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March 27, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-27

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Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incmsn-
ing seasoe is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. AVashington St,
We have just received a
tine line of High Grade
Razors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See our window.
0ponDdU an d uMR.
t eri 55testef the itoge yearw e
cil eelunes t all nthorsdy or
tight. Full line of Pipes, Cigars, and
308 So. State Street.
New Cameras
for ' . - I
When we put those
new cameras in the windowi
with a card that read like thisl
heading, we were not offeringE
* bargains, ht one lady wanted f
toagyse efor 99 cents. Two
men thought better and paid
us $16.20 each. The new feat-
ures make these cameras very
desirable and the prices are
Calkins' Pharmacy.
Your Name
En raed on Copper Plate,e °
wih100latest stylecards,tor $WI.50
10 cards, engraved from your own plate, for
The Best Stock,
Te Latest Styles.
Ask to see our new Stationery.
UP rown Down Town
State St. Opp. Court House
ain St

PROF. PATTENGILL while the amount reserved for home Chicago's point of view is wrong-
consumption will be $10,000. Chi- wrong in principle and wrong in
Mahes an Official Statement in Re- cago holds that this arrangement is practice. Since we could not change
gard to the Chicago Controersg. one of perfect equality. In reality her view, we were obliged to refuse
such a policy puts the other univer- to submit ourselves to it, and to take
Prof. Pattengill makes the follow- sities in the position, not of equals, such steps as would preserve our
ing statement of the position of the but of inferiors. principles without ruining our ath-
University of Michigan in regard to Michigan's claims are simply these: letic interests. We have no un-
athletic sports with the University of 1. The privilege of saying where friendly feeling toward Chicago-we-
Chicago. one-half of the games shall be are enemies in no sense save that we
"No one can regret the present un- played, Chicago naming the place are foes to her policy. And far
seemly wrangle more deeply than do for the other half. from enjoying such controversies, we
the athletic authorities of the Uni- 2. An equal division of receipts deeply deplore them. Such noisy
versity of Michigan, and no doubt from all games, after deduction of controversies are unbecoming in i -
the feeling is shared by all our stu- proper expenses, no matter where the stitutions devoted to the cause of
dents and alunni. game is played. learning; they are inconsistent with
The one clear and positive thing Surely these are modest claims. the courteous spirit that should ob-
to say is that we feel and feel deeply Their meaning is plain, viz: that the taic in amateur sport, and are harm-
that we are in way to blame for this representatives of two universities ful to all athletics. Micigan's
state of affairs. The situation has should meet on equal terms and share in them has been and will be
beeen forced upon us and no opportu- make arrangements for games with only that action which is necessary
city has been given for negotiations. sectiments of mutual respect and re- to the preservation of her equality
When our proposition for a football gard for each other's rights. The and independence."
game on terms of equality was made, University of Michigan does not A. H. PATTNLtLc,
it was rejected in a curt note of four wish to engage in athletic sport ex- Chairman of the Board of Control of
lines, with no intimation that ay- cept on terms of equality. Exactly Athletics.
thing more was to be said on the sub- the same views are entertained at
ject. Within three days Chicago's the Universities of Wisconsin and Histor of the Phi Beta Kappa
schedule of games for next fall was Illinois. The three universities have Societti.
given to the press with the name of agreed to act together ie support of The Phi Beta Kappa was founded
Brown University substituted for this principle and that is all there at William and Mary college, Will-
that of Michigan for the 't'hanks- is of there is of this "boycott" with iamsburg, Va., on Dec. 5, 1776. Thee
giving day game, and during that which the newspapers for some time society was established as a secret
time no communication passed be- past have been filled. one founded olc literary principles,
tween the two universities. What But why was any agreement neces- and intended to unite the "wise and
opportunity then was given for nego- sary? Simply for this reason. Chica- virtuous of every degree and oh
tiations? go night, by making concessions first whatever country.' The Yale cheap..
There is evidence to show that it to one of her antagonists and then to ter was established in November,
was the policy of the University of the other, arranging games first with 1780, and in the following year Mr.
Chicago, first, to have all football one and then with another, either Parmelee also organized the Harvard
games played in Chicago on account bring the various universities to her chapter.
of the pecuniary advantage, and unjust demands or break up the con- In 1625, when the great anti-ma-
second, to exact the larger share of tinuous strength of the athlelic sonic crusade took place, the Pi
the receipts, on the ground that the teams. The agreement was simply a Beta Kappa was one of the first
University of Chicago furnished the case of ordinary forsight, and a objects os its attacks. Since its-
audience. To say nothing of the necessity under the circumstances. foundation it had been secret, but its
fallacy of the notion that the Chi- It has been asked why this break 1831, as a result of the hostility ad
cago team furnished the audience, in relations is made to include base- on thee advice of John Quiney Ad-
what shall be said of the sportsman- ball and track athletics. Chicago ants, the secret was divulged. The
like character of such doctrine? It does not refuse return games or de- Phi Beta Kappa furnished the mode
is true, that in the cases of Michigan mand more than half the receipts in for the present system of Greek let-
and Wisconsin, so long as all games baseball for the excellent reason that ter fraternities.
were played i" Chicages, no attempt games of baseball are more profitable Forty colleges and uiversities
was made to enforce the plan of un- in other towns than in Chicago, but have chapters, as follows: Bowdoim,
equal division of receipts, but that we could not be expected to share 1829; Colby, 1895; Dartmouth,
such is the purpose is shown not only equally in one class of sport with a 1787; University of Vermont, Mid-
by the statements of Chicago's ath- university which denied us an equal dlebury, Harvard, 1781; Amherst,
letic authorities but also by the fact share in another, and we do not wish 1853; Williams, 1864; Tufts, Brown,
that such a policy has actually been to compete on any other terms. 1829; Yale, 1780; Trinity, 1845;
adopted in the case of the Univer Michigan has no wish for athletic Wesleyan, 1845; Union,1819; Uni-
sity of Illinois. For the last year or relations with any university which versity of the City of Neiv York,
two return games have been refused does not treat her as an equal. 1858; College of New York City,
and less than half the receipts offered. We are told that Chicago is young Columbia, Hameilton, Hobart, Col-
The University of Illinois very prop- and poor and cannot depend on rich gate, Cornell, 1882; Rochester, 1883;
erly declined to engage in amateur alumni for help in athletics, and it is Syracuse, 1895; Rutgers, Dickerson,
sport on this basis. Again, Chicago's intimated that when wealth comes 1883; Lehigh, 1886; Lafayette,
schedule for next fall shows that amateur sport may be conducted on 1889; Muir of Pennsylvania, 1892;
every game is to be played on her a different basis. We trust that it Swarthmore, 1895; Johns Hopkins,
own grounds; this is additional proof may be so. But athletic poverty is 1895; William and Mary, 1776;
that such is her policy. not confined to Chicago University; Western Reserve, Kenyon, Marietta,
Since the present controversy has Michigan is quite as dependent on DePauw, 1889; Northwestern, 1889;
become more acute, a slight modifi- the proceeds of games for the main- University of Iowa, 1895; Univer-
cation of their policy has been an- tainance of her athletic sport. sity of Kansas, 1889; University of
nounced. Chicago now professes to Prof. Stagg says it is after all only Nebraska, 1895, and University of
be willing to give return games, but a question of gate receipts. It may Minnesota, 1892.
attaches a little condition thereto, be so for him. He has his own point
The visiting team in Chicago will be of view. It certainly is not true in Another Home Game.
allowed such sum as the Chicago our case. The gate receipts, it is Manager Baird has added another
team receive when playing the re- tue, are important, no doubt far too home game to the schedule which
turn game. To make the meaning important for healthy sport, but they was recently published in the DAnY.
plain the net receipts of a football stand also as a sign of equality or in- On May 3, on Wednesday, the Uni-
game in Detroit are about $4,000; in equality, of dependence or inde- versity of Indiana will play Michigan
Chicago, $12,000. If Chicago re- pendence. in Ann Arbor. This is the first game
ceives $2,000 in Detroit, Michigan This then is all there is to the so- between these two institutions for
will be allowed $2,000 in Chicago, called "boycott." We believe that several years.

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