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April 27, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-27

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f tn Seniors to Swning Out, ++44444444444444444f
4ip e. Tite annual senior swing-ott
5'htha aty(tttarecetdwdsn h icht inaugurates Ite wearin~g of Nothing Better' ZTHE
Colg ertthte cape and gowns, will be held inl, INLAND PRESS
Cot~eg yate.at LUniversity hail at 4:13 p. Ir. to- Can he turisited titan awhat we______________ +
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN tmorrow afterttootn. A muusical pro- expect to pat forth itt the ttwat ANoRBRf
0 tn:'P tata Proe Seni nnea.grat Will be rentleretiatnd Dr. Dot Weather Drinks wthetn *
Btath Phon et4? Werricy Will deliver a short arddress at start our Soinda Funtast--~
ott 'Acadenlic'Csotue,"''ittwiticht Special coolitngapptratuts and rtntr, '
MANAGtNG EDtTOR. Ire wiii sketchlthtie history of the cal) evereythinrg rnerr, cleatsn t .ENEHR,'1L and gowIanIis pesnt saeIile trctie.+ - *
BUISINESS ItANAGIEa. setriorosxWiii ssernrlWe its Rooto C and
0. tt.StANS, 'raL. ttrcrhrinrto Urriversity Harll itt a J. J. QUARRY 'i BLANK-BOOK MAKERS
I:I)tI'OttS. boey, wtearintg tiheir capesittnd gowt'ts. Campus Drag Store. traer . ftfre
Att~i sit,5 .nni, All itsteretesd arc invited to attendt. \NNN, LC
0. I). ttcrsnoe.'at C.. A. II. MtOUAss't,10Notice of Election.++4 .
G. 11.. N . ', . . a. , '10,
C.. N-LS 19s'aeor9t c, C5. t. ttrOL, ', 'OStMilr arstslc tr ecti on.r' ie Sir_______--_______
L.J iN~~ A. G t 2)s.ssre. S Y 'c l ensthe' Lectsure' A's-reruttatr xrWsit its..
sIsites i ire etne o s l C to '* 3ill.
'theSucsrrptia riers e ALY it2.50fo sal d y hene ' t 10I, ~lctr
the mlan 5e ear with a tegular sedrel etefo iire l1 C, hlrrs or rr'tire "lertli ott f H
nonreachsstar. Noticr.escmmunicra tiose, asndt ffiiecrs for tlhe e rrs Lbt
ote atterrirntred reIo r pulicatinr usrrSt Ire efficers o,. rot 1Ut'l' -
handred r i r th seLYoficeeforerrer8 15p. .,seor lptlrinrrrentt osfi eleettre i I tit;e0L lli
stailedt os, tt ha tlor wlrr'ltrr*rcy I'. so rrtetre v ro s d p Itiln8 is a f cW :S CK 1
hrtr-riprirrnrsosma)tseleftsat theI Y o fietle, I'fc ly 1 } ~~ ' I a
Mey,,'s, 'eor Ssrrftet's ren'wst . rrwsithuir t re. )enrtarl I. lSuch rother husinss wi-lss I
Marsor' r. srrtrri weillscnfrrstr aor b r
re ti nr rplyeaIt tlrresoffiee'rnyI failseu re trrrrsacted sr l sr 5 r coiessr. imh rb os C nfi
carrier trsstc n els ae. . l lIll
Ale hr c iss g mIiir. taterrs.lin )etr-eC ie t ao Ir. ,ttrIr
~t er I r .5rtr n tire ila 51 IsIstsr .S nr 5 st
an whhhtresthe re toe ttear is
tN t'1aarGE rc a nY'- S U.PostponedI
"S'. 0. tI te 'K .5
Prize Essaq on a Musical Themre. postpon r ol fn a,2 rl22Apieiseeyofrdo 0 t -,r It y Aril 2 at4:3 s11 t rawberry irs
try tire \V'rrserrof NewssYrkin(ty All setniors 'tre requtes.tedl to sleet its ANDr y
inrcludinrg tire Illaria arts silhls rr IvrrrssrC, rt 4 p.in.,rr nthirrr pent srtsri."
arrorrie SoiCt') tsr tire senirrsr('rgon citt t trttttrPineappleIt10S
xwormans) fr'olic onre ofsrix clegessreit'. Jrr's,
wh'osre essay ontsrtire setive llIe(Chisrmanrrrrrr(rtltttre'.
leows sihallIreadijutdgredihest. Mtr
AIrllll h'.rr1". tllrr'is rteconsentledlIntercollcuisate BumOa 01f R lcdlemG COSUTIn.
to IsrlgC tire compolsrritionrs anrr ois> ATHENS T EA REOcTEEiLL & LEONARD,
poses ttt1ieste e Ist'luenettre rof 1ALArtNSs,IN.
Frtechstnn GerrrrsrrrMutsiciants5uttolltt t1(t, sGons, and s ord crrclnde to order eand rented. Alsor Cliss
thre Presenrt Rutssisrn Schoeol' '-(art(,atiirs, ('lass fltssard Caps, Clarss College Pius. Adidrees
trttt-ielcompolrrsitiontris rundrerstoodrl). ROBERT 1.W. ('E10551. etert Mngt'.,
il '. is to birert to mry addsress trot ____ ,Musem, Uiv.*f Chcag
Iater thrant 3lay 30,rrursignedlrrv but iii Di I I _N G________________
ateo ertx'eithrname tsr a seirar- I.JtJ
1 SAnAH C. VER, 'Th
76East 55thrSt,N. Y. Ctt.) h Commander. ,
Tonight's Concert, Priecs, :25, 50, 7,5e a(I 'I.

Mhr. Fredreric Archrer xirrrggrea the________________________
folloaving programr, at tire orgarn re- Y u iyl ed
cital its University Hall, tonigirt;: fY u iyl ed
Toccata and Fugue in D minor (No. T B
4,Vai.I.......T,.. RS cbREPAIRED,
Marche tteigieoe.... ... L. Banlurann 1 7
(a) Pastorale ....... ...A. Mailly 0Go0 to B E I I N S
(b) Concert Fugue i ....... , slitn
............Frederic Archer___________________
lot Benediction N\uptiale.. A. Hollins
(b) Scherzo (nw.......... J. Callaerts Student Agents Wanted.
Concert Fantaia o h Tune "Han-
over"...... .E . H. Lemare
Transcriptions by Frederic Archer. PAT. AUGA. 5) 893.
[hems and Variations, (First (Or- ----
,chestral Suite)..... .. Moszkowski% -- "V
Allegro in E flit... ..... ......EB. Silas=-
Larghetto (Piano Concerto to C)
Poeme Symphonique, "Le Rouet1
d'Omphale............ Saint Saes
Overture, t'William Tell..... ttosstni Combined Grater aud Slaw Cutter.
Snipe Huntinq.
It appears that all of tlause attend--
intg tite University have net heard of
the old game of snipe haunting. Dur- Famous Parer and Slicer.
lug tlte last week twro freshmen hsave
been taken into the confidence atf Profitable emtplorymtentt all sunmmser
upper classmen, and taugltt the mys- for active agents. 150 per cant
termes of this sport. Thte last htunt profit ont our qttick-sellittg touseltold
took place Tusesday night when twvo specialties, whliclt are sold at reason-
upper classmen took a freshman out able prices. You catt more thata pay
to a marsh near town where they your schsool year expenses by surtrst
claimed thtey hsad lines laid, and profits. Write us for catalogue and
there lost him. The eager learner particulars.
waited faithfully until 4 a-. in., when
he concluded thtere would he tto ILLINOIS CUTLERY COMPANY
game, and with difficulty found his
way hack home. DECATUR, ILL.

15 Passeniger Brake.
T'1andemns Creseent Comabiniatiotn (for' Lady anad
Getnt) Tandetms for retnt by (lie bout-
For Pente or da y. Rates Reasonable.
M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
Phones No. 8. 119 West Wash~inigtoni Street.
$5.00 per Terma of 12 Weeks.

Private Lessons by Appointment.-

Bell 'Phone 246.

So is sar famstetnCream, hat
She differeence is that the cordsr
it gets thte moe o f nsr cream
yona want.
Prety C I d 114 . MAIN ST.
Bets I Phoneas6;Stare, t94.

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