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March 27, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-27

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sfa i.+ X i f Onaiv o nicDa fw twordsaie I. ,7- S uts and
Published Daly (Snadays ecepted) dotag the never mtalapropos. A debate is a --
College yea at contentitini by argument on a props I
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. sition respecting wbichlthiere mtay be Top Co ts
aww:TeIta csIeag ~ tffirtmation or denial. - 7--(+To Co ts
MANAGING EDITOR. We are remindledl by tbe discover-- Titre is a certaits air
Fr. EcoLnan~, '01 L. ies of science that this is a progress- -n sye but"si kn''~
O.USINS OI'00AGL. ive age in which we live.Ilethtiis -
0.I.l~ I . conection it stay be said that the clotng that you don't get tny
EDITORIS. writinlg f telegrtapht tmessgs nowy so who ee else.
Athletic Eito, '. IR. 'oonoo, 'so L. stiieolt has btoght about a miatrked
. W.JbeES, '9, A. I. 3dDocetAta, '01 E. itmprovetment in brevity and clearniess The tost of the fit in a situ
F. D. RAMAN'05. C. . Leo, '05 31, of style among business tttct botit of of clotes is in the coat, anti
G. D. noocecox. '01 E. J. B. Wools. 0. which are frundattettal in debate. ,-tie muot of a fit in te coat is
Withtout accuracy, brevity and con- the collar and lapels. That's
_cisettess it is clearly impossible to w -- .__ ---- t whr ,,knd hw hti
The subciptio ice ofothe DAILYesIS1.2-Mfo effectively express tite evidlentce col-whr"ot'ktdsostati
the eotte a ya, withe a reglar dliveeybhoreles td so avr f* esieo f . Wn1'e ataue lotlisto teas n e if is the best ttade.
nooneh day. Ntices, omeooiatos, a tcenidavro ot id fagtn
athee matter Intoodedi tee plateaieacmst be stbject. we' cani't it )otafront stock. SisadOecas 75 o$0
haded inat the DYOr' e f.stoeitep.in., o ut n vroas 75 o$0
maied to the editee seoae 3 p. mof ethle Sy CONSTRU'CTIE.
pevious to that eon whiich they 000eaxpected to Iee all discourse boh spokent ansi
M$sgript i yb of1 a1 the Dluac else, writtent aiebegitn by ttakittg ott a _
Maagr.Suscribers wilt cofeeatfavorerb certaitt regioni or sttbject as the field 4
rep~oting pitspty at thiso oliooaoy faiure of of sur itivestigatiot. To this we
soeeieee to dliver tate.C "M X
Alt ehages in ertotising smatteeemust bein iomustcottfitne ourtrattention, leavingo
onwich te r c 15a to thatartite rest of thte universe out of ac-
--countt till we ave fishiled the sttb-
SoN CaAoGE eFTAY'S Issue. ject in whicht we are etigageud. itt______________________________________________
P~.TOJNES. debate the opetitg speaker calltiniia
Casat ife I tltarn~great tueasure choose hisuoti grountd. R & Q 0
cap tinWlredgnel i nosititaasAfter the question has beeni stafedtt'tToAY IOUCTOI01
Phyicl Dretoran Prfesorofand itterest asaketted the tecessityofcnestnatne cmslps- CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS.
Scietnce ill the Western Milifaryo ctietsaioa t sie ecitesap ~FNDINGS. seadtoarteis oo all Ltl)(I'a-
Acalleity Wytian Iistitue, t. It is usual to give thecus
.Aaey ya nttt, tgtr'Sple pper Altoit,I., and has accepted dibtsieeclto the soe wsoopiieed the tsySple 112. SainS teet AiniAbo, ih.
thte position as Head of the Depart- eaefrte purpose of esnplen
mnt ofPshcle, Chemistry ansd sating for the disadvantage of hav- TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, -
Na.torah Study, in the State Nortmal ng tothitng to answerenthe frst None l1seit elewhee.
S'ceool at Winona, Minn., salary speech, and the rule is that theclos-."
ol80 ectlntcshswrka Itgsect rust be restricted to 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, t
VTinona, April 4aiseigteeaglet fth e.36SUT TT TET
_________ ati ve, not by the introduction Of new Te laes'st asoteetat Cadie s e ity, J.,..
Dr. . N Mc~shewiltdelver eismatter, but rather by a peroration or madedohossrly, Oystes sorved in ay style. -
popular chart lecture ettitled "A cotdensation of arguments prevousy --- __ __ - - ----_____
Day and Night Under Ground," on made for the purpose of shosin gthe BOYS 1 STOP
Monday evenhng, March 27, at the insufficiency of the arguments of the AT THE M~IJL ARD
Churehe of Christ, at 8 ocleock. This negative. Before a popular audience THE
ecteure has received thietahemr wilt determine the jdeson. i In law aloneJL U IIIL~1P JE R
mendation from eveeol thewhereve of the jadge to thee jury FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDSA. ehc Me
s0sitis, and churches w theee hag
it tas beell given, as a graphic yet to a great extent neutralizes this ad. Hron St. Eatof F. and M. Bakch.AbrMc
accurate description ot the wonders vantage.' Some flutes tn genetal de
and beatties of taftoted mtarvel of bates the president calls off thee teem-
natue the Mmm~nothle . ti hers' names from a prepared list, il ectur ./1.ssocation.47
so initerspersed withthCe. traiin whichl case the speaking is generally Students' Lect,~1}a A J
sand a ecdotessfthat vicinity as to impromptu, but this acks the ee-__
wake it nt otly most itstructive, niient of direct controversy whlich in G
bt lhighly entertainuing throughlout. a prepared debate is so fascinating. G O R G E R1ID D LEI) ..
The price of adittission tas been It is wehi for societies to ptactice
placedl at the exceedingly ow rate of both fores as the bet means of citl- With Orchestral Accompaniment wilt reider
15 centst so that it tas' come within tivatinlg extem pornteous speech.
the reachl of alt to enjoy this last op. . UILI. M DS M MElNGHT S RAM
ploruti fhIearing tis ~giftedt anid Lecture by Dr DockMOU IH 'Sii~iII
eloqtuent101.Thils eveninog at 7:30 ho the lower-
'Vasiq anbal Camioshp lecture rooks of the Medical Build. IN UNIVERSITY HALL, APRIL 3.
'Ifaritq Hndbal Chamions ip.hg Dr. Dock sil gve his third lee.
'hie rslt of Saturday's gaines in t ure iti the series ot Malata. The A tmavelous revelation s itt store fot' those soo go to hear hint.
' andball ombes is as folows: Adttms sub~ect of this lecture swill be "In
aod HotNeat woat front Walsh and fectiot, the part that the moqato .Ld .11L C 1 d 1JO C C
'Nusrdewle ..ttwhve gamies straight, pays it it atid the parasites whcht __ ____________________________________
thsliontinitgite "Varsity Champion-. whichi exist outside thee huttanl body"h .m etCai he, - $5
zluua eiheld thee hamtpnotship he Join casses lat Granger's Schioo
shi a tlsyel hpni Hf. col ** S -NT Bevle e Chies,$0
sofes fast Tear theno defeated of Dacinig. $3 frot nowtilee erdChils,$0
'Walsh anid Noordewer in a cose sea sont coses. May 1. 'Tere is tno better swheel made at ay price. Ask Crescett ruers
contest, two gatmcs out of three, to ________________If thlls is not so. Make your seleton ow o11 it Crescent.
iecide seod place. M STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
Tite lrelitlt'taries inl t11e 1paft- AT ENS THEATRE j 119 West Washshaatoti street.
aH at/ aest resultfeed as foows:.ATEN

ILitt---MeNeal and Bishtop wona froto
CaitpbePt atnd, Smith, in two ganmes;:
Niles an~d Forward won from Risely
and Albrihlt in twogantes. Med.-
Van Hook and Fuller woni frotm
Garit and Olnoey'in' two ganmes,
Homaans and Jordan wano froml An-
singer and Pow in two games.
Mr. C. H. Strauss, of Chlicago
University, is visitinig Mr.. L. H.
Strauss, of E. Untiversity avente,.

Daly Stock Company
Prices, 10, 20, 30 e'ts.
Week of March 27..
Saturday alatintee.
Mondaq Night -A romnttic dratma,
"The Dawn of Freedom."
Tueedny-"'A. Wifeo lie a."

$5.00 per Teriti of t2 Weeks.
Privcate Lessons by Appointment. Belt 'P'hone 246.
In Patetit Leathler Shsoes for Spring, is thie Eglish Flat
Last. We htase them i Buttoti and Lace. If you want
to he setccessful, look successful antd wear our shoes.
APRI[L'S SHOE STORE, lBAnArbhintaa St.

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