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March 29, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-29

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Interesting Manuscripts.. The Phi Beta Kappa Agitation. To te Members oi the Choral
MU~l~r. R. A. Smith, '99 laiw, has For some time past certain per- Prf tneUnion.edteflo
G. H. W I LDv 0 several very interesting pamphlets sons, who hadlinterested themselves Prf-tne rpae h olw
Gwhich form part Of ia collection ot in establisiing at Ainn Arbor a chap- ing letter to the members of the
his uncle's, who wao at student of the ter of tie Phi Beta Kappa, have Choral Union before hie sailed for
Wil anniounice that we have niow Univerity in its early days. The eemn actively pushing tie matter Europe.
receiveui our Spring soilSurmrier oldest aridrost valuabie work iniil amrnong tie students. President An- DEARsimFtriNi)5 - For several
Wp,oes Our stock fr the itcnori collection is air sid editioni of Cicero's el1urs always ben oppsed tr tie weeks I have been looing forwarr
imi saso i tie argstseehae eerOrations. This brik oas pubilised founiding of the society because i ts tie tmewhieI 1migtonce nore
ahan sexclusive andilconfintedi n iiPii ii1i4htbsniliiis ibelief it ldii mit rllowrs 5grert trke irismy work ncrry ir tie
sirisserm , ~sleepskimn, which is dry rnfrdd denmocracy iiriseholos miugitie tirro f rearig for tie cominrig
both foreign run domrestc gorid, run withr age as se tie lerves within. enjoyed switiot it, saidiis aim Ia Fesivra, linio eveerrtie pesurre
is eompsiosedl sittire bes frrics ins This is ans annortatedtieditioni, con- alwys been to mrirke lie University of oking into your faces once minim
every line that caiiiie robtainred. We tining both printed notes at tie end as democratic s lossible. is deiesilmern I insst mrake )ny
of hevolmeandmaginl oes Those active ii the enterprise have fareseeli remrarks by roxy
carry the irrgest line of Woiolenin wroftievhimtaieanbysomefitsiri re y
tire city. We invite vriui lo call and iteiii tilarhyseeofisfr issued copies of it petitionr t tie t little thouisght tart tie corcert is
nr owners. Thie printed notes are tie frcrly, ti be signed by tie stdsens tie evening nf Juarrry 17, wusld e
inspet tire samie. sork of Philipi Melantlirir, tie fa of tie lierary depairtmrent. Over tie Iast time that I sioul ier you
mons colaborer of Mrtini Luther. 500 signiatures hatve ne beers secured sing tis sesnr, ut I shrll arlwys
G.C T he ither pamplhlets though less for this petition an it is nust ready cherish tie mennry flthat performun-
6. H.W L C . rare and valuable are very interest- to ie sbmitted t tie fmctiitat its mne, frr it urs tin mn, nIa
ing. There areItnuber of md bum-.mnext meetimg. What its fate there respects, tie finest siing hechru
o1E. Washingtoni St , versity of Michigani catalogues. Tie il be or whiat acionnwsill le takenr lar ever ionsme.
earliest urs prinitedlinn,'froy, N. Y., by ther) is isqu~nestio. Mauny of tImnondmit remrindriyiun f tie'frct,
ANNALEBORt. in 1847. Ast.ihat timue tie Usuer- the faculty miemrbers mre openly in that se hv enjydlrany plesures
- -- -- - sty enrolmnet was seven faculy favor of it, while soue, though rot tgethr,nir tat yous have sir
mnemubers andiS9 studnents. Any bony sopposed, see at lest simeunmdesirmble several ocri-sins son yurrin symi-
14 years of mage annd having tie results frism tie existence of such mu pty in my srrwss, inn orer to
WJarranrted. proper prepnaration couldi becomnue iasciety here. t is mut tie nugunua- accounnt for te affectionis Ior youutart
strident. IHowsever, use student was5 tionm itself that is s umcmhjictci I ciem risiis a sacrelpossssioni, for
Cu lrconsideredritm regular nmembuer nf the Is as smne or tieniecessnary results o there s us unique bonoif Unionsble-
J"Unisersitvunithamterlie lad served i. 'Tnnselect tseustinbehueionorued tweens tie cnduclntr andulthensingers
a plrobationi of rne termn.T'eleatc-listill mnenbersipirs tiePhinsBIetai who b y their eforts nmake iossihsile to
We have just received a Lsgue explains int lengtihthe advan- Knppia sill require at cose systcemsohim huntie greatest enjyment amnusi-
line line ot Highr Grade tage Inn fathers wtun sent their sens maunrking, which ulnue runy uesult in ciicrn eer knres-ani artistic jer-
Razors and Knives, fully here. 'liers sisnusinstuitions ChargemaytniersuiCsrkgfnsok Innnmceshelneieuuren
sarranted,andwse sell hrnsCag - aysuet o wrigfrwr' cracei ieropesr ,t
right too. Seour window. mn h nlc ulg esbrng sake so u rchn s [fr high) gradies. -artst tols inn mu sucestsfii ulrt werk,
$10 for mnatriculamtiosn. Rosomr rent Someinaso liee taut it will bifi thtiefeclisitione vilinist hais foruhiis
11 vaonriedi romrs85 tin $7350, sh ine eult to swrk outt mrsystenmn ty ushiciiin uubn ut innmu genter iegroe.
Iflhliliflh! entire expeonses ut tie colleg year, actualumrnsit may e netermnind usills- Beruse your have onsima uny su-
W L HS-between $70 annu $100. It sas re- One of tlie chit ojeciolidmiitinsr lyt iyuiinne a- md
--____________________..-..--- inluui-g oiklnunrr, tc.usr si rnn unsnue o frusiisr t o give dancenrvels i madiue-
omnldthat tie parents apipoit lie or of tie muarking systems hor my ideals yutrs, it ralmost braks mny
(fJ a nd 5 tgtuardlians here to tke charge of this purpose s tant any tinner thoeiert tin leve ven, misus limt te tie
On mim sm in cusn cuw their sinu's ftnuds whlil ins clege. really inst comrptent rdomut receve s rp~ily apposachling wseen you sill
wilsure nssiin or t unsaSy o iheog rdst nbete eema h la h rshs
'i'ut uuclinns o PipesCigars, adishpel daily ansi sn Surndaiy to such tIns ecureo teihonrs. T'iri.nsensityorhrtuuir.Isrl n
RE.JOLLY & CO i.ionehurcihar their parents sr gun-rm tuhie fact that maurny are snteest with yui themnn slirit, minI ayI
R08 Eo tt Street. dimnns udirecteu. 'lhe inteiounisein athnn lneic, rdebate, jursnaulismnont aut fr itmomensuremembnrasnrcu
308 SO. St~5t5annrounncedul terablishng chairns O tasdliu hunindrol other activitie, weichiofm ie in teminsst onutrsnucucess?
T Iheology annulAgricultur. An us wil Itak ust enouurghmof themr tunle I -runhapy thant I ennuileveyour inn
* ~~~~~~~graving inn the u-atlogue nf 1I57$oit Ins prevnt their heing lthoroughar-ige of iurmnnwshoussillbein usin-
IN exv C amrerats shous thirt lie Unversiyhbuidings schosl-rshit Innpros-cut thecnm frosnu spirngs eder, anudsho iwill dubut-
thenuconsimstsedlnf tie two i'gsnnihg'ttinsg quite highs enough dsclss-lhour nrmke youri workc mine efective
for'99what i n lirte mainmhla (th(mnused 0marks m da to dany, to sccuretietinarn ee before. I shall beseamk
theprset edcaninthn ad y kmnowedgeiforliii nuns consrideratonuterenmru-
I When its pt those tneprct belet hmlhun mdentitemutoo. sasiimmmiii frienshliyouhamme msi
* iha card that readl like this try surrouunig tie camuss urat eagerly aswaiteu,ms very greathnter- fo iu uuihro irosetuelth
* heding wewersestoffeing forest amdshee tie gymnasiumnow iiiest mattache tr thirqestisurat hrer-rs osoeyrcd
* brains, but one lady wanted q I -rs osrl ed
mnthought better and paid tured. _______________s i "ghoou-bye,"-to those smio
us6ll20 sch. The newr feat eeSc-)qMrie. laitsattein o- teyer
ursmake their cameras very Pupils' Recital Tdau. Wr ertruMrid ctesrnttm nu ftr er
tobyre fr9a st w tnus ateirs hei tn i tintneLitraryricestitareit "GodtSpe enhas saseetnex
deiabesd h rie Tre 'ie foloswing hprogramns sill e Word lar eens recivui romrn"arllicatted''frutinea rmtia
rih iven at thus pupils' rectal Wednes Trentns N. J., that tiemre i-- i nlta irefuturemusy br
Cakn'Pharmacym day afternuon, March 29. Raschel F.Pelo Jersey, tud mte ny hertfelt pleasure in
Fantsie C ino---------itoucfGeorge F. Fisher, has beens annullehd. alnteir jys, my synmaty in their
smuREnunBARTHrOLOMrEW. 'Fwo yer ago Fisher ard Miss Pole uuroe nu ytimurnpiias
Your N me Tocataop. 3 ........... Chmimid wereboth tudeforatIhconsideriy feveryonidee ver hermb ofof tho
y rNa eToc taopI------SHE m LEsoeYub.tdnt t ieUuscrnyChorlUninpast, peet n
En-irs-ed on coppcrSiuae.50 Nocturne, op. 3,N' .... .Copiso- .hia.Te bcm nagd-uueas mny friend.
ALICE nunoonue. ra, or Soto e nmarried. According to Miss nnfuey esen,
1o3 scards, enaved issm yours ownupate, mis Spnhing Song--------------Ce..Gdardn Peel's tstimony they went through
AivurrxtAiii(m. a muarriage cerenony at Toledo to A. A. STANLEY.
90 CENTS. Valse Arabesque--------------...Lac ind te engagement, ut continued Tiecmntteorlgblty f
Tire Best Stock, Caprico .. ltfna.....ozlushy o uaintainr tosards each other tie tie Bard of Control has been ex-
The Latest Styles RuS. M. R.NarSEs. relations nof single persons. Fisher amuing tie candidates for tie ae-
LsSylains-----------..C/araiuads went to Mexico, whre Ie still is. al team. The exanination shicht
Ask to sun onr new Satissny. Etude de Concert-----------...Aieiuoy Recently e rote home that he sarsea eytoog rdto eea
T ils.. siNS.
Li~~~~ Guitrre----------Mrzhucnly not doing sel, and that Ie felt that afternoons was completed yesterday.
W A (EMMiiA BACu.lie should release Mliss Peele from It is certain that no man against
Mazurka.-.-..-...........Lescleifzy ]er engagement. On the strength shom even a suspicions can e found,
ANN ARBOR CECELIA nLEcT. of this she isiue o
Harkh Hark! the Larkl..Sclriberf Lizf ntiue proceedings fowsill e allowed to mae tie learn.
Up rown Down Town Polonaise, A ma--------------- C~o i the annulment of the 'Toledo rar-
stt t p.Cor ousejo hoi
PP ain t Si AuHe ssEEuR iSHsoMAm. 1 rge.-Timres. The Board of Regens fees today.

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