PubbiehedDaily (huntayexcepted) dring the
OrriHt The intand PesHening Bok.
Bth Ph es 1 47.
F. Eoo.oAoo, '00 ..
00O. .ooe. 00 L.
Athtitcotdtor, T. t. Woonoo, '0 L.
P. W. JON 98, O A.f. Metooo~A,'1E
F.D. BAccoo, 0. C . feteu '000M,
G. D. HonNTTot, '01 0. . B. Woo. '0
The anehoneptta Pieeefetthe DAIe1 to .00f oe
the coitece yea. oith Iaotreglar eliteyooefortec
nooeooacho 000. Notc-, ommunoaiatio, acd
thoeotte inteded for oopbiahtio mutohet
heeded io at the tDAILY odtte teoe s tin., 00
maied totothe eit eoe tao3 p,. t of thtooday
peious Ott thatotowhicht tey aeexpeceotd to
p ea.
. tsrit~ooo ayOtobte lett)atte DALYoffictotte,
Myers, 0 ottto o oev1, tauod, o witt ttoee"
Manage, Sotcrieroowilconfeorttoaaoroty
reorotgomp tyatt~)ttttottce ayiue to) ofa
carers eto delivetoaper
An caer itnoatisoting omatte msoohetoito
the ottee y 4 o.t. otOtto day tprevioto tat
onwhthOtey are t oopea.
Rhetoricals in the High School.
Int pte of rival attractionso togood
aoooience assemobleod at tle omeetig of
tloe Pedagogiatl Soiety Mondoaoy
eveniong toohearoo'Porof.Soott o"lue
torictls inthle IihloShoool."0
Mlr. Scott begano 1y statng fle
objetionsto toorhoetorialexercie Os
orotnoarly codutotedl:onaooely, tatt
te Ierformoanace re oftet00wlolly
artiflecit, thatt the exerciOsere toa
infrequentto give aoy ort o tran-
iong to the' partiipatsto, ad cliely,
ftat tioy aborb othe tire ndoo atteo-
tionoowhiohjelo hdog tootie rgolat'
Ecgliob owork. Tle remototli te tug-
gestedl w000, itt the fiost place, too
oabolioh the preet rlotoricoalo frooo
tite schoool curriculumo. Thoolohoro
thous gained ho wooult then ditribote
tirouglhtle wee, andolthio timoe to
exerciseoine coomopostiooo, wilo di-
coosioonoanodlc'itc'smo. Eacho tudet
shooold write atn exercise Cs often ao
voce a week throughooot lis igl-
school coure. Wlhenoti work io
fairly under way, somce oort of speak
iog exercioe shoould be olvised. 'These
exercises shoutld be carefully groed,
00 CO to nake a progresive couore.
Floe nex moeeting will be devoted
tot 0 geteral dicusoion of Flohe High-~
Stchoool Curriculn."
Frieze Monument.
'fle odeigno of tiemonumottet foo
Prof. Frieze too acepedotbyoie coon1-
eoitee has beeoo received a ow oo
latogs intle ibroary noear tioentrace
to fle cotalogingro'omoo. 'Ihis moottot-
menot is notta beng maodte inoDetroit.
Its coto of oabout $1,000 will be
paooi y fle oaloooooaiocieatione. Fle
monooumoetotwil1fe of Milford granlite.
Tloe .oototoitteo' whichloseleteth le
deigno asecomtposed of Prof.1I. J.
D'O~oge, cloairooao, Prof. Kelsey anti
Messrs. Jloceynooood Sesiooos.
The Woman's Edition.
A lively interehtolbengexpresedl
in fle womano's edition of Wrinke
whioceh will appear next Tuesdoy.
Tloe query is often pt: "oWhato
womnoare getting it ot?'Tis ol
seemos fo be a serefowitho fle manage-
ment, andl therefore tfl o eneoare
more curious than ever. It has
beene three or footr years sice fle
last womooen's edition. Report sys
flat it created quite a seosaion.
President J. 13. Aegell ha re-
turned froon a rile to Cleveland, 0
Ex-Capt. Bennet Has Lef~t College. ,
Yesterday J. WXV. F. Bentoet left a
for lis hoe io Aeesfion, Ill.-Beinog
a oecond-seooeter. freslotoan foour
yeaors agoo, lis college work waeo prac-IfY
tically caopleted at the eood offloe
first semester of tlois year. Wile
in college aond espeially duorintofle
past year Walter Benonett hbteeton __a_
twoll knoono figure. At differetf6
titoesduorioog lis course lohoes loelod
varioos socoal offices ioo lis clas'oaod
othler soocieties. Hlowever. t was Oc
chiefly due too lis cononectioo th ifl
athletics ftat bieores knoowno. Dour-
iog floe last to years be oras a oaetoo- Ii1'
bee ofthoeAthletie Bocarod aododurlt-
iog ttoelost thoaee year's playedtil001 ' 0
tloe "Varsity foootall tea.o, Laest y
year antoohlis be eas o'ice-presidenot
of th to'AtholeticAssoociatitonooand caop-Sof
taiii of floe foootblol tearso. Ino bottoh~
of thlese potsifions liebelroougiot croedit veesc6.
fo lis college tond thoioseif. Howeb
filledl thoe postionooof oaptaiis k oooro
00o overyodly owhoo00000onte of tis' OL '~-O
yt'oo0' tFt' loe to a otsis'Nobi
orlicho he awasexpo'eosedomoote ryhigThat's New.
stronogly waos too retrieveftetoodoe-
feots whiceh Michoigant received fo ooo
Chliaogo.lie playedl tith float aioom
ino vieor aoodlthis yeolao hs wish waos tIMPORTERS AN M
grtified at tloe titotelite waos i 000L:ii H
floe best potsititon to eiijoy it. H~e MCOPOICFNDN S
wras all excelletnt player at botho fle tr'Sple
po0sitionos of 'guard' andool eooo,' boot at Sple
'too'thlis ye'ar be lid lis host otork.
Witoutot a dooolubtewas oone of floe TRY HOT CH OO LATE,
lost plaoye'rs toloelo Michiogano ohadat
aioor tiooome'oay otheor Western00col- Nonele it toolsewher.
ege load lis year ioo fhis potsitiono. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET,
Minstrel Men Notice. Thtelargoestasortm~entotf'Candtoes00ntthe city,
madehourly. O cosrvdineanoytstyle.
Oowieg too 0 typto(graphoieol erorot' ino____________ _________
yosterdaty's issuoe floe oinostrel.eote-
inog wros anouoontced for 4 p. 000 fhosB "0S!
affero'oooa.T'i'ieoettotu illi Ie bold AT THC
at 7:0 n oomo 4 ofth le AnoosArboor Svns1akb(lig.Almen UIND R A TE
hers ate repuestedlto attenod. FOR A GAME 0F POOL OR BILLIARDS.
Hurcoon St.CEastof F. and M.cBank.
Comedti Club Date. ________________
Thle Coouiedly Cluob perfoortmotoce
bas beeon oefinoitely' choanged to tioe
evetoitog of Wedntesday, April 5, soo
Co ntot to conoflicftoitlh IHoly 'Week.
Full rehoearsools 're beinog glveentregou-
larly anooltloe resentation wtill he
equatl too thte goodol oork of titeeloob
inth le past.
"Say, Jack, goting to tloe Mintrel 'Iools space belongs fo the Sftu
Shooow?'" 'Who',osere, owheno is it?"
" oit fbefoore oregot 1o01o1e for sprinog
tvacaotiono, antoohey saoy thtthfle Proof's.
andoo proominoenttudtooents oill lhave too I
take it. It's gooing too be a reael coton
dhowoo, too; oitho60 people. Course
everyboooy's goinog."
oIf Breeches
row can get floe latest ideas
001 00u1 stock. Jtust look in
o r woindowstas 'o01uopass and
ont will see titemo---also a hand-
00030 display of Top Coats atod
le's Star Clothing House,
cs & S ()O-T
Hleadquiart'ers f'or all ILabora-
112aS. MaineStret. AAror,Mieh.
$Lo V0t~
udents' Lecfure Association.
Mbrs. Rloss Granoger inovites tite
stueents of thoe U. of PI. aool bight
Schoool to atoecool Obe otolitary party Best Chain Wheel, - $35.
given ot Grangoersa cadetmy, 'T'oesday~ ~f
eveninog, April 4, for thte beotefit of C RE S E T Bevel Geared Chainless, $60.
Coo. A boys in Cebta. ''ero is uto better whieel tuade af any lrice. Ask Crescent riders
if this ie not so. Maoke yooor selectiocn cow ocn a Crescent.
M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
ATHES TH ATRE119 West Wasliugtoa Street.
Farc Comdy$5.00 pser Terme of 1 2 Weeks.
Success, Privafe Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246.
S~c, 75E$1.TH IOG OR~.~
A Parlor lM atch. In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the English Flat
Last. We hare them in Button and Lace. If you want
to be successful, look successful and wear our shoes.11Prc:25,5,75an$. FILSSHE TO ,AnrongnSt