleven o'clock yesterday, at
which the report of the committee
on resolutions regarding the drowning
of F. Lewis Browne, was adopted.
The report, besides embodying appro-
priate resoluiois, recommended that
three members of the class be sent to
Bay City as representing the Senior
Messrs. C. W. Whitney and Frank
Trott were named to act as pall bear-
ers, and Mr. Emanuel Anderson will
play the funeral march. A tax was
levied for the purpose of providing a
floral offering in the shape of a gear
seheel with a piece broken out of the
rim, and the broken part lying beside
the wheel.
The three above-named gentlemen
left for Bay City yesterday afternoon.
The funeral will be held from the
Episcopal church in that city this
Dr. Campbell Secures a Good Place
Dr. W. A. Campbell was named
by the mayor for city physician, andl
the appointment was confirmed by a
unaninous vote.
Dr. Campbell is a graduate of the
medical department of the University,
and was the demonstrator of anotomny
in that institution for some time. He
caine to this city from Philadelphia
last fall, and is highly spoken of by
all with whomi he has become ac-
gainted.-Muskegon Morning News.
This position carries a salary of
$600 and does not interfere with
private practice.
To-Da's Games.
Chicago at Champaign.
Bowdoin at Cambridge.
Georgetown at Princeton.

Prof. Coolem on "Personal Compe-
The April number of Economic
Studies published by the American
Economic Association, is by Prof.
Charles H. Cooley on the subject,
"Personal Competition-Its place in
the Social Order and Effect upon
Individuals, with some considerations
on Success."
The author treats his subject "with
no special reference to industry or
commerce, but rather with a view to
the part that it plays in social life as
a whole, and to the effect it has upon
the character and happiness of men."
After discussimg the intensity of com-
petition and the relation o' competi-
tion to association, lit take up "Suc-
cess and Morality." After a reful
discussion of this subject he reaches
the conclusion that, admitti g what
execeptions you please, right is more
successfulthan wrong.''
The seventh headmg of the article
is entitled ''Restlessness Insecurity,
and Strain.' This is an aduirable
chapter and one well worth reading
by one imterestedi m the social prob-
lems of the ties, as it takes up an
important factor which is particu-
larly influential m the United States.
The point urged is, that in spite of
the evils attendant upon this keen
comnpetitiou, it promotes imdivid uality,
self-reliance and earnestness to a high
'he tone in the entire article, while
recognizing the present days evils, is
decidedly hopeful and not filled with
the pessimism found il similar
articles so frequenitly. The essay
does not so much look to the
profouinmg etut-dies is ttidisus-
lng present stditis aih reasst
for them.
Athletic Board Meeting.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Athletic Board was held last evening.
Besides the routine business of allow.
ing bills, much other business of im-
portance was transacted. The treas-
urer reported a balance of $750, re-
ceipts from Godfrey's Band $13.45,
from the athletic dance about $60.
At this time last year the association
had $2,000 which was drawing inter-
est. Retrenchment will have to be
made in both the baseball and track
departments, or there will be a large
deficit at the end of the year. Every
branch of athletics will be run as
ecouumically as is posiil without im-
pairing itsefficiency.. It hasbeen de-
cided to issue a Business Men's ticket
for the home basball games. These
tickets will admit to six games and
will be sold for $2.50. Not restricted
to memibersof the AthleticAssociation.
The old league baseball grounds on
Michigan avenue it Detroit will be
used for the two Detroit games this
year. The D. A. C. grounds which
have been used formerly, were al-
ways in such bad condition that this
change was thought best. The fol-
lowing have been appointed as yell-
masters for the baseball games this
year. H. B. Potter, chief yellmaster,
Louis Elbel, A. K. Cook, F. NV.
Potter, T. A. Conlon, C. A. Riegel-

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State St.

Opp. Couret"ous"
Plain St

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